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Section - B PHYSICS Unit I Mechanics ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics || P 1 |) = indamental quantities, Physical quantities “Derived quantities + The fundamental quantities not depending on others. There are seven fundamental quantities. Such as mass, length, time, temperature, luminous intensity, electric current and amount of substance. ‘+ The physical quantities derived from fundamental quantities are called derived quantities. + System of Units (CGS System: centimeter, gram, second (i) FPS system: (il) MKS system:- Mass—> kg, length + meter (m) time— second (s) * Fundamental Units (in SI System) foot, pound, second [Physical quantity [Units Isymbol_| 1. tength meter m 2. mass Kilogram | ke | B. time [second la, temperature | kelvin x | [5 electric current “Ampere (6. Luminous intensity [Candela | ca 17. Amount of substance [Mole Mol Two supplementry units 4, Plane angle, unit is radian (rad) 2, Solid angle, unit is steradian (sr) © If'U'is the unit and ‘N’ is the numerical value of a physical quantity then measurement of the quantity NU = Constant Measurement Nv. Some units: Shake = 10-*sec Dimensionless quantities: (Angle (li) Roission’s ratio (W) Refractive index ie. = NU] Chapter-1 UNIT, DIMENSION and E ERRORS — a «) w) w 1 Lightyear = 9.45 x 10m 1 Oersted = 79.58 Am? 1 Bar = 105 pascal (N/m?) 1 Torr = 1mm of Hg = 133.3 pa 1 Barn = 102 m? 3,26 lightyear = 1 Astronomical unit = Mean distance between earth and sun = 1.5 100m Lamu = 1.66 x 1027 kg 1 fermi (fm) = 10-1 m 4A? = 10-1 m. 1 Chandra Shekhar limit = 1.4 x mass of sun 03m 1 Par sec 3.07 x 10! m 1 x-ray uni Quantities having identical dimensions Work, Energy, torque — [ML*T=] Pressure, Stress, Modulus of elasticity, Energy density > [ML*T] Frequency, angular velocity, angular frequency, velocity gradient > [T*] = [M°L°T] Linear momentum and Impulse = [MLT] A ‘Angular momentum and planck’s constant =[ML2T-] Force, thrust, weight, tension, energy gradient = [MLT2] Surface tension and force constar [Mr] L Rx VEC= RC= dimension of time = [1] Electric potential, potential difference and Emf = [ML?T 34-4] Strain Relative density Coefficient of restitution ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~Physies ||P | (vil) Coefficient of friction (ix). Dielectric constant (xi) Relative permeability. (sil) Magnetic susceptbility (xv) Power factor (xvii) Magnification ete. > Some physical quantities have units but dimension less, example: Angular displacement, plane angle, solid angle, loudness, intensity level etc. Some Important Dimensions a. Gravitation Constant (G) = [M-! L°T2] LT] Le TK] d. Stefan's constant (0) = [MT-*K4] . Electric field = [MLTA-t] f, Electric potential = [ML2TA-1] b. Coefficient of viscosity (n; & Specific heat capacity (s & Gravitational potential = [L?T-7] h. Gravitational field intensity = (LT] 1. Resistance (R) = [ML-T3A2] j. Capacitance (C) = [M"L2T*A2] k, Induetances(L) = [412T2A7] 1 Bm, Bf EB, rr stepresnts velocity (LT-*] ee Er eg ee org Mar . Fv,PR IV, = Represent power [ML?T-3] e ab * She: Rec = are Dimensionless. Error and Measurement:— * fy is to be measurement and Ay is the error in measurement then * 100] 4 % error =" * Error in any instrument is equal to least count of that instrument. Pitch (P) No.of circular division(a) ‘+ Least count of vernier callipers or Error in vernier callipers + Least count of screw gauge = div in main scale ~ 1 divin vernier scale (vill) Mechanical equivalent of heat (x) _ Relative permittivity (xii) Emissivity (xiv) Electric susce-ptibility (xvi) Adiabatic exponent (7) = (1 div Ms - 1div vs) + If's'is the measurement of 1 div in main scale and 'n' ision of vernier scale concides with (n ~ k) div of main scale then Lc of vernier calliper. = error in VC, + pirc= AE then % error in BD (me Bh SBp «4P) «100 AB (A+ AB AB , (AAA ) | «100 If working temperature measured temperature is greater then designed temperature of a steel tape then, i) measured length < Actual length Error is-ve )) Correction is +ve If working temperature is less than designed. temperature then, 1) Measured length > Actual length ii) Erroris+ve fii) Correction is -ve Multiple Choice Questions 1. The dimensional formula for thermal resistance Is: a [MATS] b. [MLAT2A4] ce [MATSK2] @. [MaL2TK] A cuboid has volume V = 1 x 21 x 31, where / is the length of one side. If the relative percentage error ||P 4]| A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics fa the measurement of 1 is 1% then the percentage error in measurement of V is: a 18% b. 6% «3% a 1% 4, Given that v is the speed, r is radius and g is acceleration due to gravity. Which of the following js dimensionless? vr v ve pee ain B te vi c 2 a. virg 4 IfP represents radiation pressure, ¢ represents speed of light and Q represents radiation energy striking a unit are per second then non-zero integers X Y and z such that PrQycr is dimensionless are; a x=Ly=1, 5, Astudent measured the diameter of a wire using a screw gauge with least count 0.001cm and listed the measurements. The correct measurement is; a 5320cm b. 53cm c 5.32em d. 5.3200cm 6, The radius of a ball is (5.2 + 0.2) cm. The percentage error in the volume of the ball is; a 11% b. 4% « ™% d 9% 7. Aphysical quantity Q is calculated according to the expression: ASB? op Ifpercentage errors in A, B, C, D are 2%, 1%, 3% and 4% respectively, what is the percentage error ing? a +8% b. © £12% a. If error in measuring diameter of a circle is 4%, the error in radius of the circle would be: a 2% b. 8% & 4% d 1% 9. With usual notation, the following equation, said to ive the distance covered in the nth second i.e. Sn=U +20), +10% 414% “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physies || P5 jj @. numerically correct only b. dimensionally correct only both dimensionally and numerically correct 4. neither numerically nor dimensionally correct Vv ; 10.4 quantity is given by X = “~, where V is th potential difference and / is the length. Then X ha: dimensional formula same as that of: a. resistance b. charge c. voltage d. current 11.Given that fp =arsins |X] ax- x2 a Where a = constant. Using dimensional analysis, the value of n is: aol b 0 cd d. none of these 12. The values of two resistors are (5.0 + 0.2) kQ and (10.0 + 0.1)kQ. What is the percentage error in the equivalent resistance when they are connected in parallel? a 2% b. 5% cc 7% d. 10% 13.Percentage error in the measurement of mass and speed are 2% and 3% respectively. The error in the estimate of kinetic energy obtained by measuring mass and speed will be: a 12% b. 10% < 8% 2% 14.The density of a cube is measured by measuring its mass and length of its sides. If the maximum error in the measurement of mass and length are 4% and 3% respectively, the maximum error in the measurement of density will be: a ™% db. 9% 12% a. 13% 15. The dimensional formula for magnetic flux is: a, (ML?T2A4] b, [MIST 2A] cc. [M°L?T2A2] — d. [ML?T41A2] 16.The dimensional formula for Planck’s constant and ‘angular momentum is: a, [ML?T2Jand [MLT"] b. [ML?T3] and [ML?T+] ¢ [ML*T!] and [ML?T2] [ML] and [MLT2] Chapter-2 VECTORS ‘+ Those physical quantities having both magnitude and direction and is operated certain rules, Eg; Force, velocity, torque, displacement etc, + A vector must be changed either change of magnitude, direction or both. sind Y-Component ay. Vector a is written as, azad taj) t 7) Bxial vectors Polar vectors {| then, [ Those vectors related] with rotation or} responsible for rotation ‘Those vectors related with| translation or responsible] fortranslation eg torque, Angular! Eg. Force, velocity, momentum angular| displacement, _linear| velocity etc. momentum etc, A vector having unit magnitude. It shows only direction. Itis represented by cap over alphabet. (eg. 4 ybete) lal Orthogonal unit vectors: Orthogonal means perpendicular to each other + 1,] are orthogonal unit vectors. Tor = unit vector along X-axis J or } =>unit vector along Y-axis ork unit vector along Z-axis Component of Vector: ‘* Resolution of vector along axes is known component * A vector has two rectangular components. In plane and has three rectangular components in space. * Avector can have infinite no. of components Ifa makes an angle ‘0’ with Xaxis then, its i. Magnitude of F is given by: [F [= i Angle made by # with X-axis is given by f=) Also, | Cos0,=r and Cos0,=¥ and with Y-axis; Cos#0,+Cos?0,=1) If a vector is equally inclined with two rectangular axes in plane then, angle made by vector with each, axis is 45°. [ff =xi ty] +2R. then Ney ii, Angle made by F with axes, i, Magnitude of f, x Cos, =* ; Cos0,=* and Cos®=7 (Cos?®, +Cos*®,+Cost®,: If a vector is equally inclined with all three Co-ordinate axes then angle of inclination with axis is given by 0,=0,=8, cos'() =54.74° \Cosd X-Component, a [=> Resultant of two vectors lies along major diagonal of parallelogram when between both vector is acute (<90°) [> Resultant lies along minor diagonal when —_angle between both vector _is [Subtraction of two vectors, =>The vector which is to be subtracted is reversed |= For analysis of 4 byb is reversed similarly for analysis of B ~a; a isreversed ia aaa) ay “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics ||P 7 | ‘obtuse (90°) For a-b a |_» 1 -b makes an angle‘a'with 4then; 1 Resultant (R) makes an angle ‘a’ with 4, then sind . tana=, — pCos®) tana=Seroabl 2 |_j1F4 - 6 makes an angle B with (-B) then, f then, |tanB=-2522| ‘sind If R makes an angle with 6 then, ‘a+bCos0 Gne= -sces \Leea 8 Magnitude of (a ~ is given by, : ii@=aandB) a — B)=Vaerbe 2abCo5 # 4.1f0=0°, [a ~ Blnin=[4 - BI magnitude of Restultant (R) is given by, {i1f8=90%;|a — b]=Va2+b? “ +B J=vat+b? +2abCos0) fii, 0=180°; [a - B|max =(2+b) LIF = 0°; Rmax= (a+b) Afa=b; [a -6) =2asind/2] ili, fa>b then, [a Range of Resultant is given by ja-blERS (a+b) + Minimum number of unequal vectors lying on same plane ie Coplaner vectors required to make zero Condition: If magnitude of a vector lies between: value of algebric difference to algebric sum two then zero resultant is possible zero) resultant is three. ¢ Minimum number of unequal vectors not lying on resultant is not possible. pees aeete readies eeu * The angle between a+ b and 4~b isbetween TRE -om three vectors; te a é Ifa+ b+ € =0 then ‘+ IF'N' vectors of equal magnitude lying on V=-(a+ B)=> ¢ = making an angle 2 with ‘one another resultant is zero. a m Freee ax =absin ‘ |Where ‘0’ is the angle between two vectors Where, fis unit vector perpendicular to bot ji. IF 8< 90°; a. b=+ve and B. or _ i ees, It is the unit vectors perpendicular containing both vector a and B. : Direction; Its direction is given right handed! or right hand screw rule or left hand palm |= If we rotate our right hand from 1 through smaller angle, then the direc extended thumb will advanced is the =product. : 18 1] 8 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics eee Tp-1R=E.1=0 Wilf d-asi + ayj tak land B= bei +byj +bek a. B=axbs +aybyta,b,| |» The geometrical meaning of dot product gives the| projection or component of one vector on another vector. i, Projection of b on @ or projection of b along is |Angle between (a x b) and (b x 4) is x i. The angle between a and (4 x b) is 90° and 4.(4 « 5 =0 ‘The angle between (a + b) and (4 x b) is 90° and (4 +b).(a@ xb) =0 The angle between (a ~ b) and (4 x b) is 90° and (a| - ).(a xb) = |= the geometrical meaning of cross product gives area o! parallelogram or twice the area of triangle formed by these two vectors i. Area of triangle =5 [a x5] ii, Area of parallelogram =|4 x b| iii. If d; and dz are two diagonals of parallelogram then. ae ‘rea of parallelogram =5 |i xd] iv. If a=a.i +ayj +a.k and B= byi +byj +k then ioaigeee a ay a Capac y. unit vectors perpendicular to two vectors @ and b is| given by (4x6 laxb] Torque, 7 = F x F , where fF = vector Angular momentum (I-) =# xp,B = linear momentum =m =m(F xv) Velocity; (7) = @ x¥ Work done (w) where d Displacement (d)): isplacement — Itis the shortest distance, > It is always directed from initial position to final position —> It may be zero |(+ve) and (-Jve. > It does not depends on the path. = itis always linear. + Ifa particle or body moves from point A(x,y121) to point is (x2,y2:22) then displacement is d given by d= (xp — xs) T +{ye~ vi) | Hfza-zi) AF] > Itis the change in position vector, [d = [Fi “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics || P 9 pees 46:The X-Component of a vector makin, an any 30°with X-axis is 3 then its Y-component will ea” 3 3 oF a. VB 47,A vector Ahaving magnitude 3 makes an angle 20°and B having magnitude 4 makes an angle of 110° with X-axis than their resultant will be? al b 5 m7. d. 12 18. Which of the following resultant is not possible by two vectors of magnitude '3' and's', a4 b. 6 cu7, d. 10 19.Which of the following single force replaces the two force of magnitude 5N and 3N. a, 1N b. ON c 7N d. 15N 20.In which of the following case zero resultant is not possible a. 10,10,10, b. ¢. 10,20,20 a 21.In which of the following set of forces acting on the body never produces zero acceleration. a. 10N, 10N, 20N c. 6N,8N, 10N ct 10, 10,20, 10, 20,40 b. 7N,12N,20N 1N, 2N, 3N 22,In which of the following sets of displacement body never return to original point. a. 10m, 10m, 10m b. 10m, 10m, 20m ¢ 10m, 20m, 20N 23.The resultant of two-unit vectors are unity in magnitude then the angle between both unit vectors will be. a. 30° © 120° d. 10m, 20m, 40m b. 60° d, 150° 24.The resultant of two forces F,and f; are Fi in magnitude and is perpendicular to F; then the 25.In above question the value of F2 will be. F a V2F, b. L c 2F; d a 26.Three forces of magnitudes 1N, 5N and 2N ar ‘acting at angles of 0°, 90°and 120° with the X-axis respectively, then the resultant will act along the. a, 4ve X-axis b, +ve Y-axis © Ve X-axis d. Ve Y-axis 27.1f A= B + € and magnitudes of, A, Band Care 5, 4 and 3 units respectively, the angle between A and is a. Cosi(3/5) b. Cost(4/5) ene d. sint(3/4) 28.The resultant of pand Gis of magnitude p. If p be doubled, the resultant will be inclined to qat an angle. a 30° c 90° b. 60° d. 120° 29.1f A+B+C=0 and [a] =1, | and |¢|=V3, then the angle between a and bis. x 6 2n b. Nia 30. The angle between 4 and b is 60° then | 4-6 | is equal to: b. v2 d 2 ad c VB 31.Two vectors have a sum ‘A’ and their difference is B. If A=B then, the angle between the two vectors is a0" b. 45° c. 90° d. 120° 32.The resultant of two unit vectors are unity in magnitude then the magnitude of their difference will be: angle between F; and F; will be; Hel pa a 45° b. 60°C « VB a2 & 120° Me Bae “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance - Physies || P 11 || hand of a watch is 1cm. a.The length of seconds n velocity when it ‘what is its magnitude of change 1) moves 15sec. ava b. gp cm/sec ees , Zp om/sec: “ 15V2 * 60 4A car is moving with velocity 10 m/sec towards north. After 20 sec it moves with same speed towards east then change in velocity of the car will be. . 102 m/sec NE . 102 m/sec N-W 10\2 m/sec S-E . 