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• Pokok Bahasan/ Sub CPMK:
1. Pengendalian Persediaan
2. Arus Biaya Persediaan
3. Metode Perhitungan HPP dalam system Perpetual &Periodik

• Referensi:
1.Warren dkk, 2018, Pengantar Akuntansi I, Adaptasi Indonesia. Edisi 4
Jakarta, Salemba Empat.
Persediaan→Perusahaan Dagang &
• Perusahaan Dagang→ Persediaan Barang Dagang
Dalam system Perpetual, setiap jenis Barang Dagangan membutuhkan
Kartu/ subsidiary ledger dengan menggunakan metode perhitungan
Harga Pokok Penjualan dari persediaan (FIFO atau Average)

Perusahaan Manufaktur:
1. Persediaan Bahan Baku dan Bahan Penolong/Indirect Material
2. Persediaan Barang Dalam Proses/ Work in Process
3. Persediaan Barang Jadi/ Finish goods
Safeguarding Inventory (slide 1 of 3)
❑Controls for safeguarding inventory begin as soon as the
inventory is ordered.
❑The following documents are often used for inventory control:

Purchase Receiving Vendor’s

order report invoice
Safeguarding Inventory (slide 2 of 3)

The purchase order

The receiving report
authorizes the
establishes an initial
purchase of the
record of the receipt of
inventory from an
the inventory.
approved vendor.
Safeguarding Inventory (slide 3 of 3)
❑Security measures to prevent damage and customer or employee

Locking high-priced
Storing inventory
inventory in
in restricted area

Using two-way
mirrors, cameras,
security tags, and
Reporting Inventory

A physical inventory or count of inventory should be

taken near year-end

Make sure that the quantity of inventory reported in the

financial statements is accurate

The cost of the inventory is assigned for reporting in the

financial statements, using one of two inventory cost
flow assumptions.
Inventory Cost Flow Assumptions
(slide 1 of 2)
❑An accounting issue arises when identical units of merchandise
are acquired at different unit costs during a period.
❑When an item is sold, it is necessary to determine its cost using a
cost flow assumption and related inventory costing method.
Inventory Cost Flow Assumptions
(slide 2 of 2)
First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Inventory
Cost Flow Method

The first units The ending

purchased are inventory is made
assumed to be up of the most
sold recent purchases.
Weighted Average Inventory
Cost Flow Method

The cost of the units sold

and in ending inventory is
a weighted average of the
purchase costs.
Inventory Costing Methods
Inventory Costing Methods Under Perpetual
Inventory System
❑For purposes of illustration, the data for Item 127B are used, as
shown below.
First-In, First-Out Method
❑Costs are included in the cost of merchandise sold in the order in
which they were purchased.
❑It is often the same as the physical flow of the merchandise.
❑It often provides results that are about the same using the specific
identification method.
Exhibit 4: Entries and Perpetual Inventory Account
Weighted Average Cost Method
❑Under a perpetual inventory system, a unit cost for each item is
computed each time a purchase is made.
❑To determine the cost of each sale until another purchase is made
and a new average is computed.
❑This technique is called a moving average.
Exhibit 5: Entries and Perpetual Inventory Account (Weighted
Inventory Costing Methods Under
a Periodic Inventory System
❑Only revenue is recorded each time a sale is made.
❑No entry is made at the time of the sale to record the cost of the
merchandise sold.
❑A physical inventory is taken to determine the cost of the
inventory and the cost of the merchandise sold.
First-In, First-Out Method (slide 1 of 3)
❑We use the same data for Item 127B as in the perpetual inventory
❑The beginning inventory and purchases of Item 127B in January
are as follows:
First-In, First-Out Method (slide 2 of 3)
❑The physical count on January 31 shows that 800 units are on
❑The cost of the 800 units in the ending inventory on January 31 is
determined as follows:
First-In, First-Out Method (slide 3 of 3)
❑The cost of merchandise sold of Rp26,720,000, as shown below.
Exhibit 6: First-In, First-Out
Flow of Costs
Weighted Average Cost Method
(slide 1 of 2)
❑The weighted average unit cost is determined as follows:
Weighted Average Cost Method
(slide 2 of 2)
❑The data for Item 127B is used as follows:

❑The cost of the January 31 ending inventory:

Comparing Inventory Costing Methods
(slide 1 of 2)
❑FIFO and weighted average inventory normally yield different
amounts for the following:
1. Cost of merchandise sold
2. Gross profit
3. Net income
4. Ending merchandise inventory

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