ENGLISH 6 - Q1 - W3 - Mod3 - Identify Values Suggested in The Visual Media

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila



Quarter 1 ,Week 3

Most Essential Learning Competency: Identify

the values suggested in the visual media
Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside other tasks
that will disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to
successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the lessons.
Writing enhances learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!

Parts of the Module

• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back - This section will measure what learnings and skills that you
understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Activities - These are activities designed to develop critical thinking and other
competencies. This can be done with or without a partner depending on the
nature of the activity.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
• Checking your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire
Conventions of Film and Moving
Pictures (DIRECTION)

You should be able to describe different forms and conventions of

film and moving pictures .

Specifically, this module will help you to

• describe Direction as a form of conventions of films and moving

• explain the importance of Direction in films and moving pictures
• appreciate the job of a film director in creating good and meaningful

Direction: Read carefully each item. Write TRUE if you think the statement

is correct and FALSE if otherwise.

_______________1. To understand every detail of the story is the most important

part of a director’s job.

_______________2. The actor is the person who directs the making of a film.

_______________3. One of the main responsibilities of a film director is to help

actors achieve a realistic performance

_______________4. Film direction is the process of making sure that every

component of a movie runs smoothly.

_______________5. Understanding the character’s objectives is not a key to

getting a realistic performance from an actor.



A film, also called a movie or motion picture consists

of moving pictures that have been recorded so that they can
be shown at the cinema or on television.

A film tells a story or shows a real situation. The

process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry.

In order to communicate key messages to an audience,

producers of films use certain conventions and devices such as
lights, blocking, direction, characterization, acting, dialog,
setting, and set-up.

You already learned the use of lights which is used to create a specific
atmosphere and blocking as the essential part of rehearsal and is necessary
for a smooth performance in making films.

Now, you will be learning about Direction as a form and conventions of films
and moving pictures.


Film direction is the process of making sure that every component of a movie
runs smoothly.

A film director is the person who directs the making of a film.

Generally, these directors work on a movie from its conception stage to its
delivery stage. They have a say in how the scenes unfold, what props are going
to be used, how the characters should look, and who should play specific parts.
Directors also work with individuals in charge of lighting, scenery, writing, and
so forth, to make sure that all of the elements come together.
The director is in charge of the three main phases: pre-production, production
and post-production. Generally, he or she does not actually do the work for
post-production, but is in charge of overseeing it.

There are many facets of a director’s preparation on any film or TV show,

but the first, and most important part of his job, is to understand every
detail of the story: where it takes place, who the characters are, and what
happens to them.


One of the main responsibilities of a film director is to help actors achieve

a realistic performance, and a good director does this by “listening for the
truth” and by asking:

a. Do I believe them?
b. Do the words make sense?
c. Are the characters believable?

The key to getting a realistic performance from an actor is by first

understanding the character’s objectives – what the character wants in a


“Psychology of the Camera,” according to Marshall, are the visual

meanings of shots and angles. In other words, where the directors put the
camera can either enhance or detract the audience’s understanding of what
the scene is really about, and what the characters are feeling.
So, when a director is planning his shots, he has to ask himself: “What do I
want the audience to feel at this particular moment?”

Here are six camera choices a director can use to enhance viewers’ emotion:
1. The Lens

Lenses expand or compress space, so when the director chooses a lens,

he is choosing the “space” a shot takes place in. So before he chooses a
lens for his shot, he has to ask himself: “How intimate do I want to be with
the character and how do I represent that visually?”

2. Depth

The illusion of depth is a part of visual storytelling. To get this illusion of

depth in a two dimensional medium, the director has to block his scenes
with an eye for depth. In other words, he has to arrange his shots in three
layers or planes: foreground, midground and background.

3. Focus

One of the main jobs of a director is to direct the attention of the

audience while telling a visual story. So, where he places the focus in a
shot is determined by what is important in the frame.
4. Angle

The distance from a character’s eyeline affects the identification of the

character with the audience. There are three angles of view for the camera:
a. Objective: The audience point of view.
(Camera is placed outside the action.)
b. Subjective: The camera acts as the viewer’s eyes.
(Camera is placed inside the action.)
c. Point of View: What the character is seeing.
(Camera is the action.)
4. Frame

Because composition makes an emotional statement, the framing,

emotion and meaning of the composition comes from detailed script analysis
by the director. In other words, before framing the shot, he needs to know
“What is the shot about?”