10/2 m/sec S-W 35.The angle between a= 1 + J andb =f +K will be a, 90° b. 60° 45° d. 30° 36. The angle between a= xi + 2J +(x+1) R will be b. acute angle 4, Right angle a b. o a ‘a. depends on x c. obtuse angle 37.1f & and 6 are two unit vectors such that (4 +2b) and (5a - 4b)are perpendicular to each other, then the angle between @ and bis. ee) ee) 38,The vector perpendicular to =31 +4] will be. a, 40437 b. 47-37 « 2k d. all 39.f &@ = 31+47 is rotated through 90° in anticlockwise direction then the vector will be. a 47-3] b.-47 +37 c 2k 4. all 40, If &=2T +2] is rotated through 90° in clockwise direction then the change in vector will be. a 21427 b. 21-27 « -4T a. -4j 44.The vector parallel to A= 27 +3] will be. a _ IP 12 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics b. at vay a T+ 3 a. 1-37 3 © 157 42.164, 5 and ¢ are three unit vectors such| 4. b +b.c+e.d is equalto bt a+b +c =0 then fir. 3 a3 C5 43.A particle moves from the point (1, 0, 25 point (-2, 3,4) m when a force F=(T +4R); it. The work done on itis; 6 b. 30) c« 3 do 44.The component of 4= 21 +37 along b= Teh a 5 a c. 5y2 d. 45.1f Ais perpendicular to B, Component of A along A - Bwill be. 4 ano b. (A-B) c. VARB? Ros 46.The angle between pand @ is 45° perpendicular to both vectors ji and q willl b. d. px a pra-t c p.G-F ek, oe , 47.1f the magnitude of @ and b are same vector perpendicular to 4 + b will be: a axb b. a-b . 34-36 d. All 48.In above question vector perp plane of a +b will be: a axb b. a-b © 34-36 @. all 49.1f | x b|=V3 (4 . B) then the angle will be. b. 45° ad 90° a 30° c 60° 501n above question the value of (@..) will he » 8 4B Sifax b=0 and a . b- -ve then the angle between 4 and b will be; ao box _ 3 eH d._ both (a) and (b) 52f|a x bl=(@ . b) then |a + b]will be: a (4+b) b. Varebe c Vateby2ab da? sbeeab 53, vector 4 is along +ve Z-axis and its vector product with another vector bis zero, then b could Be c (j+K) S4.Three vector satisfy the relation A.B =0 and A.C =0 then A is parallel to: b. aC B c BC a. BE 55.4 body of mass 2kg is moving along North- East direction with a speed of 2 m/sec. A force of 0.2N is applied on the body due west for 10 seconds. The final velocity of the body is: 4 Im/secduenorth b. 1m/sec due east © 2m/secdue north d. 2m/sec due east 564 blind person after walking 10steps in one direction each of length 80 cm turns randomly to left or right by 90°. If be he moves total of 40steps then his maximum displacement will be. 250 b. 16m. © 162 4. 32m 57.A person moves 30m North. Then 20m east and finally 30\/2 m along south west direction. The displacement from the original point will be: @ 10m North b. 10cm South ae © 10m West d, 10m East 58.A body of mass 2kg is acted upon by two forces each of magnitude 1N making an angle 60° wi each other. The acceleration of the body will be. a. m/s? b. 0.5 m/s? « Vamys a# 59.The torque of force F =(21-3]+4K )N acting at th Point # =(31+2]+3K )m about origin (in N.m) is: a 6i-6j+12k b. 171+6]-13k © -61+6)-12k — d. -17146)+13K 60.Two diagonals of a parallel gram are (21+2]Jand (21+2])m. Then area of the parallegram will be. b. 2m? d. 4Y2 m2 61. carromboard (4ft x 4ft square) has the queen of the centre. The queen, hit by the striker moves to the front edge, rebounds and goes in the table hole behind the striking line then displacement of the ‘queen from centre to front edge will be. a. 8m? © 4m a. 2ft b. 2y2ft « VER 4. For 62.Three particles A, B and C start from the origin at same time, A with velocity ‘a’ along X-axis, B with velocity 'b’ along Y-axis and C with velocity ‘c’ in XY plane along the line y=x. The magnitude of ‘e' so that the three always remain collinear is: a ae b. ab ab vad © abt a+b Answe ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics || P 13 |) ¥a-Vi= Ve +(-Vi)= 10(6) =10(8) [ile VeP eve = 102 m/sec s-E 37.(a + 2b).(5a - 4b) = Sa.d - 4.5 +104.b - 85: => 5.1-4Cos0+10Cos0- 8- 1 os =} = 0 = Cosi(5) 38. If is irto b then a. b=0. Do product with all vectors with @ is zero. 39, [a= (3242 =5; Angle with o -axis, O,=tan1(4/2) tad, =4 If a when it is rotated through angle 90° in antilock wise direction then, @ =90 +0, New vector B= 5Cos(90 +0,) i+5Cos0.j B76 37 = -Sxg fee] Be-4i +37 40. [a]=J22+2? ; 0, = tan3(2/2) 15° - 90° (Since clockwise rotated) @=-45° New vector, b = 2\/2 Cos(-45°)i +22 Sin(-45°)j 2j Change in vector = b - a=- 4) 41.1fa vector is multiplied by (+)ve real number then new * 2i+3], vector will be parallel with the vector. i #3 j=" 2 ie aha +b.c+e.a) 43. Displacement d = (-2- 1) i + (3-0) | +(4-2.5) k =(-3 +3]415%)m We F d= -3.1+3.0+4.1 Joule ib _ishi)_s 44.Component along b= = 21 +3) 5 aD (AB) 2 (A+B ).(A-B \2- Be 45.Componentalong A - B = A+B1(A=B) __AU=BE : (AB) VAN 46. The vector obtained by the cross product of two vectors must be perpendicular to both vectors. 47.1f |a| = [B| then (@ - b) is tr to (a +B) And (& xb) is 1r to (4 +B). 48. (@ - b) is 1r to (a + b) butlying on the plane but (a x b is 1r' to the plane of (a +b). 49, abSin® = /3 abCos@ = tand = (3 = 0 =60° 50.4. B)= & 6C0s0 = 1.1 Cos60° => 51. 4 x b =0 = ab Sin0 = 0 => 0 =0, x,2n... the value of productiis (-)ve in case of obtuse angle; Hence: O=7 52.abSin® =abCos0 = tan0 =1=> 0=45° \a2+b*+2abCos0 = Vfaeb?+2.ab Cos45® =\a24b? 53. Cross ~ product between same vector is zero, 54.A irtoB;A1rtoC, (B x C)irto both B& C. Hence parallel to A. 0.2 5S.a 0.1. m/s? (west) %= V2 m/sec N -E = 2 « Cos 45° (E) +/2 x Sin45? ™ Am/sec(N) +1m/sec(E) 1+(-0.1) x 10=1-1=0 Final velocity along east is zero. Hence , body has only velocity North. 2. ¥= 1m/sec North =. AB _ m{vi-¥j “Alternatively; Fs =42 = Mitt 30.2 x 10(w) = 2(¥- Wi) “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physies || P 15 = 0, +-1m/sec 9w) = 1m/sec North I56. 10 Steps = 80 x 10 cm =8m Resulting displacement will maximum when one displacement do not cancel other: e AE =\/16?+ 162 ae =16/2m 57. d= 30 m north d= 20m East ds= 30,2 m South West = 30\/2 x Cos45° (South ) + 30/2 x Sin45° (west) = (30(South) + 30(West)m. s. d= dy +dp + ds= 10m west. 58.Resultant of two forces is given by. = (17 - 6j- 13k)NM. 60. Area of parallelogram: $id x do] Sr. 31@i +23) x 27 -2])) 1 = 31-4(xj) +4 Gx ip =4 4K +4¢K)| Fe = F8k |=3xe=4m? 61.Displacement from centre to front edge (gy VE He From geometry triangles OAB and BCD are Hence, = 2x = 2-x=> 3x=2 2 aN 10 a Dy) oA=\/22 i > ab(k) +2 %)+ {NP 16| A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physica Shortest time cst Upon A, Downs 1+ for shortest time, ie, minimum time swimmer should start ~—_ swimming) perpendicular to the direction of flow 1, a =90° D 2. throne = y >: reach direct opposite point (i.e. along the shortest path on the another bank of river. wD] u=vsind) «Sind <1 vou] => This is the required condition for swimmer a=90+0=90+ sin-(2) 3. Time along shortest path is given by t © Vcos6" \/v2- w2| d D = Time taken by swimmer to travel distance ‘Tin upstream or in downstream and return back is given by. 2iv ea => If t: and te are the time taken by swimmer to travel same distance in upstream and down stream respectively then time taken by him to travel same distance is still water is given by: 2tytz| titty Motion of Rain drops and motion of winds Vi = Itis the velocity of rain drops observed by man when he is stationary. Or it is the actual velocity of Raindrops Vim => It is velocity of raindrops observed by man when he is moving. Vn = Itis velocity of man relative to ground. Vx, = It is the actual velocity of wind or it is the velocity of wind observed by man when he is stationary. Vem => It is the velocity of wind observed by mai when he is moving. i Vin= Vi - Vm and Vm = Vw - Vn [Vin |= VVi2 + Vin? = 2V:-VnCosO And |Vwm | = Vw? + Vn? - 2VwVmCosO ii, Vi = Vin+Vm and Vo [Ve [= Win? + Vin? + 2V;VinCos® [Ver |= Vom? + Vin? + 2VyVinCos® Note: Both case are analyzed by similar method Cos Ie When man is stationary: When a = man_ is stationary rain strikes him vertically. Now he starts moving then, Vim | ee ] Vim = Vi - Van 4 Angle between ||P 18 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics [Vim [= NW? #¥in? Ve tana= (2) from vertical or from V; case I: When is a man is moving rain appears to strike him vertically them actual velocity of rain drops is given by. a, Magnitude | Vr |=\\Vmn? +n? [0 = 90°] Va Case Ill: When a man is moving with velocity Vin rain appears to strike him vertically. When his velocity becomes Vii ( Vm! = nVm) then rain appears to strike him of angle ‘0’ wife vertical then actual velocity of rain drop is given by a, Direction: aes b. Magnitude: Motion of plane Vow = Its velocity of plane relutine to wind. Vx = It is the velocity of wind Vj = Actual velocity of pane or it his the velocity of plane relative to ground. Vp Von + Ve Vow = Vp -Vy J and ln emcees Multiple Choice Questions 4. A train of length 150m is moving towards north with velocity 10 m/sec. A parrot is flying with velocity 5m/sec towards south direction parallel to railway track. The time taken by the parrot (0 cross the train is: a 15sec b. 10sec © 30sec d. 12sec re moving in xr on parallel the time of Two trains each of length 50m a) opposite direction towards each othes lines with speeds 10m/sec. then Crossing will be. ‘A Quick Revi "2sec & Ssec d. 10sec 3. To a person going east in a car with velocity off 25km/hr a train appears to move towards north with a velocity of 25:/3 km/hr. The actual velocity] ofthe train will be b. 25y/2 km/hr . 50km/hr d. 50¥3 km/hr Two cars are moving in same direction with the same speed of 30 km/hr. They are separated by a distance Skm. A third car moving in opposite direction meets these two cars at an internal of 4 minutes. The speed of the car will be ? b, 75 km/hr a. 45 km/hr a. 25km/hr a. 105 km/hr 60 km/h A bird is flying towards south with a velocity of 40km/hr and a train is moving with velocity 40km/hr towards east. What is the velocity of the bird w.r.tan observer in train 402 km/hr N-E b, 40,2 km/hr S-E c. 40\/2 Km/hr S-W 40,2 km/hr N-W ‘Two cars each of length 20m are moving in such a way that their time of crossing Is 2 sec and their time of overtaking is 4sec then speeds of the can will be. 10 m/sec and 5 m/sec 20mlsec and 10ml/see c 15m/secand 5 m/sec 4. 15m/secand 10 m/sec ‘A car X ts moving with velocity 80 km/hr towards North-east direction and another car y moving with velocity of GOkm/hr towards south-east direction. Then the angle made by velocity of car X relative to Car'y from North will be. 2 ae) cof) - went) Wind is blowing west to east. Two trains moving with same speed along two -parallel tracks in ‘opposite direction have the stream of track of one a b 7. ‘ow of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics || P 19 || Corn (lsc Gs doubled than other. The speed of each train will be: a, equal to that of wind b, double that of wind c. halfthat of wind d. three times that of wind PHYSICS A police patrol Jeep is pursuing a car in straight level road. The jeep and the car are moving with speeds of 60km/hr and 72km respectively. The patrol jeep fires a bullet when the car is 200m from it If the speed of bullet is 500m/sec, then the relative separation between the two vehicles when the bullet strikes the car will be. a. 198.66m b. 201.34m ¢ 198.6m d. 201.4m 10.Two cars A and B are moving in the same direction with the velocities Vi and V2 (V1 > V2). When the separation between the cars is ‘d’ the driver of A applies brakes and produces constant retardation ‘a’ then there will be no collision if. (wi-wz)? (vi2-v2) ied bade « a> Miu a q-ue 11.A car travelling at 60 km/hr overtakes another car travelling at 42km/hr. Assuming each car to be 5m long, find the time taken during the overtake. a. Isec b. 2sec c. 3sec d. 4sec 12.1n above question the total road distance used for the overtakes? a. 10m b, 28.33m cc. 3833m d. 18.33 13. police jeep is chasing a culprit going on a motorbike, The motorbike crosses a turning of a speed of 72 km/hr. The jeep follows it of a speed of 90 km/hr Crossing the turning ten second alter than the bike. Assuming that they travel of constant speeds, then how far from the turning with the jeep catch up with the bike? a. 100m b. 1250m c 250m d. 500m 14Stationary man observes that the rain is falling vertically downward. When he starts running with a velocity of 12 km/hr he observes that the rain IP 20 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics falling at an angle 60° with the verti velocity of rain is al. The a, 123 km/hr c. 43 km/hr d. 103 km/hr 15,A car is moving on a road and rain jg vertically, then select the correct answer, b. 12 km/hr | a. The rain will strike the hind screen only a b. The rain will strike the front screen only ¢. The rain will strike both the screen 4d. The rain will not strike any of the screen 16.A boatman wants to take his boat to appoint jay opposite on the other bank of river. Then a, he should row up-stream b, he should row down -stream ¢. he should inclined to that bank of up-stream 4d. he should inclined to the bank down- stream, 17-A man is walking due east at the rate of 4km/ir and rain appears to him to be falling When he doubles his speed it appears to be at an angles of 45° with the vertical, then the actual speed and direction of the rain willbe, a. 42 km/hr45° —b. 4km/hr, 45° cc. 42 km/hr90° 2/2 km/hr,0° 18.A boat which has a speed of Skm/hr, in still water crosses a river of width 1km along the shortest | possible path in 15 minutes. The velocity of the river water will be ! a. km/hr b. 4km/hr ! c. 3km/hr d. V4 km/hr 19.A river is flowing from west to east at a speed of | 5m/min. A man on the south bank of the rivet capable of swimming at 10m/min in Stillwater wants to cross the river in shortest time, them it which direction he should starts swimming. ] a. 30° North of west b. 30° west ofnorth © duenorth d. 60° north of east ! 21,4 boat takes 2hr to travel 8km and returning back | in still water. If a river is flowing with velodly 4im/hr, then time taken by boat to travel mand returning back in upstream of the river will be? 2 a. 2hr b. 2hr 40min thr 20min d. date is not sufficient 22. person aiming to reach directly opposite on the another bank of river capable of. dy dt Differentiating w.r:to time = velocity of ends'p & Q'=u ~ ataxtay? b=12; P=5; h=13 Magnitude of actual velocity; at Versina “(5/13) 13 M/SEC 28.Vw = 30/hr toward west \ EB Vywy =360 km/hr From figure, Vp2=Vpw? — Va? v360-30° [h? =[p*+b!] V¥,=359.6 km/hr (00 k/hr (eastward) 29. Vp Vij =40 km/hr (south) Wanna =Vp +C-¥w) lw (2 -(i)=200-Gs) @ from north of 40 * 500 ~ [Vow |= V(500)?