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Tormented First Edition

Written by
Rob Leigh

With contributions from

Paul Baker
David Cartwright
Nik Weston
Kai Grosskopf
Ross Fifield
Troy Healy

Original artwork by
Peter Paul Rubens
Gustave Doré
Louis Le Breton
Harry Clarke

©2019 Rob Leigh. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission by the author is expressly
denied, except for the purpose of reviews.

Mention of or reference to any companies or products in these pages is not a challenge to the trademarks or
copyrights concerned.

All artwork used in this book is in the public domain.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of
the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is
purely coincidental.

Introduction 4

Chapter 1: Damnation 6

Chapter 2: The Twelve Hells 10

Chapter 3: A multitude of devils 28

Chapter 4: Rules of the game 34

Chapter 5: Scars 42

Chapter 6: Character generation 48

Chapter 7: Storytelling 56

Chapter 8: Denizens of the Twelve Hells 78

Character Sheets 86
Death was only
computer game series.
You play a once-mortal soul now imbued
with strange and terrible abilities as a
the beginning... result of your prolonged torment in Hell.
Characters in Tormented are monstrous
You are one of the Tormented; a soul creatures, but they are trapped in a
condemned to the Twelve Hells for monstrous world, surrounded by even more
crimes you no longer remember. For time terrible fiends.
immemorial you have been damned; It is intended to be a storytelling game in
tortured and twisted by the punishments of which a group of friends come together to
your captors, until you no longer remember tell stories of loss, revenge, guilt, repentance
or even resemble your past self. The agonies and redemption. Tormented is called a
you have suffered have left you scarred, but game of Gothic Horror as the setting and
from those scars you now draw strange and themes are intended to evoke the thrill and
terrible powers. fear of the unknown, the growing horror
of no longer being truly human, and the
But all is not well in the Twelve Hells. A concept of being damned for crimes you can
civil war has erupted between the Fiend no longer remember.
Lords that hold dominion over the realms.
In the chaos and disruption you have What will I need?
broken free of your prison. At a minimum you will need two people;
Can you escape the Twelve Hells? one to be the Storyteller and the others to
Do you even want to? be the players.
Do you instead seek revenge on your You will need several 6-sided dice (referred
captors, or will you use your newfound to herein as d6) for each person, some
powers and freedom to install yourself as a pens or pencils, and some paper. A good
new Lord of Hell? imagination is helpful.

A Roleplaying Game of A word about this game

Gothic Horror Let’s be up front about this; this is a
Tormented is a Gothic Horror roleplaying game set in Hell, in which you play
game inspired by Dante’s The Divine Comedy people condemned to Hell for crimes they
and Milton’s Paradise Lost. It also draws committed in life; games in Tormented are
inspiration from more contemporary intended to be explorations of horror, loss of
sources, such as the Diablo and Dark Souls self, guilt, and repentance. Before you and

your friends sit down to play Tormented, souls to be condemned to Hell for are not
you should all agree that this is the kind present in this book. There are no layers
of game you want to play, and whether of hell reserved for specific sinners, and
there are any themes you do not wish to no implication that any lifestyle, religion,
include in your stories. Roleplaying games belief or sexuality is a crime to be punished.
-even horror ones such as Tormented- are
intended to be fun, after all. Always be It is possible (and even encouraged) to play
mindful of the other players in your group, an unrepentant sinner as a character in
and the effects that certain themes may Tormented, but this game does not seek to
have on them. encourage roleplaying around any issues
such as sexual violence, racism, sectarianism
While this game undeniably draws or similar topics. You can add those themes
inspiration from both Paradise Lost and to your games if you feel the need to,
the Divine Comedy -and thereby by however the author does not encourage
extension the Christian Bible- it is not you to. Certain things do not belong in
intended to be set in a Christian Hell. roleplaying games.
The traditional sins that some may expect

Chapter 1: Damnation
You are condemned to Hell. Something you diverse and terrible in their differences, and
did in life earned you eternal damnation in their populations just as multitudinous
the Twelve Hells. You died, and awoke in and varied.
the nightmare reality of one of the Hells,
where you were chained and tortured for The Hell War
unending ages by demons assigned to eke All is not well in the Twelve Hells. For
out your punishment over uncountable millennia there has existed a tenuous
aeons. You cannot remember what it was balance between the twelve Fiend Lords
you did to end up here; in fact, you cannot who rule the realms, but now that balance
remember much of the mortal world is upset, and the armies of the Hells wage
or your previous life at all. Perhaps it’s open war against one another.
part of dying; more likely it’s part of the
punishment: to never truly know what you As with many things in the Twelve Hells,
did to end up damned. the exact details of the Hell War are lost or
unknown to the masses. Perhaps the Fiend
The demons claim they know what the Lords know why the War started, or when
mortal world is like, but it’s more than it will end, but for now the demons of the
likely they’re lying; it’s what they do, after various realms seem content to follow
all. All that are left to you are fragments; their Lords instructions. Demons are
fleeting memories that make your suffering nothing if not ruthless; war is a perfect
even worse for the ephemeral glimpses chance to profit, advance oneself, and settle
they offer of the life you once had. Forget old rivalries.
the world above; your existence now is
this one. One of constant agonies thought This is not the first Hell War, by all
up by creatures to whom your suffering accounts. Demons tell of other times the
is sustenance; demons drink your pain forces of the various Fiend Lords marched
like a fine wine, and savour your cries like against one another. Each Hell War
delicacies. You cannot die here -you’re has lasted for aeons, but time is of little
already dead- your injuries heal, only to be importance to demons.
inflicted anew, and you no longer require
food or sleep.
And should you break free, what then? You Tormented
In the chaos and confusion of the Hell War
are trapped here, in the Twelve Hells; there
you have broken free of your prison, and
is no escape. You could wander the Hells;
now you find yourself in control of your
there are no end to the horrific, magnificent
own destiny for the first time in centuries,
sights you could see. The Twelve Hells are
albeit still trapped in the Hells. Twelve Hells. Demons both fear and hate
the Tormented.
With your newfound freedom comes
another discovery; you have been changed The powers possessed by Tormented are
by your time in Hell. Unlike other Damned known as Scars, and not without reason.
souls, the tortures you have endured have They do not come without a price;
warped and changed your body and in Tormented are forever changed by their
doing so have given you strange powers. Scars; warped and twisted to become
Among the mortal souls ones such as inhuman monsters who resemble demons
yourselves have a name: Tormented. who once tortured them.

No one knows why some souls become Tormented are as diverse as can be
Tormented. With no real memories of the imagined. Some seek to use their newfound
mortal realm, it is impossible to know if powers to help the Damned Souls, freeing
there is something special about Tormented them where they can. Others seek revenge
souls, or if it is just random chance that on the demons who trapped and tortured
gave them their powers. Regardless of the them, hunting them down and slaying them.
reason, the fact is that Tormented are Others are motivated by more selfish drives,
almost as powerful as demons and are and seek nothing more than power over the
something new to the landscape of the demons, or other souls.

It wasn’t pain that woke Matthias from his this time one of shock at the sight that
reverie. Pain had been such a constant in greeted him. The vista his tear-filled eyes
his existence for so long now that it barely beheld was something from a nightmare;
registered for him any more. impossible mountains made from piled
What woke him was when the nature of bones of dead behemoths; crawling
his pain changed. monstrosities infinitely more grotesque
Blinking grit from eyes that had been than the creatures that had administered
unfocused for so long, he looked around. his punishments; the very sky itself a
He was still manacled into the device the boiling cauldron of swirling crimson clouds.
demons had used for so long to break his
body again and again, but for the first Where was this place? Why was he here?
time in perhaps centuries the horned To his shock Matthias realised he couldn’t
attendants were nowhere to be seen. In even remember who he was. Vague flashes
their absence, the screws and wheels that of memory flickered through his mind, but
slowly broke and warped his limbs had nothing concrete. The only thing he was
slackened, allowing his arms, legs and sure of was the deep-rooted certainty that
spine to straighten and begin to heal. The he was dead.
agony of his knitting bones was exquisite.
Suddenly the door swung open. With a
For a while Matthias lay in the yelp Matthias lept back, but then stopped
framework, marvelling at the sensation when he realised the person who had
of his limbs slowly becoming mobile once stepped into the room wasn’t one of his
more. After an indeterminate time, when demonic tormentors.
the demons still had not returned and The woman who had entered was tall
resumed their terrible work, he finally enough that her short hair brushed the
extricated himself from the breaking wheel ceiling of the room. Her body looked
and stood for the first time in unknown unnaturally stretched, as if she’d been
years, stifling a sob of almost-joy as pulled on a wrack and her bones had
he did. grown accustomed to their new lengths.
Her eyes, as she studied him, were orbs
The chamber they had kept him in was a of pure silver and as she stared at him,
simple affair; rough stone walls and floor, Matthias felt as if he were falling into
and a wooden door in one wall. A narrow them somehow.
window, which he had never noticed in his
pain-induced daze, was next to the door. “You’re like me.” She whispered. “Come
Looking out, Matthias stifled another sob; with me, quickly, before they come back.”

Chapter 2: The Twelve Hells
The Twelve Hells are vast, almost plunged into icy, freezing darkness that
unknowably so. They stretch as far as the bring with it a cold so extreme that it can
eye can see in all directions, and are as freeze a soul solid.
diverse as the myriad souls condemned
to them. The arid and windswept desert is home to
vulture-like harridans and stalking demons
Below is a basic outline of each of the wrapped in ragged cloaks of flayed skin.
Twelve Hells, as well as an especially
notable location, and a description of the Souls consigned to the Scalding Desert are
Fiend Lord that rules that Hell. invariably hunted down and captured by
the demon nomads who call it home, to be
dragged in chains to one of the few cities
The Twelve Realms
found across the Desert.
There are Twelve distinct Hells, each with
These cities, great edifices of ancient
its own unique environments, inhabitants
sandstone, are home to countless wicked
and nature. A traveller can move from one
inhabitants who wring every last drop of
Hell to any of the others if they know how
suffering from any unfortunate souls to
to. The most common method of moving
end up in the Pain Markets. Those souls too
from one Hell to another is by passing
broken to be of any use are discarded, to
through great gates known as Chthonic
haunt the shadow-filled back alleys of
Portals. These towering stone Portals
the cities.
are not uncommon, but they are often
protected by great demon beasts bound to
In other parts of the Desert ancient ruins
defend the gates against anyone without
can be found; abandoned towers and
the correct password. Others are cunningly
monoliths of unknown purpose. Strange,
hidden, or locked by strange puzzles and
gaunt demon-creatures haunt these ruins,
powerful magic.
lurking in the shadows and eager to pounce
upon demon or Damned alike.