5. Motion

Motion can be applied to screen direction. It is also about camera

movement. So, the director should ask himself: “Why is the camera moving?
Is it to follow the action, to reveal information, or to reposition for a better

A. Watch the movie clip of “Three Idiots”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKDB7SWGSXo Discuss in two or more
paragraphs how the movie clip is related to your real life experiences.


B. Ask your parents to watch your family’s favorite movie. Afterwards, in a

short bond paper describe how the film direction was applied as to camera
choice of Lens, Angle, Focus, Motion, Depth and Frame. Follow the guide

Title of the Movie: ________________________________________________


 Film Direction is the process of making sure that every component of a
movie runs smoothly.

 A Film Director is the person who directs the making of a film.

 Motion can be applied to screen direction.

 Psychology of a Camera are the visual meanings of shots and angles.

 The main responsibility of a film director is to help actors achieve a

realistic performance.

 Lens, Depth, Angle, Motion, Frame and Focus are the six camera choices a
director can use to enhance viewers’ emotion.

 The illusion of depth is a part of visual storytelling.

 Before framing the shot, the director needs to know what the shot about.


Film Critiquing!

A. Watch the movie clip of “ Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2”

https;//m.youtube.com. > watch. On a one whole sheet of paper, write your
own understanding and reaction about the movie. Describe how direction
contributed to the smooth flow of the movie.

B. If you are the director of the movie “ Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2”,
what parts of the movie details will you change that can show care and
concern to other people? Why?

From the movie clip “ Three Idiots”, identify and describe how film direction was
applied according to camera choice below.

1. Lens-

2. Depth -

3. Focus -

4. Angle-

5. Frame-

6. Motion-
Conventions of Film and Moving

You should be able to describe different forms and conventions of
film and moving pictures .

Specifically, this module will help you to

• describe Characterization as a form of conventions of films and moving

• explain the differences between two types of Characterization
• appreciate how a character his/her role in a movie

Direction: Read each description. Identify the kind of characterization as to Direct
Characterization or Indirect Characterization. Write your answer on the blank.

_________________ 1. The writer tells the reader about the character.

_________________ 2. The writer directly comments on the personality of the


_________________ 3. The writer shows us what the character is like.

___________________4. The personality of the character is revealed by the narrator,

another character or the character himself.

___________________5. The writer doesn’t directly comment on the personality of

the character.

___________________6.The personality of the character is revealed through

thoughts, words, actions of the character and reactions of

other characters to this particular character.

Direction: Tell what device of conventions of films and moving pictures are

described below. Write your answer on the blank.

1. _____________________ is used to create a specific atmosphere.

2. ____________________ is the essential part of rehearsal and is necessary for a

smooth performance in making films.

3. ____________________ is the process of making sure that every component of a

movie runs smoothly.

Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the
personality of the character.

Characterization is revealed through direct characterization or indirect


Direct characterization tells what the personality of the character is.

Indirect characterization shows things that reveal the personality of

the character.



The writer directly comments on the The writer doesn’t directly comment on
personality of the character the personality of the character.

The personality of the character is The personality of the character is

revealed directly by the narrator, indirectly revealed through thoughts.
another character or the character words, actions of the character. And
himself. reactions of other characters to this
particular character.

The writer tells the readers about the The writer shows us what the character
character. is like.

Here is an example for you on how to describe a character in Indirect

Characterization using the “Why Mosquitoes Buss in People’s Ears” story.

Story: “Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears”

Character: Mosquito

Types of Indirect
Characterization Character Explanation

Speech Show-off The mosquito told the

iguana that he will never
believe what he saw.

Thoughts Not applicable Not applicable

Effect on Others Irritating/annoying The iguana snapped at

him and stuck two stick
in his ears so that he
would not hear anymore
what the mosquito will

Actions Irresponsible When the lion and the

other animals learned
that the death of the
owlet was the mosquito’s
fault, the mosquito hid
under the curly leaf and
was not seen anymore.

Looks Not applicable Not applicable

A. Watch the short animated film “Partly Cloudy” by Disney Pixar.

"Party Cloud Full Moive." YouTube. September 14, 2015. Accessed May 17,
2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix13P9NqBjo.

Answer the following questions shortly on a sheet of paper.