+402 = 501.6 =502 km/hr 30. Three particles meet at Centroid a2 age ae Cos30° =2*Y3 “V3 Component of velocity along vv 2 => 0B= OB =VCos30° = te ana ime taken: 5 By) 2 Alternative: Velocity of B is 'V’ along BC of C V/2. Thus the separation BC decreases atthe! v_av Neri Since, this rate is constant, the time taken the separation BC from a zero is UP 24 A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics Distance _ , , , Speed Displacement * 1 Velocity =! Total distance ‘Avg. speed =" Total time Total displacement ‘Avg velocity = "Total time + Ifa body moves certain distance with speed V; and returns to same point with speed V2 then, AV; Average speed: (V) = + Ifa person moves with equal distances with speed Vi, Vz, Vand so on then average speed aL VapAVA eV pane, wu ‘Avg, speed (V) = H.M. of Vs, Va, Vay Va + Ifa body moves with different speed Vi, Vz, Vs, inequal time interval then, average speed Vit Vo+ ot Va M= = =AM. + Equation of kinematics are applicable for constant acceleration. ie. when acceleration is not varying with time. + Ifthe x-t graph is a straight line parallel to x-axis then the body is at rest. + The straight line inclined to time axis in x - t graph represents constant velocity. + Inx~t graph the straightline inclined to time axis at an angle greater than 90°, show negative velocity. + Noline in xt graph can be perpendicular to time axis because it will represent infinite velocity. + Ifthe x - t graph is a curve whose slope decreases continuously with time, then the velocity of the body goes on decreasing continuously and the motion of the body is retarded. + Ifthe x t graph is a curve whose slope continuously increases, then the velocity of the body is continuously increasing and the body is accelerated. Chapter-4 MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION + Ifthe v= t graph is a straight line parallel to time axis, then the acceleration of the body Is zero. + Ifthe v~tgraph is a straight line inclined to ti with positive slope, then that body is moving with constant acceleration + Ifv—tgraph is a straight line inclined to time axis with negative slope, then the body is retarded. + The velocity and acceleration of a body need not be in. same direction. + Velocity and acceleration of a body need not be zero ime axis simultaneously. + A body in equilibrium has zero acceleration only. All other quantities need not be zero. + Ifa body travels with a uniform acceleration ai for a time interval t; and with uniform acceleration a2 for a time interval tx, then the average acceleration a = ait + aatz ttt + For a body moving with uniform acceleration, the uty) average velocity = “4 where w is the initial velocity and vis the final velocity. + The distance travelled by the body in successive seconds is in the ratio 1:3:5:7 .... ete. + When the body is starting from rest, the distances travelled by the body in the first second, first two seconds, first three seconds, .... etc. are in the ratio of 1: 4:9: 16: 25... etc. + When a body is dropped freely from the top of the tower and another body is projected horizontally from the same point, both will reach the ground at the same time. + If velocity-time graph is a curve whose slope decreases with time, then the acceleration goes on decreasing. Ifthe v-t graph is a curve whose slope increases with time, the acceleration of the body goes on increasing. “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics || P 25 || . A body is projected with a velocity u, falling a velocity of rai a 12¥3km/h c 43 km/h angle 60°with the Vertical, The actual b. 12km/h d. 1093 km/h A ball is dropped from the top of a tower 100m high. Simultaneously another ball is thrown upward with a speed of 50 ms+. After what time do they cross each other? Deere, e a 4s A body is moving with uniform velocity of 8 ms-, When the body just crossed another body, the second one starts and moves with uniform acceleration of 4 ms. The time after which two bodies meet, will be: 2s 6s avalg 3s b. a. a © 4s 8s It passes through a certain point above the ground after t, sec. The time interval after which the body passes through the same point during the return journey .; - -) 3. A person standing on an escalator takes time t; to Teach the top of a tower when the escalator is moving. He takes time tz to reach the top of the tower when the escalator is standing. How long will he take if he walks up a moving escalator? a bot db obrt tt get (tr ta) (tr +t) Aball is thrown vertically upwards with a speed u. Itreaches a point B at a height h (lower than the maximum height) after time ty. It returns to the ground after time t, from the instant it was at B during the upward journey. Then titz is equal to: 2h/e b. h/g h/2g dd h/4g A car starts moving along a line, first with Acceleration a = 2m/s?, starting from rest then uniformly and finally decelerating at the same rate and comes to rest. The total time of motion 10 s. ‘The average speed during the time is 3.2 m/s, How Jong does the car moved uniformly? a. cc 6s 5s ad 3s 8. An insect crawls a distance of 4 m along north in 10 seconds and then a distance of 3 m along east in 5 seconds average velocity of the insect c ve a gm/sec b, 2m/sec 1 4 © 3m/sec 4. m/sec . The distance time graph of a particle at time t makes angle 45° with the time axis. After one second, it makes angle 60° with the time axis. What is the average acceleration of the particle? V3-1 VB+1 3 Z 10.An aircraft is flying at a uniform speed v ms", Ifthe angle subtended at an observation point on the ground by two positions of the aircraft t seconds apart is 0, the height of the aircraft above the ground is given by (assume that initially aircraft is. just above the observer): a b. d. w , t wan wand a omen tan(2) 2tan(8) 11.The velocity of a body moving along a straight line with uniform acceleration a reduces by + of its initial velocity in time to. The total time of motion of the body till its velocity becomes zero is: 3 a St v. dt 5 8 « 3to d. 3h 12.A train accelerates from rest at a constant rate a for distance x; and time t,, After that it retards to rest at constant rate B for distance xz and time t,. Which of the following relations is correct? jsoul2ate Bet "ab aorte8 oe xa “ti ‘A Quick Revi jew of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics ||P 27 | Motion In one Dimension 114.A body starts from the bottom of an inclined plane with angle of inclination 60° with a certain velocity and stops within a distance 10m. If the angle of inclination is reduced to 30° and the body starts with same velocity, it will stop after: 103m 5m a 10m b, ce 10\2m 4 15.Rain is falling vertically with a speed of 20 ms-1. A person is running in the rain with a velocity of S ms-1 and a wind is also blowing with a speed of 15 ms-1 (both from the west). The angle with the vertically at ‘which the person should hold his umbrella so that he ‘may not get drenched is: t) ee fc} tan(§) tant (2) 16. boat which has a speed of 5 kmh-tin still water crosses a river of width 1 km along the shortest Possible path in 15 minute. The velocity of the Fiver water in kmh is: a oi b 3 ec 4 a Va 17.A car Ais going north east at 80 kmh and another ‘car B is going south east with a velocity of 60 kmh- 4, The velocity of A relative of B makes an angle with the north equal to: «mf mG) Ba osinih ccnmant 2) 18.A body is thrown vertically upwards from the top A of tower. It reaches the ground in t; seconds. If it is thrown vertically downwards from A with the same ‘speed it reaches the ground in tz seconds. If it is bridge of length 1 km in 108 seconds. The speed of a2) 2 the engine is: opie i if a, 10mst b. 12mst 2 c 8mst a Sms? 19.The water drops fall at regular intervals from a 5 m above the ground. The third drops ts leaving the tap at the instant the first drop touches the ground. How far above the ground is the second drop at that instant? a 125m b. 250m c. 375m d 400m 20.A man goes at the top of a smooth inclined plane, He releases a bag to fall freely and he himself slides on inclined plane to reach the bottom. If vy, and vzare the velocities of the man and bag respectively, then: a v>ve b vi still water s6.v= velo u=velocity of water in river time along shortest path (t) = Vat (Vo) ‘Angle made by Vas from Va 60_3 tana=§9=4 Angle with north, 0=45°-0 leo _ tan45°— tana “1+ tan45° tana tand SINT 3 1sixg tand coun) 19,Let tbe the time interval between two drops time for first drop tr=(3-1)xt=2t pe 225 time for 2% drop, t= (3-2) xt=3 1 >t=7sec height of 204 drop from ground -4r10x (2) -(5 23.Let AB= ¢= constant Va=10 m/sec natyee Differentiating winto time dx, dy 2x- Ss ay <0 => 2x-Vat2y-Va=0 ( 410 Ve “8° 5.8 m/sec Ve= cota V; 24, sin(120 - 90°) = >= u=05 x sin30° = 0.25 m/sec 25.Let at time’ boy catch the bus, Sanec:8 1-20t+96=0 12 min™ - time = 8 sec 2 L L AB=> and BD=> let time from B to D = tz b toc= 3 L EELS {V9 = 2Vo BD =BC+cD be yaa St & 3 Mixer Vaxg L & ave Te Mean velocity = Total distance L 2Vo(Vi + V2) = 2Vo+Vit Va Vo. ViVi 29.200=ux2+3xax2! “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics ||P 31 || + Inprojectile motion acceleratio + The path of the projectile is called trajectory. + Nature of trajectory is parabolic. + Horizontal component of velocity due to gravity. constant through out the motion. yA 1 Max™. Height, H = Time of fight, = 22522 => Time of Ascent and time of descent are same, usin@ u For maximum range, 0= 45°, Raac= 5 If a projectile is projected so that its range obtained is max. then max® height attained by it 1 4g of maximum range. If a person can throw maximum. horizontal distance Re, then he can throw maximum height Ro me a 21 * Height is maximum if = 90°, Haw = g= 2 Rem At highest point angle between velocity and acceleration is 90°. Velocity is min at energy is minimum. Ta projectile is projected with kinetic energy 'K’ at an angle 0 with horizontal then, ()_ KEathighest point or Min KE. Ku oF Knin = K cos? jghest point hence kinetic __PROJECTILE MOTION 1f0 = 30°, Ky = K = 75% of KE (ji) Max® potential energy or PE at highest point Una or Un = Ksin?0 IF = 30°, Un = K = 25% of KE + Ifa projectile is projected with linear momentum P at an angle '6' with horizontal then change in linear momentum at any time, Ap =mgt ind 1) Ifhighest point t= t, = = :Ap=psind {)_[fstriking pont t= t= oa © - ap = 2p sind eg.{) if0 = 30°, Ap when projectile strike o «) Ap = p, Ap = 100% of p Ifa projectile is thrown with speed u at angle @ with. horizontal the projectile makes an angle ‘a’ with horizontal then its speed, v = ucos0 - seca. ‘Angle made by velocity after time ‘t’ with horizontal and its value, eae dine (*05) ucos® Vx A projectile is projected with velocity ‘u’ at angle ‘6! with horizontal then at time 't'its velocity v is at perpendicular to initial velocity then, genset Eq of trajectory, v=ncotd, 2u? cos yzax-bx? In terms of range and max” height y=tand-x— 22, = tanto 2 y=tanO-x- “gy x? H a Average velocity during time of ascent (i velocity when projectile is at highest point) Van =3 Vi + 3 60570 ‘Avg, velocity when projectile strikes to ground, Vavg = w cos ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physies || P33 | = Change in speed when projectile is at highest point, A|¥| = u(t - cos®) = 2u sin20/2 «= IFtwo projectile are projected with same speed at different angles then for same range, (1) Sum of angles of projection must be 90° 6+a=90%, Gi) = tan orcot?a a) a tan® or cota (iv) R=FE (to (t= R= (@) R=4V HH => R=4VHiRz Hite & R? ‘ (Wi) Hit He=35 petite: tit R Horizontal projection froma height ae Ot ime of flight. 7p—e- (Velocity after time, (lil) Angle made by velocity after time 't,, tana = horizontal (iv) Range, R= u x eS = When a ball rolled off from top of staircase with horizontal velocity ‘u’ having width 'b’ and height ‘h the ball hits n® step then, 2hw eb? * _ Ifaman hits the target, he should point his gun in a direction higher than the target. * Ifa man fires his gun directly aimed towards monkey at height, at same instant monkey starts. falling then bullet hits the monkey. * If two bodies are projected horizontally from certain height with different velocities us and uz in opposite directions then. (their velocities are perpen n ular after time, yuu: g (ii) velocities of 1* body and 2% body when thei velocity are perpendicular, v: va= fur? + ui their position vectors are perpendicular of after me, - Zum g fo? Fu and (ii) + Ifa ball is dropped from height "h from the top of an inclined plane of inclination ‘a’, ball elastically collides the it again, strike the inclined plane ata distance. S=8h sina Multiple Choice Questions 1. A projectile has the maximum range 500 m. If the projectile is thrown up a smooth inclined plane of 30° with the same (magnitude) velocity, the distance covered by it along the inclined plane till it stops will be: a 250m b © 750m 4. 500m 1000 m 2, From the top of a tower of height 40 m, a ball is projected upwards with a speed of 20 m/s at an angle of elevation of 30°. The ratio of the total time taken by the ball to hit the ground to its time of flight (time taken to come back to the same elevation) is (take g = 10 m/s): an isnt bop 82d ce jralva) dy sea) 3. The maximum height attained by a projectile is increased by 10% by increasing its speed of projection, without changing the angle of projection ‘The percentage increase in the horizontal range will be: a. 20% b. 15% c 10% d 5% 4. A body is projected horizontally from a point above the ground. The motion of the body is described by the equations x = 2t and y = St? where x and y are the horizontal and vertical displacements {in ™) respectively at time t. The trajectory of the body is: a. astraightline —b. c. anellipse a acircle aparabola {| P34 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics —— ae A ball is projected with a velocity 20 3 angle 60° to the horizontal. The time ee ie which the vertical vector will make an angle 30° to the horizontal is (Take g = 10 m/s2), b. i 4 6. Aprojectile is thrown upward with a vel angle a to the horizontal. The change the projectile when it strikes the planeis: a 4sec 2sec Lsec 3sec locity vo at an in velocity of same horizontal a vosin vertically downward b, 2vosinavertically downward c 2vpsin.a vertically upward 4. vocos’a vertically downward |. the velocity of a projectile at any instant is u making an angle a to the horizon. The time after which it will be moving at right angle to this direction is: wecosec a 2usina saeEE p, 2using g g cos a q wana g g . The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile is half of its initial velocity of projection (u). Its range on horizontal plane i 3ut 3 =e 5 7 d. A stone is projected in air. Its time of flight is 3 seconds and range is 150 m. Maximum height Feached by the stone is (g = 10 ms): 375m b. 225m 90m d 11.25m 10 projectile A is thrown at an angle 30° to the horizontal from point P. At the same time another Projectile B is thrown with a ce velocity Vz upwards from the Point Q vertically below the hhighest point A would reach. For B to collide with A the ratio y; “V, Should be: a1 b 2 © 12 a4 1.The equation of motion of a projectile is: y=12x ou Given that g = 10 ms, what is the range of the projectile? 