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TOPIC: Should students use cell phones?

I believe that cell phones SHOULD be allowed in public schools for

many reasons. They are good for education, safety, and much more.

To begin with, cell phones make it possible for students to stay in

touch with family and friends. A student can call home and ask a
familymember to bring them a forgotten assignment or lunch money
or tocome pick them up if they are sick. And, of course, there's always
the possibility of a student needing to contact a parent because of a
dangerous situation.
Also, cell phones-especially smart phones-are a fabulous learning
resource. Students can use tools such as the calculator, the map finder,
and the calendar as well as educational apps. Either studying with a
boring book that is hard to understand, or playing an educational app
that is still studying, but much more exciting. I would definitely
choose the second choice.
Finally, I believe that trusting students to have a cell phone in class
instills a level of respect that they pass on to teachers. Brin ging their
own device will encourage them and show a level of respect that they
appreciate, and in return, they'll pay more attention to the teachers and
become better students because they give back the respect they earn.

All in all, we must accept that we live in a world of technology and

that cellphones are indespensable, even for students at school. Let's
make the most of the day and age we are living in!

TOPIC: What qualities do you think are necessary in order to
work as part of a team?
Most people can list the qualities of bad team members without
struggling too hard; nevertheless, as far as I know, it seems to be not
easy for everyone to spot out qualities great team players have.
Always reliable.
A great team player is constantly reliable day in and day out, not just
some of the time. You can count on them to get the job done, meet
deadlines, keep their word and provide consistent quality work. With
excellent performance, organization and follow-through on tasks they
develop positive work relationships with team members and keep the
team on track.
Communicates with confidence.
Good team players might silently get the work done but shy away
from speaking up and speaking often. Great team players
communicate their ideas honestly and clearly and respect the views
and opinions of others on the team. Clear, effective communication
done respectfully is the key to getting heard.
Adapts quickly and easily. Great team players don't passively sit on
the sideline and see change happen; they adapt to changing situations
and often drive positive change themselves. They don't get stressed or
complain but are flexible in finding their feet in whatever is thrown
their way.
To be a great team player, you just need to be an active participant
and do more than your job title states.

TOPIC 3: Personal benefits gained by participating in sports.

The importance of sports in one's life is invaluable as taking part in

sports brings about numerous benefits.

Health. Sports require physical exercise, which results in better blood
circulation and an overall improved physical stamina. It opens up
one's nerves and makes the body more flexible, agile and responsive.
Sport is a competition where you compete with the opponents. You
need to judge their moves and make instant decisions, consequently
improving your mental ability. Thinking quickly and responding
accordingly has positive impact on a sportsman's brain.
Sports also develop your social skills as you interact with your
opponents as well as the teammates. It improves one's ability to work
in a team giving him / her an exposure to the team cult ure, which is
beneficial in professional life as well. Even the mere spectators of a
sport interact with each other and support their respective teams by
shouting and cheering; resulting in overall happiness and a good
social behavior.

All in all, we can say that sports give various strong and well-built
individuals to the society and nation. As a result, sports should be

TOPIC 6: Solve traffic problems.

In order to reduce trac congestion-an urgent problem in big cities,
there are two main works to solve well.

Firstly, the Authorities need to upgrade trac infrastructure. The

existing roads are too small for huge quantity of vehicles. Besides,
degrading of quality of surface roads makes movement in central city

become slower and more dicult. Thus, broadening existing roads,
upgrading the old ones. It makes traffic easily to be chaotic, especially
in rush hours. So, installing new trac light system is also very
necessary to reduce trac jam.
Secondly, increasing people's consciousness when take a part in
traffic is also a crucial point to reduce trac congestion. The rapid
developing of public social media such as internet, TV, radio makes
upgrading new information to be easier than ever. There is one more
other way to increase people's trac consciousness by increasing the
punishment in law for illegal trac behaviors. Having to pay more
money when someone infringes trac rules will make him
remembering rules more and not relapsing.

In conclusion, upgrading trac infrastructure and increasing people's

consciousness when taking a part in trac are important works which
need to be done to solve recent trac congestion problem.

TOPIC 7: Solutions for young people addicted to the Internet.

We are living in an age when Internet addiction among children is a
Browing concern. Consequently, it's necessary for parents to find out
the ways to solve that problem.
Address the problem
As parents, each must take the issue seriously and agree on common
goals. Discuss the situation together and, if necessary, compromise on
desired goals so that when you approach your child, you will be
coming from the same page.
Show you care
It will help to begin your discussion by reminding your child that you
love them and that you care about their happiness and well-being.
You need to reassure your child that you are not threaten them. Also,
remind them that, with television, you can monitor their viewing
habits more easily, but with the internet, you need their help and
Set reasonable rules and boundaries
Work with your child to establish clear boundaries for limited internet
usage. Allow perhaps an hour per night after homework, with a few
extra weekend hours. Besides, make the computer visible so that you
can be sure your children stick to all the rules.

All in all, in order to prevent youngsters from being addicted to the

Internet, parents need to know some basic tips. And, if the problem is
too severe for you to handle by simple solutions, ask for help from
other people for your child as soon as possible.


It can be easily understood that the importance of sports in one's life is


Importance of Sports for Health

Sport is one of the best exercise which helps to maintain the overall
fitness of an individual. Sports lead to a well balanced mental and
physical growth and tones up muscles and strengthen bones.
Importance of Sports for Personality Development
Sports not only develop our physical strength and keep us fit but it
also does more to our overall personality. A person who engages
more in sports activity regularly will automatically have improved
self- esteem, increased social interaction.
Importance of Sports in Nation

Development The popularity of sports also increases the status of
employment and gives rise to setting up of various sports industries.
The profits of these industries are very high, which could contribute
to the economy in multi ple ways.

As we can see that sport is not only a medium of entertainment or an

activity of leisure time but it also plays important roles in all the
perspective of life.


My Mother is my most important person. Her significance

overwhelms everyone else in my life and I know that I can't live a
moment without her blessings.
My Mother is a gracious lovely woman with bright brown eyes and
plump lips. The most unique thing about her appearance is definitely
her hair, which hardly changed into another color but keeps its black
despite her age.
My most favorite person in the world is an epitome of sincerity,
truthfulness and love. She shows her personalities by means of the
way she behaves with our family members as well as neighbors or
relatives, and it has always inspired me to inherit the same qualities.
Sometimes, my mother and I enjoy being together so much that we
hate to be disrupted. In the time that we enjoy the most together, we
don't discuss my studying or her work, but all the other small daily
things such as an interesting book I have read lately or a film she
watched a long time ago, a thing that best friends always do.