1. What did you learn from this short film?

2. What is the message of this short film? Do you agree or disagree with it?
3. What did you like best/least about it? Why?
4. Who was your most/least favorite character in the short film? Why?
5. What part of the film shows care and concern to others?
6. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it

B. From the short film “ Partly Cloudy”, complete the table below.

Story: “Partly Cloudy”

1. Character : Stork

Types of Indirect
Character Explanation



Effects on Others


Story: “Partly Cloudy”

2. Character: Cloudy

Types of Indirect
Character Explanation



Effects on Others




 CHARACTERIZATION is the process by which the writer reveals

the personality of the character.

 Direct and Indirect are the two types of characterization.

- Direct Characterization tells what the personality of the

character is.

- Indirect Characterization shows things that reveal the

personality of the character.
Watch the movie clip of “ Frozen” https://m.youtube.com>watch

Do the following tasks:

a. List down the characteristics of the two main characters, Anna and Elsa.

b. Between Anna and Elsa, whom will you choose to be? Why?

c. How did Elsa and Anna show their care and concern for each other? Will you
do the same? Why?

d. What lesson can you get from the movie? How can you apply it in a real-life
Direction: From the characteristics you listed in Checking Your Understanding,
write the similarities and differences of Elsa and Anna from the movie “ Frozen”.

Write your answers in the Venn diagram below.

Conventions of Film and Moving Pictures
You should be able to describe different forms and conventions of
film and moving pictures .

Specifically, this module will help you to

• describe Acting as a form of conventions of films and moving pictures

• explain how our body parts move when we act out
• appreciate the different feelings conveyed through acting

Read each statement carefully, put a check on the space before the number (
/ ) if it tells a fact and ( x ) if not.

______ 1. Facial expressions is one of the elements of acting performance.

______2. Acting performance do not affect the way an audience responds.

______3. Actor is recommended to learn and master these expressions through

training all his/her face muscles effectively and recording


______4. A smile or laughter is the most recognized emotion from a distance.

______5. In excitement, the eyebrows are raised from the inner sides and

brought nearer.

______6. Anger may not be good for health, but it's good for movies.

______7. The sad expression freezes the face and usually lasts some time.

______8. Facial expressions are seen through the movement of our eyebrows,
eyes, lips and even our nostrils.

______9. In extreme pain, the eyes are tightly closed, cheeks are raised, and
eyebrows pulled together and downwards.

_____10. Worry is expressed by drawing the eyebrows slightly upwards and

Direction: Read each item carefully. Tell what form of conventions of
films and moving pictures are being described.

1. ___________________________ is the process of making sure that every

component of a movie runs smoothly.

2. ______________________ is used to create a specific atmosphere.

3. _________________________ is the process by which the writer reveals the

personality of the character.

4. _______________________is the essential part of rehearsal and is

necessary for a smooth performance in making films.


Acting performance affects the way an audience responds.

One of the elements of acting performance is facial expressions.

Any serious actor is recommended to learn and master these expressions

through training all his/her face muscles effectively and recording

 Happiness (laughing, smiling)

A smile or laughter is the most recognized emotion from a distance.
When smiling or laughing, cheeks are pulled up and out. The mouth sides are
pulled backwards as well as slightly upwards. This slight upper movement
pushes the upper eyelids and produces wrinkles around the eyes. Also, the
mouth seems to get closer to the nose.

When laughing, the jaw drops and the upper teeth and gum appear. The upper
lip appears to be straight and the lower teeth are also exposed in a big laugh.
For smiling, the lips push flat against each other. A true smile is symmetrical. It
forms evenly and disappears gradually. It rarely takes more than a couple of
seconds. Also, it does not precede or lag the idea of a happy situation in concern.
In sadness, the eyebrows are raised from the inner sides and brought
nearer. The cheek may be pulled slightly upwards, the mouth ends pulled
downwards and the chin is raised.
If the mouth opens for crying, it looks square.

Anger may not be good for health, but it's good for movies.
An angry person has his/her eyebrows pulled downwards towards the inner
sides and drawn together. The upper and lower eyelids are raised, the
nostrils dilate, the face reddens and veins show in the head.
The lips are either tightened together and the jaw is clenched, or the mouth
becomes square to expose the clenched teeth, or is open if talking.

The eyebrows are raised, drawn together and appear straight. The upper
and lower eyelids are raised. The mouth is opened and pulled outwards.
The fear expression freezes the face and usually lasts some time.

Whenever someone is surprised, his/her eyebrows are raised up and
arched, the eyelids may be raised, the lower jaw drops and the lips are
It is a brief expression, and may be followed by a smile, laughter, fear,
sadness, etc.