12m b, d. 12.A ball is thrown at different angles with the same| speed u and from the same point. It has the same ange in both the cases. If y; and y be the heights attained in the two cases, then y1 + y2= a 16m 20m 24m u 2uz a, g b. 2 w we oe eae 13.A ball is projected from the ground at angle @ with the horizontal. After 1 second it is moving at angle 45° with the horizontal and after 2 seconds it is moving horizontally. What is the velocity of projection of the ball? 103 ms* 203 ms 10/5 mst 20V2ms+ 14.A boy throws a ball with a velocity u at an angle @ with the horizontal. At the same instant he starts running with uniform velocity to catch the ball before it hits the ground. To achieved this he should run with a velocity of: a b. c a. a cos busine © utan@ d Yuetand 15.One second after the projection, a stone moves at an angle of 45° with the horizon. Two seconds from the start, it is travelling horizontally. Its angle of projection with the horizon is (given g = 10 ms2) : 60° b. a a b, tan (4) tan (2) 16.A projectile is thrown with an initial velocity of tan1(3) {al +b] )ms+, Ifthe range of the projectile is twice the maximum height reached by it, then: a=2b b, a. a bea c b=2a b=4a ‘A Quick Review of E-PEM For Engineering Entrance - Physics || P35 || ator Caio 17.The equation of a projectile The velocity of projection is: m/s b, 2m/s d. 4 m/s a. c 3m/s 118.An object of mass m is projected with a momentum P at such an angle that its maximum height (H) is $th of its horizontal range (R), Its minimum kinetic energy in its path will be; fat B 2 8m bam SEE Fa © 4m on 19,Two projectiles A and B are projected with same speed at angles 30° and 60° to the horizontal then, which one is wrong: Ra=Re Te=\3T (Here, R stands for range, H for maximum height and T for time of light), 20.A ball of mass m is projected from the ground with ‘an initial velocity u making an angle of @ with the horizontal. What is the change in velocity between the point of projection and the highest poi a b. He=3Hy © d. none ofthese a cos? downward b. ucos @ upward ¢ usin? @ upward a. 21A ball, whose kinetic emergy is E, is thrown at an angle of 45° with the kexizontal, its kinetic energy at the.highest point of Its flight will be: b £/2 E usin @ downward a. zero c EN2 22.A solid sphere and a hollow sphere are thrown horizontally from a cliff with equal velocities respectively. Then which sphere reaches first on earth? d. = b. solid sphere hollow sphere i] P 36 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics © a. both spheres simultaneously we say because spheres are not given can not masses of 23.A stone is projected at an angle 8 with the horizontal with velocity u. It executes @ neariy circular motion near its maximum height for 4 short time. The radius of circular path is: eazy 8 weos? w Seu 8 24.A particle is projected at an angle of 45° from a point lying 2m from the foot of a wall. It just touches the top of the wall and falls on the ground 4m from it. The height of the wall is: beet le 1 3m 2 gm da 4m She c 25.Two projectiles are projected with the same velocity. If one is projected at an angle of 30° and the other at 60° to the horizontal. The ratio of ‘maximum heights reached is: be 2s ce aa) a. 26.A ball is thrown upwards at an angle of 60° to the horizontal. It falls on the ground ata distance of 90 1m, Ifthe ball is thrown with same initial velocity at an angle of 30°. IT will fall on the ground at 2 distance of: aot) 1:4 a 120m b. d 27.A bullet fired at an angle of 30° with the horizontal hit the ground 3 km away. By adjusting its angle of projection, can one hope to hits target 5 km away: Assume the muzzle speed of be same and the ait resistance is negligible: possible to hit a target 5 km away 90m 60m 30m b. not possible to hita target 5 km away ©. _ prediction isnot possible d. none ofthe above a Gir # given velocity, a pl range R for two angles of projection. If ti and t; are the time of light in the two cases, then: a titre R Db. tite R? nae ae « tbh=Re 29a bomber plane is moving horizontally with a speed of 500 m/s and a bomb released from it, ‘strikes the ground in 10 sec. Angle from horizontal atwhich the bomb strikes the ground is: (g=10m/s*) a tan? (1) bd. tam(5) a(B (2) < m2) a sms (2) => u?=500 = 10 = 5000 Distance covered by body along inclined plane before coming to rest 2 5000 2g sind ~ 2=10xsin30 2, Time taken to come back to same elevation 2usind _ 2x20 xsin30 g 10 =2sec Total time take to hit the ground =usin® (usm)? 2h eens s =500m 5 _20xsin30_ [/20xsin30)* , 240 a aM) 10) 10 =1+y1+8=1+3=4sec Ratio of total time taken to hit the ground to time taken to comeback to same evaluation jectile has the same | => 10t=30-10=20 t=2sec | 2 st 3=>usinO=15 ine __ 152 H =F 50-1125 | 10.For collision | Vzsin30° = Vi 2 wsin?@ | u2cos?@_u? 2.ya + yo = SSIs , wrest 12yityz="9g +” 2g 28 [ 13.Angle made by velocity with horizontal after time t’ | tana = Wsin®=at ana ="“u cos Att=2ec, Att= 1 sec,a=45°,u cos0 = (28-g) = 10 +. us V2 IO = 105 m/sec 15.Sameas (13) > usind = 2g=20 0=tan(2) iry=Vix-e8 eq" of trajector on compairing we get, tand=3 => 0=60° and u? cos?) = 1 a = uxg 2 u=2m/sec 0= 60° 7A Quick Review of B-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physies | P37 | ifan object is placed in one pan its wt, is ws" if placed nanother pan its wt. Is ‘wo’ then true wt of object + If balance has unequal arms, true wt. (w) = owe + Ifbalance has equal arms, true wt. (w) = "+5 + Ifliquid is flowing though a pipe of cross-section area. A with velocity 'v' then force needed to hold the pipe: 3 _ pavtaway from himself. If Qis discharge, Q= ar ee Favor Q Qs + Power through pipe, p = pAv: Pav or, Q vis P2= 0? pi * Ifa force is acting on system and each element of, system moves with same acceleration then force on the part of system; i)" Ifthere is no force on remaining part after cutting the portion, Remaing mass or length Total mass orlength * Force Fer= il) If force present on remaining part is in the direction of motion then, Remaining Total fil) Ifforce present on remaining part is opposite in the direction of motion then Fan = Force « Metaling whe ‘ Mz (i aah (IMs cut then contact force =F 4 F Fyan = Force ~ x (Force)nee x (Force) net (i) fms cut the contact force = F 2g Tia __ LAWS OF MOTION AND FRICTION _ For T; (If'ms is cut out\ 1m; + mz=> Remaining mass, mi+ m2 + ms = total m ‘And force is not present on remaining part, Ts = Ifm, + mzis cut out from system then aay TSP n+ m2 +m * Accl* of masses, wane Re oi = Sum of masses * If mz sin@; > m: sin@; then mz moves down the inclined plane. Tension in the strings, yroduct of masses x g ‘T= "sum of masses (mz sin®z = m: sin,) x (sind; + sin®2) eg. (i) Here, ®:and @: both are 90° (m2 >m) ope 2= Gay “mam = UME 9 i m+m Fp=2T a (ii) 0:=0,02=90° pore. im +m mmg =m m* \2T Motion of lift ()Ifliftis accelerating up with acceleration ay then ‘App. wt= Real wt-+ mao=m g-+ may ‘App. wt> Real wt my i ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics ||P 39 |) fo {y lfbodyis at Rest then tan = AS {iif body is at Rest into dinning eonditioaPee far ready to slide then, tana. = A= y, | (ip fbody isin motion then tana = = jy, + Maximum friction angle, din= tan-(4,) + Angle of Repose (0x) is the minimum angle of inclination of inclined plane with horizontal such that abody placed on it, just begins to slide. tan n= he a * Acceleration of a body in a rough inclined plane of inclination ‘8’. {)_fordownward motion, for upward motion, a (sind ~jx.cos0) g(SinO + pcos6) * Ifa body is allowed to slide down from top smooth inclined plane of inclination '0' then body fakes 't' time to reach the bottom, now the inclined plane is roughed then body takes ‘nt! (n > 1) to reach the bottom then the coefficient of friction. ee) When a uniform chain (or uniform rope) of Tength ‘L" is overhung from the edge of rough horizontal table, having friction coefficient ‘" then () maximum of its hanging length; aL wet ‘ (© Max» % of its length = 2204 ped 18 (i) If | of its length should hanged then the Coefficient of friction, Hen Ifa block of mass 'm’ is placed on rough inclined Pane of inclination '@', its downward motion can be prevented slide by applying an upward pull and it can be mode to slide upwards by a force ‘nF then the coefficient of friction: Ifa block is moving with velocity 'u' placed on Tough horizontal surface having coefficient of friction jw’ then distance moved by block before) coming to rest, ff 2k 5 2 Pulling is ‘easier than pushing because pulling decrease the normal reaction. * To avoid slipping while walking on ice, one] should take smaller steps because of small a friction, Direction of friction force on bicycle wheel (when bicycle is peddaled friction force on rear Wheel is forward direction and on front wheel in backward. (i) When bicycle is not peddaled then friction force on both wheel is in backward direction. If a block of mass 'm' is placed on rough horizontal surface, the coefficient of friction between block and surface is ‘p' then least force required to slide the block is: Fag = HM. me If friction angle is ‘a’ then least force required is Fain = mg sino Min® horizontal force or min™ force along the plane required to move the block. Fin = H'mg = mg tana If the coefficient of friction between an insect and hemispherical bow! having radius ‘r’ is “y’ then insect can crawl upto max height: [a Multiple Choice Questions 1. A balloon of gross weight w newton is falling vertically downward with a constant acceleration a( 3) « w(a-3) aw? 2. A block of mass m is placed on a smooth plane inclined at an angle @ with the horizontal, The force exerted by the plane on the block has a magnitude: a mg b. mgseco mgcos® a. mgtano ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physies || P41 | ya ROU Laws of Motion and Friction 3. A block of weight 5 N is pushed against a vertical wall by a force 12 N. The coefficient of friction between the wall and block is 0.6. The magnitude of the force exerted by the wall on the block is: 12N b 4. 4. A block is gently placed on a conveyor belt moving horizontally with constant speed. After t= 4s, the velocity of the block becomes equal to the velocity of the belt. If the coefficient of friction between the a 5N cs 13N 7.2N block and the belt is 1 = 0.2 then the velocity of the conveyor belt is: a 2mst b. 4mst © 64mst d. 8mst 5. An elevator and its load have a total mass of 800 kg. If the elevator, originally moving downward at 10 m/s, is brought to rest with constant deceleration in a distance of 25 m, the tension in the supporting cable will be: (g = 10 m/s?) 94N 940 N a, b, a 1880 N c 9600 N 6. Two blocks are in contact on a frictionless table. One has mass m and the other 2m. A force F is applied on 2m as shown in the figure. Now the same force F is applied from le the right on m. In the two of contact between the two blocks will be cases respectively, the force a. same be Saeit (die aig 7. A body is projected up a 45° rough incline. IF the coefficient of friction is 0.5, then the retardation of the blockis: a In 22 v2 Booey as Ceo a . A fireman wants to slide down a rope. The breaking load for the rope is $th of the weight of the man. ‘With what minimum acceleration should the fireman, slide down; WP 42 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrai c. 9. A body of mass 10 kg is placed on rough sur pulled by a force F making an angle of 39% ty horizontal. Ifthe angle of friction is also 30° they the minimum magnitude of force F required move the body is equal to: (take g= 10 m/sty 100 N 502 N 1002 N 50N 10. The coefficient of friction between the tyres and road is 04. The minimum distance covered before attaining a speed of 8 mst starting from rest jy 10 m/s?) a, b, ic d b. d 41m c 16.4m 183m 11.The breaking strength of the cable used to pull a body is 40 N. A body of mass 8 kg is resting on a table of = 0.20. The maximum acceleration which canbe produced by the cable is (Take g= 10 ms): a.6 ms? b.3ms? ¢.8ms? d.Sms? 12.A mass of 3 kg descending vertically downwarl support a mass of 2 kg by means of a light string passing over a pulley. At the end of 5 second the string breaks How much higher the 2 kg mass will 0? a 49m b. 9.8m c 196m (@ 245m 13.A dynamometer D is attached to two bodies of masses M= 6 kg and m = 4 kg. Forces F = 20Nand {= 10N are applied to the masses as shown, The ‘dynamometer reads 6N 14.A block of mass M rests on a rough horizontal surface as shown. Coefficient of friction betwee? the block and the surface is j. A force F = Mgacting 14N nee — Physics rangle 6 with the vertical side of the block pulls it. In F=Mg which of the following 2 cases the block can be bt pulled along the surface: "07 ) tan(9)> 4 a co($)>4 45, 13m ladder is placed against a smooth vertical wall with its lower end 5 m from the wall, What should be the coefficient of friction between Jadder and floor so that it remains in equilibrium. a, tan =H ¢ cote a 01 b. 0.15 © 021 d. 0.22 16A body is released from the top of a smooth inclined plane of inclination @. It reaches the bottom with velocity v. If the angle of inclination is doubled, what will be the velocity of the body on reaching the ground: ay bw © [2cos0)2v a 47.A box of mass 8 kg is placed on a rough inclined Plane of inclination @. Its downward motion can be prevented by applying an upward pull F. And it can bemade to slide upwards by applying a force 2F. The Coefficient of friction between the box and the inclined plane is: [2sine].2v 1 a 3tand b. 3tand at © Ftano a. 2tano 184 block is place on the top of a smooth inclined Plane of inclination @ kept on the floor of a lift. ‘When the lift is descending with a retardation a, the block is released. The acceleration of the block Telative to the incline is a gsind b. asind © (g~a)sind d 79qThe upper half ofan inclined plane of inclination 0 's perfectly smooth while the lower half rough. A block starting from rest at the top of the plane will (g+a) sind ‘again come to re: fe bottom if the coefficient} of friction between the block and the lower half 0 the plane is given by: a p= 2tand b, w=tan® 2 zeit c iano a tand 20. body is sliding down a rough inclined plane of angle of inclination 0 for which the coefficient of friction various with distance x as p(x) = lex, where k is a constant. Here x is the distance moved by the body down the plane. The net force on the body will be zero ata distance x0 given by: tand ae b, ktand cot ' cre 4, keot® 21.An object is resting at the bottom of two strings which are inclined at an angle of 120° with each other. Each string can withstand a tension of 20N. The maximum weight of the object that can be sustained without breaking the string is: a. 10N b. 20N c 20V2N a. 40N 22.4 rough vertical board has an acceleration a along the horizontal so that a block of mass M pressing against it does not fall. The coefficient of friction between block and the board is: g @) <& c g es 23.A smooth inclined plane of length L having inclination @ with the horizontal is inside a lift which is moving down with a retardation a, The time taken by a body to slide down the inclined plane from rest will be: A ee 2 * Vigrasind > \/igraysino 20 2b e Vea a \gsino 24.The velocity of a bullet is reduced from 200 m/s to 100 m/s while travelling through a wooden block ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance Physies |) P 43 | of thickness 10 em. Assuming it to be uniform, the retardation will be: a 15x 108m/s? —b. 10. 