3D Imaging For Bite Mark Analysis: A B B A B

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3D imaging for bite mark analysis

S T Evans*a, C Jonesb and P Plassmannb

Dental Illustration Unit, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Glamorgan CF14 4XY, UK
The faculty of Advance Technology, University of Glamorgan

Abstract: This work describes the investigation into a new 3D capture method for acquisition
and subsequent forensic analysis of bite mark injuries on human skin. When documenting bite
marks with standard 2D cameras, errors in photographic technique can occur if best practice is
not followed. Subsequent forensic analysis of the mark is problematic when a 3D structure is
recorded in a 2D space. A 3D image capture and processing system might avoid the problems
resulting from the 2D reduction process, simplifying the guidelines and reducing errors. This
paper reviews current 2D and three 3D capture methods and proposes a series of benchmarks
for system assessment. This is followed by a series of performance evaluations of the existing
current 2D and two 3D methods. Further proposed solutions include the design of a system
specification for the practical reproducible acquisition of bite mark injuries and a review of the
validation process for forensic evidence presented to the courts. The result of this work is that a
3D system is required to produce the correct 3D data of a bite mark and suspect dentition for
forensic analysis. Such a system should be practical and consistent if it is to replace the current
de facto 2D systems. The MAVIS hardware, for example, can be considered a practical and
consistent solution for producing the required 3D image of a bite mark for analysis; however,
the MAVIS hardware cannot produce a satisfactory 3D image of a dental cast. At present, a
laser scanner is required to produce satisfactory results of a dental cast. Angular distortion and
errors created by the user in 2D image capture can hinder the digital measurement process. 3D
capture therefore introduces less operator error in the form of angular distortion.

Keywords: 3D imaging, forensic odontology, forensic imaging, bite mark analysis, pattern

1 INTRODUCTION The forensic analysis of a bite mark is based on

several premises: firstly, the individuality of the
The forensic analysis of bite mark injuries conducted suspect’s dentition within a closed population;
by forensic odontologists (dentists) has recently come secondly, the accuracy in which the dentition
under scrutiny, along with other forensic identifica- transfers the shape of the incisal (biting) surface of
tion sciences.1 Bite mark evidence is deemed admis- the teeth onto the skin as a bruise (Fig. 1); and
sible in law courts throughout the world. However, thirdly, that the image capture (photograph) of both
the complexities of the interaction of teeth on human the injury and the dental cast of the suspect’s teeth is
skin and the quality of the photographic evidence accurate. Bite mark analysis is subjected to further
often raise concerns with forensic odontologists variables in two types of distortion:2 primary distor-
themselves as to the accuracy of the evidence. tion, which is due to the action of the biting process
at the time of impact, and secondary distortion,
The MS was accepted for publication on 17 November 2011. which is broken down into three categories: time-
* Corresponding author: S T Evans, Dental Illustration Unit,
Cardiff University, Cardiff, Glamorgan CF14 4XY, UK; email related changes, body position and photographic
evansst@cardiff.ac.uk distortion. With current knowledge and technology,

IMAG 235 # RPS 2013 DOI: 10.1179/1743131X11Y.0000000054 The Imaging Science Journal Vol 61

photographic distortion and thus improve the

supportive evidence that is provided by medical
and forensic photographers, it has been proposed
that 3D image capture is more precise, accurate and
robust than any other form of recording the bite
mark injury.5–7 Proponents of 3D imaging technol-
ogy and many forensic odontologists throughout the
world have supported this idea. Sweet concludes
More than half of the photos we receive get sent
back because they are too distorted, It’s not a
reflection on the police photographer, it’s a
reflection of the difficulty of the job. […] bite
marks are present in 8 out of 10 sexual assault
and homicide cases and can be valuable evidence.


