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o He then concluded that the Muerteguis were merely

SABITSANA vs. MUERTIGUE bluffing and that they probably did not want him to buy
the property;
 Garcia executed an unnotarized DOS in favor of respondent
Juanito Muertegui over a 7,500 parcel of unregistered land o He then proceeded to purchase the lot from Garcia and took possession
located in Biliran covered by a TD issued in 1985 under of the lot and gathered ipil-ipil for irewood and harvested coconuts and
Garcia’s name. calamansi from the lot
 Juanito’s father, Domingo Sr., and brother, Domingo Jr., took
actual possession of the lot and planted thereon coconut and RTC – decided in favor of Juanito Muertegui and declared the DOAS and TD in the
ipil-ipil trees. name of Atty. Sabitsana as void and without legal effect and further held that:
o Also paid RPT from 1980 to 1998 o Atty. Sabitsana & wife are not buyers in good faith since he was Muertegui
 Garcia sold the lot to the Muertegui family lawyer, petitioner family’s lawyer and was informed by Carmen that they had purchased such
Atty. Sabitsana through a notarized DOS lot
o Registered with the ROD in 1992 o After conducting an investigation, he found out that the sale was
o TD was cancelled and a new one was issued under not registered. With this information in mind, Atty. Sabitsana went
the name of Atty. Sabitsana on to purchase the same lot and raced to register the sale ahead
o Atty. Sabitsana also paid RPT in 1992, 1993, 1999 and of the Muerteguis
introduced concrete improvements on the property o Applied Art. 1544 of the Civil Code, trial court declared that even though
which was shortly destroyed by a typhoon petitioners were first to register their sale, the same was not done in good
 When Domingo Sr. passed away, his heirs applied for faith.
registration and coverage under A 141 of Public Land Act o And because petitioners’ registration was not in good faith, preference
o Atty. Sabitsana, in a letter addressed to DENR should be given to the sale in favour of Juanito, as he was the first to take
CENRO/PENRO opposed the application claiming that possession of the lot in good faith
he was the true owner of the lot
o Atty. Sabitsana also asked that the application be held CA – denied the appeal of Petitioner and affirmed the RTC decision in toto and held
in abeyance until the issue of conflicting ownership has that:
been resolved o Even though the lot admittedly was conjugal property, the absence of
 Juanito, thru his atty-in-fact Domingo Jr., filed for quieting of title Soledad’s signature and consent to the deed did not render the sale to
and preliminary injunction against Atty. Sabitsana claiming that Juanito absolutely null and void, but merely voidable.
they bought the lot in bad faith and are exercising acts of o Marriage of Garcia and wife was governed by law on conjugal
possession and ownership over the same, which acts thus property (before the enactment of the family code) therefore the
constitute a cloud over the title disposition of conjugal property without the wife’s consent is not
 In the counterclaim of Atty. Sabitsana asserted mainly that the void, but merely voidable.
sale to Juanito is null and void absent the marital consent of o The fact that the Deed of Sale in favor of Juanito was not notarized could
Garcia’s wife and also maintained that: not affect its validity
o They acquired the property in good faith and for value o Even though petitioners were first to register the sale in their favor, they did
o Complaint is barred by prescription and laches not do so in good faith, for they already knew beforehand of Garcia’s prior
 The evidence and testimonies of Muertigue’s witnesses reveal sale to Juanito.
that Atty. Sabitsana was Muertegui family’s lawyer at the time o By virtue of Atty. Sabitsana’s professional and confidential relationship with
Garcia sold the lot to Juanito and that he was consulted by the the Muertegui family, petitioners came to know about the prior sale to the
family before the sale was executed Muerteguis and the latter’s possession of the lot, and yet they pushed
o That after such sale, Juanito and Domingo Sr entered through with the second sale.
into actual, public, and continuous possession of the o Far from acting in good faith, petitioner Atty. Sabitsana used his legal
lot and planted the same coconut and ipil-ipil trees knowledge to take advantage of his clients by registering his purchase
o That after the death of Domingo Sr., his wife ahead of them.
succeeded him in possession and exercise of rights
over the lot  Hence, this Petition.
o  Petitioner Atty. Sabitsana assails that:
 Atty. Sebatsiana, on the other hand, testified that before a. RTC has no jurisdiction over the case because the assessed of the land
purchasing the lot, he was told by a member of the Muertegui is P1,230 hence, jurisdiction lies with the MTC
family, Carmen Davies, that the family had bought the lot but he b. the lot, being unregistered land, is beyond the coverage of Article 1544
couldn’t find a record of such sale and discovered that the lot of the Civil Code, and instead, the provisions of Presidential Decree (PD)
was still in the name of Garcia No. 1529 should apply.
c. Respondent are already estopped and barred by laches and prescription
o 7 years of silence inaction on the Muerteguis’ part should be taken - And because it remained valid as between Juanito and Garcia, the
against them latter no longer had the right to sell the lot to petitioners, for his
ownership thereof had ceased.
Who has a better right between Atty. Sabitsana and Muertegui? REGISTRATION OF SALE BETWEEN ATTY. SABITSANA AND
THE COURT’S RULING - Petitioners’ registration of their purchase does not have any effect on