In extreme pain, the eyes are tightly closed, cheeks are raised, and
eyebrows pulled together and downwards.
The mouth may be wide open, with square lips, preparing for screaming or

An excited person draws a smile upon his face.
However, the eyes are not wrinkled like with smiling; they are wide open
and the eyebrows may pull from the sides.

Worry is expressed by drawing the eyebrows slightly downwards and
together, and the lips tightened together and pulled slightly upwards and
A. Choose from the box below the emotion of the following emoji. Write your
answer below the emoji.

happy worried sad
content joyful hurt
angry embarrassed surprised

Schnell, Kerry. "Feeling Charts." Pinterest. October 09, 2015. Accessed May 18, 2017.
B. Watch the following TV Commercials and answer the questions that
following a sheet of paper.

TV Commercials


"Don't judge people you don't know ( you will cry after watching )." YouTube. August 29, 2015.
Accessed May 17, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GENxFiRBiBA.

"Most Heart Touching TV Commercial." YouTube. April 07, 2014. Accessed May 17,
2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RtjH5wZdjA.

"Inspirational Video - You will surely cry after watching this video." YouTube. September 11, 2014.
Accessed May 17, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zntoWzcjnJw.

"My Dad is a Liar!" YouTube. February 03, 2015. Accessed May 17,
2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0iR6KFCxkQ.


1. What did you learn from the TV commercials?

2. What is the message of the TV commercials? Do you agree or disagree with


3. What did you like best/least about it? Why?

4. Who was your most/least favorite character in the TV commercials? Why?

5. Did anything that happened in the TV commercials remind you of something

about your own life or about others’?

6. What were you thinking as you finished watching the TV commercials?

7. What would you say to a friend who asked you about them?

8. Would you recommend these to a friend? Explain your reasons.

9. What part of the TV commercials would you change? Why?

10. If you had a chance to ask a character in these commercials a question,

what would it be?

Fill in the blank with the ideas you learned from our lesson today
about Acting as form of conventions of films and moving pictures.

1. ____________ is the work of an actor or actress, who is a person in

theater, television, film, or any other storytelling medium and tells
the story by portraying a character usually by speaking or singing
a written text or play.

2. ___________________ are seen through the movement of our eyebrows,

eyes, lips and even our nostrils.

3. Acting performance affects the way an _________________ responds.

4. A _________________________is the most recognized emotion from a

5. When ___________________, the jaw drops and the upper teeth and
gum appear.

6. In _____________________, the eyebrows are raised from the inner sides

and brought nearer.

7. An ___________________ person has his/her eyebrows pulled

downwards towards the inner sides and drawn together.

8. The ____________ expression freezes the face and usually lasts some

9. __________________is a brief expression, and may be followed by a

smile, laughter, fear, sadness, etc.

10. ___________________is expressed by drawing the eyebrows slightly

downwards and together, and the lips tightened together and pulled
slightly upwards and backwards.
A. List down 10 of your favorite TV Commercials and identify the
emotions it shows.












B. Answer the following questions based on your own opinion and

personal experiences.

1. What do you think is the importance of facial expressions in showing your


2. How does facial expression help to express our feelings to different situations?
Accomplish the table below based on the four TV commercials you have watched.

TV Commercial #1

"Don't judge people you don't know ( you will cry after watching )." YouTube. August 29, 2015.
Accessed May 17, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GENxFiRBiBA.
Character Emotion / Facial Expression

TV Commercial No.2

"Most Heart Touching TV Commercial." YouTube. April 07, 2014. Accessed May 17,
2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RtjH5wZdjA.
Character Emotion / Facial Expression

TV Commercial No. 3

"Inspirational Video - You will surely cry after watching this video." YouTube. September 11, 2014.
Accessed May 17, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zntoWzcjnJw.

Character Emotion / Facial Expression

TV Commercial No. 4

"My Dad is a Liar!" YouTube. February 03, 2015. Accessed May 17,
2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0iR6KFCxkQ.

Character Emotion / Facial Expression


Name: _______________________Grade and Sec.______________

Directions: Write e reflective learning about values suggested in visual media
by answering the questions inside the box. You may express your answers in a
more critical and creative presentation of your great learning. Have fun and

This lesson What learnings have I What other example

guides me to reflect found from this example can I
on… lesson? contribute to explore
and think more?