2.1 Review of three 3D capture methods for the

acquisition and analysis of bite mark injuries
The 3D systems reviewed in this work are limited to
systems that have demonstrated the ability to capture
and render both the bite mark injury (real or pseudo)
and dental cast in 3D. The authors have selected
three separate methods to review against six assess-
ment benchmarks.
These six benchmarks are: (1) usability of hardware;
1 Incisal surface highlighted with circle and bite mark (2) usability of software; (3) accuracy (The closeness of
the measurement to actual known value. Although
the only aspect of this inaccuracy that can be accuracy is vital to the quality of the evidence, in
controlled by the operator is photographic distortion, regard to the measurement of a bite mark, the actual
specifically angular distortion. Arguably, the most known value is difficult to quantify.); (4) precision
important aspect in the collection of the photo- (The ability of the device to reproduce the same results
graphic evidence is the position of the camera when under the same conditions. The device’s ability to
taking the photograph. The camera’s film plane produce consistent results is of the utmost importance.
(complementary metal oxide semiconductor or charge- The improvement in the reproducibility of the forensic
coupled device sensor) must be perpendicular to evidence created by imaging devices is a central point
the bite mark as any distortion may change the in this work. An ideal measurement system is both
appearance of the shape and dimensions of the bite accurate and precise with measurements close to the
mark. This was described in Ref. 2 as: ‘The ideal true value and values reproducible.); (5) court valida-
tion; and (6) price.
photographic angle is 90 degrees – This angle
The three methods that met the stated criteria were:
produces parallelism between the film plane and
consequently photographic distortion is insignificant’. 1. Gesellschaft für Optische Messtechnik (GOM)
The problem is compounded by the fact that when Tritop/Atoss (Advanced TOpmetric Sensor) II
bruises are inflicted onto a curved part of the body,3 system at the Institute of Forensic Medicine
further error is introduced by the representation of a Bern.4
3D structure (human body) in a 2D space (conven- 2. ModelMaker H40 Laser scanner at the University
tional digital camera). To significantly reduce this of Melbourne.5

The Imaging Science Journal Vol 61 IMAG 235 # RPS 2013


3. Picza 3D scanner at the University of Granada.6

Each method was assessed against the benchmarks
with the information provided by the published
material on both the researchers’ findings and
manufacturers’ data. In the case of the GOM system,
one of the authors was able to witness the practical
application of the method first hand to supplement
the published data.

2.2 Performance analysis of non-dedicated systems

The previous three systems were dedicated to bite
mark analysis; however, some non-dedicated 2D and
3D systems may be suitable as well. The systems
tested here are those available to the authors at their
place of work. These systems can therefore be eva-
luated practically and in greater detail than those
known only from literature and brief demonstrations.
The aim of the experiments was primarily to show
which method (2D or 3D) demonstrates higher rates
of precision and accuracy. Four sets of experiments 2 Demonstration of the set-up for 2D image capture
were designed as follows.
Odontology (ABFO) no. 2 rigid scale] positioned on
the same focal plane as the anterior teeth. The same
2.2.1 Intra-operator experiment
focal length of lens, lighting and camera settings was
This first experiment was designed to test the used for the dental cast.
precision of collecting measurements from a bite Two 3D devices produced 3D mesh models of the
mark and a dental cast. The measurements, based on PBM and the dental cast. These instruments were
the British Association of Forensic Odontology7 a Vivid 910 Konica MinoltaH (Konica Minolta
guidelines, were performed using four different Holdings, Inc., Ramsey, NJ, USA) laser scanner
methods: and a Mavis stereo-photogrammetric camera system
N physical measurements (Fig. 3). Both instruments were calibrated to the
N 2D digital photographs
N 3D laser scanner (Vivid 910)
N 3D stereo-photogrammetry (Mavis Nikon).
The experiment was set up using a dental cast created
by dental technicians using the first author’s denti-
tion. The associated bite mark was created artificially
as a pseudo bite mark (PBM) using PhotoshopH
(Adobe Systems Incorporated, San Jose, CA, USA).
Using the imported digital image, the biting edge of
the dental cast was highlighted; the selected area was
then printed onto a transparent inkjet transfer paper.
The paper’s translucent property and sticky under-
surface allowed the image of the PBM to be applied
to a prosthetic arm to mimic the appearance of the
bruising pattern of a real bite mark.
The 2D photographs were obtained using a Nikon
D700 SLR with 60 mm Nikkor lens attached to a
stand (Fig. 2) with the scale [American Board of 3 The MAVIS camera system

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manufacturer’s specifications. As 3D devices use