In short, I think there is no denying that a mother is the most
important person for her child. My mom is not an exception, and from
the bottom of my heart, I would never want to part ways with her.


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is always on my

most highly-recommended lists for both children and adults.
This book tells a story about Alice who falls down a rabbit hole and
lands into a fantasy world that is full of weird, wonderful people and
animals. I never expected the events that happened because they were
bizarre and unpredictable. My favorite character is the Cheshire cat
owing to his mystery and intelligence. My favourite part was when
Alice met the caterpillar (/ 'kætapilə / -sâu bướm) , this was because
of his ambiguous conversation with Alice. On the minus side, I
thought the events were sometimes random and didn't always connect.
I also disliked the countless number of characters, which makes me
sometimes feel confused and tired of remembering all the names,
However, Lewis Carroll has created a unique world that I hadn't seen
before. This why I believe it is still a book that I would recommend.


1. Weather Dependent
Although solar energy can still be collected during cloudy and
rainy days, the efficiency of the solar system drops. Solar panels
are dependent on sunlight to effectively gather solar energy.
Therefore, a few cloudy, rainy days can have a noticeable effect
on the energy system.
2. Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive
Solar energy has to be used right away, or it can be stored in large
batteries. In most cases, it is smarter to just use solar energy during
the day and take energy from the grid (vi, hệthốngđườngdây)
during the night (you can only do this if your system is connected
to the grid).
3. Associated with Pollution
Although pollution related to solar energy systems is far less
compared to other sources of energy , solar energy can be
associated with pollution. Transportation and installation of solar
systems have been associated with the emission of greenhouse


Impact on the Environment

Solar energy has the least negative impact on the environment
compared to any other energy source. It does not produce greenhouse
gases and does not pollute the water. It also requires very little water
for its maintenance. Solar energy production does not create any
noise, which is major benefit.
Solar Reduce Your Energy Bill
Generating your own electricity means that you will be using less
from the supplier. This will immediately translate to savings on your
energy bill. Plus, you can also make money by selling the unused
electricity, which you have generated.
Solar Energy Is Applicable Everywhere
As long as there is sunshine, solar energy can be installed anywhere.
This is particularly useful for remote regions with no access to any
other source of electricity. There is a vast amount of people around
the world with no access to electricity. Independent solar systems
could be deployed in those regions and improve the lives of millions
of people.



1, Introduction
Nowadays, teenagers deal with as many problems as their parents. As a resuit
there should be a group of people to help them solve these problems, especiany
ones at the same age as them. This is what we call a teen support group m
2. Body
a, Main idea 1: This group helps students with their studying.
+ Directly do difficult examinations or give some instructions
+ Share learning experiences
+ Appear in every classes => force students to pay attention to their lessons
b, Main idea 2: Joining this group makes students develop life skills
+ In a group, communicating with each other is essential => social skills =>
cooperating brings the best results in everything
+ Sometimes students need to be in charge of the group => leadership ability
c, Main idea 3: It is somewhere students can share their feelings and stories.
+ Teens stress and pressure are now of great concern. => have someone to talk
to is neces sary
+ They spend most of their time at school => cannot share them with parents
+ Ones at the same age easily sympathize with each other
3, Conclusion
In conclusion, I think that organising a teen support group in school is
undeniably a good idea and should be encouraged.

What job will be most popular in the next 10 years?

1. Introduction

I hold a firm belief that being a doctor is a desireable job nowadays and
will continue to be the most popular one in the next 10 years.
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2. Body

a, Main idea 1: As a doctor, you do not have to be afraid of

There are always diseases in our life and many people need to be healed.
The job of being a doctor is divided into many fields => freely choose
your favorites
b, Main idea 2: Doctor is a high-paid job
Nowadays, to educate a person specializing in medicine, the government
has to spend a lot of money.
Doctors are ones excelling in academics -> Valuable assets to the
community -> Salaries for doctors are often well-paid
c, Main idea 3: This job gives countless developing experiences
Should you be a good doctor
=> international hospitals, travelling abroad
=> develop special ability
Meet a lot of patients with different personalities => develop social skills.
Sometimes have to deal with stress and pressures => develop emotion
control skills.
3. Conclusion: In conclusion, I think that doctor will be the most popular
job around the world in the future.

Describe an activity you do in your free time.

In my leisure time, reading book is my favorite choice. I begin to read

books when I was 7 years old and I find that this activity is beneficial.
First and foremost, reading book is the most comfortable and
nealthy way to entertain. According to researchers, after 6 minutes
of reading a book, you will find 68% of satisfaction, which is actually
better than listening to music or having a cup of tea. Second, books
develop my imagination. For instance, a beautiful scene from a film

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on TV might to be your taste, but perhaps not to mine; otherwise, a
scene of words from a book makes us imagine whatever we want it to
be. Last but not least, books are the original databases that are
always trustworthy. Regarding the amount of misleading
information on mass media, it is noticeable that details from almost
every book are verifire carefully. In conclusion, for me, spending just
15 minutes a day reading a book is more worthwhile than other kinds
of leisure activities.

Ways to help poor people in your neighborhood.

Should you be sensitive, you can easily realize that are thousands of
needy people around you. Following are few ways to help the poor n
our neighborhood. First and foremost, the best way to help the
unfortunate is to love and respect. Giving them moral consolation
makes them aware that someone really does care about them. This
probably increases their dignity ('digniti) and help them in
overcoming barriers they face everyday. Secondly, taking the most
advantage of social media is a good idea. Through the use of Social
Networking Sites like Facebook, we can raise our voice and connect

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to various community centers involved in helping the poor people.
Last but not least, there is always a chance for personal help. One
can get associated with charitable houses to help the needy solve the
basic problems of livings. No matter how small it is, know that your
own help is valuable asset to poor people. In conclusion, if some of
these ways are wide ly made use of in our neighborhood, we will see
an effective and long-lasting improvement in lives of poor people.

Learn from books or real experiences?

1. Introduction
I think that the hardest and most important lessons we learn in
life come from our participation in different situations, not from
2. Body
a, Main idea 1: Knowledge from books are sometimes too
+ Not every method we learn to solve a problem from books
can be practiced in certain situations when we are facing a lack
of some items
+ Sometimes, books are not verified carefully> misleading
b, Main idea 2: Learning from life experiences is memorable

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+ We can hardly remember things we read, especially when it
doesn't come to your favorite books
+ Life experiences often result in specific consequences =>
always remember
c, Main idea 3: Books make you feel bored
+ When a book shows an example, it usually just shows a
tedious picture => boring way to learn something
+ Real-life examples are lively and easy to understand => make
you feel interested
3. Conclusion: In conclusion, I do not think that learning from
books is always a good idea. We should learn things from our
How to reduce the damage of natural disasters?