What learnings can What good What is my

I share with my character have I conclusion on the
family and peers? developed from this lesson?
"Film Director." Sokanu. Accessed May 17, 2017. https://www.sokanu.com/careers/film-director/.

Marshall, Peter D. "The 7-Step Film Directing Formula." Filmmaking Tips for the Independent
Filmmaker. April 04, 2014. Accessed May 17, 2017. http://actioncutprint.com/filmmaking-
Ukoria. "三个白痴.3.Idiots.cut scene." YouTube. October 26, 2012. Accessed May 17, 2017.
Activity Sheet in English Grade 6 Quarter 1 , Week 3, Day 5
"Characterization Examples and Definition." Literary Devices. October 30, 2015. Accessed May 11,
2017. http://www.literarydevices.com/characterization/.
"Party Cloud Full Moive." YouTube. September 14, 2015. Accessed May 17, 2017.
Activity Sheet in English Grade 6 Quarter 1 , Week 4, Day 5

Writer: Novem C. Tenero. MT

Editor: Ma. Victoria Santos- PSDS

Reviewer: Vicente M. Victorio Jr. EPS

Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim- Schools Division Superintendent-

Manila, Aida H. Rondilla- Chief Education Supervisor, Lucky S. Carpio- EPS and Lady
Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II- LRMS
(B) Your
1. T Answers may vary Answers may vary Answers may vary
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
Conventions of Film and Moving Pictures (DIRECTION)
Title of the Movie: “ UP “
Different Mostly of The director Settings of Focus is Motions are
camera the angle used full the movie mainly on great. They
lenses was used are shot frame are sharply its subject- give a
obviously eye-level to give filmed to give character dramatic
used on the shot, low- emphasis to the viewer effect that
scenes the angle and the subject. more captures
director high-angle realistic viewers
wanted to shot. presentation. imagination.
We, as individuals have different characteristics, smart, funny, kind or lazy.
We face many challenges in life and it depends on us how we handle it to become
( The entries below are just an example on how the pupils answer this part.)
A. A.
Answer may be like this or may vary.
The movie clip “ Three Idiots” tells how Education is important for us to
successful. Our parents sent us to school to study and apply what we have learned
to our everyday life to become a successful person.
In school, we met our teachers that taught us different lessons so that our
young minds will be more aware of the things around us. There are also our
classmates whom become our closest friends in doing our school projects and
assignments as well as in facing our personal problems.
If I’ll be the director of the movie “ Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2”, I
would rather make a machine that could help people to make their work easier
while it also feeds them. I also wanted this machine to protect them from harm.
Film Critiquing!
A. ( Answers may be like this or may vary)
The story is all about a genius inventor named Flint Lockwood who made a
machine that turns water into food which later on went out of control and he tried
his best to fixed it.
Chester V, a scientist whom Flint idolized comes to the island to clean the
mess, helped Flint fixed the machine and offered him a job on his laboratory. Flint
accepted the job and they worked together.
The population in the island was relocated to California while they’re
cleaning the mess.
Later, Chester V.told Flint that the food machine was working but it is
now creating live food (foodimals) which could threatened the world.
Chester V. asked Flint Lockwood to go back to the island and find the machine
which they called “ Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super Mutating Dynamic Food
Replicator” or ( FLDSMDFR), and insert a special device on it to destroy it and end
the threat.
1. Lens-
Varieties of lens were used to capture images sharply.
2. Depth -
Every scene has its specific focus that adds flavor to the emotion of the story.
3. Focus -
It’s focus is merely on the character of every scenes
4. Angle-
Angles used are eye-level shot, low-angle and high-angle shot.
5. Frame
Different framings were used suited for the scenes.
6. Motion
Movements of the characters are shot creatively to catch viewers emotions.
1. Direct
1. Lights
2. Direct
2. Blocking
3. Indirect
3. Direction
4. Direct
5. Indirect
6. Indirect
Conventions of Film and Moving Pictures
G / POST – 2. Facial
TEST Expression
3. audience
4. smile or
Answers may laughter
vary 5. laughing
6. sadness
7. angry
8. fear
ACTIVITIES 9. Surprise
1. happy
2. hurt
3. content
6. angry
7. scared 1. Direction
8. surprised 2. Lights
9. confused 3. Characterization
10. worried
4. Blocking
11. silly
12. embarrassed
Answers may vary
Conventions of Film and Moving Pictures ( ACTING )

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