The Scalding Desert

Notable Location: The Sea of Bones
The Scalding Desert is a Hell of punishing
A vast plain of rust-red sand, the Sea of
extremes. During the torturously-long days
Bones is covered in the colossal skeletons of
the baleful red orb of a giant sun beats
dozens of ancient demon-beasts. The demon
down on the ceaselessly shifting red sands,
nomads claim these beasts were slain in
scorching anyone who strays out of shelter.
the first Hell War, and that the bones can
When the sun finally sets, the desert is
be milled to produce a fine power useful in
creating hell-forged steel. fish-demons who delight in sinking barbed
Several small tent-towns are often found harpoons into the flesh of souls condemned
around the edges of the Sea of Bones; to this hell.
erected by the demon nomads who come
to the area to harvest the bones and trade Any soul that finds itself in the Abyssal
souls with each other. Ocean is forced to swim unceasingly,
Even the nomads are loath to journey too unless they happen to encounter one of the
far into the Sea, however, as their stories occasional huge conglomerations of warped
claim this is the domain of Gorganath; the driftwood and wrecked ships that can be
Mother of Harridans. Gorganath, so they found floating on the currents. These hulks
say, is a huge Harridan that hunts anything stink of salt and decomposing flesh, and
that enters the Sea of Bones, and who roosts often teem with cruel fish-demons, who
on a great nest of treasure in the skull of a mount their captives on barbed poles to
demon beast at the center of the Sea. prolong their suffering.
Souls that give into the currents and
Fiend Lord: Mefitophos, Lord of Whips sink beneath the waves will eventually
The Scalding Desert is ruled by Mefitophos, be swallowed by one of the countless
Lord of Whips. Winged, skeletal, and clad leviathans the ply the depths. Not even
in tarnished brass armour, Mefitophos rules in the bellies of these beasts do souls find
his realm from a sandstone tower that leans release, as they are slowly and eternally
and an alarming angle over the desert. digested.
Flocks of Harridans nest at the top of the
tower, and tribes of vicious demons sworn Notable Location: The Rotting Gyre
to the Lord of Whips patrol the desert A vast stretch of becalmed water, the
around it. All inhabitants of the Desert run Rotting Gyre exists at the nexus of dozens
in fear when the great shadow of their Lord of currents. Debris is drawn into the Gyre,
sweeps over the sands on a hunt. but rarely leaves. The air is thick with the
stench of rotting fish, and huge rafts of
driftwood clot the surface of the ocean in
The Abyssal Ocean an almost unbroken skin. In other places
A roiling, eternal ocean filled with huge huge spreads of putrid seaweed choke the
whirlpools, poisonous water, treacherous surface, ensnaring anyone who falls into
currents and vast leviathans. The Abyssal them. Here and there great barnacle-
Ocean is apparently bottomless and studden hulls of ancient ships rear out of
without any form of dry land; it is home to the water, like towers in a city. The Gyre
schools of tentacled monsters, and packs of is a lifeless and bitter place; any souls that
end up here often find themselves ensnared frock-coats and preen and strut on the
in the clinging seaweed, or savaged by the streets, but for all their pompous manners,
sea beasts that lurk beneath the treacherous they are no less bloodthirsty and cruel than
driftwood. other demons, and delight in wringing every
last drop of suffering from the souls that fall
Fiend Lord: Maraketh, Queen of Fangs into their hands.
The Abyssal Ocean is ruled by Maraketh, Those who find themselves consigned to the
Queen of Fangs. A waterlogged corpse Sprawling Warren not only have the nightly
with long, seaweed-like hair, Maraketh hunts to content with, but also the great
is a cruel and vindictive Fiend. When the eye that stares down from the starless sky.
Queen of Fangs desires to hold court, she Those who meet its unblinking gaze find
does so in the belly of a great fish, attended themselves wracked by paranoia, fearing
by demons that take the form of scuttling that they eye somehow sees into them,
crabs and writhing eels. For the rest of the laying bare the secrets they themselves can
time she prowls the depths of the Ocean, no longer remember.
snatching demon and soul alike into her
crushing embrace and dragging them into Notable Location: The Sinking Narrows
the deep to feast. Rainwater runs ceaselessly down drainpipes
and gutters in the Sprawling Warren, and
The Sprawling Warren into vast sewers filled with vile creatures.
The Sprawling Warren is a madman’s In one place, however, the sewers overflow
interpretation of a massive, rotting
city. Towering rundown buildings lean
drunkenly over trash-choked labyrinthine
alleyways; bitter rain falls unceasingly from
a midnight sky and, when the clouds rarely
part, a vast blood-shot eye stares down at
the city in place of a moon.
Scrawny, wild-eyed demons make their
home here, prowling the alleyways in search
of souls that may have escaped the nightly
torch-lit hunts that sweep across the city.
Some demons affect the mien wealthy
landlords, demanding extortionate rents
from lesser demons in the form of souls.
These demon-landlords dress in extravagant
and regurgitate their unholy cargo into the never collapsing. The interior of the tower
streets: the Sinking Narrows. is no less nightmarish, being a labyrinth of
A winding maze of alleyways and cul- dusty, lightless rooms and winding corridors
de-sacs, the Narrows are waist-deep in filled with macabre statues. Pallid, depraved
rainwater and liquid filth at the best of demon-things roam the corridors of the
times; in other places the muck can easily tower, gibbering and moaning to themselves
swallow a soul whole. and clawing apart anything unfortunate
Demons make their home here, as they do enough to cross their path.
in all parts of the Warren. Here, however,
they ply the streets in flimsy gondolas The Rotting Mire
pushed along with great poles. They fish the In the endless, shadowed mangrove’s of
sewage for souls, and anything else that gets the Rotting Mire the air hangs heavy and
washed down into the Narrows, whittling humid with steaming pestilent mists, clouds
their catch into grisly scrimshaw totems of buzzing, stinging, blood-sucking flies and
that keen and wail from the prows of the sweet stench of putrefaction. Here the
their boats. ground cannot be trusted, one misstep will
plunge the unwary into the foul smelling
Fiend Lord: Vosarth, Duke of Worms stagnant waters and toxic liquid mud of
Vosarth is a loathsome, ancient-looking the swamps. Those same waters play host
creature. It affects the appearance of an to all manner of flesh-eating fish, reptiles
impossibly old man, dressed in dusty robes and snakes whose venom burns like fire.
of a bygone era, with lank grey hair and The clinging vines that hang from every
sallow waxy skin. The eyes of the Duke of tree and the sucking mud that drags at
Worms, however, betray its true nature; every footstep hamper any journey while
they are empty black voids. Meeting the twisting paths through the trees seem to
Vosarth’s gaze is similar to meeting the gaze shift and change hour by hour.
of the eye-moon of the city above, except
infinitely worse. Those who stare into the The darkened bayou plays host to many
bottomless voids of the Fiend Lord’s eyes are shadowy beasts that will hunt and savage
left catatonic, their minds taken who the unwary soul, Dark things that stalk
knows where. their prey unseen and nightmarish. The
Vosarth rules the Sprawling Warren from jungle shivers at the sound of them feasting
an antediluvian tower that reaches into the upon their victims and those who hear the
sky. Covered in mouldering gargoyles and terrible sounds can only be glad that they
crawling lichen, the tower refutes the usual aren’t the one being dragged away to pits
laws of physics, twisting impossibly and yet lined with the rotting, screaming remains
of previous victims. The demons of the Mire The prison camps regularly march their
range from small clans who hunt and trap captives through the swamps to the
small territories around their driftwood pyramid, throwing them into cramped pens.
cabins and wear the trophies taken from The demons that inhabit the pyramid are
their captives upon their corrupted flesh, to masters of disease and decay, collecting
disciplined trapper companies; predators and breeding diseases, and infecting the
who maintain torture camps upon the rare Damned in their pens with all manner of
sites of firm ground. Here the guards play vile concoctions.
cruel games with the despairing prisoners They delight in finding new and unpleasant
who sit, their limbs impaled and worked diseases, nurturing them as others might
into the very bamboo cages that hold them a rare plant or a pet. Those few souls who
prisoner. The common trait of all the Mires escape the minitrations of these vile witch
inhabitants is the sadistic pleasure they find doctors are instead forced to take part in
in hunting and torturing their prey. brutal games for the entertainment of their
captors, fighting against other Damned
Almost worse than the monsters and souls or Lower Creatures in the areas of
demons that roam the swamps are the the city.
diseases and parasites that prey upon every
entity that resides in the Mire. Gangrenous Fiend Lord: Necrosciitis, Demagogue of
wounds, blackened, necrotic flesh and Corruption
pustulent, stinking sores and are common Necrosciitis is a bloated, diseased chimera
to every creature that suffers under the of serpent, bird, and jaguar. It perches
mangrove canopies. Even those who escape atop the Plague Pyramid, its vividly-
the Mire will bear the marks for the rest of coloured wings spread wide, watching
their existence. the ministrations of its underlings as they
spread their diseases to the Damned. The
Notable Location: The Plague Pyramid Demagogue of Corruption often descends
At the dark heart of the Mire sits a from its perch to stalk the streets of the city,
vast, stepped pyramid, surrounded by revelling in the suffering of the Damned in
a sprawling settlement of stone houses, the plague pits, or drinking in the desperate
wooden cages, and sunken arenas. The violence of the arenas. When the mood
air is thick with the stench of decay, and strikes it, the Fiend Lord sometimes even
the ancient stones of the pyramid are takes to the arenas itself, rending apart
discoloured by millenia of spilt blood and its victims with its long feline claws and
putrid effluence. thrashing scaled tail.
While it seems animalistic and primal,
Necrosciitis harbours a keen intellect; it is ash-stained burial shrouds. These cruel,
master of disease and a surprising source of emaciated ghouls travel in caravans across
knowledge of the Twelve Hells; as long as the wastes, capturing souls they encounter
one can quench its desire for adulation. and driving them along in long trains,
lashing them with barbed whips.
The Howling Wastes
It is said that the ashes that constantly fall Notable Location: The Monolith
from the dark skies of the Howling Wastes At the center of the Howling wastes a great
are from the burning souls of Damned black monolith rises from the choking grey
caught and hurled into a vast funeral pyre. ash. Its twisted shape rises hundreds of
The light ash falls like snow, constantly feet into the dark skies, as if carved by the
whipped into a blizzard by foul winds that foul winds themselves. Nothing about the
stink of burning flesh. The dirgelike howling monolith is symmetric- it speaks of chaos
of these winds is impossible to escape, and and endless movement. The monolith would
at times the winds seem to echo with half- appear to be a natural formation, were it
heard words and moans, leaving those who not for the sickly green light that shines
travel the Hell in constant dread. from its apex, high above the Wastes. Some
say the Banshee’s lair is here. Others say
The landscape of the Wastes are thick with in hushed tones that something far more
drifts of fallen ash, as well as the husks sinister lies within.
of ancient petrified trees. Here and there
outcrops of black volcanic glass rise from Fiend Lord: The Banshee
the ash, reaching into the air as if trying to Cutting through the howling winds rises
escape the despair and darkness the the piercing cry of the Fiend known only
Wastes bring. as the Banshee. A black whirlwind signifies
her coming; a storm of razor sharp volcanic
Occasional sinkholes appear in the drifts of glass that strips the flesh off anyone foolish
ash, sucking the unwary into dark chasms enough to be caught in its path. Within the
inhabited by gaunt, grey demons who prey storm hovers the barely discernible form
on any that fall into their subterranean of the Fiend Lord herself; a beautiful raven
realm. The glowing white eyes of these haired woman in tattered grey robes. Those
demons are able to detect even the slightest few who survive the razor storm are met by
hint of motion. the Banshee’s lifeless, black eyes before their
souls are shredded by her keening song.
The demons who roam the surface of the
Wastes wrap themselves in obscuring,
The Blinding Flats like demons that make their home here.
A sun-blasted salt pan that stretches from These eyeless demons are protected from
horizon to horizon. A punishing white orb the sun by their scarred and boney shells,
fills the sky, bleaching the ground until it is and hunt by hearing alone.
colourless and lifeless, and turning the air
blood-warm. These are the Blinding Flats. Notable Location: The Shrine of Night
A broken, motley pile of bleached bones
The sun hangs perpetually in the sky; never lies stacked neatly somewhere in the flats,
setting, never rising. There is no night rarely stumbled upon. No one has yet to
here; no respite from the burning heat and ascertain its purpose; some view it as a
blinding light. Across the barren, stark vista guide, others a warning. Legend holds that
a faint wind constantly whispers a nameless when the sun finally sets the Shrine might
and formless refrain; echoes of Damned hold the key to unravelling the puzzle of
souls who succumbed to this Hell. the inescapable realm. Yet again, it could
Those who fall here are reduced to still- simply be another ruse by which Orseith
conscious sun bleached husks, then salt- simply torments it’s victims; a false hope,
scarred bones. Even in this ossified form, the with no real reprieve.
Damned continue to feel, think and suffer;
for in this place, the uncompromising grip Fiend Lord: Orseith, the Unknowable
of nothingness is the real torture. There is Clad in a whispering cloak sewed from the
no reprieve, no difference, only unmitigated gibbering, sun-dried remains of hundreds
repetition. of souls, Orseith is a great hunched
monstrosity that roams the Flats. When it
Even those who do not succumb to the encounters the withered remains of a soul,
heat are trapped; many souls have spent it shucks them of their skin and weaves it
eternities wandering this place, slowly into its sobbing cloak, and adds their bones
driven mad by the ceaseless light and to its mantle. These sun-bleached skulls
oppressive heat. Mirages taunt these constantly chatter and moan as the Fiend
wanders, giving just enough false hope so Lord stalks across its domain, creating a
that those condemned here do not cease in dirge that warns of its coming.
their endless wandering.
For all their unfathomable power, the other
Very few demons are found in this Hell, for Fiend Lords tentatively respect Orseith; it
the Flats are just as punishment to them as resides in a realm that drives all others to
to the Damned. Occasionally a wanderer madness, yet seems to retain its sanity. This
will encounter one of the few great tortoise- may be because the mind of Orseith is so
alien and unknowable, it cannot be driven
mad in the conventional sense.

The Echoing Chasm

You might be forgiven (no, not like that.
That doesn’t happen here) for thinking that
the torment here is to fall forever, falling
out of light and the memory of light, into
an endlessly receding maw of pure darkness
where no whisper of illumination has ever
You would be wrong.

After an aeon of falling, you can start to

hear screams, torn with blood from throats
already raw from screaming. They doppler peeling your skin to fashion you into their
past you in the darkness: first one, then barbed hooks and swaying living bridges,
more, and more, until you are tumbling their cocoons of damp and twitching skin.
through a rain of agony, stroking obscenely Or maybe you’ll be driven into the deep
past the pain-shivering limbs of other caves to lurch and stumble and flail in the
damned souls until finally you come to a unrelenting dark, searching for… who knows
sudden gasping halting brake: caught on what… in those endless echoing darknesses
one of the barbed flesh-hooks, set out to (the caves stretch forever, but make one
misstep, and you will find yourself tumbling
catch those who fall.
back into the Chasm itself. You cannot
escape it)
Not being caught is hardly a relief: after
The Damned say there’s something there, in
another eternity, you will crumble into pulp
the deep caves. Not the cave-blind spiders,
against the fangs of sharp rock at the very
bloated and soft, who spin webs of human
bottom of the world. You’ll spend the rest hair and chitter, amused, as they lay their
of time there, slowly digested by thread- eggs in your eyes; nor the ghouls that
like worms. echolocate through the winding darkness;
tapping clicking creatures of pure hunger
The fishers-of-souls haul you up from the and bone. Not the lightless lakes and rivers
hooks to inspect their catch, winding you in where eyeless mermaids spin their haunting
their indeterminate fingers. Maybe they’ll siren songs. Something… else.
keep you, breaking your bones and
Notable Location: Deadheart neither mountain, forest of sea to interrupt
You can never find it on purpose; you the view, although the snow storms rarely
can only stumble across it, into it. Four break for more than a few moments to
enormous chambers, so massive they dull all allow a soul to see it. Those who shamble
sound under a blanket of ancient darkness. to the edge find nothing but an empty void
Nothing lives here. beyond it and those that fall are doomed
to be tossed in the vortex forever more. The
The gently curving floors and walls are howling wind rings with the screams of the
stone, but smooth and somehow just warm damned and the eternal blizzard obscures
to the touch. It is dry, and silent, these four even the hand held in front of your face.
chambers linked by half-open valves of Those doomed to this blasted waste stumble
smooth crystal (demons say the valves open through eternity, tripping and snagging
and close, at the speed of continents, but on the frozen bodies, arms and fingers that
how can anyone tell?) If someone knows grasp and claw up from the ice beneath
what fiend or monster or giant lies here their feet. The grinding and snapping of
with its heart full of darkness, they frozen bones underfoot the accompanying
aren’t telling. sound to any journey. Those who look closer
will see the wracked faces of souls frozen
Fiend Lord: Vatek, Lord of Echo into the ice beneath them, urging them to
and Whispers keep moving lest they themselves become
A shiver and texture in the air, a maddening part of the Plateau itself for the rest of time.
chorus of whispering that drills through The creatures who haunt the Plateau are
your ears and bursts out your useless eyes. ephemeral, ethereal beings that haunt
Your own sins and sorrows, bitterest regrets, the winds and only become visible when
deepest longings, cruellest fears; mocked the whipping snow outlines their savage,
back at you by the breathing darkness. This shifting forms, reaching for the souls of the
is Vatek, Lord of Echo and Whispers. Down Damned, taunting and terrorizing them as
here in the dark there is no hiding, nothing they eternally stagger through the
to shield your naked soul from his flensing freezing winds.
words, coalescing around and through you
like a fever. Notable Location: The Crevasse
No settlements or cities break the seemingly
The Frozen Plateau endless monotony of the Plateau’s frozen
Upon the Frozen Plateau the chill wind cuts surface so the Damned who seek shelter
so deep it burns. Barren, flat and bleak the or rest from the eternal slog through the
Plateau stretches to the far horizons with wastes have but one recourse, the Crevasse.
The descent is treacherous and the floor own matted, bloodied coat.
of this mighty ice canyon is studded with The Shrieking Forest
jagged stalagmites stained with the blood of Low hills cut by curling valleys, cloaked
the unwary or the unlucky. in a thick layer of dark trees; here is the
The caves that line the walls of the Crevasse Shrieking Forest. In places the trees are so
push deep into the clear green ice of the tall they snatch at the moon, undergrown
Plateau and the smooth walls show, in by spiteful shrubs and twined by thorny
graphic detail, the innumerable souls who vines. Elsewhere, the canopy grows as a
have surrendered to fatigue and become one blanket of living darkness, letting no light
with the ice. But the Crevasse is not without filter through to the forest floor below. The
its own dangers; silence reigns deep under ancient trunks and twisted branches grow
the howling winds of the surface because almost thick enough to stifle the distant
the slightest noise can bring swift fresh howls of hunters, and screams of prey. The
torments to those that seek to shelter here. earth is a thick layer of fallen leaves, deep
black earth, and whitening bones; the cool,
Fiend Lord: Yordigyr, the Hunter damp air smells of chlorophyll and growth
The Plateau is ceaseless in its unrelenting and rot.
savagery and the hierarch who stalks
the cavernous maze beneath the blasted Here it is always night, silvered by the
surface reflects the cruelty of its demesne moon, slashed by sharp shadow and the
perfectly. Few have seen the Hunter itself, smell of blood. Here the light betrays you,
but those souls whose dead-eyed stare leaves you open and vulnerable; here the
sends a shiver down the spine of even the darkness hides fangs and claws and a
most embittered of the Damned speak of a wicked hunger. Here you will run until your
hulking, shaggy beast, somewhere between legs are broken and run some more beyond,
a giant mountain lion and a huge gorilla. leaving tatters and shreds of your flesh
Yordigyr prowls the caves listening for the behind you on every barbed and thorny
faintest noise, sniffing the air and peering branch; here your footsteps stumbling with
through the shadows for prey. Many would pain and fatigue fill with the blood from
assume the fiend a mindless predator but, in your flayed feet. Here the hunters come,
the deepest caves where only the bravest, or creeping or whooping or howling behind
most foolhardy, dare to go there are icons, and beside and in front - here you are run
totems and scratchings on the wall. The down, and devoured screaming - here you
haunted souls sometimes describe the beast are vomited forth, newly unbroken once
itself as being bedecked with strings of teeth more, to run and break and bleed and
and chains of plaited hair woven through its scream again, and again, forever.
Here is the Shrieking Forest. Here you are through the branches of trees. Her beaters
always prey. and attendants are a swarm of chittering,
clattering skeletal demons; desperate to
Notable Location: Whisperwood have skin once more, they rip, gnaw and
This forest of bone-white birches moves claw it off the victims of their mistress,
and mutters in its own private breeze. The clothing themselves in shreds and tatters
endless rustle of the twigs and sharp-edged of flesh.
leaves is a voice you can never quite resolve,
always making sounds at the very edge of
being words. If you wander far enough into The Palace of Pain
the Whisperwood, listening to its shivery An huge palace home to decadent demon
voice, you might start to catch words, nobles who delight in pain and suffering.
half-audible sentences, pieces of secrets and
fragments of songs. Towering out of the Abyssal darkness,
the Palace of Pain, to use its crude name,
If you wander far enough into the is a monument to a Will that exceeds
Whisperwood, who knows what thing will understanding. Built from the darkest
be wearing your face, when it emerges from eidolonic glass, the edifice stretches
the forest of whispering bones? upward beyond sight, each perfect edge a
promise of agony, each sculpted shadow
You’ll continue to wind and whisper and a caress of self-abnegation. Inside the
rustle through the twigs and leaves, adding gardens lies a mockery of paradise; each
your own lonely voice to the chorus of the
path tracing the movements of the knives
that grow as leaves, the forms of those
who judged and justified twisted and torn
Fiend Lord: Antaka, Lady of Silence
into fleshy topiary in homage to the Lord
Somewhere buried deep in every brainstem
that reigns here. Nearer the architecture
is a tiny shivering rodent, a creature of
of nightmares, the Flayed Guard stand
pure paralysing fear. It’s this creature which
tethered and bound, lidless eyes watching
comes flashing to the surface at the sight
for sign of unbound souls that they might
of those great grey wings ghosting over
trade the unfettered to their Masters inside,
the moon: Antaka, Lady of Silence, the
in exchange for an inch more freedom
monstrous owl-fiend. She rules this forest as
her own personal hunting ground, allowing
lesser demons in only on sufferance - she’ll
Inside the Palace the mind of its Master is
hunt them too, if she pleases, leaving
revealed, an obsession with perfection of
them as splayed-open skeletons twisted
form and experience, each wall and arch
encoded with meaning and symbolism. The penetrate fresh meat, taught skin seeking
endless corridors are lined with the wracked to smother and constrict. The words,
bodies of those whose self identity was lost “Love shall be the knife that flays”, repeat
in the orgy of sensation that defines this endlessly in the Glass that surrounds the
Hell; chambers beyond reckoning, each Terrace, high above the Gardens.
home to an act of desecration unique and
nerve-rending in its own way, resounding Fiend Lord: Tabannusiel the Cruel, The
with the wordless screams and piteous Hooked Knife, The End of Hope, Architect
mewlings of those experiencing the highest of Despair
art of torture and degradation. Form flowing endlessly, in motion even at
rest, the tall, elegant Prince of Pain rules
The greater servants of the Hooked Knife Its domain with the mercy of the rack.
Itself flow over the writhing, moaning Moving in directions only It can access,
abhuman shapes that form the floors, the Tabannusiel’s passage is accompanied
acid and sand of their passing leaving by the despairing screams of the damned
a wake of agony and an eternal echo of who fall into Its shadow; flesh being
suffering. The Court of Mockery seek their restored to devastated carcasses, only to be
pleasures throughout the Palace, bringing painstakingly torn apart at Its will as It
the most exquisite torture and debasement violates the bodies of the damned into fresh
to those who catch their most jaded of eyes. architectures of untempered suffering. It
determines the arrangement of Its palace
Notable Location: The Flensing Terrace and the experience and degradation of
The horror of the Terrace, as described by those who fall into Its domain are distilled
those who have witnessed it, is in what it and consumed by Its Court of Mockery,
represents, not what it is. A’giel and it’s demons of Its choir that revel and bask in
bride, A’suriel hang, suspended one above the agony that surrounds them.
the other and endlessly carving into each
other’s flesh, tearing the muscle and fat The Mountain of Skulls
from their bodies, blindly seeking to cut out The Mountain towers into the sky, piercing
the metal briars that spread and infiltrate the highest clouds, promising the cruel
them, pulling them apart as punishment mercy of Winter to all who dare tread
for loving each other more than their upon it’s frozen slopes. Formed not of
creator. Around the Terrace the gobbets of stone, but the infinite skeletons of those
torn demon-flesh move and shoal, seeking whose lives and un-lives ended here at the
to embrace and form around of any who hands of its Queen. From the titanic bones
venture too close, metal thorns reaching to of the demon-beasts that fell in the first
Hell War, to these later times of the small that howl through this desert of the lost.
and swarming masses, the Mountain is Further up the slopes the bones lie grey
the accretion of the suffering of those who and white, fused together by the weight
sought to push themselves beyond their of those that lie above, the surface layers
limits, the myriad bones frozen together ever ready to shift and cascade down the
into a fractal conglomeration of desiccated flanks of the Mountain into corries and
loss. At its heart lies the Skull of Djeemeh, crevasses that have never known even the
First To Fall. Half his bones are now gone, witch-light of Hell, these are the Gynnr,
carved and weathered away over the the Turning Stones, treacherous and ever
millenia by the claws and hammers, pitons ready to cast the unwary down. Higher
and axes of the Hlawbr, the servitors of still comes the realm of frozen bones, ice
the Dread Queen who rules the splendid binding the remains of those who fell here,
desolation of the Mountain. the Soldhynr, the Hungry Ice. Far above all
lies the Summit, a lonely spire of arrogance
Near the foot of the Mountain, the slopes that pierces the highest cloud. Airless and
are baked dry, untold legions of desiccated ice-blasted, here, in the living death of
bodies, tattered skin and hide stretched the Isaskadhr, the bones and wind-flayed
drum-taut over bleached bone. These are forms of the late-comers, the ones who fell
the Brennr, the Burning Thirst, consumed victim to Orfaygr. It is said that The Bone-
in the merciless moment, unstable and Pick herself often crouches here amongst
swept together by the mercurial winds the dazzling scrimshaw ridges that she has
raised above her home, gazing in relentless
hatred at the sky above where She may
not climb.