We can hardly get risk of natural disasters, but it is reasonable that we

can reduce the damage of them by following these three tips. First and
foremost, the broadening of knowledge is always the best cholce.
Read the information about disasters on local government sites. Then
find out what the rescue and emergency workers advise. These people
have been trained to deal with disasters, have been through lots of
them and know how to help. Secondly, it is important that you put
together an emergency supply kit in your house. Your emergency
kit should include basic items such as food, water, medications,
copies of personal documents and.some money. You may also need
some extra clothing if you live in a cold climate. Last but not least, we
need to make good use of shelters. Natural disasters can force people
to leave their homes so becoming familiar with the guidelines for
evacuation. Plan safe places to meet up with your family and get to
know the evacuations routes and locations of shelt ers. In conclusion,

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I think that these are some possible solutions to the reduction of the
damage natural disasters bring about.

My future job.

I'm pretty sure that working as a doctor, my favorite job, stands a

good chance of being the best job now and in the upcoming years. I
always dream of being a doctor and I'd like to open my own clinic.
The first reason is that I want to help people. Healing the sick and
making care of them to help them overcome their health problems
make me very happy. Secondly, in my opinion, doctor can give hope
to patients. When they come to me for advice, they definitely faith in
me and that gives me motivations to continue to study to find the
cures for dangerous illnesses. Last but not least, as a doctor, I have no
reason for being afraid of unemployment, due to the fact that there
are always diseases in our life and many people need to be healed.
Patients always need good doctors and I will try my best to help them.
There's still a plenty of time for me to choose my future job.
However, up to this time, being a doctor is still my best choice.

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As the world is developing rapidly, the needs of communication also

increases. Because of this, it is vitally important to study a foreign
language. From my perspective, I totally agree with the idea that study
foreign languages have variety of benefits.
Firstly, studying foreign languages helps people to communicate more
easily. In many cases in life, we may need foreign languages to talk to
others. Another good example is when you have a trip overseas, maybe to
the United States. If you do not know some essential words or phrases in
English, how can you manage a good holiday there? Everything seems
very difficult without knowing variety of languages.
In addition, foreign languages may help in studying. In some
developing countries, in which the economics development still slow,
there is often not enough modern teaching aids and limited study
environment, which makes it difficult for teaching and studying.
Therefore, people frequently desire t o study abroad in a richer country.
However, to study abroad in a country, student have to know its language
Plus, when people learn a second language, they become a valuable
asset to the community in which the work and live. Apart from the
requirement of translators and interpreters, there are an increasing number
of jobs where people are required to interact with people that speak other

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In conclusion, I restate my opinion that it is extremely necessary to know
one or more foreign languages. On the other hand, I highly recommend
that foreign languages teaching programme will be developed and applied
in education, especially at high schools and at an early age.


DISADVANTAGES) Studying abroad is full of ups and downs. But
it can be assured that the good far outweighs the bad. However, here
we go: all the pros and cons of travelling you'll encounter on the road.

1, Advantages
Studying abroad makes it easier for you to receive the best possible
teaching in your chosen field of study. This is because you can apply
to study at the leading institutions in the world for your subject, rather
than settling on what institutions are close to home.
Moving abroad to study forces you to be independent and not rely on
family members for support. You will have to work out for yourself
how everything works in your host country. This gives you the
opportunity to confront any social anxieties you may have and
become a more confident person as a resuit. You will realise that you
can do much more for yourself than you previously thought.
Not only will you mix with people who come from your host country,
but you will also meet lots of other international students from around
the world. You will hopefully create contacts and friends for life,
whom you can visit whenever you are in their neck of the woods.

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2, Disavantages
Consider how much tougher it might be to study in a place that is
miles away from home and in a country that is vastly different to what
you are used to. Being halfway around the world will also make it
more difficult to go home for the holidays.
It is often the case that tuition fees are higher for international
students. Plus, you may not be entitled to the same student loans that
you would receive back at home. In addition, you will have to factor
in considerable moving costs when you choose to study abroad.
While studying abroad is an excellent opportunity to learn a new
language, you may initially have some problems with language
barriers. This is especially likely at the beginning when you need to
arrange things like a bank account and accommodation. It is also
possible that you could come up against cultural barriers to do with
religion, gender roles, or communication differences.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to studying abroad, but

the disadvantages tend to be easily overcome. So don't let the
disadvantages of studying abroad put you off making an important
life decision that will bring you a wealth of benefits.


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Keeping Your Semester Interesting
Motivation can be difficult to find if none of your compulsory classes
interest you. Electives can also offer a mental break from a semester
filled with major- requirements that are all about the same subject.

Giving You a Well-Rounded Education

Having experience and knowledge in areas outside your field of study
can only serve to make you a better consumer of information. Being
informed is important in this day and age, whether it's about politics,
history, science, social issues-the list goes on.

Alternative choice
Some people like trying things from all over the board. Others like
having only a path to follow. However, consider whether you can
excel in your own area and if you actually love it. If not, think about
famous celebrities who have high education of Maths, Literature or
English and then choose to chase music and art.
♡. TOPIC 1: “Group-work builds up team’s as well as individual
spirits and brings members closer together.” What is your
opinion ?
Numerous people are just comfortable doing everything on their own
while others consider attending a group a great help. From my point
of view, I prefer group-work as it builds up team’s as well as
individual spirits and brings members closer together.

The first point to be mentioned is that team’s and individual

spirits are built up by teamwork. For example, after a sports team
wins a major championship, they celebrate and have fun, which
motivates them to want to win even more. This instance shows that
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the celebration, cheering, and fun that come with every event enable
members to bring their team spirits to the next level. Also, group
work improves the chances of innovation and creativity of each
member since people tend to come up with more ideas in event of a
discussion between numerous people.
The second point is the way group-working makes us closer as a
family. To be more specific, after completing team building activities,
peers better understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and
interests. Furthermore, socializing and making friends in the
workplace gain an ability not only to increase productivity in the
office but also to give a helping hand to workers to solve small daily
workplace issues.

From what has been discussed above, I hold a firm belief that a
successful group-work organisation will surely mean a better and
productive workplace environment for every community.

231 words
♡. TOPIC 2: Behavior in schools is getting worse. Explain the
causes of this problem and suggest some possible solution.
One of the biggest problems facing the school today is behaviour of
students. This essay will examine this issue and suggest some
solutions to it.

