Shelf Life Extrapolation by GPL

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Stability Worksheet Summary Testing times: 6 Batches: 1 Samples per batch at each time: 1 Total runs: 6 Stability Study: Response versus Month Model Summary S__Resq_Resqfadi) R-sa(pred) 1.14032 021% 0.00% 0.00% Coefficients Term Coef_SECoef_T-Value_P-Value VIF Constant 103950 0.783 13277 0.000 Month 0.0072 0.0787 0090931 1.00 Regression Equation Response = 103.950 + 0.0072 Month Shelf Life Estimation Lower spec limit = 90 Upper spec limit = 110 Shelf lite = time period in which you can be 95% confident that at least 50% of response is within spec limits Shelflife = * ‘The mean response slope is not significantly diferent from zero. No shelf life estimate is available, Shelf Life Plot Prediction for Response Prediction for Response Regression Equation Response = 103.95 + 0.007238 Month Settings Variable Setting Month 30 Prediction Fit Serit 95% Cl 9596 Pl 704.168 1.79267 (99.1903, 109.145) (982687, 1100066) xx x denotes an extremely unusual point relative to predictor levels used to tthe model Settings Variable Setting Month 36 Prediction Fit__SEFit 95% C1 959% PI 704211 225194 (97.9586, 110.463) (97.2027, 111219) XX XX denotes an extremely unusual point relative to predictor levels used to tthe model

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