triangulation to create the required data, an in-image
scale was not needed.
The measurements were achieved by measuring the
inter-canine distance of both the upper and lower
teeth and the biting edge (incisal edge) of the anterior
teeth. (The anterior teeth are the front six teeth of the
upper and lower jaws). The 14 separate measure-
ments were made using the Federation Dentaire
Internationale notation system.8
The physical measurements were made by hand
with the use of a standard rigid L-shaped scale
designed by the ABFO. The 2D images were saved in
the Tagged Image File Format (Tiff) and measured
using the measuring tool of Photoshop CS4. The
ruler was calibrated using the in-image ABFO scale
as a guide. The 3D data from the Mavis device were 4 NPL measurement block
opened in the proprietary Mavis software and
converted into the commonly used virtual reality errors in bite mark photography. The 2D and 3D
modelling language, and the file was then imported devices captured four sets of images from four
into the 3D application MeshlabH (the MeshLab different angles. The cameras were placed on a tripod
system was developed by ISTI-CNR in the frame- and then, starting at 90u, moved to 70, 60 and 45u
work of the EPOCH Network http://www.isti.cnr.it/) angles. Measurements were collected from the width
for analysis. The data from the Vivid scanner were and depth of three anterior teeth, the upper right
also converted into a virtual reality modelling central incisor and the two upper canines.
language file for analysis.
All the measurements for the three methods were 2.2.4 National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
repeated on ten separate occasions with a day’s rest in measurement block experiment
between, and this was done to minimise ‘from A final experiment was designed to test and
memory’ readings. demonstrate the accuracy of the three (MAVIS,
Vivid and 2D) image capture methods. Steel mea-
2.2.2 Inter-operator experiment surement blocks (Fig. 4) created by the NPL, which
A second set of experiments were designed to test and have a known value, were used to test the instruments
demonstrate which method of image capture (2D or accuracy. Five NPL square blocks with varying size
3D) created the least amount of inter-operator error. and depth (concave) circles were used. A red cross
The PBM and the prosthetic arm were used for this was placed in the middle of the block, and then the
experiment. Using the Nikon D700 and the British distance from the cross to the edge of the circle was
Association of Forensic Odontology guidelines for calculated with the depth of the circle included. This
photography, three experienced forensic photogra- was done to gather the true value as would be seen in
phers were instructed to capture the PBM, on ten three dimensions. The five NPL blocks were scanned
separate occasions. The experiment was then re- and photographed five times by each instrument, and
peated with the Mavis 3D system. All images were the resulting images were opened in Meshlab and
treated and measured using the same methods as Photoshop for measurement.
employed in the first experiment.
2.3 Requirement specification for a new system
2.2.3 Distortion experiment
The design of a system specification for the practical
A third set of experiments were designed to test and reproducible acquisition of bite mark injuries was
demonstrate which method of image capture (2D or produced from the results collected from the previous
3D) created the least amount of angular distortion review and assessment against the benchmarks and
(photographic), which is one of the most common experiments. Further information was collected via a

The Imaging Science Journal Vol 61 IMAG 235 # RPS 2013


questionnaire sent to the UK’s leading forensic consequence may produce a bias into the results. The
odontologists, inquiring into their opinions as to presence of the indentations may have assisted the
the qualities needed for a practical capture device and operator to make consistent matches with the bite
analytical software. impression and cast. However, both the Melbourne
and Granada methods were testing a proof of
concept and therefore it is not necessarily fair to
3 RESULTS compare these methods with a real world setting.
In terms of accuracy of dental cast scans, the laser
3.1 Review of three 3D capture methods for the scanners from the Melbourne and Granada methods
acquisition and analysis of bite mark injuries produce the best results. The GOM system from the
The forensic odontologist regards accuracy as an Bern method represents the current gold standard for
important factor when capturing and analysing bite 3D capture and analysis of bite mark injuries. The
mark injuries. However, to obtain reliable data, the Bern method gives the operator greater consistency,
photographer/operator requires various attributes workflow and importantly court validation. Yet at
from the technology. Experienced researchers might £120 000, the GOM system is prohibitively expensive
overlook usability and price when reaching a conclu- for the majority of agencies and services in the
sion on the viability of a method. Such factors might forensic field in the UK. Note that without the ability
be important considerations for a police force or to personally test the system, the authors cannot
hospital department in adopting a new approach to reach a conclusion on the precision of this method.
bite mark image capture.
Table 1 summarises the result of the performance 3.2 Performance analysis of non-dedicated systems
of the three systems under test against the six
3.2.1 Intra-operator experiment
benchmarks. From the table, it is clear that there is
no single fully integrated system for bite mark The first experiment demonstrates that the measure-
capture and analysis. Each method demonstrates ments collected by hand of both the cast and the
some strengths and weaknesses. At the time of pseudo bite mark have the lowest precision, with a
writing, only the Bern method has been used in a standard deviation (SD) of 4.3 and 1.9%, respectively
real forensic case scenario (repeated later below). as shown in Fig. 5.
Both the Melbourne and Granada methods use 3D The data obtained from the Vivid 910 demon-
capture technology that is not suitable to the majority strated the highest precision in regard to the dental
of cases, due to lack of mobility and slow capture cast (Fig. 5) with an SD of 1.6%. The 2D photograph
time (both are research studies). Both Melbourne and of the cast showed an SD of 2.4%. The 3D model of
Granada methods use bite impressions, not a the cast generated by the MAVIS camera did not
patterned bruise (real or pseudo). This is not demonstrate enough detail to make satisfactory
representative of the majority of cases and as a measurements.