104 m/s? © 12x 10tm/s? 14.5 m/s? 25.A bird is sitting in a large closed cage which is placed on a spring balance, it records a weight of 35 N. The bird (mass = 0.5 kg) flies upward in the cage with an acceleration of 2 m/s?. The spring balance will now record a weight of: a 27N b. 35. c 26N d 24N 26.An open knife edge of mass m is dropped from a height ‘h’ on a wooded floor. If the blade penetrates upto the depth d into the wood, the average resistance offered by the wood to the Knife edge is: bmg(1+8) eects") Bey 27.4 car is moving along straight horizontal road wit a speed vo. If the coefficient of friction between the ‘tyres and the road is ». The shortest distance in which the car can be stoppedis: —_[I0E] at a4 » rs 2 2 © =o d. : 8 . 28.Pushing force making an angle 0 to the horizontal is applied on a block of weight W placed on a horizontal table. If the angle of friction be 4, the magnitude of force required to move the body is mg ao. 2ug ‘equal to: Weosi », Wsind_ * cos(0 +4) cos(0 + $) W tan a W sing Sin(0 +4) | fan(0+ 6) 29.A block B of mass 5 kg is placed on another block A of mass 10 kg, which rests on a smooth horizontal surface. If = 0.4 between A and B and a force F = a, 3m/s? b. 2m/s? 8 c 4m/s? a 3m/s? 30.A block of mass 4 kg is placed on a horizontal plane. A time dependent horizont force F = kt acts on the block k = 2.N/s*. The frictional force between the block and plane at time t = 2 sec is: (4=02) a 4N b. 8N fy eZ N.- d. pee el jib [ia mal ial | Zi (22d a pea [22d (pao Solution for Selected Problems 1. mg-R, a Ry 3, fim = 0.6 x 12 = 7.2N weight = 5N fim > weight g-ma=Wp Hence friction force = SN force exerted by wall on block = 12? + 5? 3N 4, acceleration of block = mg= 0.2 x 10=2 velocity after 4 sec, v=u+at=0+2«4 v=8 m/sec ioe ion ae 5, Retardation of elevator, 5,5 ="gq = 2m/5 Tension in cable, T = mg + mx(-a) = 800x10 + 8002 }600N 6. When force F is applied on mass 2m then contact force, ||P 44] A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics ea Cua Maia) b= tand R=W-+Fsind F0S0 = fim we * Gos0 = sind = cos(0 + 6) B bra soy = Ske - m= 10kg f= 04x 5x 10=20N acct of block A, é; 30. Applied force after t = 2 sec Fe2x2=4 (Finn) max" opposing force = 0.2x4x10 = BN film > F friction force = 4N || P46 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics wed ) 1f0<90%.w=+ve i) 1f0=90",w. ii) 10> 90°, w=-ve Ieis scalar, unit:— joule, [w] = [ML?T-] = Work done by constant force w= Fdcos0 * Work done by variable force 1) One dimensional variation of force, w= [Fd ii) Two-dimensional variation, 2 sy w= [d+ [fay mn i iii) 3-dimensional variation, sey F w= [fde+ f fay+ J fed:) ek eg(i) Find work done by force F = (3x2 i +2y | )N from point (1m, 2m) to (2m, 4m) w= J 3xdx+ f 2y dy=19 Joule * Work done by spring force either in compression or elongation from natural position. W=-F ke where. = elongation K= spring constant or force constant = Work done by spring force when spring is released either from elongated or compressed position, ae > If total work done is round trip is zero then force is sald to be conservative. Work done by conservative force does not depends on path. ie, (point function) WORK, ENERGY AND POWER Eg. spring force, gravity, central forces etc. = IFtotal work done is round trip is not zero then force is| said to be non-conservative. Work done by non- conservative force is path function. Energy: Kinetic Energy(K):- dees Kepmv?=35 i where P= my = linear momentum K_ (Pi eG) For small change (< 10%) *%P| KaP2 (9% KE= For any change (i) IfPis increased by x% then % increase in KE [% K= (né= 1) x 100) ox. Where,n=1+ 759 (ii) IFP is decreased by x% then % decrease in KE % K=(1-n?)x 100; 6x. (i) Iflinear momentum of body is increased by 50% then % increase in KE willbe 9% k= (1.52 -1) x100=125% (iii) % P= (Yn-1) x 100) ‘+ Iftwo bodies are released with equal KE then, Pocm:ie, b= /™ * Ifthe linear-momentum of two bodies are equal then, Ky_m] 2m rebate Example: If bullet is fired from gun then the kinetic energy of gun will be (a) less then KE of (b) Greater then KE of bullet bullet “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics || P 47/|| Ces (6) equal to KE of bullet (d) none of these |Sola:- these momentum is constant PHYSICS Ke_m — eam <1 > [Kesh + [j= i07 erg) [Healorie= 4.2) TeV = 1.6% 10] |+ KEisalways +ve. Potential Energy(U): configuration. .- Energy due to position or * Gravitation potential energy of a body of mass 'm' at height 'h above earth's surface. ‘AU = Change in PE = increase in PE R u=men (etn) () fh=nR then AU=mgR*73 | (i) Ifh<<= dw, Prosant = de ‘+ IFPis the instantaneous power then average power's given by t frat

fat Eg, power of a body varying according to equation P = (384 2t+ 1) watt then power of the body at 2 secand during 2sec. Sol’.P |, =3%2?+2%2+1=17 watt 2 J Ge+2r+ nat Pars -> gee * Ifamachine delivers constant power to a body then. (@ velocity of the body, [vec t'] (i distance moved by body, sx ti] atta (tii) acceleration of body, (iv) velocity of body, [v= 51 ‘* If constant force acts on the body then power of thet!| body. pet * Ifa bullet loses 2” of its. velocity after penetrating through a plank of thickness t' then 7 (9 No.of such plank required to stop the bullet ne N= =1 (ti) Total thickness of penetration : a Ga) euii 1 agp fabllet loses 99, ofits velocity ater penetration of plank of thickness 2'cm then, 20? ootnlanks 0) =7525-17 35 N=11 Ans otal thickness of penetration (T) 205icm 4. jfa uniform chain/rope of length 'é° and mass 'm’ is 0.256 10.256 x 2 = Iying on smooth horizontal table and + ofits length £ (=f) ishanging then work done required to put the chain on the table _mgé_mg fc? = 2n? = 26 + Ifsuch chain starts slipping from rest then its velocity when completely slip off from the table. ¥en [8@- te) = /e¢1—5) * Ifa bullet of mass ‘m’ moving horizontally with velocity 'v' strikes a block of mass 'm' suspended by a string of length '¢’ as shown in figure. @ Ibuilet get embedded in the block then, maximum angle made by string with vertical. mev2 2gf (M+m) cos® = 1 - P mv? Height raised by block (h) = 35¢M+ myé Tension in the string T = (M +m) g cos® (i) Ifbullet emerges out with velocity vs then maximum angle made by string with vertical. eee mee wale ~ 2geé (M+ m)? Multiple Choice Questions Lifa body is placed on another body which is ‘accelerating by an external force then work done by frictional force on the upper body relative to ‘round is: ey ave b. zero rye unity 2. Aposition dependent force F = 7 - 2x + 3x? newton acts on a small body of mass 2 kg and displaces it from x= 0 to x = 5m. The work done in joule Is: 270 b, 270 3. A body is falling under gravity. When it loses a gravitational potential energy by U, its speed is v. ‘The mass of the body shall be: 2u uv Pec 2 2u De cw a a 4, Under the action of a force, a2 kg body moves such} ion x as a function of time is given by x = that its p ‘Where x is in metres and tin seconds. The work: done by the force in the first two seconds is: a 16) b. 16) c 160) d. 1600) 5. A bock of mass m is pulled along a horizontal surface by applying a force at an angle @ with the horizontal. If the block travels with a uniform velocity and has a displacement d and the coefficient of friction is , then the work done by the applied force is: mgd mgd cos0, & cos0 +p sind cos0 + 1 sind mgd sin® mgd cos0) © Gos6 + j1sind €os0 — jx sind 6. A mass M is lowered with the help of a string by a distance x at a constant acceleration §. The work done by the string will be: 1 a Mex b. 3 Mex a a 3 Mex a Mee 7. Given that the displacement of the body in metre is a function of time as follows: xe2tes ‘The mass of the body is 2 kg. What is the increase in its kinetic energy one second after the start of motion? a 8) b 16) « 32) a 64) 8, The net work done by kinetic friction: a, isalways negative b, _isalways zero maybe negative and positive 4, _isalways positive “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physies | P 49 | Nenana es The work done by pseudo forces is: a. positive b. negative zero 4, allofthese 110.The work done by a spring force: a. _isalways negative b. _isalways positive © maybe negative 4d, may be positive and negative 11A particle is moving in a conservative force field from point A to point B. Us and Up are the potential energies of the particle at point A and B and Wc is the work done by conservative forces in the process of taking the particle from A to B: a We=Us-U, —b.- We=Ua-Un © Us>Us d. Us> Us 12.A body of mass m thrown vertically upwards attains a maximum height h. At what height will its Kinetic energy be 75% of its initial value? h h ie ae h h ed o3 ig man has half the K.E. that a body of half his mass has. The man speeds up by 1ms-1 and then has the same K.E. as that of body. The original speeds of man and body in ms-! are: a (V2+1),(/2-1) b. @/2+0,20/2+1) ce y2v2 d. (V2+1),20/2-1) 14.A uniform chain has a mass M and length L. It is placed on a frictionless table with length lo hanging over the edge. The chain begins to slide down. Then the speed V with which the end slides away from the edge is given by: a v=\/E@+) b v= F-b) N Bur-12) d. V=\2g(l-1) 15.The energy required to accelerate a car from rest to 10 ms” is W. The energy required to accelerate the car from 10 ms~ to 20 ms-1is: a ow b 2W « 3W da 4w ay 4 | 16.Power applied to a particle varie: with time agp (Be = 2+ 1) watt, where t is in second, Find iy change in its kinetic energy between time t «25 andt=4s aeeooy b. 46) ee OL) d. 102) 17.The potential energy between the atoms jn molecule is given by: ab U() = yn where a and b are positive constants and x is the distance between the atoms. The atom is in stable equilibrium when: 1 -(2)6 a =a) aay _ (2aye a -) 18. car moving with a speed of 40 km/h can be stopped by applying brakes after at least 2 m.If the same car is moving with a speed of 80 km/h, What is the minimum stopping distance? a. 8m b (@ 6m 2m c 4m 19.An engine exerts a force F= (201 ~ 3) + 5k) Nand moves with velocity ¥= [61 + 20) 2 aI) m/e power of the engine (in watt) is: a 45 b. 75 « 20 d 10 20.A child is swinging a swing. Minimum and the maximum heights of swing from earth’s surface are 0.75 m and 2 m respectively. The maximum velocity of this swing is (g = 10m/s?) a. 5m/s b. 10m/s © 15m/s a 20m/s 21.A stone is thrown at an angle of 45° to the horizontal with kinetic energy K. The kinetic energy at the highest point is: K Kk ag b. 2 ui « K d. zero 22,.When a long spring is stretched by Zem, its potential energy is U. If the spring is stretched by 10 cm, the potential energy stored in it will be: a 10U b. 25U c ad su ale P50 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics 140A force F= (51 + 3)) newton is applied over a particle which displaces it from its original to the point = gi -). ‘The work done on the particle is: db. d, -7joule a +11joule +7 joule cc. +13joule |41.The potential energy of a body is given by A - Bx? {where x is the displacement). The magnitude of force acting on the particle a, inversely proportional to x b. proportional to x? © proportion tox constant 42.4 particle is kept at rest at the top of a sphere of diameter 42m. When disturbed slightly, it slides down. At what height h from the bottom, the particle will leave the sphere. [10E] a 35m b. 16m © 12m @ 7m 43.Calculating the horse power used in pumping 2500 kg of water per minute from a well 12 m deep to the surface. Supposing 40% of the H.P. of the engine during the pumping is wasted. The H.P. of engine will be: a 156HP. b. 65H. © 12H. a 164) 44.The work done in pulling up a block of wood weighting 2KN for a distance of 10 m on a smooth plane inclined at an angle of 15%, with the horizontal is: a 982k) b. 892K) c 518K) d. 556K) Solution for Selected Problems 2, F=(7-2x+3x?) 3 5 We fied =[7x-2+x]p 0 is =35-25+125 w = =135J 3. loss in PE = Gain in KE ae work done = changin KE sind 1 1 29x24 9 x2x0? F w =16) BD stot R=mg-Fsin0 f= uR—y(mg- F sind) F cos - f=0 emg _ 050 +p sind ‘| mgd cos $ 050 + j. sind tees eee : w= Fd cos® mgx work done, w=T+ 7, x=2te5 Att=0)V=0 Att=1=8 theorem in KE =3 x2 «8? -0= 645 12,Gain in PE = Loss in KE ‘Again, Gain in PE = loss in KE ]P 52)]| A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics mv?~75 9 of (Fmv2) a 3 mv? 1G 13.Letmis the mass of man, Vn =velocity of man Vp= velocity of body Kem = 2 Kody dm (m+ 1)?=3 (m/2)v2 = Va+1)?=2Ve? On solving: Vn= (V2 +1) © We=2(V2 +1) 15.Bw=5m x 10? - 1 1 ci . 10?= 5m 100 Again, w'=3 m [20 - 107] = $mx300=3w 16.Dw = Ak dw Again, P= 4 4 “we fpdt] ((3t-2t+ at Bhi: 2 w=[t3- 12+ t]=[64-16+4-8+4-2] 18.Stopping distance, S ie, Soc V2 Si Wi 07-37 +5K (67-207 -3K) = 120 - 60 - 15 = 45 watt 1 < 20.5 mV,2, = fng (Rmax bean) “Vmax = V2 10 (2- 0.75) Vex = Sm/s 21. KE at highest point K = Keos?0 = kcos?45° = k/2 22.0 = bot 4s. (a) (ey v=) “(2 U;=25U 24. Efficiency => muh_ = 0:28 Faen08 h= 15m Pp 2m For same KE P xm P m. Pe = 25.KE, 26.U=Fe => Uy Uke =k (170-5 x98) : 24.2 V2=u? + 2ab=0+2 x 24.2 x 10= 484 V=22m/sec 1 29. eae 32.K= 37) i= 10 Again, F=2 = Ap=02%10=2 pi=10+2=12 “A Quick Review of E-PCM(For Engineering Entrance — Physics | P 53 | ak= 34 [pe pel = 44) {34.Let initial speed of man = V Ln qve2=2%($mv?) => (V+ 2)2= 2v? ©. W422 =\2V 2 Ve E Ga (2+ 2y2) m/sec 25 x 105 2x 107 V2 =u?+ 2as=0+2% 0.125 x 50 ». V=2.5 m/sec 35. = 0.125 m/s? 39.u=V2gh = 2x 9.8% 0.7 = 40.W= Fd =5x2-3x1=+7 Joule 41.U =A - Bx? Am/sec F Fox 5R 42,Height from bottom; h ="3°=" 3 = h_ 2500 10%12 43.Power="Et="" Gy = 5000 watt 5000 Power in HP="74g = 6.7 Efficiency of machine = 60% = 0.6 output Input Input $211.17 watt= 11.2 x Power of engine in H.P. = 11.2 44. Workdone along smooth inclined planes We=mgsin0 xs = 2x sin15° x 10 = 5.18K) Fe He HE _ CIRCULAR MOTION + Ifa force is always © to the direction of motion (i -yelocity) then path will be circular, + In circular motion vector quantities like velocity, Jinear momentum, acceleration, force changes, Uniform circular motion (0 Speed (v) is constant {i 'o (angular velocity) is constant (ii KEis constant, (iv)Aw=0, 4k=0 {(v) Work done and power is zero (vi) Tangential acceleration (Rate of change of speed) ui) JAcceleration is directed along radius toward centre known as centripetal acceleration or radial accl* or Normal acc. (x) Total accl*is only due to centripetal accl (6 Angular momentum (L) is constant 1 (Hi KE, k F mv? gFcxr 1 (aifTotal energy, TE=3 Fox r+ f/-Fe.dr Non-uniform circular motion: (i) Speed changes (ii) @ changes (i (W)az0,Ao40, Ak 40,040 (IF speed increases then tangential acceleration (a:) Is along the direction of velocity. i) KE changes ite, Angle between a; and vis 0° >> a ¥ = 4ve (Wilf speed decreases then tangential acceleration is opposite inthe direction of velocity. >> &-V=-ve (i) Total acceleration is due to both centripetal and tangential * aro ora =fae+ ae = (ey < Ci a * Direction of total accl*from aq tanf= 5° (vill)The work done power both are due to tangential force, (ix) Angular momentum changes, L () Torque # 0, t= m a r, Torque is due to tangential force. * Work done by centripetal force is always zero in circular motion arene ee eS vertical vi tand= 5 => Ifthe length of circumference of circular path is given then 2ne tg vr tan = where, c= length of circumference t= time taken to complete circular path For banking of roads tand a Height raised by outer edge inner edge (super elevation) B * Max speed of which not for skidding on level Curved road (i.e. curved road of without banking) Vax = Vang where, 1 road, + Max" speed of vehicle on such road not for overturning h= "> L where, L = width of road, ‘oefficient of friction between tyre and Vmax=\] 2h where, d= distance between wheels h = height of eg of vehicle from ground ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance Physics || P 55 || ase of spherical bow! height from botto fa vehicle is moving on concave track and convex track then normal force exerted by concave track is always greater than convex track. fa vehicle is moving on convex track of different radii then that curvature exert more force for which radius, is larger. Ifease of concave track smaller curvature exert more force. Ifa uniform rod of mass m; having length ‘L’ is rotated about one end with angular velocity ‘a’ then force exerted onthe another end. Ee F=>moiL + Ifabody of mass 'm' is tied to spring of natural length (or relaxed length) '¢' of force constant 'k’ is rotated ‘with angular velocity ‘a’ then elongation in the spring mot k-mo? ‘The max" distance from centre at which a coin may be placed on a circular table rotating with angular velocity ‘o’ about an axis through cg and Ir to plane. Tau="e where j1= coefficient friction * Ifa circular table is rotating from rest with constant angular acceleration ‘a’ and a coin is placed at a distance x from centre then it starts slipping after. [ue ax He 28. (i) Min= No.of revolution (n) =3-= Fees (9 Themin- time, t Conical pendulum: (0 Tension in the string: T= [where, int ‘cos® (i) Forlinear speed of bob, tand = te Wnepaoar.