Notable Location: The Canals

Deep inside the cave-structure of the
Mountain lie the Canals, three looping
tunnels that flow with howling winds strong
enough to flay the hide from the toughest
of demons. At the centre of the arches
lies the throne of Orfaygr, Her camp and
eyrie. All approaches to this quiet space
in the heart of the Mountain are tests of
skill and resolve, for from this place all
directions are down and the fall from here is
eternal, swept into the Canals. Without Her tormentors. Some such blasted souls
permission, all inward paths lead through -the truly unluckiest- are traded to the
one or another of the Canals and the last insatiable Twisted Labyrinth, every pillar
memory of those who venture in will be and each step of which is constructed from
the eternally echoing screams of those who the Damned.
came before. From Her seat, carved into
the still living bone of the Mountain, she The Twisted Labyrinth hangs suspended in
strikes her Drum and the Soul Avalanches a lightless void, with no true cardinal point
scour the surface, ripping guile and pride of orientation. Be it demon or mortal soul,
away from all caught in their path, the cold, all those who walk these paths are lost. The
blinding light of the sky leaving the victims passageways of the Labyrinth constantly
shorn of their pretensions, naked against shift and rearrange themselves according to
her pitiless gaze as their physical remains an unknown, esoteric logic. Some pathways
slowly freeze to join the ever growing can be commanded by the strong of will,
outcrops that are the current generation of bullying the broken spirits that form the
damned in this place. walls and floors into obedience for a
short while.
Fiend Lord: Orfaygr The Unforgiving, The
Bone-Pick, The Untethered; Queen of Ice In places it is possible to open the walls and
and Bone travel on the outside of the passages, within
Emaciated but strong, Itaniak moves, the void itself, but many of minds have
spider-like, through her infinitely recursive been blasted into catatonia by the sight of
Domain, always small enough to fit, scale the writhing chaos that the Labyrinth is
ever changing as she moves up and down suspended in.
the hierarchy of the frozen, from the tiniest
newcomer, to the deep igneous features of When a soul is bound into the fabric of
the Demon-Beasts that were the first fallen. the Labyrinth they become a petrified,
She ignores those that keep to their place, colourless thing, more like stone than flesh.
roped to their outcroppings and corries, but Sometimes the faces of these fossilized souls
casts down those that seek to bring change move in silent torment; others are frozen
and movement to her crystalline desolation. in aspects of terrible suffering or sorrow.
Successfully finding a specific soul within
The Twisted Labyrinth the twisting architecture of the Labyrinth
Some souls are rendered so damaged that is a quixotic quest. And yet, some brave
they will never recover enough of themselves souls sneak into the passages of their own
to be satisfying subjects for their demon accord, seeking loved ones and companions
long lost. It is rare that such quests end Array. Through the links of the fetters the
well, however, and often the noble rescuer Artist directs the will of the Array, shaping
ends up stumbling through the twisting raw souls to its design, leaving perfection in
pathways forevermore. its wake.

Notable Location: The Workface The form of the Artist changes constantly,
The Workface is a incomprehensibly shifting through every imaginable aesthetic,
long caravan; the logistical train which at once beautiful, terrible and bizarre.
has developed behind the Artist. At the Within the Labyrinth the will of the Artist
forefront is the Array, thousands of souls, is supremely powerful; it can reshape
their conscious minds in thrall to the Artist, anything that catches its attention, warping
chained together in an arcane formation. flesh, stone and metal as it sees fit. Many
Behind them comes the court of the Artist, demons and Damned souls alike seek out
bearing its supine body on a bier. Demons the Artist in misguided attempts to change
of all sizes and temperaments populate the themselves, or others. However, many of
court, fawning on the Artist in the hope of those that manage to survive the harrowing
currying favor or being remade. attention of the Artist come to realise that
the Fiend Lord’s concept of perfection is
The baggage train of the court contains often at odds to their own.
all those demons and souls who service
the court and the Array; traders, guards,
functionaries and vittlers. This chaotic
mass makes up most of the length of
the Workface. This small town moves
sporadically to catch up with the court,
lifting it’s ramshackled buildings and
scurrying closer. The baggage train is a
riotous hive of activity, thousands labour
here beneath the ever glowing ceiling of
fused souls.

Fiend Lord: Xolockos, the Artist

Xolockos is the only being who knows
the ultimate form which the perfected
Labyrinth will take. It lies recumbent on
a vast bier, dragged by the fetters of the
Chapter 3: A multitude of devils
Life in the Twelve Hells isn’t just pain and terms of where their next meal comes from.
suffering; a society, albeit an alien and
deadly one, exists amongst the demons and Socially, demons are almost uniformly
the damned souls. Navigating this strange duplicitous and malicious. Although a
civilisation can be difficult and dangerous significant proportion of demons are social
for newly-arrived souls, who expect things creatures, and even enjoy social discourse
to work as they did in the mortal world. with both each other and mortal souls,
Too late, do many souls realise that it is very rare to find a demon that is not
treachery and violence are as much a way plotting against at least a number of its
of life in the Hells as anything else. kind, one way or another. When a demon
offers you a bargain, you can be sure that
the demon is benefitting to a much greater
Residents of the Twelve Hells
degree than you are.
The Twelve Hells are home to a variety of
inhabitants, most of which are caught up in
Demons see mortal souls as both currency
the Hell War.
and sustenance. Souls are routinely traded
amongst the denizens of hell, with souls in
better condition worth more than those
Demons, devils, hellions; there are variety
that have already been tortured to some
of terms for the primary inhabitants of
the Twelve Hells. Demons are, on a very
When a demon tortures a mortal soul, they
basic level, all the same; they are barbaric
creatures that feed on the suffering of derive nourishment from their suffering,
mortal souls and exist only to plot, scheme consuming it as mortals would a fine wine.
and inflict pain on other creatures. They savour the various subtle flavors of
Physically, however, demons are are as agony, remarking at the taste or bouquet of
numerous and varied as can be imagined. a particular paroxysm of pain.
Some demons look almost human; some are A demon that has gorged on suffering
so exquisite or grotesque to look upon that becomes corpulent and merry; a demon
they can drive souls mad; others look more starved of suffering becomes an emaciated,
like animals, albeit nightmarish and dangerous creature.
weird ones.
Mentally, demons are also just as diverse. Suffering, once extracted from a Damned
Some are fiercely intelligent, and can soul, becomes an almost physical substance.
hatch plots that are labyrinthine in their
Cunning demons can actually refine this
complexity; others are dullards, little more
suffering-stuff, which they call Morsus, into
cunning than animals, who think only in
a variety of elements, such as pain-wine,
agony-snuff, and shriek-sugar. These are for aeons.
all consumed by demons, and savoured as
delicacies. Morsus can also be bottled in its Beneath the Fiend Lords are the Barons;
raw form, for later consumption, or to be powerful and dangerous demons that have
paid as tribute to the various Fiend Lords. the loyalty of a number of Knights and
dozens (if not hundreds) of lesser demons.
Demons are feudal in nature, organising Barons owe fealty to the Fiend Lord of their
themselves into a strict hierarchy. Hell, but more than one Baron has plotted
Understanding the exact nature of this to overthrow their master.
hierarchy is impossible for a mortal soul: it
appears that demons can elevate themselves Knights are high-ranking demons in
by pleasing their masters, and can be cast the service of the Fiend Lords. They
down for displeasing them; yet equally they are arrogant and cruel, quick to punish
can progress by betrayal, or even by casting anything they see as lesser than themselves.
down their master and installing themselves In the Hell War Knights are elite troops,
in their position. leading battalions of lesser demons and
competing to earn the favour of their Fiend
Each of the Twelve Hells is rules by a Fiend Lord through skill and cunning.
Lord. Each Fiend Lord is a creature of
inconceivable age and power, and most of Beneath the Knights are the rank-and-file
them have ruled their individual domains demons that populate the Hells. Diverse in
appearance and behaviour, these demons
work unceasingly to wrench vital suffering
from mortal souls, that is then refined into
countless forms to be consumed by their
masters. These lesser demons hate their
menial existence and constantly plot to
elevate themselves and overthrow their
masters. Only the most vile, cunning or
brutal ever succeed in doing so, ensuring
that only the most despicable demons
reach positions of power. There may be
litter separating the lesser demons from the
mortal souls they torture, but the demons
are ever quick to ensure that suffering rolls
down hill; their lives may be awful, but they
Demons are technically sexless creatures.
They do not reproduce sexually, and are
born in a variety of ways; some crawl
from the primordial muck that courses
through the bowels of some Hells; others
are wrought from the raw stuff of Hell by
their Fiend Lord. Some demons, it is said,
step fully-formed from the aether, having
stepped out of the nightmares of
the Damned.
However, despite this, many demons
affect a gender, and even a sexuallity. For
many, both of these identities -gender
and sexuality- are fluid concepts that can
change at the demon’s choosing. Others
can make someone else pay for it.
are more firmly rooted in these identities,
In the Hell War it is the lesser demons
and rarely change. Demons can, and often
that make up the majority of the troops.
do, couple with mortal souls. However, no
Thousands of demons fight unceasingly on
offspring can ever spring from such unions;
the battlefields, falling, dying, regenerating
life cannot be created in Hell.
and returning to the fight once more in
stalemates that last centuries.
The Damned
The majority of souls that end up in the
It is technically impossible to truly kill
Hells are Damned. Wracked with guilt over
a demon; while they can be injured and
crimes they cannot remember, they are
even completely dismembered, their bodies
prey to demons who hunt them like beasts
will eventually evaporate and regenerate
and trade them like cattle. The suffering of
somewhere else in their home Hell. It is
souls is nourishment to demons, so for the
possible to render a demon to a state where
majority of the Damned their existence is
regeneration is difficult, leaving them
one of continuous torture and punishment
trapped in agony until freed. However,
at the hands of one demon or another.
doing so will surely earn the ire of the
demon and, should they ever get free, they
Damned souls look as they did in life;
will hunt down whoever left them in such a
they walk, talk, sense and feel as they
state and exact their revenge.
did before they died. Existence as a soul
frees one from certain expectations of the
mortal coil; Damned do not need to eat, Those few Damned lucky enough to have
sleep, or breathe. Damned also regenerate escaped captivity travel the Hells in small
injuries that would have killed them in groups, avoiding demons warily and trying
life; many tortures in the Hells revolve to find some small measure of safety.
around ceaseless mutilation and recovery, Sometimes they manage to create small
only to be mutilated once more. Damned communities in remote areas, where they
cannot die -they are already dead after eke out a meagre existence. More often
all- but they can be rendered to a state of that not, however, such communities are
immobility by extreme damage to their eventually located and raided by demons,
form. Some demons delight in hacking and the souls carried off to be sold and
Damned to pieces and turning those still- tortured.
aware pieces into art, building materials
or even playthings, drinking the suffering Tormented
that flows from the malformed souls as they No one knows why some Damned become
do. Such treatment renders a Damned soul Tormented. Perhaps it is something to do
quickly useless, a state known as Dissolute, with their crimes, or perhaps they nature of
so it is a practice discouraged by most the tortures they have endure. Some theorise
sensible demons. that Tormented are souls that have endured
aeons upon aeons of torture, and that is
why they have changed.
No matter the cause, the fact is that
Tormented have become something more
than mortal. The Scars they carry give them
unique, inhuman abilities that are the equal
of the gifts that demons bear.

Freed from their captivity by the events of

the Hell War, Tormented travel the Twelve
Hells. As something not part of the ‘natural
order’ of the Hells, Tormented are seen as
rogue elements by demons; something to be
either feared or exploited.

For their part, Tormented have a diverse

set of goals; some simply wish to find a way
to minimise the suffering that an existence
in the Hells involves; others seek revenge and out-of-the-way corners. They are pitied
on their former captors, hunting down the by other souls and loathed by demons.
demons that tortured them; finally, a small
number seek to use the chaos to the Hell Lower Creatures
War to their own advantage. There are a host of creatures within the
Hells that are not strictly demons, these are
Lost Souls known as Lower Creatures. These creatures
Lost souls are those Damned who have come in countless varieties, such as
lost all fragments of memory and Harridans, Dretches, Lemures and Shades
subsequently all sense of self. Driven to to name but a few. All Lower Creatures are
the edge of madness but the horrors of the seen as nothing by beasts by the demons,
Twelve Hells, they become insubstantial, and are hunted down accordingly.
demented creatures; so numbed by their Some Lower Creatures are intelligent,
experiences that demons can no longer although usually a rudimentary, animal
derive sustenance from their suffering. Lost, intelligence; others are indeed little more
as they are known, drift aimlessly about the than animals. All are dangerous, however,
Hells, or sometimes huddle together in dark and more than a threat to an unwary soul.

“Danger ahead, kind friends.” The voice leg with its strange multi-jointed fingers.
made Matthias jump, and he turned to see “Go not into dark place. Flapping,
a small hairy demon slink out of a cave swooping, screeching ones will get you.
in the cliff face. It waved its long fingers Weave you into their nests. Trust Astiel,
at the canyon ahead, then gestured at friend!”
the cave behind it. “Astiel knows a way
around nasty creatures. Be a friend to Sapphira stepped forwards, one of her
Astiel, and it shows you?” long arms drawn back to strike the
demon, when a horrific shriek split the air.
Matthias looked across at Sapphira, who Matthias and Sapphira turned to see a
glared at the demon with her inscrutable host of dark winged shapes swarming out
silver eyes. of the canyon towards them.
“We shouldn’t trust it.” She cautioned
in her whispering voice, turning back “Follow Astiel!” Yelled the little demon,
towards the cliff path. waddling towards the cave it had crept
from. “Run! Hide!” Matthias shot Sapphira
“Wait friend!” Called the demon, stepping a look before they both shrugged and
out onto the path and pawing at Matthias’ turned and ran after the demon.