Three main reasons are listed to be connected with ill-mannered

students. One cause is the lack of school’s discipline since students
are of the opinion that they are allowed to disobey rules without
receving any punishment. In addition, many schools have large
classes, which results in the fact that teachers cannot manage these
students well. Another starting point comes from family’
background. Some parents are too busy with their social issues that

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they hardly give children advice when they behave badly with friends
or perhaps never even take notice of their child’s condition at school.
Actions should be taken immediately to solve this kind of educational
drawback. The first solution is that schools need to have strict rules
indicating that disruptive students will be punished due to their
actions. Moreover, reducing the number of students in large classes
would be a suggestible idea for teachers as it enables them to pay
attention to all of the students. Another possibility is the valuable
support from parents. Precisely, families should teach their children
the importance of good behavior at schools as well as in the society.

In conclusion, an increasing trend in the worse character of students

inevitably leads to futher issues; therefore, all of us have to make sure
that we have the knowledge of some major causes and solutions to
this situation to overcome it.

250 words

♡. TOPIC 3: ‘‘When people succeed, it is because of hard work.

Luck has nothing to do with success.’’ What is your opinion ?
At the present time, people are commonly of the opnion that only
hardworking people will succeed and there is no place for luck.
Nevertheless, from my perspective, I hold a firm belief that success is
about both effort and luck.

In the first place, I would like to put emphasis on the luck which is a
required factor in success. A small example can give some light to
this point: in IELTS speaking tests, one has to confront a lot of topics,
and supposing that he is lucky, the topic he chooses may not be tough
for him, which results from his careful preparations for a randomly
selected field relating to this topic. Another instance is that when
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people find a new job, they never know what expects them in the new
workplace; therefore, they could only rely on luck.
In the second place, without hard work, depending on fate results in
nothing when it comes to coming over problems in life to achieve
success. To be more specific, nobody gains an ability to assure that
luck lasts forever and appears in every situation. There are countless
circumstances when people have to make a difficult choice, and only
by experiences coming from their hard work, they can completely be
certain about which decision to make.

From what has been discussed above, it should not be left

unmentioned that not only efforts but also the blessings of fate make a
man successful in life.

243 words.

♡. TOPIC 4: “ Face-to-face communication is better than other

types of communication such as letters, e-mail, or telephone
It is a fact that modern society civilians prefer sending emails or
handwritten letters rather than socialising in reality. However, in my
opinion, I would regard face-to-face communication as a preferable

Firstly, although most of the people are attracted by the convenience

of technology in communication field, there are countless situations
in which having a dialog face-to-face is more timesaving. For
example, if my mom phones me to remind me to do housework while
I am glued to TV, I inevitablely forget her saying; however, if she

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stands in front of the TV and directly asks so, I could do nothing more
than immediately accepting her offer.
Secondly, there is no doubt that we want to see the real emotions of
a man in a conversation. Specifically, when one talks with his
friends, he can immediately gain feedbacks from their tones of voice
and facial expressions. Therefore, he can know the next step to take,
particularly at times when speaking words and body languages may
not mean the same thing.
Finally, face-to-face communication can reduce the health problems
that come from sitting alone in front of computers or staring at phone
screens. To be more precise, communicating in actual fact does not
result in eyesore or mental issues. Consequently, it does no harm to
our performance in life – at schools or workplaces.

To sum up, despite the ever-changing world of advanced technology,

I hold a firm belief that face-to-face communicating will never be
replaced because of its irrefutable positive impact.
251 words
♡. TOPIC 5: What are advantages and disadvantages of
educating children in a mixed-gender class ?
Mixed-gender classes have become the standard in most cultures
around the world. From my perspective, I am in favor of the statement
that both advantages and disadvantages need to be considered when
developing the structure of mixed gender classes.

On the positive side, three main benefits are usually listed in terms of
a mixed class. First, co-educational environments bridge the equality
gap. Specifically, at schools, our gender identity becomes secondary
to the overall societal role of a student. Second, it promotes
opportunities for socialization. In fact, students graduating from
same-gender institutions have to struggle to interact with people of

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the opposite sex. Thirdly, this situation offers school diversity. If
teenagers are exposed to diversity in an early age, they will find it
easier to adapt in different environments when they grow up.
On the flip side, with great advantages come great drawbacks. The
first point is that mixed-gender classes create a risk of encouraging
intimate relationships. It is reported that over 50% of teenagers in
the US have had a sexual encounter, usually a friend of the same
educational environment, before the age of 18. The second point to be
mentioned is issues with self-esteem students may encounter. It is
generally proved that a teenager typically has more confidence to
speak up when learning with classmates of the same gender.

In conclusion, the equal advantages and disadvantages of mixed-

gender classes show that we have made the educational system better
in recent years thanks to the popularity of these classes, but there are
still a lot of problems left to be solved.
263 words
♡. TOPIC 6: A large number of people think that nowadays
women should not work hard to earn their living; they should
spend more time on caring for their families.
A countless number of people are of the opinion that females should
spend their life on caring for their husbands and children instead of
being out of the house to search for a job. From my perspective, I
partially agree with this statement.

In the first place, since women are usually better at solving family
issues than men, they should be encouraged to take more care of their
families. For example, almost every household chore demands for
carefulness and skillfulness, and it is widely accepted that the
majority of women carry out them perfectly. Another instance is that
teenagers prefer to share their secrets and problems with mothers.

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This results from the fact that mothers are an epitome of sincerity,
delicacy and love for children.
In the second place, that women are good at caring for families does
not mean they are forbidden to share financial issues with husbands.
First, letting women work to earn their living is a way to express the
equality between the two genders. Specifically, nowadays, there are
more and more women gain an ability to hold important positions
which used to belong to men only. Second, this makes a contribution
to the happiness of the family. In the old society, as men thought that
all the economic pressures were placed on them, husbands and wives
commonly did not see eye to eye with each other on monetary

In brief, while taking care of the family is an important duty of

women, I believe that they should also be given chances to do jobs to
gain benefits for themselves and their own families.
268 words
♡. TOPIC 7: Are scientific inventions making our life better and
happier ?
In the age we are living in, science has given us such comforts that
used to be unimaginable. From such normal things like electric fans to
planes or rockets, all of which are among scientific inventions that
make our life better and happier.

To begin with, modern technology has brought revolution in human

beings’ communication. For instance, it is possible to communicate
with friends living in other parts of the world in a blink of an eye
using the cell phone. Furthermore, this implies that advanced
communicating ways have positively impacted the business world.
Secondly, science gains an ability to give a helping hand to life
extension. A small example can give some light to this point: At the

25 | P a g e
stone age, our ancestors’ average age was about 25 as they were
easily vulnerable to death just because of a mild fever, whereas,
thanks to the development of medical technology, now people’s
average age is three times of that.
Lastly, technological advances have made it practicable to ease the
problem of troublesome transportation. To be more specific,
thousands of years ago, it probably never crossed one’s mind that we
would be able to move from a country to another one within a few
hours. However, in this brand-new world, it is considered normal to
mention oversea or space travelling.