THE RTC HAS JURISDICTION OVER THE SUIT FOR QUIETING OF -The mere registration of a sale in one’s favor does not give him any right over the
TITLE land if the vendor was no longer the owner of the land, having previously sold the
 - It is clear under the Rules that an action for quieting of title may be same to another even if the earlier sale was unrecorded.
instituted in the RTCs, regardless of the assessed value of the real - Neither could it validate the purchase thereof by petitioners, which is null and void.
property in dispute. Registration does not vest title; it is merely the evidence of such title.
 - Under Rule 63 of the Rules of Court,[29] an action to quiet title to real - Our land registration laws do not give the holder any better title than what he
property or remove clouds therefrom may be brought in the actually has.
appropriate RTC.
INVOLVING UNRESGISTERED LAND - Under Act No. 3344, registration of instruments affecting unregistered lands is
- Both the trial court and the CA are, however, wrong in applying ‘without prejudice to a third party with a better right.’
Article 1544 of the Civil Code. Both courts seem to have forgotten that - The aforequoted phrase has been held by this Court to mean that the mere
the provision does not apply to sales involving unregistered land. registration of a sale in one’s favor does not give him any right over the land if the
- Suf207fice it to state that the issue of the buyer’s good or bad faith is vendor was not anymore the owner of the land having previously sold the same to
relevant only where the subject of the sale is registered land, and the somebody else even if the earlier sale was unrecorded.
purchaser is buying the same from the registered owner whose title to - Petitioners’ defense of prescription, laches and estoppel are unavailing since their
the land is clean. claim is based on a null and void deed of sale.
- In such case, the purchaser who relies on the clean title of the - The fact that the Muerteguis failed to interpose any objection to the sale in
registered owner is protected if he is a purchaser in good faith for petitioners’ favor does not change anything, nor could it give rise to a right in their
value. favor; their purchase remains void and ineffective as far as the Muerteguis are
- What applies in this case is Act No. 3344, as amended, which AWARD OF ATTORNEY’S FEES AND LITIGATION EXPENSE IS PROPER
provides for the system of recording of transactions over unregistered BECAUSE OF ATTY. SABITSANA’S BAD FAITH
real estate. - Petitioners’ actual and prior knowledge of the irst sale to Juanito makes them
- Act No. 3344 expressly declares that any registration made shall be purchasers in bad faith.
without prejudice to a third party with a better right. - It also appears that petitioner Atty. Sabitsana was remiss in his duties as counsel
to the Muertegui family.
MUERTIGUE HAS A BETTER RIGHT OVER THE LOT - Instead of advising the Muerteguis to register their purchase as soon as possible to
- The sale to respondent Juanito was executed on September 2, 1981 forestall any legal complications that accompany unregistered sales of real property,
via an unnotarized deed of sale, while the sale to petitioners was made he did exactly the opposite: taking advantage of the situation and the information he
via a notarized document only on October 17, 1991, or ten years gathered from his inquiries and investigation, he bought the very same lot and
thereafter. immediately caused the registration thereof ahead of his clients, thinking that his
- Thus, Juanito who was the first buyer has a better right to the lot, purchase and prior registration would prevail.
while the subsequent sale to petitioners is null and void, because when - From the foregoing disquisition, it can be seen that petitioners are guilty of bad
it was made, the seller Garcia was no longer the owner of the lot. faith in pursuing the sale of the lot despite being apprised of the prior sale in
Nemo dat respondent’s favor.
quod non habet. - Moreover, petitioner Atty. Sabitsana has exhibited a lack of loyalty toward his
clients, the Muerteguis, and by his acts, jeopardized their interests instead of
THE SALE - Over and above the trial court’s and the CA’s findings, this provides further
- The fact that the sale to Juanito was not notarized does not alter justi208fication for the award of attorney’s fees, litigation expenses and costs in
anything, since the sale between him and Garcia remains valid favor of the respondent.
nonetheless. - Thus said, judgment must be rendered in favor of respondent to prevent the
- Notarization, or the requirement of a public document under the Civil petitioners’ void sale from casting a cloud upon his valid title.
Code, is only for convenience, and not for validity or enforceability

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