Chapter 4: Rules of the game
Tormented is a roleplaying game, and as Power
such the emphasis of the game is intended “Nothing has value unless you have to fight for it”
to be the interactions between the various Power represents a character’s ability
characters and the story they are telling to overcome an issue with strength,
together. But how do you tell if your aggression, or violence. Characters with
character is able to accomplish a specific a high Power will find acting aggressively
task, or if they are able to outwit another and decisively more easy than those with
character? a lower score. They are often pragmatic,
This is why Tormented has some simple resolute individuals.
rules to resolve events whose outcome is
uncertain. These rules will help players Subtlety
and storytellers to simulate and arbitrate “Convince someone a plan was their idea and
any situation; although the storyteller’s they will fight your battles for you”
decisions supersede any and all rules Subtlety represents a character’s ability to
presented below. overcome an issue with cunning, guile, or
stealth. Characters with a high Subtlety will
Aspects find lateral thinking, and going around a
All characters have 4 Aspects, which problem rather than through it much easier
represent how proficient they are when than those with a lower score. They are
responding to a given situation in a certain often quiet, unassuming individuals.
manner. Other systems might refer to these
as ‘stats’, however Aspects are a slightly
more nebulous measure of a character’s Presence
capabilities than traditional stats. “Some people have a radiance inside them; a light
Additionally, Aspects do not necessarily that blinds some, and draws others”
equate to physical or mental capabilities; a Presence represents a character’s ability
high Power does not require a character to to overcome an issue with charisma,
be muscular, for example, it simply means intimidation, or personal magnetism.
they are a deadly individual for one reason
Characters with a high Presence will find
or another; a high Acumen might not
situations involving imposing their will
always infer a wealth of knowledge, but a
natural cunning and wit. on others easier than those with a lower
Aspects are rated from 1 to 5, with 1 score. They are often forthright, confident
representing a very poor attribute and 5 individuals.
representing the best possible. The rating
of an Aspect determines how many d6 you
roll for an Aptitudes check when pared with
that Aspect.
Acumen Callous is used in situations relating
“Think faster and more accurately than anyone to cruelty, conscience and morality.
else in the room and you have already won” Torture is an example use of Callous, as is
Acumen represents a character’s ability to browbeating someone for information.
overcome an issue with intelligence, logic,
or reason. Characters with a high Acumen Daring
will find analysing problems and finding “Be dauntless and rash. Doing something
alternative solutions easier than those dynamic is the best course of action.”
with a lower score. They are often astute, Daring is used when performing risky tasks
resourceful individuals. or when performing an action requiring
courage. It can relate to some combat
Aptitudes actions.
Aptitudes represent a character’s skills,
abilities and knowledges. Each Aptitude Devious
can be used for a variety of situations and “Why go through something, when you can go
applications: for example while the Daring around it?”
Aptitude can be used to perform a risky Subtle is used in situations involving stealth,
jump across the roofs of the Sprawling agility and cunning. Picking locks, acts of
Warren, it could equally be used to make a sleight-of-hand and other such skills are
bold speech at a salon in Palace of Pain. also uses of this Aptitude.

Aptitudes are rated at one of three levels of Forceful

skill: Untrained, Proficient and Mastered. “Violence is the best way to solve problems. Break
Characters start with all Aptitudes at them, smash them to pieces.”
the Untrained level but can increase the Forceful is mostly used for combat, but can
level during character generation and also apply to actions that involve exerting
later on by spending Experience points. your will aggressively on others.
Even if Untrained a character can use any
Aptitude (as long as it’s appropriate to the Hedonistic
situation); being Untrained merely means “Indulge your senses. Pleasure is its own reward;
you are less likely to succeed. you know how to stoke these desires in others.”
Hedonistic is used when resisting the effects
Callous of drugs and alcohol, when indulging the
“You are cruel, heartless, cold. You can do things senses, or inciting others to give into
others would pale at.” their desires.

Magnanimous Tough
“Empathy and kindness are uncommon in the “You are iron, you are stone. You weather the
Twelve Hells, but perhaps there are uses for storm that would tear down others.”
them.” Tough is used in situations involving
Magnanimous is used for situations endurance; either physical, such as
involving diplomacy, empathy and weathering blows; or mental such as
understanding others. It is also used to resisting insults and abuse.
inspire comradely feelings in others, and
for bartering. Aptitude checks
Aptitude checks are made when a character
Mystical is confronted with a situation that requires
“The mind is the sharpest blade of all, and yours some kind of skill or ability to overcome.
is honed to a deadly edge.” To see if they succeed, the Storyteller tells
Mystical is used in situations involving the player an Aspect and an Aptitude
magic, esoteric lore, and learned knowledge. appropriate to the situation and the
It can also be used for anything involving number of successes required to succeed.
introspection, and an awareness of one’s The player then rolls a number of 6-sided
own self. dice (d6) equal to the Aspect, counts the
number of successes rolled and compares
Observant them to the goal number. If they equal or
“Only a complete understanding of a situation is beat the goal number they succeed, if not
acceptable. Trust in your senses.” they fail.
Observant is used situations involving
awareness and senses. Listening, spotting Successes are dice that result in a number
hidden things, having a ‘sixth sense’, determined by the level of the Aptitude.
creating artwork, and some social situations Untrained Aptitudes succeed on a roll of a
are appropriate uses of this Aptitude. 5 or 6. Proficient Aptitudes succeed on a roll
of a 4, 5 or 6. Mastered Aptitudes succeed
Restrained on a roll of a 3, 4, 5 or 6.
“Resist base pleasures. They are not for you; they
have no control over you.” For example: A character is trying to kick down a
Restrained is used when resisting temptation door. The Storyteller tells the player this requires
and anything related to willpower and self- a Power and Daring Aptitude check with at least
control. It is also used to resist fear, and to 2 successes. The character has a Power of 4 and
master one’s own emotions. is Untrained in Daring, so rolls 4d6 and counts

any dice resulting in a 5 or 6. The dice rolled Non-Aptitude checks
result in 3,6,5 and 1: a total of 2 successes, the Sometimes a character may wish to perform
character succeeds! an action that doesn’t apply to a particular
Aptitude. In cases such as these, straight
Almost any Aspect can be combined with Aspect checks can be made, treating the
any Aptitude, depending on what the check as if the character was Proficient in
character is attempting to do. the check (successes are gained on a 4+).

Check Difficulty Threat Points

The difficulty of a task is indicated by the Failing an Aptitudes check can sometimes
number of successes required to succeed. have consequences beyond not achieving
This number is referred to as the Difficulty whatever was attempted; sometimes there
Value (or DV) and is determined by the will be lingering effects that will hamper the
Storyteller, but a guide can be found below. character and remind them of their failure.
More difficult checks (DV 5 or more) These consequences are represented by
may result in gaining Threat points if a Threat points.
character fails. There are 4 types of Threat, each of which
are tracked separately; Weakness, Paranoia,
Difficulty Successes Example Confusion, and Alienation. Each Threat is
required linked to a particular Aspect:
Easy 1-2 A simple task anyone
can perform Failed Power checks result in Weakness.
Normal 3-4 Something that requires Failed Subtlety checks result in Paranoia.
a little skill
Failed Presence checks result in Confusion.
Hard 5-6 A complicated task
Failed Acumen checks result in Alienation.
requiring a lot of skill
Impossible 7+ Only luck or superhuman
skill can achieve This is not a hard-and-fast rule, however.
Sometimes an Aptitudes check can result in
a Threat usually associated with a different
Favoured Aptitudes
Aptitude, as determined by the Storyteller.
All characters have three Favoured
Aptitudes, indicating that there are tasks
Not every Aptitude check will result in
that the character excels at. When making
gaining Threats, only high-risk checks.
an Aptitudes check that involves a Favoured
Generally speaking any check with a
Aptitude the player rolls an additional 2d6. difficulty of 5 or higher will result in
gaining a point of the appropriate Threat
if failed.

Threats can also be intentionally inflicted means Samael loses 1 success from his total and
by characters on each other by making fails the check!
offensive Aptitude checks (engaging in a
fight, duelling with words, or other such Too much Threat
situations). Generally if a character wishes Characters can take a number of each
to inflict Threat points on an opponent Threat points equal to twice their respective
they must make an opposed Aptitude check, Aspect. Once they reach this limit they
the results of which determine how many cannot gain any more of that kind of
Threat points are inflicted. Threat, but they also have reached their
The loser of the contest gains a number limit and suffer an additional effect. This
of Threat points equal to the difference effect cannot be removed until they have
between the two results. rested.
If a character fills up all four Threat tracks
For example: Samael engages in a duel of insults at the same time then they are at risk of
with a demon. Samael’s player makes a Presence becoming Dissolute; as close to death as a
+ Forceful Aptitude check, opposed by the demon’s Tormented can come.
Presence + Callous (rolled by the Storyteller).
Samael’s player gets 5 successes, the demon gets 2 Collapse (maximum Weakness)
successes: Samael wins the contest and the demon Your wounds mount and you collapse,
gains 3 Confusion (5 - 2 = 3). unable to stand without aid and only
able to move at a crawl. You cannot exert
Threat Dice yourself physically, or use your Power
For every Threat point a character gains, Aspect in Aptitude checks, until you rest
they also gain a ‘Threat die’ which must and recover.
be rolled along with any other dice when
making Aptitude checks where the Threat Terror (maximum Paranoia)
would have an affect. If any Threat dice You become convinced that everyone knows
result in a 5 or 6, then they lose a success your secrets, and that you cannot hide
from that roll. yourself. You are left in a state of constant
For example: Samael has 1 point of Weakness. fear and paranoia, and cannot use your
He is drawn into a battle with some wretched Subtlety in Aptitude checks, until you rest
lemures; a Power + Forceful Aptitude check with and recover.
a difficulty of 3. Samael has a Power of 4 and
is Proficient in Forceful, so rolls 4d6 and counts Fuge (maximum Confusion)
any dice that roll 4 or higher. He also rolls 1 You become a babbling mess, unable to form
Threat die for his point of Weakness. The normal cohesive sentences. You cannot interact with
dice result in a 2,4,5 and another 5; 3 successes. others normally, or use your Presence in
However the Threat die results in a 5, which Aptitude checks, until you rest and recover.
Insanity (maximum Alienation) Conviction Points
Your mind plummets into an abyss of Conviction Points are a finite resource
nightmares and flashbacks to your torment. that each character begins play with. They
You cannot think straight and often represent a character’s ability to focus their
hallucinate, and cannot use your Acumen in resolve and conviction on a task at hand,
Aptitude checks, until you rest and recover. and to possibly succeed despite terrible odds.

Removing Threat Points Conviction Points can be spent before

There are two ways a character can remove making an Aptitudes check; if the check is
Threat Points; Resting and Dwelling on a successful then the number of successes rolled
Fragment. Additionally, a character can are doubled. If no successes are rolled at all,
choose to help another recover at the cost of then the Conviction Point counts as a single
not removing their own Threat Points. success (so spending a Conviction Point
ensures that an Aptitudes check will always
Resting result in at least 1 success).
If a character is able to rest quietly for a few
hours they can remove half the Threat points The intention to spend a Conviction Point
from each of their tracks. The character must must be declared before the Aptitude check
be undisturbed during this time, and can is made.
only take minimal actions, such as talking,
eating or moving slowly about. Conviction Points are recovered by
roleplaying to your characters Mask or
Dwelling on a Fragment Heart. They can also be awarded by the
A character can choose to dwell on a Storyteller as a reward for completing
Fragment to remove all Threat Points from Stories.
a single track, instead of half of all tracks as
normal. While dwelling on a Fragment the
character must be undisturbed for several
hours, during which time they enter a
meditative trance.

Helping another character recover

A character can choose to comfort another
character while they rest, allowing the
comforted character to remove all Threat
points from each of their tracks. However,
the comforting character cannot remove any
of their own Threat points.
It had taken them a long time to climb With a sound like dry twigs rattling
the stairs inside the tower; thirty-six together, the equine thing in the coffin
time thirty-six steps carved from bone, stood, green witchlight igniting in the
that each cried out in the voice of its cavernous eye sockets of its skull.
former owner when trod upon. Matthias “WHAT IS IT YOU SEEK?” it asked in a
shuddered with every step he took and voice like thunder.
even Sapphira, usually iron-hard and “The Unlit Glass.” Sapphira whispered,
stoic, looked ashen-faced by the time they casting a sorrowful glance at Matthias,
reached the tiny room at the apex of who had backed away to the door.
the tower “WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO GIVE?” the
They stood, shoulder-to-shoulder in the creature boomed.
small garret, looking down at a coffin “Sapphira, please, no…” Matthias pleaded.
worked from dark wood lacquered to a “A mortal soul.” Sapphira squeezed her
midnight shine. The guttering flame of eyes closed, gesturing at Matthias.
their last corpselight candle lit the room in “A SOUL, GIVEN FREELY KNOWING
ALL THAT ENTAILS?” The creature
flickering purple light.
turned to look at Sapphira, it’s green eyes
now outshining the corpselight candle in
“This is where the mirror is meant to
Matthias’ trembling hand.
be kept?” asked Matthias, looking up as
“Yes.” Every word the creature spoke
his companion. Sapphira nodded her
seemed to strike the tall woman like a
elongated head slowly, her eyes locked on
physical blow.
the coffin.
“They said it would be here.” she said. With a gasp Sapphira’s head shot up, her
Matthias bent and gripped the lid of the eyes locked to Matthias’. As he watched
coffin, found it unsettlingly warm to the her skin turned ashen white, hardening
touch, and pulled it open. Within lay a and drying until in moments she had
petrified corpse of something that looked withered to a petrified husk, a look of
halfway between a human and a horse; unremitting horror frozen on her face. The
its long equine skull resting on its chest, creature turned to Matthias and extended
hands folded under its chin, dressed in a wizened hand, offering him the mirror.
ancient robes of darkest sable. Hung “ANOTHER’S SOUL CANNOT BE
from its belt was a small but ornate hand GIVEN, ONLY ONE’S OWN. YOUR
mirror, the glass of which swirled with COMPANION BARGAINED…
dark clouds. UNWISELY.”
“It’s really here.” Sapphira sighed, reaching Matthias hesitantly took the mirror from
down and running reverent fingers across the creature, his eyes darting to Sapphira’s
the mirror’s frame. She looked across at frozen remains. The creature stepped out
Matthias, her eyes suddenly full of guilt. of the coffin, advancing on his former
“What?” He asked, concerned by his companion.
companions demeanor. “YOU MAY LEAVE NOW.” it thundered,
“They told me it had to be something of “I HAVE MORE STEPS TO CARVE.”
equal value.” Matthias fled.

Chapter 5: Scars
Whereas the majority of souls consigned to monstrous right arm. His player writes down
the Twelve Hells are broken and diminished “Puissant Scar (Monstrous right arm)” on his
by the punishments meted out by their character sheet. He also has a Resilient Scar,
captors, the Tormented are instead changed which his player decides takes the form of Samael
by their suffering. being painfully sealed inside an ornate suit of
Twisted and reshaped by their torture, black armour. His player writes “Resilient Scar
Tormented are granted strange and terrible (Sealed in armour)” on his character sheet.
abilities at the price of becoming something Finally, Samael has a Raucous Scar, which takes
both more and less than a mortal soul. the form of a thundering, terrible voice that
strikes fear into his enemies. His player writes
These terrible gifts are known as Scars. down “Raucous Scar (Terrifying voice)”.
Each Scar grants a specific ability as
described below. Scars can take the form of Potent Scar
items of equipment; when this is the case “These claws of mine: the broken bones of my
these items can never be lost or broken. If fingers twisted into cruel hooks. All the better for
seperated from them, a replacement will tearing the flesh of my former captors.”
reappear when the character next uses Potent Scars allow a Tormented to exercise
that Scar. their Power over a much greater range than
usual. These scars can take the form of
Scars are often reflective of the punishments hell-forged weapons such as bows, spears, or
a Tormented has endured. A soul who was javelins. Sometimes Tormented with these
stretched and distorted on a rack may find scars have even more strange abilities, such
their long limbs grant them better reach, as being able to hurl lightning bolts, breath
for example, or a soul who was forced to fire or fling shards of ice.
lift heavy burdens now has a grotesque but
powerful physique. This scar allows the character to make
Power Contests at Distant targets.
Scars in play
All characters begin with 3 Scars, chosen Raucous Scar
from the list below. Scars can take many “They made me scream, every hour of every day
forms; when choosing a Scar, write a short for a hundred years. In time my voice changed;
description next to the type of scar. now when I scream it is they who tremble.”
Raucous Scars give a Tormented the ability
For example: Samael has a Puissant Scar to extend their Presence over a greater
that takes the form of a huge, muscle-bound range than usual. These scars often take the

form of a beautiful golden voice, the ability Acumen Contests at Distant targets.
to shriek like a banshee, or possibly a
glowing aura that draws the eye. Tormented Ethereal Scar
with this scar are sometimes horrifying to “Shut in darkness for so long, it leached into me.
look at, or hauntingly beautiful. Darkness in my skin, in my soul. No one sees
me now, not really. I am darkness. Within,
This scar allows the character to make and without.”
Presence Contests at Distant targets. Ethereal Scars give a Tormented the ability
to extend their Subtlety over a greater
Brilliant Scar range than usual. Tormented with Ethereal
“The things I have seen… experienced… they Scars are often hard to see, with blurry
changed how I perceive the world. Now I see outlines, or skin that seems to drink in light.
things for how they truly are. Of course, they Others move like shadows, drifting about
had to take my eyes, and replace them with with almost silent footsteps.
these… things. It was only fitting.”
Brilliant Scars allow a Tormented to This scar allows the character to make
exercise their Acumen over a much greater Subtlety Contests at Distant targets.
range than usual. These scars can appear
as glowing eyes, a grossly distorted skull, Puissant Scar
or a fiery halo. Tormented with Brilliant “I was impaled on this spear by my tormentors.
Scars often think in strange, oblique ways Now it always returns to my breast, even when
compared to mortal souls. I cast it away. Still, it has its uses. Here…. keen,
isn’t it?”
This scar allows the character to make Puissant Scars most often take the form of
hell-forged weapons such as a swords, spears
or axes. Sometimes they are more savage
in nature, such as great claws, monstrous
fangs, or whipping tails.
A Puissant Scar allows a character to
inflict an additional point of Weakness on
a successful Contest that would normally
inflict Weakness.

runnels in my flesh. See how they shift?”
Enigmatic Scars can take the form of
swirling patterns that constantly crawl
across a Tormented’s skin, snake-like
scales, or even a dark mist that constantly
surrounds them. Tormented with Enigmatic
scars often find it hard to give straight
answers, and some even talk in riddles
or rhymes.