From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that
without the presence of scientific inventions, it is evident that the
world would no longer be a place full of happiness and

253 words
♡. TOPIC 8: It is said that it is a good idea to have three or four
generations living under roof. What’s your opinion ?
The family is the fundamental cell of community as well as the first
human group to which we belong, no matter which kind of family, a
nuclear or an extended one. However, from my perspective, a large
family seems not to be a preferable choice in this modern soicety.

To begin with, one of the major disadvantages of the extended family

system is that some members tend to exhibit lazy attitudes towards
life. To be more specific, a countless number of teenagers are of the
opinion that since cousins, uncles and aunties are there to give a
helping hand to their parents, they are allowed to sit down and be

26 | P a g e
Secondly, quarrels concerning inheritance right are vulnerable to
happen after the death of an old member. Precisely, this occurs even
before he dies indeed as some family members begin to target
particular properties by trying to please him. Furthermore, there is no
shortage of people wishing their relatives to die due to their yearning
for money.
Lastly, though an extended family consists of numerous members, the
financial burdens are usually put on some particular ones. In fact,
there is always an unwritten code in a large family that the rich have
to take care of the less fortunate, which results from the statement that
it is considered a crime for a relative to refuse another one living
under the same roof.

All in all, we can draw the conclusion that of all the family systems,
an extended family is undeniably not a highly-recommended one to
be built.

258 words
♡. TOPIC 9: Many people think that children should begin
studying a foreign language as soon as they start school. What is
your opinion ?
From my point of view, it is never considered too early to begin
learning a foreign language. This essay will focus on some of the
reasons why learning a language apart from mother tongue at an early
age puts a child at a significant advantage.
To begin with, it goes without saying that this situation provides
youngsters with a head start. To be more specific, children who
learn another language before age five use the same part of the brain
they use to learn their mother tongue to acquire the second language.
What’s more, younger learners are also uninhibited by the fear of
making mistakes, which is sometimes an obstacle for older beginners.

27 | P a g e
Secondly, children proficient in differents languages show signs of
mental flexibility. For example, critical-thinking ability, memory
improvement, concentration, and the ability to multitask are proved to
be boosted during the language stuyding period of a child by a
countless number of scientific reaseraches.
Lastly, the cognitive benefits of learning a language have a direct
impact on a child’s academic achievement. In reality, compared to
those without an additional language, bilingual children have
outstanding reading and writing skill when learning Literature and
logical thinking ability when it comes to Maths problems.
Consequently, these students generally score higher on standardized
From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that
teaching foreign languages to children who are having their first chool
years should be encouraged as it sets our new generation up for a
lifetime of success.
251 words
♡. TOPIC 10: Cycling is more environmentally friendly than
other forms of transport. Why is it not popular in many places ?
And how to increase its popularity ?
Although cycling is clearly a better way to protect the environment, it
should be accepted that not the majority of people prefer this form of
transport. There are several causes of this unpopularity, and some
solutions could be proposed to promote the usage of bicycles.

Two main points are listed when it comes to the reason why the use of
bicycles is not popular. First, individuals nowadays want to spend as
little time on transport as possible. Therefore, they prefer to use other
types of vehicles such as motorbikes or cars. Second, cycling is more
physically demanding than riding a motorbike or driving a car, which
tends to discourage people from choosing this method, especially on a
hot and sunny day or when travelling a long distance.
28 | P a g e
Considering the fact that bicyles are the most environmetally-friendly
vehicle, urgent actions must be taken to increase the popularity of
them. The first solution is to make it more costly to own a motorbike
or a car, which can be done by increasing the price of petrol or raising
tax on these vehicles. Additionally, more lanes should be built to
serve only cyclists, which would make it much faster to travel with
bicycles. Another solution is to launch campaigns to raise citizens’
awareness of the harmful effects of motorbikes and cars on the

In conclusion, the reasons why bicycles are becoming less common in

today’s world are various, and solutions should be taken early to
promote this environmentally-friendly means of transport.

249 words

GROUP 3 – Nhóm Bảo Châu 

(Topic 1, 2, 4, 5, 6)

Topic 1: Many people say that we have developed into a ‘throw-

away’ culture, because we are filling up our environment with so
many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To
what extent do you agree with this opinion and what measures can
you recommend reducing this problem?

29 | P a g e
1. Introduction:
In this modern society, people produce more waste than ever as they
are accustomed to a “throw-away ” lifestyle. I completely agree with
this statement and the following paragraph will suggest some ways to
solve it in details.
2. Body
Main idea 1: Reduce the amount of plastic items
Ex: + When shopping, we can use silk bags, paper boxes...
+ Recycle plastic products for decorations
+ Bring lunch boxes, table wares to avoid buying single-use things
Main idea 2: Raise people’s awareness
Ex: + Launch campaigns to send a message to everyone about the
importance of the natural world
+ Organise environmental events and encourage people to take part in
Main idea 3: The government should take this problem into
Ex: + Bring in strict laws to fine heavily individuals or groups who
damage the environment.
+ Assume sponsorship of scientists that do research on alternative
3. Conclusion
All in all, it is irrefutable that human are filling up our world with a
huge amount of undissolvable products. As a result, supposing that
we want to resolve this issue, making the best use of these mentioned
recommendations is worth considering.
In this modern society, people produce more waste than ever as they
are accustomed to a “throw-away ” lifestyle. I completely agree with

30 | P a g e
this statement and the following paragraph will suggest some ways to
solve it in details. The first step is to reduce the amount of plastic
items we use daily. For example, when going shopping, we can make
use of silk bags or paper boxes. It is also a good idea that some people
recycle plastic products for decorations. Or when going out, bringing
lunch boxes, table wares to avoid buying single-use things is highly-
recommended. The second step is obviously to raise people’s
awareness. This measure can be well taken advantage of by
launching campaigns to send a message to everyone about the
importance of the natural world as well as organising environmental
events and encouraging people to take part in. The final idea is that
the government should take this problem into consideration. First,
authorities have to bring in strict laws to fine heavily individuals or
groups who damage the environment. Second, it is important for
every country to assume sponsorship of scientists that do reasearch on
alternative materials. All in all, it is irrefutable that human are filling
up our world with a huge amount of undissolvable products. As a
result, supposing that we want to resolve this issue, making the best
use of these mentioned recommendations is worth considering.

