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Quarter 2 - Module 3:
Formulate a Statement of Opinion or
What I Need to Know

As you go through this module you are asked to do the following:

• identify opinion and assertion;
• differentiate opinion or assertion;
• formulate statement of opinion or assertion.
General Directions:
A. Use another sheet of paper for all your answers.
B. This module shall be returned to the subject teacher after each quarter.

What I Know
Task 1: My Opinion About Opinion

Directions: There are already several times that you were asked about your opinions on
a particular topic or idea. Read the questions below and give your opinion.

1. What is your idea about the word “opinion”?

2. Is there a difference between an opinion and assertion? If yes, state your

Filipinos are the most resilient

people in the world.

Filipinos have fought countless

hurdles of problems.

Opinion: _________________________________
Assertion: _______________________________

What’s New

Before you start the lesson on opinion and assertion, you need to answer the
following activity below.

Task 3: My Say

Directions: Write your 3 opinions on the topic below. (In a sentence form).

Procrastination is the Thief of Time

1. ______________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________
What is It
After writing your opinions on the topic above, are you sure that what you wrote
were opinions and not assertions? You will find out as you go through the discussion.

Opinion and Assertion

Although similar in form, an opinion is different from an assertion.

An opinion is the personal judgment or view of a person about an issue or a topic.

Most statements of opinion begin with phrases like “For me…” “I think…” or “I believe…”

Example: “I think the Miracle is the best movie of all time.”

The statement above is personal (I) and uncertain, but it also claims a degree of
universality that even that you don’t agree with me, I think you should.
The opinion is usually grounded with reasons, even if the reasons aren’t always
excellent. Everyone is free to disagree with. It expects agreement, but it invites

On the other hand, an assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or to

make a firm belief on a particular topic. All uncertainty and personality of the subject is
dropped, and the statement becomes absolute.

Example: “Beowulf is the best movie and everyone have to watch it!”
The statement now makes a claim or a strong belief about the movie Beowulf.

The subject “I” and the phrase “I think…” are dropped, which denotes uncertainty.

Now, do you know the difference between an opinion and assertion?

What is the purpose of writing an assertion?

In writing an assertion, the writer aims to convey an idea or feeling directly and to
convince the reader to accept his/her claim about a particular topic.

How to write an assertion

The assertion is where you make a claim or clearly define the side you want to
argue. Here’s a quick guide to help you write a perfect statement of assertions.

1. Be knowledgeable
Make sure your facts are straight before you start writing your assertion. Do
some research on the subject.

2. Back it all up
Your assertions need to be stable throughout. Surround them with your
research findings.
3. Be clear and concise
Since assertion lets you take a stand on your topic, it’s essential that you keep
things clear and concise. Don’t beat around the bush. State your claim.

What’s More

Task 4: My Write Time

Directions: Answer the questions below.

Sentence 1 (OPINION)

Christmas is the best season of the year.

Sentence 2 (ASSERTION)

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

1.Based on the examples, differentiate opinion from assertion.

2.How to write an assertion?

What Have I Learned

Task 5. I Assert

Directions: Go back to your answers in Task 3 and make an assertion to each

opinion you have given.

Procrastination is the Thief of Time

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________

What I Can Do
Task 6: My Hero

Directions: Who do you consider a superhero in your life? In a short bond paper,
paste his/her picture and formulate a three-paragraph essay stating your assertion why
you considered him/her as a superhero?

Task 8: I Learned

Directions: Answer the question as concise as possible

1. How do you use assertion in everyday life? Cite some instances where
you used assertions in positive ways.

Additional Activity

Directions: Complete the sentence below in your activity notebook.

From this lesson, I have learned that...


Congratulations! So how is your self-directed journey in learning?

Life is more meaningful and exciting if you have learned many things.
Keep up the good work!

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