An Enigmatic Scar allows a character to

inflict an additional point of Paranoia on
a successful Contest that would normally
inflict Paranoia.

Acerbic Scar Ruthless Scar

“She wanted to make me prettier, that’s what
“You have to be like them, to survive here. That’s
she said. She strung me with needles and thread,
what they said. They did me a favour, when the
and pulled my face into this mask. To make me
changed me. You’ll see… I’ll change you too...”
prettier. Do you think it worked?”
Ruthless Scars make a Tormented cold
Acerbic Scars can take the form of a
and aloof. Sometimes they manifest as
unnaturally piercing voice, a reptilian
dead white eyes, a corpse-like pallor, or
tongue, or a strange exotic musk.
sometimes even a roughly-stitched incision
Tormented with Acerbic Scars are often
where the Tormented’s heart was cut from
spiteful, cattish individuals and that is
sometimes reflected in their appearance. their chest.

An Acerbic Scar allows a character to A Ruthless Scar allows a character to inflict

inflict an additional point of Confusion on an additional point of Alienation on a
a successful Contest that would normally successful Contest that would normally
inflict Confusion. inflict Alienation.

Enigmatic Scar
“You like my patterns? It took them a very long
time to cut them into me; they used the finest of
blades, and the very best silver, poured into the

Resilient Scar
“A thousand battles, I have fought. Every wound
I took a scar, and upon those scars I took yet
more wounds. I am a mass of old wounds; scars
upon scars upon scars. My flesh is a litany.”
Tormented with Resilient Scars are much
tougher than other souls. This scar most
often takes the form of a suit of armour,
but could also be a thick skin still marred
by broken blades and old wounds, or even a
thick shell of chitinous plates.

A Resilient Scar allows a character to

ignore a single attack once per scene that
would have inflicted Weakness points. don’t feel as… substantial… as I did. Can you
see through me?”
Tormented with Shadowy Scars sometimes
Haughty Scar
trail a great hanging cloak of flayed skin;
“They fitted me with this cage to drive out the
others may have a bat-like appearance.
weak thoughts. They tightened it around my
Some with afflicted with this scar have the
skull, squeezing out the pity, the regret, the
ability to become insubstantial for a
softness. I find I am thankful for it.”
short while.
Haughty Scars often take the form of a
cruel, distant demeanor. Some Tormented
A Shadowy Scar allows a character to
with Haughty Scars are more physically
ignore a single attack once per scene that
changed, with old wounds still visible on
would have inflicted Paranoia points.
their temples, or with great curving horns
sprouting from their heads.
Indomitable Scar
A Haughty Scar allows a character to “No more. That’s what I said when I broke
ignore a single attack once per scene that these chains around my neck. No. More. After
would have inflicted Confusion points. a millennia of suffering I rose up, and in that
moment, something in me changed forever.”
Indomitable Scars make a Tormented a
Shadowy Scar
bastion of their own will and identity.
“They took my reflection from me. Don’t ask
Sometimes these scars take the form of a
me how, but it hurt when they did. Now I
rusted iron cage enclosing the Tormented’s
head. Others manifest as arcane words Swift Scar
tattooed across the scalp. Some Tormented “They wanted me to be fast, you see. So I’d make
with these scars have had all the skin flayed better sport. After the first hundred times they
from their heads, leaving them a caught and flayed me, they decided they’d make
bloody skull. me faster.”
Swift Scars can take the form of animalistic
An Indomitable Scar allows a character to legs; often those of a goat. Others with this
ignore a single attack once per scene that scar are more centauroid, with the lower
would have inflicted Alienation points. half of a horse or bull.

Winged Scar A Swift Scar allows a character to move

“He called me his pretty little sparrow. He like to incredibly fast over land.
hear me sing, when he wasn’t punishing me. He
said I needed wings, to match my song.” Clinging Scar
Winged Scars take the form of a great pair “I think it was a spider, or something like that. It
of wings, allowing a Tormented to fly. Most took my hands and feet, and gave me these. Not
commonly these are bat wings, but they can sure, why. It didn’t tell me. Not sure it could
also be more avian, with black, white or even speak.”
even multi-hued feathers. Some Tormented You can walk on walls and ceilings, like a
with these scars sport multiple wings; two, spider. Or a fly. Often this scar manifests
three or even four pairs. with extra insectile legs, or changes a
Tormented’s hands to appear as
A Winged Scar allows a character to fly at clawed pads.
a swift pace.
A Clinging Scar allows a character to crawl
Aquatic Scar on any surface, although slower than they
“Yes, I have fins. Spend as long in the Abyssal would normally walk.
Ocean as I have, and you’d grow them too.”
Aquatic scars often take the form of gills
and webbed fingers and toes, but sometimes
they appear as fin-like appendages, or even
a mass of tentacles instead of legs.

An Aquatic Scar allows a character to swim

incredibly well. They are always at home
in water.

Chapter 6: Character generation
Each player in Tormented controls a Name
character; one of the Tormented Souls What is your character’s name? Although
trapped in the Twelve Hells. It is down Tormented can remember nothing of their
to each individual player to create their mortal life they can remember their name;
character and subsequently work with or at least a name they think is theirs.
the Storyteller to tell the story of that
character’s journey through the
To best capture the feel and theme of the
Twelve Hells.
game, names of Ancient Greek, Roman or
Biblical origin are advised.
There are several stages to character
creation. You can do these in order (which
is advised), or do them in the order you Mask and Heart
choose. A typical character generation Mask and Heart are two single-word
process can involve a lot of skipping around descriptions of the key components of your
between the various steps, as you hone your characters personality. Mask is the face that
character from a rough idea to a finished your character presents to those around
concept. them; the facade that they wear to protect
themselves. Heart is the true nature of your
• Step one: Concept (Name, Mask, character; the drive that actually motivates
Heart, Goal) them and forms their moral core.
• Step two: Aspects and Aptitudes
Some characters -those who wear their
• Step three: Scars
hearts on their sleeves- may have an
• Step four: Finishing touches (Fragments,
identical Mask and Heart; however
Conviction Points)
such individuals are uncommon in the
duplicitous and dangerous realms of the
Step one: Concept Twelve Hells.
Every character begins with a basic idea.
This can be a detailed idea, or a simple Mask and Heart in play
character quirk. There are several sections Mask and Heart are used to gain additional
to that make up a character concept in Conviction Points. If, during play, the
Tormented; Name, Mask, Heart and Goal. Storyteller believes a player has roleplayed
Together these points can help you get into in a way that embodies either the Mask
character, explain to the Storyteller and or Heart of their character, then they
other players what your character is and may award them with a Conviction Point.
maybe help you decide how your character However, such awards should not be too
would react to certain situations. common; one or two times per Story at
the most.
When choosing a Mask and a Heart, Daredevil
choose from the list below, or agree a new Friendly, adaptable, action-oriented,
descriptor with your Storyteller. Daredevils are fond of immediate results.
They can be impatient and impulsive, but
Adjutant are passionate and affectionate. Daredevils
Imbued with a strong sense of responsibility are very useful when you need something
and duty, Adjutants value traditions and done quickly.
security. They seek to serve others, and
derive satisfaction from a task well done. Guardian
They often need the reinforcement of others Guardians are diligent and loyal to
to feel good about themselves. those they see as under their protection.
Guardians have a strong personal code,
Architect and seek to enforce it whenever possible.
Creative, resourceful, and astute, Architects They can make good leaders, and are very
delight in seeing their plans come to capable at organising others.
fruition. They are excellent planners and
lateral thinkers. They can sometimes Martyr
become caught up in their ideas, becoming Martyrs seek to help others, even at their
neglectful of more mundane tasks. own expense. They are prone to self-
sacrifice, and dislike being alone. Martyrs
Artisan are effective leaders, are sensitive and have
Thorough, responsible and dependable; outstanding people skills. Some Martyrs
Artisans are often quiet and serious, with are motivated by penitent thoughts; they
excellent powers of concentration. Well believe they must sacrifice themselves to
organised and hard working, once an absolve themselves.
Artisan has put their mind to a task they
will strive to complete it. Mediator
Quiet, reflective, and idealistic, Mediators
Artist always try to see every side in a conflict.
Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind; Artists Mediators tend to be quick-witted
dislike conflict, and are seldom interested in and insightful; able to see possibilities
leading or controlling others. Artists have institutions that others would miss.
extremely well-developed senses, and an
aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Artists Muse
are very flexible, open-minded and creative. Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative, muses
are easily excited by new ideas but quickly
become bored with details. Their excitement the right thing. Preachers can make good
is infectious to others, and they are often leaders, as long as their followers share
open-minded and flexible. They enjoy their ideals.
inspiring others.
Outlaw Full of grand ideas, romantics are
Outlaws live for the moment, not for the always dreaming of what could be. They
future. They are uncomplicated in their are emotional, artistic, and extremely
desires, loyal to their friends and to their perceptive of others feelings, but prone
own values, but not overly concerned with to daydreaming. Romantics are great at
respecting laws and rules if they get in their coming up with grandiose ideas.
way. Outlaws excel at finding practical
solutions to problems. Tyrant
Dominant and outspoken, Tyrants are
Philosopher driven to lead. They have an excellent
Prone to deep, musing thought and ability to organise others and overcome
academic pursuits, Philosophers are quiet, problems, but often see the end as justifying
reserved and prefer their own company to the means. Tyrants are powerful leaders,
that of others. Normally reserved, they can although often through force of will, rather
become passionate about their theories than charisma.
and ideas.
Performer Visionaries are natural-born leaders with
Charming and fun-loving, Performers live a dream and the drive to see it fulfilled.
for pleasure and the adoration of others. Excellent at long-term planning, Visionaries
They love new experiences and dislike demand high standards from others and
structure and conformity. More often than themselves. Visionaries can be great
not Performers will be at the center of forces for good or ill, depending on their
attention in social situations. particular vision.

Preacher Goal
Forceful and possessed of a fierce sense All Tormented have a goal; a purpose
of their own values, Preachers are that drives them on and gives them the
individualistic, determined and powerfully strength to continue. This goal could be
charismatic; they are known for their something simple (“Get Revenge on the
perseverance in doing what they believe is demon who tortured me”), or something
more comprehensive (“Save as many souls as Step Two: Aspects, Aptitudes
I can, and find a way out of Hell”).
Some example goals are outlined below:
and Favoured Aptitudes
Aspects and Aptitudes are the main focus of
the mechanical of a character. These are the
statistics used when making various tests
You have escaped your confinement,
and checks to see if a character can perform
that much is given, but there are greater
a specific action.
confinements to escape. Do you seek to
escape the specific Hell you are in, or the
All characters begin with 15 Character
Twelve Hells entirely? There are rumours
points (CPs), which are used to buy both
that tell of Souls who have somehow
Aspects and Aptitudes.
managed to escape damnation, but few
details as to how.
Buying Aspects
Dominate All characters start with 1 point in each
You are strong, stronger than the demons Aspect (Power, Subtlety, Acumen and
perhaps. You can use that to put yourself in Presence) for free. Adding an additional
a position of power. Do you want to do that points costs a number of CP equal to the
to protect others? Or for your own gain? Do number of points the character currently
you perhaps even desire to usurp one of the has in that Aspect (see table below). The
Fiend Lords themselves? costs of buying more points is cumulative.
The maximum for any stat is 5 points but
Revenge players and Storytellers should remember
Revenge, as they say, is a dish best served that stats of 4 or 5 are considered extremely
cold. You are free, and now someone is uncommon.
going to pay.
Aspect CP Cost Cumulative Cost
Was it one demon in particular that
1 Free 0
wronged you? Or do you seek to teach all 2 1 1
demons the error of their ways? 3 2 3
4 3 6
5 4 10
Maybe there can be salvation, even in Hell.
Do you seek to save yourself? Or are you Buying Aptitudes
trying to save other souls, perhaps one soul Characters do not start with any Trained
in particular? Why? Aptitudes. To buy a Trained Aptitude costs
1 CP; this allows a character to treat a die

roll of 4 or more as a success when making Rarely, however, a soul will have flashes
an Aptitudes check. of memory; glimpses of their mortal life
To Master an Aptitudes costs 2 CP; this cost and possibly the crimes they commited.
is cumulative with the 1 CP paid to already These are known as Fragments, and to the
learn the Trained Aptitude, for a total of 3 Damned they are precious reminders of
CP to buy and then Master an Aptitudes. what they once were. Even the most painful
Mastered Aptitudes allow a character to Fragment is treasured as a glimpse of a
treat a die roll of 3 or more as a success world outside the nightmare of the Twelve
when making an Aptitudes check. Hells.

Favoured Aptitudes An individual Fragment is a brief,

Choose 3 Aptitudes to Favour. When a incomplete memory. It might be of a
character makes an Aptitudes check that smiling woman sat in a sunlit room; or
involved a Favoured Aptitude they roll an a view of a distant city on a hill. Never
additional 2d6. enough to fully understand the context of
the memory, but inspiring nonetheless.

Step Three: Scars Fragments in play

Characters begin with 3 Scars. Pick your
All characters begin with 3 Fragments. Each
characters Scars, work out how they
Fragment is recorded as a short phrase, such
manifest, and write them down.
as “I remember a kind woman; I was loved
once”, or “I see a city on a hill; I think I lived
Step Four: Finishing Touches there”.
The finishing touches to your character are
the Fragments of memory they retain, and Fragments are used as a source of
their Conviction Points. spiritual strength. Characters can rest and
contemplate on a Fragment to remove
Fragments Threat points (see the Threat points
One of the torturous aspects of being section). During this time the character
condemned to the Twelve Hells is that a relives the Fragment again and again,
soul cannot remember the reasons they gaining succour from it as they attempt to
have been sentenced to suffer eternally. glean any meaning from the memory.
Indeed, not even the demons know why
any particular soul is condemned to Hell Fragments can also be used to save a
(although few demons will admit it). character from Dissolution; the state in
which a soul is rendered permanently
incapacitated. If a character is at risk of others. Looking at the list of examples, Alex
becoming Dissolute they can choose instead decides he likes the look of the Philosopher
to permanently forget a Fragment to avoid description; someone who is quiet and
their fate. Whis happens, the Fragment in thoughtful, but sometimes passionate,
question is marked as lost on the character and a bit of a loner. He starts to build up
sheet, and the character forgets the details an idea of what Ezekiel will be like based
of that Fragment. The character somehow on this. Alex writes down ‘Philosopher’ in
miraculously survives the situation; the the Heart section of the character sheet.
player and the Storyteller should discuss Now he knows what Ezekiel is like on the
how this happens. inside, Alex looks at the list again to pick
If a character forgets their last Fragment, a description for how his character acts
they become a Lost Soul and can no longer around other people; his Mask. He quickly
be played. decides on the Mediator; someone who is
quiet and thoughtful (similar to his Heart)
Conviction Points and acts as a balancing force. He adds this
You start with 3 Conviction Points. These to the character sheet. Finally Alex needs
are a finite resource; once they are gone to pick a goal for Ezekiel. He thinks that
they are gone. You can earn more, however, Ezekiel is the kind of soul who would seek
during the game. to help those around him, even if that puts
his own safety at risk. Although he could
just write ‘Salvation’ as his characters goal,
Example Character Alex decides something a bit more detailed
Generation is needed; he writes down “Balance the
Alex sits down with a copy of the evils around me” - Alex believes this better
Tormented rulebook to create a new encompasses Ezekiel’s goal to do right by
character for Ellen’s upcoming game. those trapped in the Twelve Hells.
First Alex tries to come up with the core
concept of his character; their name, Mask, The next section of character generation is
Heart, and Goals. Alex decides he likes the assigning points to Aspects and Aptitudes.
name Ezekiel; it’s Biblical in origin so it Alex likes the idea of Ezekiel being a
fits the setting and he likes how it sounds. cerebral and emotional character, rather
He writes down the name on his character than a physical one, so he puts 3 points in
sheet. For the Mask and Heart, Alex decides both Acumen and Presence. This costs 6
to pick his character’s Heart first - he wants character points in total. He also puts 2
to think about who they truly are before points in Subtlety, as he thinks Ezekiel is at
deciding on how they present themselves to least half-decent at subterfuge, and leaves
his Power at 1. This means in total Alex has and an Indomitable Scar. He decides that
spent 7 character points on Aspects. the Raucous scar, which allows Ezekiel to
Looking at the list of Aptitudes, Alex make Presence Contests at longer range,
picks the ones he believes Ezekiel will be takes the form of rays of light, that stream
most likely to use the most; Magnanimous from Ezekiel’s skull when he orates. The
(because everything else so far has Enigmatic scar, which means that Ezekiel
made him think this will be Ezekiel’s inflicts more Paranoia points on a successful
primary Aptitude), Mystical (because Contest, takes the form of strange arcane
he’s thoughtful, clever and probably quite words tattooed across Ezekiel’s chest and
learned), Observant (Alex sees Ezekiel as arms. Lastly, the Indomitable scar, which
being quite astute and sharp-eyed), and allows Ezekiel to ignore a single attack
Restrained (Alex sees Ezekiel being quite that would inflict Alienation points, takes
stoic). He spends 1 character point to make the form of a series of iron blades that are
each of these Aptitudes Trained. driven into the back of Ezekiel’s skull.
Alex decides to spent 2 of his remaining Alex writes down “Raucous Scar (rays
character points to make Magnanimous of light when orating)”, “Enigmatic Scar
Mastered, meaning Ezekiel will be even (Arcane tattoos)”, and “Indomitable Scar
better with this Aptitude. (Iron blades in skull)” on his character sheet.
Only 1 character point remains. Alex spends
this to take the Devious Aptitude at Trained The final step is to record Ezekiel’s
- he thinks that Ezekiel will be secretly quite Fragments. Alex thinks that Ezekiel was
good at underhanded methods when he probably a teacher in life, so the first
needs to be. fragment he writes down is something to
Alex now marks down the various do with that: “I remember talking before
proficiency levels on his character sheet by a crowd; I think I was a teacher”. Next he
checking the corresponding boxes in the decides to add something about the others
Aptitudes section. in Ezekiel’s life; “I remember a woman
With all his character points spent, Alex laughing as she tells me she loves me”.
can now choose 3 Aptitudes to be Favoured; Finally Alex decides to add something
he chooses Magnanimous, Mystical and about where Ezekiel lived; he writes down “I
Restrained, and marks his character remember the sea, brilliant blue as the sun
sheet accordingly. sparkles on the waves”.