Topic 2 : Some people think that the news media nowadays have
influenced people’s lives in negative ways. To what extent, do you
agree or disagree ?
1. Introduction
It is opined that the news media nowadays have harmful effects on
people’s lives. I am totally in favor of this opinion.
2. Body
- Main idea 1 : Cause people to be misinformed

31 | P a g e
+ There is now a large amount of unverified information on the
Internet and users can easily be taken in by slick-talking journalists.
+ Ones who want to earn money do not think about the serious
consequences of their untrue articles.
Ex : A lot of people are unconscious of false information on the
Internet and they get into trouble
- Main idea 2 : Affect celebrities’ private life seriously
+ Example : Many famous stars feel depressed because of misleading
information from unknown authors
 Result in negative actions, even suicides
+ Being followed, celebrities will feel unsafe and uncomfortable to do
what they want
+ Damage a celebrity’s reputation
Ex: Netizens only concern about the love life of Taylor Swift, not her
songs and contribution to the music industry.
 It is very easy for people to believe in false claims or claims that
are only half true. As a result, they will have an inaccurate
opinion about someone or something.
3. Conclusion
In short, we should join hand to reduce the above mentioned
consequences of the news media.
It is opined that the news media nowadays have harmful effects on
people’s lives. I am totally in favor of this opinion. First and foremost,
it can cause people to be misinformed. In particular, there is now a
large amount of unverified information on the Internet and users can
easily be taken in by slick-talking journalists. Moreover, ones who
want to earn money do not think about the serious consequences of
their untrue articles. For example, a lot of people are unconscious of
false information on the Internet and they get into trouble. Secondly,
it is
32 | P a g e
claimed that news media affects celebrities’ private life seriously.
For instance, many famous stars feel depressed because of misleading
information about them from unknown authors. As a consequence, it
will result in negative actions and even suicides. Also, when being
followed, celebrities will feel unsafe and uncomfortable to do what
they want. More seriously, a celebrity’s reputation will be easily
damaged by these gossips. Taking Taylor Swift as an example,
netizens only concern about her love life, not her songs and
contribution to the music industry. In addition, it is very easy for
people to believe in false claims or claims that are only half true.
Therefore, they will have an inaccurate opinion about someone or
something. In conclusion, it would be necessary that we join hand to
reduce the above mentioned consequences of the news

Topic 5: should students be asked to evaluate their teachers? Why?

Why not?
1. Opening:
In this cutting-edge era, it is common knowledge that the teachers are
dedicating their whole lives to instruct future masters of the world. So
who will be the one to instruct the teachers. One suggested figures are
their own students and I agree with this
2. Body:
- Main idea 1: A teacher himself cannot give a full evaluation of his
performance, which is why he needs the help of his pupils. The pupils
is a ingenious choice because their other teachers do not have enough
experience and interaction to appraise their peers
+ The teacher will get suitable and respectful feedbacks from his
disciples to improve his teaching skills and methods
33 | P a g e
- Main idea 2: On top of that, students should have the right to
evaluate their teachers for spiritual reasons
+ If they have the chance to express their feelings to make the teacher
more suitable to their taste, they may become more motivated and
engaged themselves in the class. Otherwise, they will develop scorn
and hatred towards their educators. In other words, it is the backbiting
phenomenon and it badly affects the teachers

- Main idea 3: It does good for the students themselves.

+ The pupils can live in harmony with their teachers since they can
express their feelings straightforwardly.
+ Students can also master criticising skills, which is very important
for their future
3. Closing:
- To conclude, it is vital that students be able to evaluate their
teachers. They can comfortable around their teachers and they can
develop trusts and ties to make the teachers better.

In this cutting-edge era, it is common knowledge that the teachers
are dedicating their whole lives to instruct future masters of the world.
So who will be the one to instruct the teachers. One suggested figures
are their own students and I agree with this. First and foremost, a
teacher himself cannot give a full evaluation of his performance,
which is why he needs the help of his pupils. The pupils is a ingenious
choice because their other teachers do not have enough experience
and interaction to appraise their peers. In particular, the teacher will
get suitable and respectful feedbacks from his disciples to improve his
teaching skills and methods. Secondly, on top of that, students should

34 | P a g e
have the right to evaluate their teachers for spiritual reasons. If they
have the chance to express their feelings to make the teacher more
suitable to their taste, they may become more motivated and engaged
themselves in the class. Otherwise, they will develop scorn and hatred
towards their educators. In other words, it is the backbiting
phenomenon and it badly affects the teachers. Finally, it does good for
the students themselves. The pupils can live in harmony with their
teachers since they can express their feelings straightforwardly.
Moreover, students can also master criticising skills, which is very
important for their future. To conclude, it is vital that students be able
to evaluate their teachers. They can comfortable around their teachers
and they can develop trusts and ties to make the teachers better.
Topic 4 : What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a
celebrity as your idol ?
1. Introduction
People, especially the young now tend to have a celebrity as their
idol. In my opinion, this trend is equally beneficial and
2. Body
 Ones who you love are those who give you the most motivation.
=> better results when overcoming difficulties in life
Ex: Many fans said that their scores at school improved gradually
thanks to their idols’ encouragement. 
 Fans usually take inspiration from their favorite artists. 
Ex: When a young singer shared his story about his career, he said
that he began to take up the hobby of singing when listening to the
speech of his idol. 
    - Admiration and love are accompanied by financial issues. 

35 | P a g e
+ The most common way to support celebrities is to buy their goods
namely albums or photobooks, which a normal person has an inability
to afford since he has to pay for other daily necessities. 
+ Some fans even spend millions of dollars just to satisfy their love
for famous people who they have never met. 
      - Sometimes overwhelming affairs affect your mental health
+ Screaming uncontrollably when seeing someone is not considered
+ Fans, particularly those at a young age, feel depressed when it
comes to their idols’ scandals.
3. Conclusion
All in all, when putting your heart and soul into a famous stranger,
you should take most advantage of it as well as avoid its potential


People, especially the young now tend to have a celebrity as their

idol. In my opinion, this trend is equally beneficial and
disadvantageous. First of all, we can benefit a lot from this. For
examples, ones who you love are those who give you the most
motivation. Thus, it will bring you better results when overcoming
difficulties in life. Moreover, many fans said that their scores at
school improved gradually thanks to their idols’
encouragement. What’s more, fans usually take inspiration from their
favorite artists. For instance, when a young singer shared his story
about his career, he said that he began to take up the hobby of singing
when listening to the speech of his idol. Besides the advantages it
brings about, there are various drawbacks we need to concern about.
36 | P a g e
Admiration and love are accompanied by financial issues. Also, the
most common way to support celebrities is to buy their goods namely
albums or photobooks, which a normal person has an inability to
afford since he has to pay for other daily necessities. Additionally,
some fans even spend millions of dollars just to satisfy their love for
famous people who they have never met. Sometimes overwhelming
affairs affect your mental health negatively. In particular, screaming
uncontrollably when seeing someone is not considered normal.  Fans,
particularly those at a young age, feel depressed when it comes to
their idols’ scandals. All in all, when putting your heart and soul into
a famous stranger, you should take most advantage of it as well as
avoid its potential drawbacks.

