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Code of Conduct


The fundamental aim of the Code of Conduct for the CREDAI –

Sindhudurg is to maintain the honour and dignity of Promoters and Builders in
general, to secure a spirit of friendly co-operation between the Promoters and Builders
and their customers in the promotion of highest standard of Promotion, Development,
and Construction activities and to establish honourable and fair dealing of the
Promoters and Builders with their customers; and to establish a spirit of brotherhood
in the Association of Promoters and Builders itself and to try and ensure that
Promoters and Builders discharge their responsibilities to the community in general.

For the aforesaid objects the members of the CREDAI – Sindhudurg

desire to adopt the following norms of conduct, both in letter and spirit. However,
specific mention of the following norms of conduct/rules shall not be construed as
conferring upon the members and / or the customers and / or the flat purchasers any
legal right enabling them to enforce the same in Court of Law or otherwise.

If any member is found to violate the code suitable action can be

taken against him by the Association even to the extent of his membership being
discontinued; after a detailed enquiry by a select committee which recommendation if
endorsed by the Managing Committee would lead to the termination of membership of
the member.

Any such action taken by the Managing Committee shall be put into effect 30
days after communicating the decision to the member in writing by Registered Post at
his address as per records of the Association. The member can appeal the decision of
the Managing Committee to the General Body whose decision shall be final and
binding. This appeal must be lodged within 30 days of the date of communication by
the Managing Committee failing which the decision communicated shall be final and

We, the Member of CREDAI - Sindhudurg Hereby undertake and agree to abide
with and observe this Code of Conduct as approved by the General Body. We
also agree to observe any amendment made to the Code of Conduct on account of
any changes/amendments to any Housing related Statutes/Acts passed by
Central/State and Local Authorities and/or approved by the General Body of the
1. In respect of TITLE of the property; inspection of sanctions; booking of
premises; agreement of sale; payments; escalation; constructions of
building; quality of construction; carpet area; description of amenities;
infrastructural requirements; refund of money; possession; defect
liability period; society accounts/ other deposits such as a stamp duties;
formation of a society or a body corporate; transfer charges; transfer of
title; handling over of original certified copies of title deeds, service
drawings etc. I will abide by the rules and regulations of the RERA.


Maximum tree plantation should be done near sites on the basis of at least one
tree per 100 sq. mtrs., except where it is not possible in congested areas.

Members are encouraged at large sites (more than 4,000 sq. mtrs.) to have
crèches and educational facilities for the children of the labour, be provided
along with other possible labour welfare activities, such as periodical medical
check-ups, insurance, etc.


The developer should ensure that all the Safety norms prescribed in the Safety
Manual issued by CREDAI-Sindhudurg is observed, Labours at construction
site are registered under the BOCW Act. If Contractor is appointed, developer
should ensure that all his labour are registered under the BOCW Act.
Developer is require to put safety posters at site.

For renewal of the membership of CREDAI-Sindhudurg Developer has to

ensure that minimum 5 site supervisors/ engineers/safety officers at site have
undergone the safety training and are certified safety officers.

In case there be any dispute of any member of the Association with any
person or flat holder or Government or Semi Government Body or Authority
or Local Authority, and if the Association is asked to intervene, the Managing
Committee of the Association will consider such request and decide in its
absolute discretion whether to intervene or not depending upon the merits of
the case and wherever possible the Association will make efforts to resolve
the said dispute by amicable settlement or otherwise on merits of the case.
However, any such mediation, even if it be with the consent/concurrence of
both the disputing parties, shall not be construed as Arbitration under the
Indian Arbitration Act.


Any decision resolution pertaining to the Code of Conduct, that is taken or
passed in the General Body Meeting or Managing Committee Meeting, is
binding on the member of the Association, even if he has not attended the
meeting provided that the item was on the agenda that was circulated.

We have read and given thought to the contents and accordingly we put
in our signature on our behalf and on behalf of the member firm.

Sr.No. Name of the Firm Name of the Signature


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