Next Alex moves on to choosing Ezekiel’s The final thing to record are Ezekiel’s
Scars. After reading through the list, Alex Conviction Points; he starts with 3. Ezekiel
chooses a Raucous Scar, an Enigmatic Scar is now ready to step into Ellen’s story.
Chapter 7: Storytelling
The Storyteller is the role that in other are both working together to tell a story.
roleplaying games would be referred to
as the Gamemaster. It is the job of the Too many Storytellers forget this cardinal
Storyteller to frame the story that the rule and see their role as the wall the
players act out with their characters, and to players have to beat down. They write a
guide them through scenes and challenges story and then get frustrated when the
with the help of the rules. players act outside of the planned route.
They throw enemies at the players in waves
Tormented is described as a Storytelling to try to wound or kill their characters, so
game as it is intended to be a collaborative they can feel justified that they ‘made the
experience in which a story is told by both game hard enough’.
the players and the Storyteller; tales of
damnation and salvation, innocence and The best way to be a Storyteller is to
loss, guilt and repentance. While combat remember that (despite the name) it is not
may feature in such stories, it is not the Storyteller’s job to tell a story. It their
intended to be a focus of them as it is in job to create a setting; what the player
some roleplaying games. characters do in that setting is what creates
the story. The best Storyteller sets the stage,
The way the rules for Tormented have been guides the players and helps make it an
designed is to encourage both players and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
Storytellers to view all and any situations
during a game as resolvable in a variety That said, while it’s sometimes good to
of ways. While you could smash your way let characters show off how competent
through a group of opponents, you could they are, you must also present them with
equally cow them with your thundering real challenges and real threats. Without
voice, outwit them with your superior struggle and risk, there is no sense of
intelligence, or sneak past them like accomplishment. It is a very fine balance
a shadow. between allowing characters to breeze
through a story with no opposition, and
challenging them enough that they feel like
The Psychology
they really earned the ending.
of Storytelling
The psychology of being a Storyteller Another key rule to remember is pacing.
is sometimes hard to achieve. As the Any good story builds tension and
Storyteller you are not trying to ‘beat’ the releases it. Having too many high-risk,
players; you are not opposing teams, you threatening scenes one after another
becomes dull because eventually we become This is a better solution than the Storyteller
oversaturated and lose interest. Equally, a constantly telling players no because it
slow-paced story where nothing happens is helps both sides build the story. However,
boring for obvious reasons. A good, varied there are some instances where ‘no’ is the
mix of threat, action, social interaction and right answer. If the Storyteller says no, then
mental challenges makes for an interesting their word is final.

Aptitude Checks
Also remember that a simple thing done Aptitude checks are used to determine
well is better than an elaborate thing done the outcome of any situation in which the
poorly. Plots do not need to be complex success or failure of an action will affect
webs of intrigue; sometimes the simplest the shape of the story. Certain actions are
plot can yield the most memorable games. essential to the progress of a story; these
actions shouldn’t involve Aptitude checks
Lastly, don’t be afraid to take a break as the failure of those checks would only
from the game if you need to calculate or result in the story stalling until the players
plan. This is not a video game, and you are passed the required check. Aptitude checks
not a computer. It’s better to tell a good should be reserved for actions where success
story slowly than a dull one quickly. If the leads the story in one direction, and failure
players come up with a plan you have not another.
anticipated it’s fine to ask them to take a
short break while you quickly brainstorm For example: Samael is trying to gain entrance
a resolution. to a prison where he believes a soul is trapped
that might have information he needs. He
The ‘Yes but’ rule attempts to rebuke the two demons who guard
Tormented is a game about Gothic Horror, the gate. Samael’s player makes the Aptitude
but even with that, it is supposed to be a check requested by the Storyteller but fails;
game and people play games to have fun. the demons laugh and drive him away. Now
When a player asks if their character can Samael’s player needs to come up with a different
do something, generally the Storyteller plan to enter the prison, sending the story in a
should respond “Yes, but...”. new direction. Had he succeeded, the story would
The ‘but’ can include an Aptitudes check have progressed to him locating and talking to
(such as “Yes but you’ll have to make a DV5 the prisoner.
Power plus Forceful check”) or a condition
(“Yes, but the demon will spot you”).

Which Aspect and Aptitude?
So a player wants to perform an action,
which Aspect and Aptitude do you
combine? Some actions might be fairly
obvious which combination to use; combat
for example usually involves the Power
Aspect combined with either the Daring or
Forceful Aptitudes. Other checks might be
less obvious.

Some example types of check, and the

opposing check, are outlined below. This
is not an exhaustive list, it is just a set of
Bluffing, Charming or Seducing
Check: Presence + Hedonistic or
Magnanimous or Devious
Check: Power + Daring or Forceful
Opposed by: Acumen + Restrained
Opposed by: Power + Tough or Observant

“They called him the Silver-tongue, because his

“Into the host she dove; lance held before her and
words could charm the horns from the head of
shield raised. Blow after blow she rained upon
an arch-demon. He instinctively knew the words
her foes, smiting them with all her might and
that would bring others to his side; he wove them
fury. None could stand against her, and they fell
like a spider weaves its web. An his words were
back and were broken.”
no less deadly to those they ensnared.”

Simply put, one character decides to

Bluffing, Charming and Seduction are all
physically injure another. Forceful is the
similar in that they involve a character
Aptitude most often used for combat
attempting to use the charisma, words or
checks, but Daring can also be used when a
lies to get another character to do what
character is trying something particularly
they want. A successful Bluff, Charm or
dynamic. The result of a successful Combat
Seduction check can be used to get another
check will almost always be Weakness
character to impart information, perform a
points inflicted on the target.
favour, or to believe a particular statement
is true. A successful check will usually
inflict Confusion points on the target, but

optionally it could instead inflict Paranoia -the raw stuff of suffering- from Damned
points, depending on the situation. souls by demons. However, even demons
are not immune to pain, and more than
Intimidation one Tormented has turned to Torture
Check: Power + Callous or Forceful as a means to exact revenge or extract
Opposed by: Presence + Restrained information from the natives of the Hells.
Worse still, some Tormented use it on
“The countenance beneath her cowl was such Damned souls to produce Morsus, which
that those who gazed upon it fell back in fear, they then trade to demons in exchange for
and fled. She was a storm walking; her eyes were favours. A successful Torture check can
lightening and her brow a thunderhead.” force a character to reveal information
against their will. It can also be used to
Sometimes putting fear into someone is the extract Morsus from a Damned soul; one
best way to get what you need. A character measure of Morsus is extracted per success.
can Intimidate another through a show A successful Torture check can inflict
of force, verbal threats or even by sheer any kind of Threat point; this should be
menacing presence. It can be used to make determined by the Storyteller and the
others cooperate out of fear, back down Torturing character.
from a confrontation or keep quiet about
something. A successful Intimidation check Duel of Wits
almost always inflicts Confusion points on Check: Subtlety + Devious
the target. Opposed by: Acumen + Devious

Torture “They dueled with words and wits, as the demons

Check: Power or Subtlety + Callous of the Salon of Suffering watched with arched
Opposed by: Acumen + Restrained eyebrows. No quarter was given, nor asked for.
Words were wielded like blades, each insult
“Skin was his canvas; knives his brushes and carefully calculated to inflict maximum damage.
blood his paint. He created a masterpiece of In the end, there could be only one victor.”
suffering, wrung in screams and agony from the
raw clay of his victim. There was nothing they A Duel of Wits is when two characters
would not tell him to stop the torture, but their attempt to outmaneuver each other
words fell on deaf ears.” verbally and mentally, sparring with words
and cunning. This is usually in a social
Torture is common in the Twelve Hells, situation, but could equally take place on
and most often used to extract Morsus a battlefield. A Duel of Wits can be used to
shame or discourage an opponent, usually either Paranoia or Confusion points for a
resulting in them backing down or feeling particularly impressive result.
chastised. A successful Duel of Wits check
will always inflict Alienation points on Battle of Wills
the target. Check: Acumen + Forceful
Opposed by: Acumen + Restrained

“Their eyes locked over the battlefield, and as

they did all distractions fell away. She strode
towards her enemy, her will projected before her
as a wave of incandescent power. For a moment
he withstood her assault, until his mind buckled
and he was cast down before her.”

A battle of Wills is a contest in which

two characters match their intellect and
willpower against one another. This could
take the form of a sorcerous battle, or
alternatively it could be something more
mundane and cerebral such as a game of
Stealth chess. A successful Duel of Wits check will
Check: Subtlety + Devious always inflict Alienation points on the
Opposed by: Acumen + Observant target.

“He was like a shadow; like darkness walking. Sorcerous Singing

His footsteps made no sound as he stole across Check: Presence + Mystical
the bone-flagged courtyard of the arch-demon’s Opposed by: Presence + Restrained or
manse, and he climbed the walls like a spider. Tough
Demons sleep lightly, but his tread was
lighter still.” “Gathered he a great breath, and with that gave
voice to a dire chant that smote his foes. Thunder
If a character wants to get past another rolled, and about his head gathered flashes of
without being seen, or perhaps to smuggle terrible power. All those who heard his song
something past them in plain sight, they quailed in fear.”
need to make a Stealth check. While a
successful Stealth check rarely inflicts Many demons are fond of songs, and
Threat Points, sometimes the Storyteller sometimes those songs are accompanied
might decide that the target will take by sorcerous fire, roiling smoke and flashes
of infernal power. Some Tormented can number of dice equal to the Aspect that is
also sing such wrathful dirges, and use most logical to the situation (i.e. Power in
their songs to flay the demons who oppose a combat situation, Acumen in a situation
them. A successful Sorcerous Singing check where quick-thinking would work, etc) and
can be used to terrify opponents, impress count the number of dice resulting in a 4,
them or leave them shocked and confused. 5 or 6 (as if they were making a Trained
A successful check will always inflict Aptitude check). The resulting number
Confusion points on the target. is their Initiative. Those with the highest
initiative reactive fastest and act first; those
Infernal Rebuke with the lowest initiative react slowest.
Check: Presence + Forceful Storytellers may wish to roll Initiative for
Opposed by: Presence + Restrained NPCs involved in a scene as a group, or in
several subgroups (one roll for enemies, one
“She gathered herself up, suddenly tall beyond roll for allies for example) to speed up play.
measurement, beautiful beyond enduring,
terrible and worshipful. Her words cracked like a When it is a character’s turn to act, they
whip, and all fell before her, cowering at her feet may make a single Aptitude check, move
like dogs, begging for her forgiveness.” several paces, talk or another suitable
action. Once they are finished, it is the
An Infernal Rebuke is when a character next character’s turn, and so on until all
uses their charisma, presence and anger to characters have acted.
chastise another, driving them back with If further actions are required or desired,
sheer force of personality and outrage. A all characters make another Initiative
successful Infernal Rebuke will cause a check, and continue acting until the scene
target to cower, flee or grovel before the is resolved.
character. A successful check will always
inflict Confusion points on the target. Initiative checks can be used for any contest
involving multiple characters acting at
Initiative once; not just combat, but arguments,
In some situations, such as combat, multiple rebuking, or even singing. If a scene involves
characters may be acting against one two or more characters trying to act before
another. To determine the sequence in which the other, use an Initiative check.
the characters in a scene may act, each
character must make an Initiative check. Assigning a Difficulty Value
When a player asks to perform an action
An Initiative check is made by rolling a sometimes it is not clear as to what
Difficulty Value a Storyteller should assign By default most actions can only take place
to it. Generally speaking most everyday at Close range. However, some actions are
tasks such as climbing walls, picking locks logically longer range (such as shooting a
and anything that shouldn’t take a hero too bow at a target, or spotting a character in
long should have a DV of 1 or 2. the distance). Characters with certain Scars
Tasks that require more Aptitude or luck can also make Aptitude checks over much
should range from DV 2 to 3. Difficulty larger distances than normal.
Values of 4 and 5 should be reserved for
tasks that are truly difficult. DV 6 tasks A character can attempt to affect a target
should only really appear in times of at a further range bracket than normal by
great peril. increasing the DV of the Aptitude check by
1 for each bracket beyond the normal range.
Aptitude checks can encompass almost It should be noted that these ranges
any action the players and Storytellers only affect the initiating character. If an
can think of, but some of those actions can Aptitudes check affects another character
only feasibly take place at specific ranges. (such as shooting a bow) then the affected
For example; you can’t whisper to someone character can still make their opposing
the other side of a field. Other checks will check as normal.
be applicable, regardless of range, such
as trying to spot someone sneaking in the
Opposed Aptitude Checks
shadows, or singing a song.
Sometimes two characters come into
contest with each other when making
All contests have an innate (and hopefully
Aptitude checks. This can be two player
logical) range at which they can take place.
characters, or a player character and a
If a character wants to whisper a threat to
character controlled by the Storyteller (a
someone this can only take place if the two
non-player character, or NPC). In these
are close together. If a character wants to
situations the difficulty of an Aptitudes
shout to another, that has a longer range.
check is not determined by the Storyteller:
Tormented uses conceptual range brackets
instead the characters both make Aptitude
to establish if a character can make an
checks and the results are compared against
Aptitudes check. These ranges are:
each other.
In most opposed Aptitude checks there
Bracket Description
Close Within touching distance will be an active character and a passive
Near Within a few dozen yards character; the active character is the one
Distant Within line-of-sight, but far away making the Aptitude check and the passive

the difference between the two results.
The Storyteller will determine the type of
Threat points gained, but the player may
suggest the type of Threat they were trying
to inflict.

For example: Samael has found another way

into the prison and is sneaking down a corridor.
Ahead a demon steps into view, and Samael’s
player decides he will attack the demon from
behind before he can spot Samael. He makes a
Power + Devious Aptitude check, opposed by the
demon’s Acumen + Observant. Samael’s player
character is the one they are trying to beat. gets 5 success; the Storyteller gets 2 for the
The passive character’s Aptitude check demon. Samael inflicts 3 Weakness points on the
determines the DV of the active character’s demon; enough to drive it into Collapse.
Aptitude check; the active character must
equal or exceed the result of the passive Assisting other characters
character’s Aptitude check in order At times two or more characters may wish
to succeed. to combine their efforts for a particular
If the passive character fails to get any task. Characters can elect to aid each other
successes then as long as the active with Aptitude checks in certain situations
character gets a single success they succeed. when the Storyteller deems it appropriate.
If neither character gets any successes then
both characters fail. When aiding each other, the characters
involved must decide who is taking the
Combat is one example of an opposed lead and who is providing assistance. Both
Aptitude check; when a character attacks characters make an Aptitudes check against
another the attacker (the active character) the DV assigned by the Storyteller. The
tries to equal or exceed the defender’s assisting character(s) each add half the
(the passive character) Aptitude check to successes they rolled (rounding down, to
determine if they hit their target. a minimum of 1 success) to the successes
rolled by the leading character. The number
When the active character wins an opposed of characters who can assist with any one
Aptitude check, they may inflict Threat check is decided by the Storyteller.
Points on the passive character equal to

For example: Ashima is trying to break down Uncommon
a heavy door with a Power + Forceful Aptitude Uncommon relics may cost a small amount
check. Samael offers to help her and the or require a small investment of time to
Storyteller agrees that this is an Aptitude check locate, and grant an extra 1d6 to Aptitude
he can assist with. As Samael is the stronger checks involving that Aptitude.
character the pair agree he should lead and
Ashima will assist. The Storyteller assigns a DV An example Uncommon relic is a Hell-
of 4 to the check and both Ashima and Samael forged whip that grants a +1d6 bonus to
roll their dice. Ashima rolls 2 successes and any Forceful Aptitude checks. The whip is
Samael rolls 3. Ashima halves her successes for a stitched from the skin flayed from Damned
total of 1 and adds it to Samael’s 3 successes for a souls, and when swung it moans with the
total of 4; they succeed! voices of those souls used to make it. Such
whips are common in the Palace of Pain.
Some Aptitude checks may be ruled by the
Storyteller as un-assistable but each case Remarkable
should be decided by the Storyteller as and Remarkable relics can be hard to find and
when players decide they wish to assist will certainly cost a significant amount. A
each other. Remarkable relic grants an extra 2d6 to
Aptitude checks involving that Aptitude.
Relics are useful, powerful items created by An example Remarkable relic is a cloak of
the residents of Hell. They are often unique, scintillating scales, plucked from a glass
and many of them are fought over jealously. snake from the Blinding Flats. The scales
Characters do not start with any relics; adopt the colours of their surroundings,
they must be acquired during their travels granting a +2d6 bonus to any Devious
through the Twelve Hells. Aptitude checks.