Table 1 Benchmark summary chart. ‘Precision’ removed from table as access to equipment was unavailable and data were
not present in literature


Usability Two devices needed. 1 optical, One device. Laser. Not hand One device. Laser. Not hand held.
of hardware 1 photogrammetry. ATOS large held. Long scan time not Unable to put anatomy into
Portable device. TRITOP small suitable for live victims. scanner due to size of scanner.
very portable. ATOS would need Research only Not used in real bite mark case.
electrical supply. Used in Bite Research only
mark case
Usability Two applications. 1 for 3D Three applications. 1 for 3D Two applicati ons. 1 for 3D
of software creation 1 for analysis. creation. 1 for analysis 1 for creation 1 for analysis. Second
Expert level needed for analysis animation and movement. Expert application specifically designed
level needed for third application for bite mark analysis.
Accuracy 0.07 to 1 mm 0.084 mm 0.05 to 1 mm
Court validation Yes None None
Price £120,000 for hardware £2000 £24,000 for arm £14, 000 for £8000 to £10,000 for
to £3000 for software scanner to £2000 to £3000 for software hardware. Software is free

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5 Intra-operator error expressed in standard deviations as a percentage of the respective mean values

The measurements taken from the 2D photograph marked in the centre of the block. As a consequence,
of the PBM had the lowest SD of 0.8% (i.e. highest the results gathered from all the instruments of those
precision). The PBM captured by the MAVIS system two blocks were disregarded. The measurements
demonstrated a slightly higher SD of 1.2%. The 3D from the five scans for each block were compared
meshes generated by the Vivid 910 of the PBM with the known value of the said measurement. A t-
representation were too poor in quality for satisfac- test was employed to calculate the probability (P)
tory measurements. that the two values stem from the same underlying
population. Hence, the smaller the P, the more
3.2.2 Inter-operator experiment significant the difference between the two values
The second experiment demonstrated that the use of (with P,0.05 commonly used as a cut-off for
2D image technology for bite mark imaging has a statistical significance). The P value generated by
higher inter-operator error, with an SD between 2.3 the t-test can therefore be used to work out which
and 8.5%, whereas 3D image capture is more precise instrument is the closest in its accuracy to the known
with an SD between 2 and 2.5% (Fig. 6). value. The larger the P value, the more accurate the
instrument at scanning the NPL blocks.
3.2.3 Distortion experiment The results shown in Table 2 demonstrate the
accuracy of the Vivid and MAVIS scanners in
The 2D camera produced the greatest variability in relation to the measurements of the known value.
the measurements. The measurements of the four
The difference between the two 3D scanners and the
angles produced a range of SDs between 3.2 and
measurements to the known value was statistically
25.3%, with a mean SD of 9.9%.
insignificant. The results from the 2D camera
The 3D Mavis system was more precise with the
demonstrate that the reduction in the 3D object into
measurements producing results ranging from 1.5 to
a 2D space creates inaccurate measurements that are
4.5% and a mean of 3.2%.
statistically significant if a curved surface is recorded.
3.2.4 NPL measurement block experiment
3.3 Requirement specification for a new system
The five NPL blocks were scanned and photo-
graphed; however, data from two blocks from the From the research conducted, the authors propose
Vivid scanner failed to adequately show the cross several basic requirements of a 3D system for the
requisition and analysis of bite mark injuries:
1. Cost. If a 3D system is to replace the current 2D
method of image capture, the cost of such a
system will likely need to be similar to that of
current 2D systems. For small police forces and
hospital departments, the cost of a 3D system
may be the first aspect that is taken into
consideration before adoption of a 3D approach
6 Inter-operator error expressed in standard deviations to capture. Forensic odontologists are unlikely
as a percentage of the respective mean values to undertake the image capture themselves, but