Topic 6: some people believe that teachers should be responsible for

teaching students the difference between right and wrong. Others
say that teachers should only teach academic subjects. What is your
1. Opening
In this cutting-edge era, there are arguments over the role of teachers.
Some think that they are just restricted to academic teaching but some
believe that they should be also responsible for moral education. For
me, I agree with the latter.
2. Body
- Main idea 1: Students, especially young ones, are sent to
kindergartens and schoolsat a young age. They cannot themselves
distinguish between right and wrongdoings. Without instructors, they
are likely to grow into troublemakers.

37 | P a g e
- Main idea 2: These days, parents are carried away by their work and
schools are where they throw their offsprings for caretaking and
+ The time children spend at schools overwhelms that with their
parents at home. Therefore, teachers should organise moral lessons
for their pupils on behalf of their parents.
- Main idea 3: Teaching disciples about morality is also a good
chance for the teachers to improve their teaching and caretaking skills
that they may need to apply to their own childrens upbringing
3. Closing
Teachers should also be moral educators to fulfil their role and the
meaning of educational career.
In this cutting-edge era, there are arguments over the role of teachers.
Some think that they are just restricted to academic teaching but some
believe that they should be also responsible for moral education. For
me, I agree with the latter. First and foremost, students, especially
young ones, are sent to kindergartens and schoolsat a young age. They
cannot themselves distinguish between right and wrongdoings.
Without instructors, they are likely to grow into troublemakers.
Secondly, these days, parents are carried away by their work and
schools are where they throw their offsprings for caretaking and
education. Moreover, the time children spend at schools overwhelms
that with their parents at home. Therefore,teachers should organise
moral lessons for their pupils on behalf of their parents. Finally,
teaching disciples about morality is also a good chance for the
teachers to improve their teaching and caretaking skills that they may
need to apply to their own childrens upbringing. Teachers should also
be moral educators to fulfil their role and the meaning of educational

 From Group 2 <Minh Châu> with love 

38 | P a g e
TOPIC 1: Cutting down forests is becoming a more and more serious
problem that needs solving immediately. What are the bad effects that
forest destruction causes? Suggest some solutions to this problem.
Give your opinion and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
In this cutting edge era, cutting down forests is becoming a more and
more serious problem that needs solving immediately. As a consequence,
it has a lot of bad effects on people and our environment. As far as I
know, there are some causes leading to this problem and there are also
many effective measures we can take to solve this problem.
Main idea 1: Effects
- It worsens the environmental condition and is one main factor of
+ Fewer trees means there are less oxygens and less fresh air
 Deforestation contributes to global warming and air pollution.
+ Also, deforestation can appear in the form of burning trees to create
farmland. The smoke resulting from it pollutes the air and destroys the
ozone layers
- It leads to more natural disasters and phenomenons.
+ Deforestation can result in floods, land slides and it may increase the
damage of storms.
- It affects the lives of nearby creatures
+ It affects the biosphere and food chain as a result of the loss of the
habitats of animals.
Main idea 2: Solutions
- Encourage people to plant more trees and use some tricks to solve the
problem of deforestation
+ Ex: Breed more birds to scatter seeds and launch campaigns on
planting trees.
- Government should fine heavily anyone who commits deforestation
illegally on a large scale.

39 | P a g e
+ Also, government can invest into installing irrigation system to
promote the growth of trees.
In a nutshell, it is true that deforestation may have been an insoluble
problem till now. However, in the long run, if we apply the measures
mentioned above wisely, may be the situation will change.

TOPIC 2: Different people have different ways to express their love

for their country. As a student, what are you going to do to show your
love for your country, especially when there are foreign invaders?
Give reasons for your actions.
It is undeniable that different people have different ways to express their
love for their country. On behalf of the young, when it comes to showing
our love to Vietnam, I think there are some actions that we should take.
Main idea 1: Respect people of our nation.
- Vietnam is a diverse country
+ Religions: Buddhism, Christianity and other beliefs
+ Cultures: Consists of 54 ethnic groups with different traditions
 No matter who they are, what group they belong to, all of them are
part of Vietnamese nation.
 To show consideration for people around us is to love and protect
members of our big family.
Main idea 2: Educate yourself about the country.
- Study the history Vietnam:
+ Learn about the foundation, the key moments leading to its creation.
+ Read about where it stood during various wars near and afar
- Read patriotic legends of your country: Learning about things that
have brought great honor to our nation is a way to make us feel proud
of it.
+ From both the past and the present
+ From all ages
+ From small actions to bigger and more mighty ones

40 | P a g e
Main idea 3: Help to increase the prestige and pride of the nation in the
international level.
- Taking part in studying and talent competitions
- Invent scientific tools and technological devices
- Share many amazing artworks created by the young of Vietnam with
other parts of the world
(Example: The famous song ‘Lac Troi’ performed by Son Tung M-TP
has attracted millions of people, especially the ones from Asia, to
discover the Vietnamese music industry as well as the beauty of
- Promote the traditional value of our lifestyle, customs and festivals
All in all, students, or precisely the young generation is known as the
pillar of the country. As a result, the way we show our love for it is also
how we show our responsibilities towards the development of a whole

TOPIC 3: More and more people now prefer reading books on smart
devices to reading paper books. Thus, some say that the latter will
become unnecessary and disappear in the future. What is your
It is true that information technology has grown rapidly in the past few
years; therefore, many people believe that printed books will be replaced
by computer devices. From my point of view, I would agree that the
number of printed books will decrease in the future.
Main idea 1: E-books are much more convenient than paper books
- Portable:
+ One device, many books.
+ Accessible everywhere: The service of Internet connection is
provided at every place in this era.
 Easily updates
- Shareable contents: Just a click and you can share your favorite quotes
in a book on social media apps.

41 | P a g e
Main idea 2: The diversity makes electronic books different from regular
- Apps of online books have an ability to recommend various types of
contents to readers. => Various genres
- Many ways to ‘read’ a book online: Audio books, Video books... =>
Various methods
- People of all ages can make use of e-books => Various readers and
Main idea 3: The environmentally-friendly function of e-books is a
reason why they are better than traditional ones.
- Approximately 2.2 million books are published each year, using
around 3 million trees.
=> Deforestation => Add to the carbon footprint => Threaten the lives
of hundreds of species living in this world
- Electronic books save all those trees from being chopped down.
In conclusion, in spite of the irrefutable fact that printed books have a
traditional value, e-books are definitely something which will completely
transform the reading and learning experience in the near future.