Relics grant bonus dice to Aptitude checks. Exceptional

Each Relic belongs to one of three ratings; Exceptional relics are very rare and
Uncommon, Remarkable and Exceptional. usually of the utmost quality or of bizarre
Each Relic is linked to a certain Aptitude, provenance. Obtaining an Exceptional relic
which indicates which Aptitude it grants will be an adventure in itself. Exceptional
bonus dice to. relics grant an extra 3d6 to Aptitude checks
involving that Aptitude.

An example Exceptional relic is the withdrawn. A demon starved of morsus for
Weeping Blade; a singular sword forged a significant period will exhibit physical
from the tears of the Banshee herself. The signs of withdrawal; they become thin,
Blade contains a tiny fragment of the emaciated and predatory.
Banshee’s powers, granting a +3d6 bonus
to any Mystical Aptitude checks. Lost If a mortal soul were to consume a measure
for centuries, legends tell that the Blade of morsus they relive the pain and suffering
is hidden in a labyrinthine set of tunnels of the soul it was created from. Sometimes
beneath the Howling Wastes. Finding these they also experience flashes of memory or
tunnels is a quest in itself, and reaching sensation, but never are these experiences
them without the denizens of the Wastes pleasant.
finding you is another. Then, once inside
the tunnels, you must navigate your way Mechanically, if a Damned soul is subjected
through the ash-choked passageways, to Torture (see the Aptitude checks section)
find the Blade, and escape again before then one measure of morsus is produced per
the nightmarish creatures that lurk in the success. The morsus weeps out of the victim’s
gloom come for you. skin like sweat, or sometimes even congeals
from their very screams. It can be bottled,
or otherwise stored in any container.
Morsus is the name given by demons to
Demons with the knowledge are able to
the raw stuff of suffering created when
refine raw morsus into a variety of other
a Damned soul is tortured. It is a dark,
elements, all of which can be consumed
crimson liquid that somewhat resembles
by demons. All such elements have the
blood, or perhaps wine, and it is relished by
same effect as morsus on mortal souls, but
demons who consume it as mortals would
to demons each has a different flavour or
food or drink. It has a strange, unctuous
sensation: shriek-sugar is sweet agony; pain-
quality; it is thick and viscous, and beads of
wine is intoxicating; agony-snuff is dizzying
it seem drawn to one another.
and flavourful.

Ingesting morsus invigorates demons,

Morsus -and its derivatives- is a lucrative
leaving them content and drowsy. Although
commodity in the Twelve Hells. Demons are
demons do not require sustenance in a
quick to trade favours, or even treasures for
normal sense, they hunger for morsus and
it, and more than one Tormented soul has
if they are not able to regularly consume it
turned on their fellow Damned to lay their
they become foul tempered, aggressive and
hands on raw morsus.
The Nature of Souls trauma and is then somehow rendered
Is it not known how or why a particular unable to recover.
soul is assigned to the Hell they awake Most commonly Dissolution is as a result of
in, if they are indeed assigned at all. All physical trauma, but it is just as possible to
Damned generally agree the first thing they end up in this state from other situations.
remember is terrible, burning agony, a sense
of falling and then sudden consciousness Some demons intentionally make souls
and an undeniable knowledge that they Dissolute, as doing so initially creates a
were dead. large amount of Morsus. However, after the
Some souls awake naked, others clothed; initial deluge, the flow of Morsus quickly
some remember more fragments of their stops and the soul becomes useless as a
previous life than others. But there are source of nourishment. As such, the practice
constants among the Damned: none of them is mostly discouraged in ‘civilised’ demonic
need to sleep, eat, drink, or breathe. They society. Souls can also end up Dissolute due
can still do any of these things should the to the various environmental hazards found
desire take them -and many do so out of in the various Hells.
pure habit- but the physical requirement
is no longer there. The Damned are also From a Storytelling point of view there
functionally immortal. Although they are a few ways characters can become
resemble physical beings, souls are no Dissolute. The most common way is filling
longer bound to the mortal plane and as up all four Threat tracks; if a character
such cannot be killed by violence, disease or gains the maximum number of Weakness,
Paranoia, Confusion and Alienation points
neglect. Their flesh can still be cut and torn,
but any injuries will quickly heal, even thosethen they have become Dissolute.
that would be fatal in the mortal realm. Characters can also become Dissolute
through failing an extremely difficult
The two main threats a soul faces in the Aptitude check (although this is
Twelve Hells are Dissolution and Loss uncommon), or through negligent action
of Self. by their player. Negligent action is when a
player insists on attempting a dangerous
action despite Storyteller’s warning, such as
jumping into a bottomless pit or standing
Dissolution is as close to death as a soul
in the path of a landslide. In such situations
can come in the Twelve Hells. It is the state
is it advisable that the Storyteller give the
in which a soul has suffered an incredible
player an Impossible (DV 7) skill check to
amount of physical, mental or psychological
save their character, but the player should
be aware the price of failure is the loss of Some players may decide that the horrors
their character. Even if the player passes of the Twelve Hells are too much for their
the check their character should suffer some character, and that Loss of Self is an
kind of consequence as a result of their appropriate fate for them.
Another way a character can die is through Loss of Self should never be forced on a
conscious sacrifice. A player may choose character without a players permission.
that their character willingly becomes
Dissolute, usually to save another character. The Setting
In such situations no rolls are necessary; the Tormented is intended to capture the
character is Dissolute. feeling of the Hells presented in a number of
works of popular fiction. The Twelve Hells
A player can save their character from are meant to be a familiar, yet disturbing
Dissolution by choosing to have them place where the laws of physics do not
permanently forget a Fragment. When this matter and horror is ever present.
happens the character is miraculously saved It is intended to be a timeless setting; the
from their fate; the player and Storyteller characters controlled by the players have
should work together to work out how they been trapped in the Hells for centuries
are saved and work it into the story in a if not aeons; they are not intended to be
believable and interesting way. people from our modern age. The mortal
world -our world- should not feature in
Loss of Self games of Tormented, except as an idealised
Loss of Self occurs when a Souls loses all setting for Fragments of memory. Even
hope and forgets the last fragment of who when exploring these fragments, the world
they once were. These souls become Lost; should be kept nebulous and abstract.
traumatised and haunted creatures that are
no longer truly aware of their surroundings. Socially the Twelve Hells are best imagined
as a pseudo-medieval setting with elements
Characters can only become Lost Souls if of the renaissance thrown in. The medieval
they forget their last Fragment; something elements can be found in the way the
that can only really happen voluntarily as various demons occupy the social strata
part of a story. A character generally only of peasants, yeomen, knights, barons and
forgets Fragments to avoid Dissolution, lords. They are a vicious and scheming race,
so a character can only forget their last yet their hierarchy is ingrained in their
Fragment if they believe Loss of Self is a psychology. This feudal setting can also
better fate than Dissolution.
extend to the physical locations found in abnormal, you can create a sense of
the various Hells; castles are commonplace, alienation and horror in your players.
as are keeps, towers and villages that
wouldn’t look out of place in the medieval For example; the players are exploring the
period. The renaissance elements are found Shrieking Forest and encounter a quiet village.
in the ‘technology’ level of the Twelve Hells, The first familiar aspect is the village itself; the
as well as the look and feel of some demons. Storyteller describes it as a peaceful hamlet of
Armour and weaponry found in the gothic thatched-roofed cottages, built along the banks
or renaissance period would not look out of of a river. The river is the second familiar aspect;
place in the Twelve Hells, such as baroque the Storyteller describes how the players can
plate armour, greatswords, longswords. In hear it babble, and a small bridge crosses it in
some Hells, such as the Palace of Pain and the middle of the village. Then, the weird aspect;
the Sprawling Warren, demons delight in as the players get closer they realise the river is
dressing in clothing that draws from the filled with blood, not water.
renaissance period.
Weird, yet familiar A question that may well arise during
A good rule for Storytellers when describing stories is “Is there a heaven?”.
the Twelve Hells, or creating a new location The answer is that no one in the Twelve
in a particular Hell, is to add 2 familiar Hells -not mortal souls, nor demons, nor
aspects for every 1 weird aspect. even the Fiend Lords themselves- truly
By blending the everyday with the knows. Demons may claim they know, but
these are assuredly lies. Many demons and
mortal souls argue that, as the Hells exist
to punish, there must be an opposing realm
that exits to reward. However, if such a
place does exist, its very nature would be
anathema to the residents of the Twelve
Hells. Demons would be instantly and
utterly destroyed by setting foot in such a
place, and a similar fate would await any
inhabitants of Heaven should they find
themselves in the Twelve Hells.
And what of Damned and Tormented souls?
Can someone who has been condemned
to the Hells (presumably for good reason)
redeem themselves to such degree that they but it goes without saying that getting any
would ever be accepted into Heaven? information out of a Fiend Lord is next to
A character having the goal of getting into Escaping the Twelve Hells should be the
Heaven is perfectly acceptable, however it end goal in a long campaign, as opposed to
is a very lofty goal and not a common one. the conclusion of a regular story. Finding
Stories that deal with characters redeeming the secret of the way out should involve
themselves enough to be lifted up into travelling through numerous Hells, and
Heaven are similarly not typical, although facing countless trials and tribulations.
not to be discouraged. Escaping into
Heaven should only be the result of very And should you escape, then what?
long campaigns in which characters seek to No one knows what lies beyond the Twelve
understand why they were condemned to Hells; to escape is to never return. Demons
the Twelve Hells and do such good that they certainly can never leave hell; they would
balance out their cosmic debt. Entering the wither and die in the hostile environment
gates of Heaven would be the final scene of the mortal realms. Many souls theorise
in such a tale; the finale to a long story of what happens to those who do manage to
redemption and salvation. escape. Are they reborn in new bodies? If
so, are they reborn with their memories of
Escaping the Twelve Hells their time in Hell, or are their torments
A common theme for stories is escaping mercifully forgotten? Are they reborn as
the Twelve Hells; most Damned souls -and children, or as adults? Perhaps they are not
many Tormented- want to be anywhere but reborn at all; perhaps they are doomed to
in Hell, but finding a way out of Hell is no wander the mortal realms as nothing more
easy feet. Yet still, many souls attempt it. than a ghost (although is a ghost better off
While it is certainly possible for mortal than a tortured soul?).
souls -both Damned and Tormented- to
escape the Twelve Hells, it is almost As with entering Heaven, games that deal
impossibly hard to do so. Hell is a prison, with escaping the Twelve Hells should end
after all, and it is a poor prison that allows at the point the characters escape. Leave it
its inmates to escape easily. It is rumoured up to the players to decide what fate awaits
that there are certain Chthonic Portals their characters.
that lead to the mortal realms, but they
are all locked and bound with powerful Themes
spells and riddles. Other legends tell that There are several key theme that can be
the twelve Fiend Lords know of ways out, explored in stories that help to capture the
intended feel of Tormented. Storytellers they seek revenge on; usually a demon
and players alike can seek to include these but sometimes a fellow mortal soul, or
themes as much or as little as they like, or even against the Twelve Hells themselves.
to ignore them completely if they so wish! Revenge is a dark path, and stories that
include this theme can explore a number of
Gothic Horror revenge-related elements. Revenge can take
Gothic Horror is perhaps the primary many forms in the Twelve Hells, from simple
theme in Tormented. The game is set in a violence, to more Machiavellian plots.
dark hellscape inhabited by nightmarish Stories including revenge as a theme
demons, and the player characters are could explore ideas such as revenge begets
tortured and driven creatures that have revenge, or perhaps the idea of revenge
had monstrous things done to them. Story
causing the character to become exactly
elements such as fear (especially fear at
like the one they seek revenge on. The
having been transformed into something
‘Roaring Rampage of Revenge’ is another
against one’s will), horror and nightmares
popular trope; in which a character (or
are classic Gothic Horror hallmarks.
characters) violently hunt down a number
Secrets, madness and dark compulsions are
also usual elements that can be included; of individuals they seek revenge on.
especially when those elements are used Other stories might focus on the idea of a
to drive a hero to commit heinous crimes. character on a quest for revenge who comes
A hero or heroine who starts out with a to realise that, when finally presented with
noble idea but becomes a monster due the opportunity, they no longer want to
to their frenzied pursuit of that idea is a take it. Revenge meshes quite well with
theme found in numerous Gothic Horror themes of redemption and forgiveness -rare
stories. Fragments, especially those that things in the Hells.
are bittersweet, are an excellent way to
bring elements of Gothic Horror to games;
Guilt and Repentance
contrasting what the characters once had
Almost every character in Tormented
with where they now are. Lastly, romance
should feel a little guilty for something:
(especially tragic romance) is another
they were condemned to the Twelve Hells
common thread found in Gothic Horror;
for a reason, after all, even if they can’t
this is something that can definitely be
explored as part of a story. remember what that reason is.
The themes of guilt and repentance are
often linked in stories, with characters
either denying their guilt and finally
Revenge is a common theme in Tormented
coming to terms with it, or being initially
stories. Many characters have someone
wracked with guilt and later coming to
realise they shouldn’t be. Tormented are transformed, warped
Stories including guilt and repentance can creatures; no longer fully human. How do
use Fragments to explore these themes; they deal with this transformation? Horror?
as characters in Tormented are unable to Resolve? Delight?
remember their mortal lives, the Fragments
of memory they cling to are one of the only Redemption
ways they can attempt to understand who Redemption is a strong motivator for
they are and why they were condemned. many characters in Tormented. As with
Other stories might explore these themes Repentance, some characters feel that they
by having the characters seek repentance have a cosmic debt to pay for whatever
through their actions in the Twelve Hells. unremembered crimes earned them eternal
Freeing Damned souls and similar acts of damnation. Perhaps by paying off that
kindness can go a long way to paying off debt, they can be redeemed and thereby
the cosmic debt some characters feel escape the Twelve hells?
they owe. Some characters in Tormented may well
fall to the path of darkness during stories;
Loss of Self becoming monsters in order to fight the
What makes you “you”? Is it your memories? monsters around them. Redemption
If you can no longer remember your past storylines can help these characters undo
life, are you even the same person? the damage they have done.
Loss of self is a theme that can be explored Other characters may be offered a chance
in a number of ways in Tormented. The at redemption, but ultimately refuse it.
most obvious is characters agonising over Perhaps, after everything, they decide
and coming to terms with the loss of their the are at peace with their actions and
memories. Other aspects of this theme decisions, dark though they may be.
can involve the aforementioned quandary
of what makes up a person’s identity. If Stories
it is their memories and the sum of their What kind of stories are to be expected in
previous experiences, are they still the same Tormented? Generally almost any storyline
person they were in life? What’s more, what that can be imagined can take place in the
if the person you were in life was someone Twelve Hells. Heists; exploration, personal
you don’t want to be now? What if you were quests and even love stories would not be out
an evil person? of place.
While some stories will involve the attempts
Another aspect of the theme is the loss of characters to escape the Twelve Hells,
of self is the loss of the physical self.
these should probably be infrequent as Scene
escaping Hell is quite a feat. More often than A scene encompasses a number of events
not, stories should involve personal tales; in the same location that occur within a
attempts to improve a characters lot within short time of each other. Thinking of it
the confines of Hell, or a struggle against the from the point of view of a book; a scene
various forces of the infernal realms. encompasses a single chapter.
Generally speaking a scene is quite short;
Tormented exist outside the natural cycle lasting a few hours of in-game time at the
most. For example, a scene could begin
of the Twelve Hells. As such, they are seen
when the characters arrive at a mysterious
as free agents by the other inhabitants, and
ruin, include their search for clues and
often sought out to solve problems. Damned
conclude when they discover a hidden
souls will often seek out Tormented to
trapdoor and descend into the vaults below.
champion their causes, such as freeing
The next scene would begin as they enter
other souls from captivity or defending the the vaults.
few communities of free Damned from the A scene can cover a much longer period of
depredations of demons. narrative time when the Storyteller and
Demons will occasionally seek out players want to skip over mundane and
Tormented and offer them lucrative (and boring events as the characters move from
invariably rigged) opportunities; such one key event to another.
Faustian bargains will usually have layers
of complexity, and Tormented are wise to For example: after the players explore the hidden
enter into such pacts with caution. vault they find an ancient map directing them to
The upper echelons of demon socitiet -the a lost Chthonic Portal, hidden in a nightmarish
Barons and Fiend Lords- seldom tolerate the forest. The next scene spans several days as they
presence of a group of Tormented within travel back from the ancient vault, returning to
the hidden village that is their home. The scene
their lands. While some may send knights or
ends when the party arrive at the hidden village,
demons to try and drive them away, others
and the next scene begins as they draw up their
actively seek to bring Tormented into their
plans to travel to the forest.
service, or to use them against rivals.