The Imaging Science Journal Vol 61 IMAG 235 # RPS 2013


will most likely be the individuals who perform odontologist. The 3D models may be accurate to
the bite mark analysis. The cost of a 3D system 0.5 mm but have an appearance that is not
may be divided between hardware and software completely consistent with the original. Any
with the hardware being purchased by the police inconsistencies in appearance may result in the
or hospital department and the software pur- accuracy of the evidence to be called into question.
chased by the forensic odontologist. The cost of 3. Portability. The following three factors influence
the software will need to be comparable with 2D the requirement for the portability of a 3D
image software such as Adobe Photoshop. capture system for bite mark injuries: frequency
2. Accuracy. The accuracy and appearance of the of use, the environment of the job and the
images produced by a 3D system are of vital subject that is being scanned. Many bite mark
importance. The average inter-canine distance of cases will involve environments that have little
an adult is approximately 35 mm and the mesial space (hospital ward or cell in police station).
to distal width of the central incisor is approxi- Many of the victims of bite mark injuries will be
mately 8.5 mm. The forensic odontologist would children and may be in some distress and can be
therefore require a capture device with an difficult to photograph. A lightweight system
accuracy of 0.5 mm or less. However, the may be required to manage such typical scenar-
appearance of the 3D model, be it the bite mark ios. A system that is not reliant on mains power
or dental cast, is of equal importance. Once the would also be an advantage.
evidence has been collected and analysed, it may 4. Usability. Many of the injuries sustained by an
be required to be presented in court by the forensic individual biting another person will be captured

Table 2 Demonstration of values of NPL blocks

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7 Wire mesh of PBM from MAVIS system

9 Wire mesh of cast from MAVIS system
by scene-of-crime officers. Due to the lack of
4. To introduce a complete change in equipment
training and expertise, the present 2D image
and software, the replacement technologies will
capture technologies contribute to the errors
need to be of comparable usability with that of
introduced into the bite mark evidence by the ope-
the present 2D method.
rator. Any 3D capture device will need to be robust
5. Consistency (precision). Any system that is
and very easy to use. Simplicity of operation will
capturing and analysing digital evidence needs
likely assist in the capture of adequate data. The
to provide consistency in its results. Without
speed of image capture is important. Any device
consistently producing accurate results, opera-
that cannot capture a single image in a few seconds
tors will not use it and the courts will not
or less will not be appropriate for use.
validate it.
4. The usability of the software is also crucial. Most
forensic odontologists will not have had sufficient
training or experience in complicated 3D model-
ling software such as 3D Studio MaxH (manu- 4 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
factured by Autodesk, San Rafael, USA). Any
software will need to be relatively easy to use. As Sheasby and MacDonald2 discuss, the presence of
4. Most bite mark analysis is done using Adobe some form of distortion is inherent in bite mark
Photoshop, which is a complicated but powerful analysis. The review of the existing problems in the
application. However, most operators only use a analysis of bite mark injuries demonstrated that the
fraction of the software’s tools. The analysis acquisition of the injury is perhaps the only aspect in
performed on the evidence consists of measuring which the forensic investigator can influence control
the distance, position, size and shape of the teeth over distortion. The precision and accuracy of the
and bite marks. The required tools would be image capture device are of vital forensic importance;
from simple measuring to complicated move- however, our current understanding of bruise phy-
ment and alignment of at least two 3D models. siology is not sufficient (there is a limited amount of
published data) to allow an accurate record of the

8 Colour render of PBM from MAVIS system 10 Colour render of cast from MAVIS system

The Imaging Science Journal Vol 61 IMAG 235 # RPS 2013


11 Wire mesh of cast from Vivid system

true shape and size of a patterned injury. Thus,

testing the true accuracy of an image capture device is 12 Colour render of cast from Vivid system
difficult to ascertain in the case of a patterned bruise.
From conducting performance tests of 2D and 3D
scanner will be required to replicate a faithful
methods, it is apparent that the limitations of 2D
representation of a dental cast (Figs. 11 and 12).
camera capture introduce perspective distortion to
In summary, to collect all the required data for 3D
the photographic evidence.
forensic analysis of bite mark injuries and the suspect
When the operator fails to follow gold standard
or suspects’ dental casts, the operator will need to
techniques while using 2D cameras, the distortion
use the MAVIS camera in conjunction with a laser
introduced reaches unacceptable levels. 3D capture is
more precise and reduces perspective and angular
Furthermore, the authors conclude that the
distortion. The validation of 3D evidence of bite
MAVIS software specification once developed into
mark injuries will be a complicated and lengthy
a working application will assist the forensic odon-
process. Such an undertaking may start with the
tologist in conducting more robust and reliable
implementation of a trial with forensic odontologists
analysis of bite mark evidence.
to refine the MAVIS system for bite mark analysis.
Once a suitable level of precision, accuracy and
usability has been achieved, then the system could be REFERENCES
appropriate for use in a suitable bite mark case. The
1 National Research Council. Strengthening Forensic
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However, the MAVIS hardware at present is not Clement, J. G. 3-D imaging and quantitative compar-
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6 Martin-de las Heras, S., Valenzuela, A., Javier Valverde, A., [online], 2002. [accessed 12 April 2010]. Available at:
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The Imaging Science Journal Vol 61 IMAG 235 # RPS 2013

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