 Group 2: Minh Châu 

TOPIC 1: Advantages of school extra activities.
1. Introduction: It is true to say that school extra activities are
remarkably beneficial to students.
2. Body
- Main idea 1: Extracurricular activities help students to cope with
much pressure at school.
+ Lessons at school are gradually getting more tiring as a result of
students’ hectic schedule.
+ School extra activities are often joyful.
- Main idea 2: Outdoor activities improve teenagers’ physical health.

42 | P a g e
+ Participating in events of sports controls a child’s body weight and
help him to be more flexible.
+ In an age when students spend their whole day indoors, this aspect
of extracurricular activities is worth being regarded.
- Main idea 3: Students will be able to train life skills while
participating in these activities.
+ Example: Confidence, solidarity, decision-making skills and social
+ These skills play an influence over students’ future career and life.
3. Conclusion: All in all, I strongly believe that school extra activities
play a significant role in school curriculum because of their

TOPIC 2: Disadvantages of extra activities

1. Opening: Besides the benefits extra activities bring about, they also
cause some problems.
2. Body :
*Main idea 1: There are numerous schedules in short time.
- Be distracted from studying
+ After school time, a huge amount of assignments have to be
completed => Take students hours to do.
=> Time management might be hard for them.
=> Stress will negatively impact their academic performance.
- Be short of free time

43 | P a g e
+ Working without a break can cause mental health problems, such
as: anxiety, nervousness, so on.
=> Be exhausted
=> Always feel sleepy and tired
*Main idea 2: Outside activities come along with costly course fees.
- Some families may find that some additional work prohibitively (từ
này cô đánh dấu ?) expensive.
+ Prepared sports carry registration fees and require parents to pay
for lavish equipmemt and uniforms.
=> Cannot afford.
=> Place financial burdens on parents.
- Wasting parents’ time.
+ Parents may have to spend time taking them to the destination and
picking them up.
=> Leaving their work unfinished to take care of their offspring.
3. Ending: In short, students should pay attention to take part in extra
activities selectively in order to balance the amount of time spent on
learning and relaxing.

TOPIC 3: Advantages of children’s relationships being controlled by

1. Beginning: Nowadays, many parents have a tendency to control
their children’s relationship. As far as I know, this way of caretaking
bears a bunch of benefits.
2. Body:
• Main idea 1: This helps parents to be over control of any
potential threats to their offspring.
44 | P a g e
- They can warn their children against unhealthy relationship to
avoid abuse, premarital sex and social evils.
- They can give their children advice about how to maintain and
improve their connections.
- Ex: If children are involved in a difficult situation and are not
allowed to say, parents can realize and help them to solve the problem
in the nick of time.
• Main idea 2: Parents can take advantage of this way to know
more about different sides of their child.
- If children have something unspeakable and confide in their
close acquaintances instead of their parents, parents can understand
their offspring’s difficulties and feeling via those acquaintances.
- Ex: At the age of puberty, children may have both spiritual and
physical changes and they do not feel free to consult their own
parents. Parents can take the initiative to meddle in their relationships
to know if anything is wrong.
3. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is advisable for parents to take care of
their children by supervising their every move and bond. (đoạn này cô
? vào)

TOPIC 4: Disadvantages of children’s relationships being controlled

by parents
1. Opening: In this day and age, a lot of parents have a tendency to
control their children’s relationship. Besides the good points, this way
of upbringing may have harmful effects on both parents and children.
2. Body:
• Main idea 1: This means invading children’s privacy.

45 | P a g e
- Parents always think that this is just a simple action but in their
children’s opinion, they are too extreme and unreasonable.
- This also means children’s privacy are violated. It is obvious
that everyone should have their own space and parents should never
cross the lines because this leads to a hostile relationship and
rebellious attitude.
• Main idea 2: This makes their offspring passive in different
situations in their life.
- Parents sometimes are too serious and rigid in their children’s
relationships, which reduces their interactions with difficulties.
- A saying has it that no pain, no gain. => Children should get
into difficulties and hardships and misery to infer unforgettable and
valuable experience.
• Main idea 3: It worsens the relationship between parents and
- If parents are conservative about their children’s private life,
children may restrict themselves and share everything with others but
not their parents .
- It can also lead to arguments, conflicts and even domestic
- If children are manipulated too much during their childhood,
they are likely to be stubborn and insolent during their teenage years.
3. Conclusion: In a nutshell, parents should manage their offspring’s
relationships wisely in order not to create misunderstandings.

TOPIC 5: Advantages of taking extra classes when students do not

have lessons at school

46 | P a g e
1. Opening: In this modern society, due to the growing demands
for education, students intend to take extra classes when they do not
have lesson at school. As far as I am concerned, this can bring about
various benefits.
2. Body:
• Main idea 1: Help to get further academic knowledge and major.
- As a matter of fact, taking extra classes can help students
interact with their specialized field at more advanced levels.
- Ex: If pupils are not good at a subject they can improve
themselves with extra classes.
• Main idea 2: They can prepare themselves for their future.
- Ex: Some students prefer subjects that are not taught seriously
and much at school such as Music. Art, PE
- They can realize their hidden talents.
- Also, they can pursue their own dreams
• Main idea 3: Make them feel free to ask and discuss their
problem with teachers and peers.
- Can be taught with targeted contents according to their own
perception ability, which make students more comfortable and reduce
their stress and pressure
- Teachers and tutors are willing to answer any question from
their students.
3. Conclusion: To sum up, I think that taking extra classes is
beneficial for students.

TOPIC 6: Disadvantages of taking extra classes when students do not

have lessons at school.

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1. Introduction: In my opinion, taking extra classes has its noticeable
2. Body:
- Main idea 1: Learning outside school time is undeniably a waste of
+ It is a fact that financial expenditure of taking extra classes
always outweighs that of studying at schools.
+ Particularly when parents try to hire a private tutor.
=> More pressures on parents and furthermore family problems
- Main idea 2: Additional classes create an insufficient of motivation.
+ Teachers at extra classes are not responsible for students’ studying
results legally => they do not actually put their heart and soul into
+ If a teenager has already acquire a field of knowledge by taking
extra lessons, he hardly ever tries to acquire it again at school.
- Main idea 3: The situation of studying too much negatively affects a
child’s health.
+ Physical health: tiredness, eating disorder
+ Mental health: sleeplessness, stress
=> Affects students’ mood when studying
=> Further consequences on their performances at school
3. Conclusion: mejet quas ko vieets nuwxa.
All in all, I believe that parents as well as students ought to consider
the disavantages of taking extra classes.

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