Measures of time A Story is an entire ‘adventure’; a single
From a gameplay point of view there tale made up of several hours of gameplay
are three measures of time in Tormented that has a beginning, middle and end.
(outside of minutes, hours, days, etc.). These Generally speaking the Story starts when
are Scenes, Stories and Campaigns. the characters become involved (voluntarily

or not) in the plot and ends when they Awarding Experience
have resolved the story one way or another. Through their Stories characters will grow
Another less positive ending to a Story in knowledge and skills as they have to face
can come when the party are defeated; the new dangers and work they way out of
villains are successful in their plans and tricky situations. By the end of a Campaign,
the player characters must retreat and the party will have gone from naïve and
recover. Worse still, a Story can end because untested Tormented, to wise, competent
the characters suffer too much trauma heroes! How do they do this? Experience.
and become Lost Souls -for all intents and
purposes dead- and there is no one else to At the end of a Story the Storyteller should
continue the fight. award every character with a number of
A Story is over when, from the point of view Experience Points (Exp) based on their
of a book, the words THE END appear. performance during the Story.
Some plot hooks might be left unresolved,
but these will hopefully be dealt with in A guide to how to determine Experience
future Stories. Awards is shown below. As always,
Storytellers are encouraged to adapt these
Campaign rules and award more or less Exp if they see
A campaign is the largest measure of fit. On average a character should typically
time and comprises a huge tale spanning gain 2-5 Experience Points per Story.
many Stories, usually involving the same
characters and an overarching plot line that Condition Exp Awarded
links all the adventures together. Completed the Story 2
Completed the Story with style +2
Roleplayed the character well +1
For example: a party of characters undertakes a
Defeated a major adversary +2
Campaign involving a cabal of demons that seek
Solved a difficult puzzle/ dilemma +1
to use mortal souls to fuel a new weapon in the Learned something new +1
Hell War. Over the course of several Stories the
party repeated thwart the plans of this cabal, free Note that these awards suggestions are per
mortal souls the cabal have captured, and banish Story. Experience Points could be awarded
several of the cabal’s higher-ranking members. at the end of each gaming session, but the
The Campaign finale sees the party storming the Storyteller should ensure that the points are
cabal’s fortress, and putting an end to their plans reduced accordingly.
once and for all by destroying the soul-weapon. At the end of an average length, average
difficulty Campaign (containing 2-4

Stories) a character should have earned A character begins a Story with a finite
between 10 and 30 Experience Points. number of Conviction Points. Generally
most players will hoard their Conviction
Experience Points can be spent on Aspects Points for moments they feel are the most
and Aptitudes in the exact same way as important. Sometimes this can result in
Character Points are during character players not spending Conviction Points
generation. Experience Points can be spent at all in a campaign. To counter this,
at the end of the Story, before the start of Storytellers should be generous when
the next Story. The costs are exactly the awarding Conviction Points at the end of a
same as during character generation and Story. If a character has spent a Conviction
1 experience point is equal to 1 character Point during the Story, they should regain
point. at least 1 Conviction Point to encourage
such actions in the future. As a campaign
progresses and the players reach the
Awarding Conviction Points
conclusion, some Storytellers may think the
Conviction Points can be awarded at the
rate of Conviction awards should decrease,
end of a Story as an additional reward. If
thereby making the remaining points
the character acted daringly or heroically
players have more valuable. While this is a
during the Story they should earn 1 or
legitimate strategy, the end of the campaign
2 Conviction Points (encouraging such
is perhaps when the most daring actions
actions in the future). However, Storytellers
should occur. As such, do not be too stingy
should be mindful of the economy of
when awarding Conviction Points.
Conviction Points.

Other Rewards
In addition to awarding Conviction Points
and Experience, a Storyteller can award
players with other rewards at the end of a
Story, such as favours from important or
influential individuals, or relics.

Chapter 8: Denizens of the
Twelve Hells
The Twelve Hells are home to a diverse Prefixes
and strange population. Demons come in Ang Nuv
hundreds of different breeds, not to mention Baph Orph
the Lower Creatures that lurk in the bowels Cas Phor
Dur Quez
of the Hells.
Eng Raph
Fur Seph
The non-player characters (NPCs) Gan Tur
presented here do not have Focused Hect Uri
Aptitudes, and only a few trained skills. In Vor
Jad Wod
Storytellers should feel free to change
Kel Xaph
Aspects, Aptitudes and Gifts as they see fit, Log Yog
or to create new NPCs entirely using the Mor Zoph
below as a guide.
-ariel -amiel
NPCs are not created using the same rules -aphon -ataton
as player characters. In each entry below it -aton -amel
will contain guidance for how many points -atus -adon
a certain type of NPC has in their Aspects, -iel -on
-ron -ax
and how many Trained and Mastered
Aptitudes they have. These are assigned as
desired, with no need to adhere to the costs
of assigning points to Aspects or Aptitudes Gifts
as laid out in the Character Generation Demons do not have Scars, in the way that
chapter. Tormented do. Instead they have ‘Gifts’.
Mechanically these are very similar to
Demon name Generator Scars, however, demons can have varying
Demons don’t have names like you and numbers of Gifts, and some of these Gifts
I. Some Storytellers may struggle with are unique to demons. Otherwise these
creating names for demonic non-player function identically to Scars.
characters that turn up in stories. Below is a Some demons have Gifts listed as ‘Sorcerous
basic generator to help Storytellers quickly Gift’; these are unique abilities to create,
come up with varied names for demons; control or shape an element (named in
simply choose a prefix and a suffix and the Gift). These Gifts should be use within
combine the two. reason by the Storyteller, but are usually
powerful abilities and only wielded by the
most dangerous denizens of the Hells.
Fiend Lord Example Fiend Lord: Maraketh,
There are only ever twelve Fiend Lords; one Queen of Fangs
for each of the Hells. They are supremely Fiend Lord of the Abyssal Ocean, Maraketh
powerful, incomprehensibly evil creatures is a disturbing corpse-like creature with
that have ruled their domains for millenia, long grasping hair that looks more like
if not aeons. While most Fiends keep power seaweed than anything else. She swims
by use of force, ruling with an iron fist and through the inky waters of her realm,
draconian laws, others keep order in their dragging unfortunates down into the deep
domains by other means. and ensnaring them in jagged coral cages to
be torn apart by the tides again and again
Going up against a Fiend lord is for eternity.
unimaginably dangerous; they have Maraketh is a capricious, cruel creature,
countless ways of enslaving and punishing given to violent rages and brooding moods
mortal souls and demons alike, and it that cause even her most loyal servants to
is rumoured that many even possess the tread lightly around her.
ability to permanently destroy souls.
Power 6 Subtlety 6
Presence 5 Acumen 5

Trained Aptitudes Mastered Aptitudes

Daring Callous
Devious Forceful
Hedonistic Observant
Magnanimous Restrained
Mystical Tough

Potent Gift (Grasping hair)
Ethereal Gift (Dark as the deeps)
Aspects: 22 points, with a maximum of Puissant Gift (Iron talons)
6 in any Aspect Ruthless Gift (Corpselike appearance)
Aptitudes: 5 Trained, 5 Mastered Resilient Gift (Scales)
Gifts: 9 Gifts Aquatic Gift (Webbed fingers)
Sorcerous Gift (Control water)
Sorcerous Gift (Shape coral)
Sorcerous Gift (Control weather)

Baron locked chest so she always knows where her
Barons are powerful demons that control Baron is looking.
large area of a particular Hell, overseeing Belaphan is a hulking, feathered creature
thousands of souls and demons. Barons are somewhere between a giant owl and a bear.
resourceful and ambitious creatures, often His empty sockets do not seem to hinder
plotting against other Barons and even the him; his underlings whisper that his hearing
Fiend Lord to whom they owe fealty. is even sharper now than it was when he
Most Barons will send lesser demons and could see.
Knights of Hell to deal with threats, but
even so they are dangerous creatures in their Aspects
own rights, and not to be underestimated. Power 4 Presence 4
Subtlety 5 Acumen 5

Trained Aptitudes Mastered Aptitudes

Callous Devious
Daring Forceful
Mystical Observant

Winged Gift (Great wings)
Haughty Gift (Eyeless hunter)
Aspects: 18 points, with a maximum of Brilliant Gift (Supernatural hearing)
5 in any Aspect Puissant Gift (Huge talons)
Aptitudes: 5 Trained, 3 Mastered
Resilient Gift (Thick feathers)
Gifts: 7 Gifts
Ethereal Gift (One with the night)
Sorcerous Gift (Control shadows)
Example Baron: Belaphan,
the eyeless
Hailing from the Shrieking Forest, Belaphan
Knights of Hell are the elite of the lesser
was once a beater for Queen Anakara
demons. Elevated because of their abilities,
herself. With centuries of service came
resourcefulness, cunning or sometimes
rewards, elevating Belaphan to the rank of
because they murdered their way to the
Baron, as well as punishments in the form
top, Knights are possessive of their station
of his lost eyes, which Anakara keeps in a

and are keen to put down any that might materials from which they are made.
threaten them.
Knights are most commonly found Aspects
overseeing lesser demons, or leading them in Power 3 Presence 4
battle in the Hell War. Subtlety 3 Acumen 4

Trained Aptitudes Mastered Aptitudes

Daring Callous

Resilient Gift (Cloak of skins)
Puissant Gift (Flensing knives)
Acerbic Gift (Haunting voice)
Ruthless Gift (Artists of pain)
Indomitable Gift (Arcane tattoos)

Lesser Demon
The rank-and-file of Hell, lesser demons are
countless in their number and their breeds.
Aspects: 14 points, with a maximum of
Each of the Twelve Hells produces a variety
5 in any Aspect
Aptitudes: 5 Trained, 1 Mastered of different demons, each of which serve a
Gifts: 5 Gifts particular purpose.

Example Knight: Hautmantel Aspects: 10 points, with a maximum of

Hautmantel -also known as Skintakers- 4 in any Aspect
Aptitudes: 5 Trained, 0 Mastered
are notorious Knights found in the Palace
Gifts: 3 Gifts
of Pain that stitch cloaks from the flayed
skins of their victims. They are well known
for their skill with both flensing knives Example Lesser Demon:
and sewing needles, creating garments of Fisher-of-Souls
surprising beauty, considering the grisly Inhabitants of the Echoing Chasm, Fishers-

of-souls are pallid and gaunt things that Trained Aptitudes Mastered Aptitudes
dangle barbed hooks into the Chasm in the Callous None
hopes of catching a plummeting soul. When Forceful
they do, the fishers haul up their catch and Observant
begin their awful work. Restrained
Power 3 Presence 2 Gifts
Subtlety 2 Acumen 3 Puissant Gift (Hell-forged scimitar)
Haughty Scar (Cruel horns)
Trained Aptitudes Mastered Aptitudes Ruthless Gift (Bottomless eyes)
Callous None
Devious Lower Creatures
Forceful Lower Creatures occupy the niche of wild
Mystical animals in the Twelve Hells. They are
Observant used by demons as food, beasts of burden,
Gifts mounts, or sometimes even pets. A number
Potent Gift (Fishing hooks) of them are seen as nothing more than pests
Ruthless Gift (Pallid eyes) and hunted by demons for sport; a rare few
Resilient Gift (Thick skin) are even feared as dangerous predators and
avoided at all costs.
Example Lesser Demon: Afrite Most Lower Creatures are only as
intelligent as animals. Some, however,
Afrites, the nomad demons of the Scalding
possess a primitive and cunning intelligence
Desert, roam their Hell in large tribes. They
that it not to be underestimated.
are tall, cruel creatures with leathery skin,
that wrap themselves in tattered robes, Aspects: 6 points, with a maximum of
concealing everything except their yellow 3 in any Aspect
eyes. While cruel, they love bartering, and Aptitudes: 3 Trained, 0 Mastered
sometimes it is possible to use this Gifts: 1 Gift

against them.
Example Lesser Creature: Harridan
A disgusting creature that resembles a
cross between a wizened human and a
Power 4 Presence 2
huge vulture. Harridans are not intelligent,
Subtlety 2 Acumen 2
but they can mimic voices with alarming
accuracy, and use this ability to lure both

demons and souls into their clutches. They Example Lesser Creature: Lemure
are found in numerous Hells, where they Lemures are aggressive, cunning creatures
crowd rooftops and cliff-faces, weaving their with a knack for ambush and surprise
fetid nests out of bones and tattered skins. attack. Lemures appear as little more than
ethereal shroud-wrapped skeletons with
Aspects burning eye sockets. They are driven by a
Power 2 Presence 1 hunger for the flesh of Damned and Demons
Subtlety 2 Acumen 1 alike. Lemures often travel in packs, and lie
in wait in the shadows before attacking.
Trained Aptitudes Mastered Aptitudes
Devious None

Flying Gift (Feathered Wings)

Example Lesser Creature: Dretch

Dretches, so some demons claim, are what
happens when a demon is intentionally
starved of Morsus for a prolonged time.
These awful creatures are scraggly, rangy
beasts with a rank hide like thick leather
and long, grasping fingers. They are
routinely hunted by other demons for sport.
Aspects Power 1 Presence 1
Power 1 Presence 1 Subtlety 3 Acumen 1
Subtlety 3 Acumen 1
Trained Aptitudes Mastered Aptitudes
Devious None
Trained Aptitudes Mastered Aptitudes
Callous None
Forceful Observant
Gifts Ethereal Gift (Shadowy shroud)
Potent Gift (Grasping claws)
The Damned Trained Aptitudes
Damned souls are the countless inmates Forceful
of the sprawling infinite prison that is the Observant
Twelve Hells. Robbed of their memories Tough
and condemned to eternal suffering, the
majority of the Damned lead a miserable Mastered Aptitudes
existence as nothing more than a source of None
sustenance and entertainment for demons.
A small percentage of Damned manage to The Lost
either evade capture or somehow escape Lost souls are sad, tragic reminders of the
their tormentors. These lucky few often horrors of the Twelve Hells. Pushed too far,
band together to create remote settlements, their minds have snapped and they have
attempting to find safety in obscurity. lost what little hope the once harboured.
These creatures wander the Hells, ignored
Aspects: 6 points, with a maximum of
3 in any Aspect even by demons to whom they are useless.
Aptitudes: 4 Trained, 0 Mastered Damned souls tend to avoid Lost; to them
Gifts: None they are a bitter reminder of what could
happen to them.
Example Damned: Ariadne Lost barely react to other souls; it is possible
Ariadne awoke in the Rotting Mire. to gain their attention for a moment,
Somehow she evaded the demon hunters but they rarely say more than a few
long enough to find a small enclave of meaningless words before drifting back into
fellow free Damned, and she now works as a whatever private Hell they are trapped in.
guard, keeping a lookout for raiding parties
that might threaten her home. Ariadne Aspects: All Aspects at 1
holds on to a few fragmented memories Aptitudes: No Trained or Mastered Aptitudes
Gifts: None
that lead her to think she was a soldier, or
someone who protected others: something
she is determined to do even now.

Power 2 Presence 1
Subtlety 1 Acumen 2

Name: Player:

Mask: Heart:



Power Subtlety Presence Acumen

Weakness Paranoia Confusion Alienation

Aptitudes Scars




Devious 2.
Mystical 3.




Conviction Points

Current Conviction Points:



Experience Points: Spent:
Condemned. Damned. Tormented.

You are one of the Tormented; a soul condemned to the Twelve Hells for
crimes you no longer remember. For time immemorial you have been
damned; tortured and twisted by the punishments of your captors, until
you no longer remember or even resemble your past self. The agonies you
have suffered have left you scarred, but from those scars you now draw
strange and terrible powers.

But all is not well in the Twelve Hells. A civil war has erupted between
the Fiend Lords that hold dominion over the realms. In the chaos and
disruption you have broken free of your prison.
Can you escape the Twelve Hells?
Do you even want to?
Do you instead seek revenge on your captors, or will you use your
newfound powers and freedom to install yourself as a new Lord of Hell?

Tormented is a Gothic Horror roleplaying game inspired by Dante’s The

Divine Comedy and Milton’s Paradise Lost. It is intended to be a storytelling
game in which a group of friends come together to tell stories of loss,
revenge, guilt, repentance and redemption

All you need besides this book is a handful of 6-sided dice, some friends
and a dark imagination.

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