-20>\ [22 rx Vcos0 i 2\t Lak(.2) where, T=radius of horizontal circle = length of string T.= Time period of simple pendulum 1. A wheel is at rest. Its angular veloci 2. A particle of mass m begins to slide down “Multiple Choice Questions ity increases uniformly and becomes 80 radian per second after 5 second, The total angular displacement is: a. 800 rad (b) 400 rad 200 rad d. 100rad A ° a fixed smooth sphere from the top. what is its tangential acceleration when it breaks off the sphere? 3. Let ar and a: represent radial and tangential acceleration. The motion of a particle may be circular if: b. ar=0,a.40 d. none ofthese c a#0,a=0 4. Aparticle is moving along a circular path of radius 5m with a uniform speed 5 ms". What will be the average acceleration when the particle completes halfrevolution? a. zero, (b)10 ms? 0 c 10ms? a nse 5, Akg stone atthe end of 1 m long string is whirled in ‘a vertical circle at constant speed of 4m/sec. The tension in the string is 6 N when the stone is at (g = 10 m/sec?): a. topofthecircle b. cc halfwaydown bottom ofthe circle none of these 6, The maximum tension that an inextensible ring of mass density 0.1 kg m+ can bear is 40 N. The maximum velocity with which it can be rotated in a circular path is: a. 20mst b. 18ms* c 16mst 4, 15mst 7. If the banking angle of a curved road is given by tan(3) and the radius of curvature of the road is 5 6 m then the safe driving speed should not exceed: (g= 10 m/s*) a. 864 km/h b, 43.2 km/h c 21.6km/h 4d. 30.4km/h 8. A particle moving along a circular path due to a centripetal force having constant magnitude is an example of motion with: a, constant speed and velocity b, variable speed and velocity c. variable speed and constant velocity d. constant speed and variable velocity ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics jj P 57 || ‘9. A particle of jeg is moving along a circular path of radius 1m. fits angular speed Is 2x rad s4, the centripetal force on it is: a 4nN b. 8xN ce 4ntN d 8nN o-the speed of a particle moving in a circle is increasing, The dot product of its acceleration and velocity is: a, negative b. zero, c._ positive maybe +ve or -ve 411A particle P is moving in a circle of radius a with a ‘uniform speed u. C is the centre of the circle and AB is a diameter. The angular velocities of P about ‘Aand Care in the ratio: ee Paarl 2) @ 21 a 4:2 12.4 simple pendulum is vibrating with an angular amplitude of 90° as show in the given figure. For what value of a, is the acceleration directed? er ee Os ueat (vertically upwards a (ii) horizontally \ (iil) vertically downwards. a. 0°,cos G) 90° b, 90°, cos? @ 10° cos 5) 0m 90" a. cost @ 90°, 0° 13.When a body moves with a constant speed along a circle: a _ its velocity remains constant b. no force acts on it & _nowork is done on it d._noacceleration is produced in it 14.Two racing cars of masses m; and mz are moving in circles of radii r; and rz respectively. Their speeds are such that each makes a complete circle inthe same time t, The ratio of the angular speeds Of the first to the second caris: ett) b. mim nite do mimazrira 15.A particle moves along a circle of radius ( with constant tangential acceleration. If the cig ofthe particle is 00/8 the ena the ve second revolution after motion has begun, tangential acceleration is: a. 160xm/s* b. 40xm/s? c 40m/s? d. 640 nm/s? 16.Two particles of equal mass revolving in. paths of radii ri and r2 respectively with the angular velocity. The ratio of their centripeta force will be: n n pee | | A Go ora in Fi 17.A cyclist moving with a speed of 4.9 m/s on a level, road can take a sharp circular turn of radius 4 m, then coefficient of friction between the cycle tyres | and road is: | a O70 b, 0.61 | c 031 d. 0.81 18. bucket tied at the end of a 1.6 m long string, is ‘whirled in a. vertical circle. What should be the minimum speed so that the water from the bucket does not split when the bucket is at highest position? a. 16m/s b. 4m/s c 625m/s d. none ofthese 19.A body is allowed to slide down a frictionless track, freely under gravity. The track end in a semicircular shaped part of a diameter D. The height (minimum) from which the body must fall so that it completes the circle, is: 4 D aa) be 3D 5 cher dno 20.A stone of mass 1 kg tied to a light inextensible 1 string of length L = “fm, whirling in a circular path in a yertical pine. The ratio of maximum tension in the string to the minimum tension inthe string is 4, If g is taken to be 10 m/s*, the speed of the stone at the highest point of the circle a 10m/s b. 5\2m/s c 10\3m/s d. 20m/s 24.Toy cart tied to the end of an unstretched string of length a, when revolved moves in a horizontal circle of radius 2a with a time period T. Now the toy cart is speeded up until it moves ina horizontal circe of radius 3a with a period Tee Hook's law hold then: | » Ds ie ||P 58 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics vy 111. Angular velocity, w = Vv. About Ai wa= 3p v About C; we => r wl we 2 42:Tangential acceleration at any angle ‘a’ with vertical is given by a=gsina and 22. centripetal we acceleration, a 2.2.2 a= act a = At lowest point, a = 0, a upwards hence acceleration is vertically upward = At extreme position, ie. a= 90°, a downward and v = 0, a vertically downward = When total acceleration is horizontal, it angle ‘o’ with tangential acceleration, v2 _2gr cos 25E = 2g cosa. tar =& tan% ma= => tanta= tana= v2 a=cos'(5) Mona Time period for both car is same hence, os : 2 151-72, v=80m/see vi curt 2ayxs=0+2a%5 a ve = 18, Minimum speed at highest point, vy =\Vre=V1.6* 10 =4 m/sec iI P 60] A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics esina = 0 and a: is vertically = g vertically hence total acceleration it makes an vz_ 302 | ____ 79. Velocity of lowest point in terms of hefght vy =v2gh ‘To complete the vertical circle minimum velocity gp lowest point ‘SDs ve\5re=\|72" ‘SDs co fPBNEN |e De _5D Ihnin =" Toy _ 2+ STE D Tae VATE _ V+ Sig See viarg, 0 => Vi =3rg23x- x10 y= 10m/sec ‘2ny . Ci) 2n)2 and kx 2a=m * 2) «3a Solving (i) and (ii) we get » V3 OS Ty 22.Tension in string = mw?r = 23.Centripetal acceleration, ‘= 1.8 m/s? 2x42 1=32N 22= F500) ‘Tangential acceleration a: =2 m/s? a =\ad+ae=2.7 m/s? 4 ce roy omega eoniee 2nx\/59 =4sec [vee igeiaies 2 EDR 245° ve_2nt 26,.tan0 == g where, h = height raised Le distance between rails sy : (103) ="400% 10 * h = 45cm 1 he He He + Centre of mass depends on the distribution of mass of system. + fa body is symmetric about point, line or axis then centre of mass lies on that point, line or axis of symmetry. Position of centre of mass {1) For “n” point masses: _ 2a fe = mitt. +My _mr Tm (2) For continuous body: _ fram | Seat? ‘here dm = mass of elementary strip r= distance from axis to elementary mass. Velocity of centre of mass, eo Acceleration of centre of mass Bo mais ma +. +2,V, Seeman: +... + mq * Internal force donot affect the motion of centre of mass system as a whole. But it may affect the part of system. * During collision linear momentum is conserved Eastic collision: (@ Linear momentum is conserved (i) conserved (ii) Total energy is conserved (iv) Coefficient of restitution (e) = 1 (9 Linear momentum is conserved (i) TE is conserved (ii) O cm downward 60x2-50x%2 20 2x =— 450 71507 1333cm 4, mx: + mzAx = 0 M M(L+x,) +3 %»= 0 ML___3L @ Me 4 M+5 distance of man relative to ground 3L_L cela 4 6, Linear momentum before explosion = Linear momentum after explosion = 2mX Vers =m x (-vcos0) +m x ve 2 vz =3V.c0s0 Bom, wo) e—2 ee Before collision KE before collision = KE before colli (P)seiorecotision = (P)atercoision x Vy'+ 2m x Vo" Vy'+2v'=V @ ‘Again, Relative velocity of approach = Relative velocity ofseparation Vi-Ve=Va'= Vi" = W-w nee ‘on solving (i) and (ii) we get, (ii) wet Ratio of KE= m (u=0) from the conservation of linear momentum, Vit Ve= Uo @ Again from, coefficient of restitution, Fuom 0 ve-vi= eu. Solving (1) & (li) we get, 4G) centre of mass of system from ‘p’ 1x0+1xPQ+1xPR_PQ+PR T+i+d rom 12.1f'M’ is the mass F disc then, Mass of cut off Disc = ca and mass of remaining Dis« (mu Mass x perpendicular distance from cm = constant 3M MLR ax D a x= 8 trom centre 14.Velocity of Rockect veun() > 2u=u un (¥2) Mo Mole Fraction of disposed mass =(1 - 0.135) = 0.86 15,Velocity after sticking Me 2 Mp7 2 = 0.135 x 103x150 2.005 v'=037 ZW=AK “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics || P 65 | ROTATIONAL MOTION Moment of Inertia: [I] :=Itis the property by virtue of | Parallel Axis Theorem:- which body opposes the change of state of motion, A () Forpoint mass, i l=emr Where, * 7 Ardistance from axis of rotation (i For system of masses, | : Teme man? +. man? = 3 mre Tap = Mh? + leg * ef Perpendicular Axis Theorem:~ ey continuous mass distribution, The sum of MI of two axes mutually L* in the plane of I= fxtdm Lamina gives MI about axis passing through intersection of two axis and to the plane of lamina. x= distance from axis of rotation to elementry mass. | 4: (k= k+1 Where dm = mass of elementry strip > Moment of inertia is Tensor. > It'sunit- kgm? Dimension —> ML? Mlofdifferent bodies: ee Bodies Axis passing though MI 1. Uniform Rod (M, L) (@ Cgand Lrtolength 1 ig ML \(i) End and Lrtolength H vs eo ys 6 2 Uniform Ring (M, R) I@) Cg irto plane IMRe (ii) Diameter Hane 8 Uniform Dise (M, Ry |@ Cgand Ir to plane B a & Fi (i) Diameter Ee jt Solid Sphere (mM, R) labout diameter E re ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physies||P 67 ] —>5 ©) Solid sphere 2 2 —1->3 ©) Hollow sphere 1 [23 > Disc or Soia Cylinder > <> Ring orHolow Gynder { If a body rolls without slipping KE due to rotational motion is 40% of KE due to translatory motion then find the body. e8 00 = § = solid sphere + Acceleration of Rolling body on inclined plane: 6 (()in case of smooth inclined plane rolling body slides only. ‘ie, only translation occurs. fa=gsin6] 0 => Angle of inclination with horizontal (@) Incase of rough inclined plane:- D RE - (en) = [zee + Velocity when it reaches the bottom from height h zah (veo) * Velocity when body roll down distance 't. Vv: 2gsind x i N+D} + Min® coefficient of friction required for rolling solidsphere(2) |gsind*= Hollow sphere () 1 t=] ; [voc val Nal + [aesiasahere> anise a sphere > Ang + (Bee toi 2 1 Pie(5) esino? tan0*3 ‘+ Moment of inertia depends upon mass distribution of body about axis of rotation and mass of the body. ‘© A bicycle is fitted with spokes to increase in MI of ‘wheel that's cause balance of cyclist is maintained. ‘+ Ml ofraw egg > MI of boiled egg. “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics ||P 69 || err RAS > ifa rod of length ‘(’is hinged to lower e to fall then free end strikes the floor at velocity power by zorque Equation of Kinematics V3et Linearform _| ! ‘Angular momentum (1) :> 1. veutat sind 2, vizut+ 2as Moment of linear momentum. Tangential acceleration (ay) = ra. oo 8 j No. of revolution = 5 oF 3695 | 46 a0 cor o=F so _do | SrA ede i Multiple Choice Questions au inearly varying t poe ete 1. A solid sphere, a hollow sphere and a disc, all i= having same mass and radius are placed at the top of a smooth incline and released. Least time will be taken in reaching the bottom by: a. the solid sphere + If external torque acting on system is zero then angular momentum is conserved (i.e, constant) b. the hollow sphere L= constant = [To = constant] eee @._allwill take same time iets = Tat © nn It 2, Ifa spherical ball rolls on a table without slipping, 7 the fraction of its total energy associated with ox7| and [Tal] where T= time period rotation is: a 3/5 b. 2/7 Petiiizes Iitses &'atces 25 a 3/7 Ren ise icevnles chen length ot aay ticreatee: 3. The speed ofa homogeneous solid sphere after rolling © If the radius of earth becomes R/n without changing | _ d0WnS an inclined plane of vertical height by from Tex without sliding i: its mass then time peri of rotation becomes a Veh b /B)en [leR=T] One ae Nem 4, Moment of inertia of a rod of mass m and length # For R/3:n=3,T'=8/3 hr about its one end is L If one fourth of its length Is * A swimmer while jumping into water from height cut away then moment of inertia of the remaining easily forms a loop in air if he pulls his arms and leg in, rod about its one end will be: 3 9 ! ‘Two equal and opposite forces separated ata distance. ava 76! 4 + couple produces purely rotation. 27) i - cice d. 16 y : 5. When a body is projected at an angle with the work done by torque,|o= i 1) horizontal in the uniform ae field of the 1 earth, the angular momentum of the body about — || P 70 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics pe pot path: 4. remains constant , increases decreases 4. initially decreases and after its increases Aforce F acts tangentially at the highest point of the sphere of mass M kept on a rough horizontal plane. If the sphere rolls without slipping, the acceleration of the centre of sphere is: projection, as proceeds along its highest point 108 eee 7M 10M 10M 10 c TF a. MF 1, Arigid body rotates about a fixed axis with variable angular velocity equal to o.- Bt, at time t where a, B are constants. The angle through which it rotates before o2=p? al (o.