Assignment Cover Sheet: Northrise University

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Northrise University

30029 Kitwe - Ndola Dual Carriage Highway. P.O Box 240271, Ndola, Zambia.


    Student ID: 1905247

    Student Name: Agatha Lucy Lumingo

    Course Code: STA 203

    Course Title: Business Statistics

I   Instructor Name: Mrs. Rita Sianga
    Essay/Assignment Title: 

Due Date: September 6, 2020


 I understand that by completing this form I am bound by the following:

 To the best of my knowledge and belief no part of this assignment for the above subject has been copied from

any    other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the text, or

has been written for me by another person except where such collaboration has been authorized by the lecturer


SIGNATURE      A.L Lumingo

Instructor’s Comments:

GRADE [    ]

Question 1
  The variance should be unknown

 Both samples should be less than 30

 The samples should be randomly


 Normal distribution of data

 Variance should exist when the when

the standard deviation of samples is


  The standard deviation should be


 The distribution should be normal

 Samples should be independent

 Randomly selected valuables

 Both samples should be equal to or

greater than 30

 Sample data drawn from a normal
Variance Test distribution
  Sampling should be random sampling

 The variable under analysis should be

Chi-Square test categorical

  The sample should include at least 10

failures and 10 success

 Testing Proportions
Question 2


let Zanaco=μ1∧ ABSA=μ2

n1 =100 , μ1=175 m , s d =5 m

n2 =100 , μ2 =150 m, s d =5 m

α =0.05

State the Hypothesis:

H 0 :μ 1 ≤ μ2

H a : μ1> μ 2

The critical Value of Z α=0.05=±1.645

Critical Z=1.645

Calculated Z-value:

( X 1− X 2 )−( μ1−μ2 ) ( 175−150 )−0 25

Z= = = =35.355
σ 2 σ2 25 25 √ 0.5
√ +
n1 n 2 √ +
100 100

Interpreting the Decision:

the difference between the critical Z-value and the Calculated Z-value give us sufficient evidence to

reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis, and therefore conclude that there is

sufficient evidence that ABSA make less profit at alpha level 0.05.
Question 3

Step 1 state the null and alternate hypothesis

H O: μd = 0

H O: μd ≠ 0

Step 2 select the level of risk

α =0.05

Step 3 determine the test statistic

t= d́

sd /√ n

Step 4 formulate decision rule

n= 9

df= 9-1 = 8

critical value = ± 2.306

The decision rule is to reject the null hypothesis if the value of the test statistic exceeds 2.306 or

is less than or equal to -2.306.

Step 5 make decision regarding the null hypothesis

t= 8.2

3.598/√ 9
t= 6.84

Early 50KG late 50KG bags d ( d −d́ ) ( d −d́ )2

21 15 6 -2.2 4.84
24 15 9 0.8 0.64
21 17 4 -4.2 17.64
26 20 6 -2.2 4.48
32 17 15 6.8 46.24
27 20 7 -1.2 1.44
21 8 13 4.8 23.04
25 19 6 -2.2 4.84
18 10 8 -0.2 0.04
74 0.2 103.56

d́ =
d́ =
d́ = 8.2
Sd =
√ ∑ ( d−d́ )

√ 9−1
= 3.598

Step 6 interpret the decision

Because the computed t falls in the rejection region, the null hypothesis is rejected. The

population distribution of difference does have a mean of 0.

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