- Bla Ch 5 8, Arod of length ‘L’ whose lower end is fixed along the horizontal plane starts to topple from the vertical position. The velocity of the upper end of therod when it hits the ground is: a Veh b. V3eL « \5el a. 3yeL 9, Three thin rods each of length ‘L’ and mass M are placed along X, Y, and Z axis such that one end of each rod is at origin. The moment of inertia of this system about z-axis i 2 4ML2 Mu ness SM ML? oS ee 10.4 constant torque acting on a uniform circular wheel changes it angular momentum free from Ao to 4A in 4 second. The magnitude of the this torque is: a BAo/4 b. Ao © 4Ay d. 12A0 11A force of (31 + 4k) N is acted upon a fly wheel tangentially. The radius vector of the flywheel has (2)- 6k) m. The torque acting on the fly wheel is: a 25N-m b, 20.6N-m © Ya2N-m d. none ofthese 12.4 solid sphere and a disc of same mass and radius starts rolling down a rough inclined plane, from: the same height the ratio of the time taken in the ‘two cases is: VEN a 15:14 b. ce 14:15 d Vi4 it 13.A particle is moving in a circular orbit wit constant speed select wrong alternate: a. [ts momentum is conserved b. _Itsangular momentum is conserved © _ Itismoving with variable velocity 4, _Itis moving with variable acceleration 14. square lamina is as shown in figure. The momen! of inertia of the frame about the three axes show) in figure are ly, Iz and I, respectively. Select th correct alternative. a heb>h b. h>k>is © h=b tot sphere toi [asin x 2/3 gsin0 x5/7 n “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics ||P 73 | MU MLD Moment of Inertia passing through one corner and perpendicular to plane, tae? BL) a 1 Lyne Avon 8 +) ML? eae eel yee ieee es: (OR Mts = Mt =3 M2 Mae =5 ML? B K=3L ve (NsD) 102 (245) 16h = *( D Sasa x 5 } ia 17-kinetic energy of ring: 1 1st =Fmv?x (254) = mv? : ee tess kinetic energy of Disc; k’ =} mv? x3 = 3x3 *8=6) fib glwt=> MK? x w? i 3 * 10 x 22 x 5? = 500) 19,Radius gyration for Disc: k= er R ‘Again, Radius of gyration for ring of radius 2R, k' = 2R ki=2x\2k=2\2k Koa dpe | 20.7 MR’ =m(= ol .L=VBR a ane xb- 522 2 = 28.6m 2g*5~ (2x98) “5 cs And no. of revolution, n = >= Maxm height: h = Displacement of point P = V(nR)? + (28? = nied k 28.L a F 32,t=0 ‘Angular momentum (L) = constant = MK? 0 . m= cm) | = 33rev/min =33 x 2% rad/sec Ao _0-(33x2n/0) ‘At 20 : tin a a k (0) = rad/s? net ©), _(5700x2n/60) 2m 35.0-(F°) «t= 5700 + 20/60) 49 = 950m nek < Hence no. of revolutions for Disc = n no, of revolution (1) =~ = 475 svi_vt 5 rane seee «3 He He He i) P 74 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics es 1) then velocity of the body at infinity (or free space) Vie sace OF Vistniy = (i?= 1) Ve * Max height in terms of escape velocity Wenn = VaR = 8 km/sec 7 T=2ng= 84.6 min Gy mt : a JS ai «If orbital velocity of satellite ts increased Bee ccy9c0F T then, Tac 414% (or KE by 100%) then satellite escap' ergy of satelite from its orbit. IGWtn ere m= mass of satel () _Ifv- Ws wi = W2= Ws © wis W2 wa> Ws 18A thin rod of length Lis bent to form a semicircle. ‘The mass of rod is M. What will b the gravitational potential at the centre of the circle? cM » aM Cosa Dab 26M GM oa a7 19{f Vis the gravitational potential on the surface of the earth then what is its value at the centre of the earth? aw b. 3V 3, 2 ce o5V as 20.The rotation of the earth having radius R about its axis speeds its axis speeds up to a value such that a man at latitude angle 60° feels weightlessness. The duration of the day in such a case is: R R a ome a ni e anf > 1B B ‘ afi a. anf Mechanics ZA body has a weight 72 N. When it is taken to 2 z height h = R = radius of earth, it would etal ia 5 a 72N b. 36N cd c 18N d. zero 22.8 body of mass m is placed on earth surface. Itis the! taken from earth's surface to a height h = 3R, the the change in gravitational potential energy is: aah b. Smgr 3 mgR mar ea 23.The acceleration due to gravity on planet A is 9 times the acceleration due to gravity on planet B. A man jumps toa height of 2m on the surface of A. Whats the height of jump by the same persons on the planet B? earn nee om (18m 24.An artificial satellite is revolving around the earth in a circular orbit. If its speed is half of the escape velocity. Then its height above the Surface of earth ofradius R, is: R R ea 5 cueZ) aR 25.A planet of mass m moves around the sun of mass M in an elliptical orbit. The maximum and minimum distances of the planet from the sun are 11 and ry respectively. The time period of the planets proportional to: b a. a ne (itr? « (i-m)? 26.A satellite is launched into a circular orbit of radius R around the earth. While a second satellite launched into an orbit of radius 1.01R. The period of the second satellite is longer than the first one ne by approximately: a 3.0% b. 15% c. 07% d. 10% “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance - Physics | P79 | ,_GMm_GMm wt ata distance Zr’ from centre, W'="(pry2~ 41? SOISAHd 16.Since they are moving in opposite direction, my~my=(m+m)v'=>v'=0 KE=0 Pn M(m+m)__ 2GMm TE=KE+PE L r 18.xR=L=>R= Potential at centre: V =~ M 19.V=~3Ra (BR2-12) 20.¢" = 0=g- oR cos?60° | We 72 =18N 23.go ho = Bax ha y= 28872 - 18m 26.7 x 13/2 [038s] 0 5% «0.01 x 10 ty" “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance - Physics ||P 81 | eeu Chapter-12 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION Condition for SHM_ SOISAHd toring fe i Peettan postion Pee een displacement The restoring torque is directly proportional to position *cted towards mean the angular displacement from mean position. Fa-x 0-8 ie,ax-x ie, aoc -0; a= angular acceleration ask <0, K= proportionality constant c= constant 0 at «qe + 60 = 0 is required ae kx= 0} is required differential equation representing SHM differential equation representing SHM Analysis of Linear SHM eH —————————————— Oe A X=0 Pp x=A (Exreme sa (Extreme postion) position) postion) According to condition Fa accnx Here (-) ve sign indicates that force and displacement are in opposites direction. Displacement of particle executing in SHM is given by sin (ot +3) fe + Where, A= amplitude (Le, maximum displacement from mean position in either direction) + Angular frequency =“ = 2xf = Phase constant or epoch or initial phase gr ottd x=asin(ot +6) Att=0;9=8 ese nin (oe 8) is mown as phate Phase angle at initial time (t= 0) is known as phase constant cor epoch p= ot 5-2 + 5 = 2nft+5 x=Asing v= Sea = ce ah Att=0;/V Aw cos dy_d% = -a*Asin3| E> a? =A 8nd as =o Asin a. If§=0;x=0;v=Ao;a=0 ‘A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics || P 83 || ii, At PLA jy=vo-“\}2 iii, Atx= * The nature of graph between acceleration an displacement is straight line Example: 5x(ie, {+ 5x=0) then T=? Solution: comparing with (a = -07x) + The nature of graph between velocity and di (ie,'v v/s x) is Elliptical vue ot If Vo and ap are the maximum velocity and maximum acceleration (i. amplitude) of a particle executing in SHM respectively then, j, Amplitude is given by fi, Angular frequency isgiven by, |o= a9] [._ 2nV0] v ao ‘A; a=amax=07A=a0(say) 1 1 act phia=7o7A=5 a0 oF 75 velocity amplitude and acceleration 2. If Vy and V2 are the velocities of a particle executing in SHM at a displacement x; and xz from mean position respectivley then. a. Amplitude is given by; [a We (oat V2? = At-x2? b. Angular frequency is given by; Eo ma*A*cos?(ot + 8) =4 mo*(A* x9) 1 =ymoFA?sin*(ot +5) Ka (A?- x") xx] a Atx=0;Umin =0 . Atx= A; Umax=4 ma*A? = Uo (say) =tmots? = Udsin*(ot + 8) * The nature of graph between PE (U) and ¢ displacement (x) is parabolic. TKE= 215M 4 The frequency of PE is the double the frequency of SHM [{PE = 2fSHM| Total energy (TE) = KE + PE = 3 mo*A* = constant Note: constant function has no period a. Atx= 0; Kmax=3 mata? b, Atx= A:Kmin =0 0 cos*(at +8) ‘The frequency of KE is double the frequency of SHM. “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance Physics P85 || ‘At mean position, Umin + Kmax = TE Kmax = TE| {j, Atextreem position Umax + Kmin = TE Umax = TE] ‘¢ The ratio of PE to KE is given by in?(«t + 8) = tan? 6} Opal fi, IFK=2U: then;ig u ii K=4TE then, = pring mass system =o (Mean position) Mean position: 0 Mean position: Spring force, F = -kx=ma (r) ae comparing with: ‘Atmean position, Umin + Kmax = TE Kimax = TE - Umin| ji, Atextreme position Umax = TE| 1. Time period for spring mass system is given by | T Qn a. IfKisconstantthen, [Tam EG o || fe TB b. Ifm= ome | [are fr m=eanstant then [<= || P 86 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics Umax + Kmin = TE Kd Equilibrium. Position or mean Position aes oe 2, Ifmass of 5 ms =mass of spring, 4, When two blocks of masses m1 and m2 are attached to mim2 mi +m2 pre2n-\/{ |where 1 = Reduced mass 4, Combination of springs Incase of combination of spr 's combination effective spring constant is given by ii, [Keff< Ksmallest] {iy In this combination time period increases. k iv. IF ‘n’ springs each of spring constant ‘k’ = 5, mxn el ae + In parallel combination displacement in each spring are same (both magnitude and direction) 5, When a spring of spring constant ‘k’ is cut a. Whena spring of spring constant ‘k’ fs cut into ‘n’ equal parts then spring constant for each part is given by [K"=nk b. Whena spring of spring constant ‘K’ is cut into I1; 12:12: nmin then the spring constant of ith Korg. x sum of ratio preneieyentby, Ku = eau ny S| 1. Iftwo blocks or many blocks are suspended from 3 spring of spring constant ‘k’ when a block is removed from equilibrium position then 4. time period of oscillation is given by: - [present mass T=2n x b. Amplitude of oscillation is given by Weight of removed mass a -telght of remove BS igs time period is given by |T ing is considered then, time period for spring mass system is given by |T'=2n jae oa spring having spring constant ‘k’ then peirod is given by: In this combination effective spring constant is given by Kesp > Klargest] fii, In this combination time period decreases. 4 iv: If’ springs each of spring constant ‘Kare in parallel then, [Keff=nk] nk 2. Incase of spring mass system if: 7 3 mv? + Fla? xc= constant] then, m. 2eN/iexk Example: The time period of oscillation when block is displaced and released Solution:- When block is displaced by an ‘amount ‘x’ then spring will elongated by 0) commie Lin? « bk (3)2 = constant time period is given by; 2 Bayt «ie? x (Z) = constant 1 4 3, When a block of mass M having density pb is suspended from an spring of spring constant 'K’ is immersed in ligid having density pl then time period ramains unchanged but mean position decreases bavi ‘Time period d: a. time period Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics e871 Ieee Jor Infinite lengths of pendulem: y R (90,7=2n\/,=846min length of pendulum is equal to radius of earth, ¢ R =R:T=2n\/79 =59.8 min fi, If length of pendulum (0) <<< (Radius of earth) then if tength of pendulum increases then time period jncreases ie, motion becomes slow and time will loos. 4 length decreases then time period decreases i.e. qotion becomes fast and time will gain, ‘4 Time period of simple pendulum is independent of ‘mass of bob. Important tricks 2, lassor gain of time by pendulum Iflength of pendulum is ch: se ofincreased v= (1m) +100] ce a i. If length of pendulum isi. If length of pendulum i increased 44% then n= _ shorter by 36% then, n Ave 28) 147997144 = 0.64 100 %T=(\144-1)x100 % T= (1-064) x 100 T= 20% (increases) T= 20% (decreases) Note: For small change (< 6%) % change in T = 4 (% change in length) + Ifa pendulum is oscillating with a time period T1 , due to change of some factors, the time period of oscillation becomes T2. «inthis case pendulum losses time ‘Loss oftime in one day is given by Loss in time = & - 1) % 86400 sec| 3. Ifa simple pendulum is taken from mean sea level to height Le, ‘h’ then the loss of time in one day given by: [loss in time = 13.5 x h{in km) sec] 4 Ifa simple pendulum is taken from mean sea level to depth d (d <<< R) then the loss of time in one day is sven by: lossin time = 6.75 x d{in km) sec] § Due to change in temperature: 1 loss or gain in time = > x a x AO where; «= linear expansion coefficient 46 = change in temperature 6 Ifa pendulum of length ‘!’ is oscillating with an ‘amptitude ‘A’ then maximum tension in the string or ‘tension in the string at mean position is given by where, m= mass of bob 7A bob of pendulum having charge ‘q’ remains | ey in horizontal electric field of intensity “E Inthis case pendulum gains time ‘© Gain of time in one day is given by 2 aniaaes (eee a. Angle with vertical at which bob remains b. Tension in the string at this position T=(mg)* + (aE 8. If ‘VO’ is the velocity of bob of a simple pendulum having length ‘!’ at mean position then velocity of the bob when string makes an angle ‘0’ with vertical is v=/v0? = 2gl (1 - cos6) 9, In case of simple pendum, tension in the string is ‘maximum at mean position and minimum at extreme position. a, Tension in the string at angle ‘0’ with vertical is, mv T= mg cos0 +7 stationary; given by given by b. If 00 is the angular amplitude (Le, maximum angle through which bob rotates) then tension in. the string at extreme position is given by: "T= mg cos00 10,Two pendulum of length ‘11’ and ‘12’ (12 > 11) are oscillating from same position (i.e, either mean { “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physis || P89 | SOISAHd bas bh (Oy Seas Dua out position or extreme position etc) then both pendulum again comes into same phase. ‘a. No of oscillation after smaller pendulum will be jigger {i, Amplitude (A) =b Simple pendulum in different cases in same phase with : Gea A Gee) ofa = Yi "fb = Vis b. No. of osicllation after bigger pendulum will be in same phase vii _ vis. Beare = BEE 11.A body executes SHM under the action of force ‘fi’ with frequency fl. If the force is changed to f2 it executes SHM with frequency f2 when both forces simultaneously acts in same direction then, ‘At Normal case; | T= nL In other cases where 1 by {s constant time period | a *\/ geff where [EE= mgeff [7-="\ ia © Ifgeff> g then, T’ T; ic, time period increases. Pendulum oscillation due to tangential its i, frequency of oscillation [[? =f" + (2”| weight of bob (i.e, restoring force). In the additional force if tangential components time period changes other wise time unchanged 4 ‘ cee ii, Time period of oscillation | 73 = 742 + 793 12.1f displacement of a particle executing in SHM is x=a+bsin(ot+6)] then. 1. When simple pendulum is placed inside elevator Upward direction with acceleration Downward direction with om a0" acceleration ‘a0’ a. DP=meelf a, DF =mgeff | => mg +ma0 = mgeff => mg- ma0 = mgeff ! 2 geff=(g+a0)>g geff=(g-a0)g a. geff=-\ e+e a. geff=gcosd Natural frequency Torsional pendulum MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS +. Which ofthe following is a necessary and sufficient ‘condition for simple harmonic motion? a Constant period b. Constant acceleration ¢ proportionality between acceleration and restoring force 4 Proportionality between restoring force and displacement 2, When a mass undergoes SHM there is always constant ratio between its displacement and a. period b. Acceleration mass ad Velocity 3, Which of the following doesnot represent SHM a. x=Asinot b. x=Asinat eS \sinat + B cost x= Asin?at cos?2at 4, The ratio of maximum acceleration to maximum velocity of a particle performing in SHM equals to a Amplitude b. Angular velocity Square of amplitude 4. Square of angular velocity 5, The total energy of a particle executing SHM is proportional to. Jacement from equilibrium position b. Frequency of oscillation € Velocity in equilibrium position 4, Square of amplitude of motion. 6 Fora particle executing in SHM along x - axis, force isgiven by. a ~Akx b. Acoskx Ackx a Akx 7. A particle executes SHM with a frequency ‘f. The frequency with which its KE oscillates is a ff2 b 4 © 2 Ger 8A body executing SHM passes through its ‘equilibrium position . At this instant it has: @ Maximum P.E. b. Maximum KE. © MinimumKE. d. Maximum acceleration 9. The phase difference between the instantaneot velocity and acceleration of a particle executing in SHMis a bd /2 aot, aft 10.The displacement of a particle varies with time according to the relation x = asinat + beosot a, ‘The motion is oscillatory but not SHM b, ‘The motion is SHM with amplitude (a + b) cs ‘SHM with amplitude (a? + b?) 4 ‘SHM with amplitude a? +b? 11.A girl is swinging on a swing in sitting position when she stands up then time period will be a. Increases b. decreases ©. remains unchanged d. depends upon mass of girl 12.A girl Is swinging on a swing in sitting position. If another girl comes and sits, the period of its swing will be? a. decreases b. Increases unchanged d. first increases then decreases 13.A hollow metal sphere is filled with water through hole in it. It is hanging by a long thread and is made to oscillate. Water slowly flows out of the hole at bottom. How will the period of oscillation, beaaffected. ‘a, _ the period will go on increasing till the sphere is empty. b. The period will go on decreasing till the sphere is empty The period will not be affected at all ‘The period will first increases then decreases till the sphere is empty. 14.4 simple pendulum is made of bob which is a hollow sphere full of mercury suspended by means 7% Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics | P 93 | PHYSICS ofa wire, if little the mercury ‘ined off, the” period of the pendulum wil b, decrease a, Increase remainssame 45.The period of oscillation of simple pendulum of constant length at a place inside a mine is ‘a, more than itis on the surface of the earth . less than it is on the surface of the earth ¢ the same asitis on the surface of earth become erratic d. _ thesameas tis on the surface of moon. 16.A particle executing SHM has kinetic energy KOCos2ot. The maximum value of potential energy and the total energy are respectively. a. Koand Ko b, Oand 2K, ce Mand Ko d. Koand 2Ko 17.if there is a planet on which the value of the acceleration due to gravity is one - ninth of that at the earth, the frequency of oscillation of a simple pendulum on the planet will be. a. One-ninth b. nine - times one-third d. the frequency of the same pendulum on the earth, 18.How will the period of oscillation of pendulum hanging in an ascending lift change if the lift moves with uniform acceleration. a, The period will increase b. The period will decrease ¢ the period will not change d. The period will first increase and then decrease 19.4 pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a tr has period 'T' when the train is at rest. When the is acceleration with a uniform acceleration 'a’, the period of oscillation will: a. Increase b. decrease © remains unaffected d become infinite 20. simple pendulum of length ‘has been set up inside a railway wagon sliding down a friction less, inclined plane having an angle of ‘0° with the horizontal, What will be its period of oscillation as, recorded by an abserver inside the wagon. cos DeeeN | oo 8 T 1 © ae\Tesind = 2 \/acos8 21. The time period of a simple pendulum is 'T’. The Pendulum is charged positively and is made to oscillate while a negatively charged plate is placed below it. The period of the pendulum is now. tenet da 2 22.The potential energy of simple pendulum t maximum wher a. Atthe turning point b. Atthe equilibrium c, _ Inbetween the above two cases d. itis same atall positions. 23.1f a simple pendulum of length 'l' has maximum ‘angular displacement '@', then the maximum Kinetic energy of its bob of mass 'm' a, Smel b. mglcos® c. mgl(1-cos6) —d._mgl(1-sind) 24.For a simple pendulum executing SHM, the ratio of its KE when it passes through the equilibrium position and its potential energy when it has maximum amplitude is: a, less than unity b, greater than unity equal to unity d. equal to the ratio of its length and the acceleration due to gravity 25.The workdone by the string of a simple penduring one complete oscillation is equal to a, Total energy of pendulum b, KE of pendulum PE ofpendulum d. zero 26.a simple pendulum consisting of a ball of mass ‘m! tied to a string of length 'I' is made to swing on circular arc of angle '@' in vertical plane. At the end of there arc, another ball of mass 'm’ is placed at rest. the momentum transferred to this ball at rest, by the swinging the ball is a. zero p, mee dee m mL am a 2g 27.Weight of the bob of a simple pendulum is 'w'« Length of pendulum is 'l’ and itis vibrating with an amplitude ‘A’, maximum tension in the string during oscillation will be: a w(l+ay/R) —b cow a w(L + A/02 w(t 4/1) 28.Angular amplitude of a simple pendulum is '@o' « Maximum tension in the string for small 00 will be: a, mg(1-Coss) _b._mg(1 + 60) c mg(1-6) + 602) 29.4 bob of simple pendulum of mass 'm’ is oscillating with an angular amplitude of 40°. When string IP 94 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics sakes an angle 20° with vertical then tension in | the string will be. mgCos20° b. >mgCos20° = emgcos20° —d._—mgCos40* gna second’s pendulum is mounted in a rocket. Its period of oscillation will decreases when the rocket is 4 moving up with uniform velocity . Moving up with uniform acceleration ¢ Moving down with uniform acceleration 4. Moving in ageostationary orbit. gi dlock's’ is based on oscillation of spring and a ‘dock'P' is based on pendulum motion, Both clocks yr at the same rate on earth. An a planet having the same density as earth but twice the radius, a swillrun faster than p b. pwillrun faster than s ¢ both runat the same rate as on the earth both run at equal rates but not the same as on the earth. 32A weight suspended from a spring oscillates up and down. The acceleration of the weight is zero at. a. highest point —b. _ lowest point ¢ middlepoint — d._ none of these 433A particle of mass 'm’ is hanging vertically by an ideal spring of force constant 'k’. If the mass is made to oscillates vertically, its total energy is. a, Maximum at the extreme position b, maximum at the mean position € minimum at the mean position 4 sameatall the position 34.[fa spring has time period ‘T’ is cut into 'n' equal parts, then the time period of each part will be: @ a Tn bis a «ont SoA 35.Two bodies M and N of equal masses are suspended from two mass less springs of spring constants Ki and Kz respectively. If the two bodes oscillate vertically such that thelr maximum velocities are equal, the ratio of the amplitude of vibration of M to Nis & fk .& mee & [Ke -& « 36.A mass of 1 kg attached to the bottom of a spring hhas certain frequency of vibration. The following 37 The vertical extension in a light spring by 2 sien of 1 kg suspended from the lower end Is 9.8em, The period of oscillation of the spring is: ‘an b. (ap)sec 200nsec a. 20nsec 2n SES 38,A mass M is suspended from a spring of negligible} mass. The spring is pulled a little and then} released so that the mass executes SHM of time| period 'T’. if the mass is increased by 'm’, the time 4. m period become a , then the ratio of ig is: 5 a 3/5 = 16 Baez a 5/3 39.A frictionless inclined surface having inclination 30° has a 2.5 kg mass held by a spring which is fixed at the upper end. If the mass is taken 2.5 cm up along the surface, tension in the spring reduces to zero on releasing the mass now, its angular frequency of oscillation will be: a 9b. 14 c 2d 3 40.0n a smooth inclined plane, a body of mass 'm' is attached between two mass less spring . The other ends of the springs % are fixed to firm supports. if each spring has force constant 'K’, the period of oscillation of the body is. [m 2m nd asi a 2m iG ‘olkaprg rege ate ene ‘suspended to it, now a small mass 'm' is attached and then released, its time period of oscillation is: ie © 20 4 Me imi a. am/emt ant a Mt Bt (M+m)g 42.Time period of a spring mass system is "T’. If this spring is cut into two parts whose lengths are in the ratio 1:3 and the same mass is attached to the longer part the new time period will be: ig a. mass has to be added to it in order to reduce the 5 frequency by half. DT b TAB a ikg b. 2Kg BT c 3kg d 4kg. & Ben a BT “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physies ||P 95 | ‘Giaparticle executing in SHM has amplitude ‘ne ratio of time taken by particle from x pyaitox=Ato A/2; will be cat ban Fei a4 sshemaximum speed of a particle executing in SHM is 1m/sec and maximum acceleration is 1.5 m/s2 ‘A’ then 0 to its time period is: a 4sec b. 157sec i c 2see asses s6A particle undergoes SHM having time period "T’, qhe time taken in completing 2 from mean position is 3 S. at Baa ail ST ah en he $7.A particle executing in SHM has amplitude 10 cm and its maximum velocity 12 m/sec. velocity of the particle at a distance 4 cm from extreme position willbe. a 9.6m/sec b. 6m/sec 63 m/sec d. [21 m/sec 58.A particle executing in SHM with amplitude ‘A’ has maximum velocity Vo. its speed at displacement A/2will be. % Vo 2 >» a 8 Ye 3, . tt av Wve 59The number of harmonic components in the oscillation represented by x = 4cos22t sinét and their corresponding angular frequencies are a three, 2rad/sec, 4 rad/sec, 8 rad/sec b. two,2rad/sec, 4 rad/sec © two, 4rad/sec, 8 rad/sec 4. two, 2rad/sec, 8 rad/sec 60.A small body of mass 1kg executing SHM with amplitude 0.1 m and period 0.4 sec; The maximum force acting on the body is: @ 1225N b. 24.65N © 3475N d. 44.75N _ 51.4 horizontal platform is made to execute SHM of amplitude ‘A’ in the vertical direction. An object Placed on the platform will lose contact with it, when the frequency of oscillation exceeds: IB 14/2 2 m/f bon VA 62.A particle executing in SHM has amplitude ‘A’ 9om ‘At what displacement from mean position kinetic} energy is double the potential energy? a. 6cm b, 45cm c 3V3 d. 4.5¥2em 63.Starting from the origin a body oscillates simple} harmonically with a period of 2 sec. After what time will its kinetic energy be 75% of the total] energy 1 a gsec b. psec az 1 c gsec a gsec 64.A body executes SHM with an amplitude ‘A’. At what displacement from mean position is the potential energy of the body one-fourth of its total energy? A a a 4 » 4 c x d. Some other fraction of A 65.A linear harmonic oscillator of force constant 2 « 106 N/m and amplitude 0.01m has a total mechanical energy of 160) i a. Maximum potential energy is 160 b. Maximum potential energy is 100] © Minimum potential energy is zero d. Maximum kinetic energy is 160) 66.A body executes SHM whose period is 16 sec. Two second after it passes the equilibrium position its velocity is 1m/sec. The amplitude of sHM. a 63m b. 1.8m. 3.6m d 24m. 67.An object of mass 0.2 Kg executes SHM along X - axis with a frequency (25/x) Hz, At the position x = 0.04, the object has KE of 0.5] and PE of 0.4). The amplitude of oscillation is a 0.06m b. 003m 004m 002m 68.The potential energy of a particle of mass 2kg ‘executing in SHM varying with position is given by U = [20 + (x - 2)3] in Joule and x is in meter. The total mechanical energy is 36 Joule. the mean position of the motion will be: eed b c x=2m ch 69.In above question maximum velocity of the particle will be a, 2m/sec b. 4m/sec cc. Im/sec 4. 6m/sec 70.A body executes SHM under the action ofa force F1 ‘with a time period 4/5 sec. If the force is changed “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics || P 97 | pea to fy, it executes. SHM with a time period 5 sec. If , and F2, act simultaneous in the same oth forces F cous c tirection on the body, the time period in second is: 2 24 ise 25 eyes 25 25 euaat Ea 71.if length of simple pendulum is increased by 44% then its time period will be increases by a 22% b. 20% 10% 4. 30% 72.1wo pendulums of time periods 3sec and 7 sec respectively starts oscillating simultaneously from ‘two extreme position. after how much time they will be in same phase: a 2. a eee b. Bree Fal 2. b. 10 °° d. eset 7B.A pendulum clock, keeping correct time at sea evel is taken to place 1 km above sea level, the lock approximately: a Gains 13.5 per day b. Loses 13.5 secper day closes 7.5sec per day 4. gains 7.5 sec per day 74.A bob of pendulum having length 0.5m is oscillating, the bob has velocity 3m/sec atits mean position, then velocity of the bob when string makes an angle of 60° with vertical will be a. 15m/sec b. 2m/sec cc Im/sec 4. 0.75m/sec 75.4 simple pendulum with a brass bob has a time period T. the bob is now immersed in a non - viscous liquid and oscillates in it. If the density of liquid is 1/10 th that of brass, the time period of same pendulum in liquid will be: 76.A person measures the time period of a simple pendulum inside a stationary lift and finds to be "T’. If the lift starts accelerating upwards with an. acceleration &, the time period of the pendulum will become. a BT b 8 ees nea u aen/B: 77.4wo simple pendula have time-period T ang They start SHM at the same time from the m, a position, What will be the phase diffe! between them after the bigger pendulum ‘ ! completed one oscillation. | a 45° beng0e ee Ole, d. 30% 78.A pendulum gives correct time where accele ‘due to gravity is 10m/sec2. find acceleration dyy to gravity at the place where pendulum loses 4oy sec per day a, 9-91m/s2 b. 9.95 m/s2 c 10.09m/s2 sd. 11.2 m/s2 79,Two pendulums of lengths 100cm and 144cm arg ‘oscillating from same position. After how many ‘oscillation of smaller pendulum they will again jy same phase | a, i) baad) a 5d 6 80.Two particles are executing in SHM of same amplitude and same frequency along the same line. They passes each other when going in opposite directions every time their displacement | is half their amplitude. Phase difference between them is. / a 4/3 b. 5/4 c 7/6 d. 2n/3 } 81.Figure shows an object of mass 50 gm placed ot rough horizontal surface. the surface together the block B on it is performing SHM along the horizontal with a time period of 0.5 sec. coefficient of friction between the block and surface is 2/5 Maximum amplitude of oscillation such that the object does not slip along the surface is (g = 10 m/sec2) a 6am b. 85cm c, 25cm d. 12cm 82.a bob of pendulum having length 'T is given charge ‘q' and another charge Q is fixed at the point suspension then the time period of bob of pendulum will be. | a, Less than anf ! 1 & equalto 2n-\ [= qual to 2n\ | d. depends upon the value of ‘q' and Answer P98 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics ncreases that is why time period first increases. level of water is below the centre, then centre of mass shifts upward direction and finally itis at centre wher} all the water is drained out hence time period decreases. 16.K = Kycos2ot Kmax = Ko ‘TE = Kmax = Ko 17. Frequency of oscillation of simple pendulum is given) by HINTS AND SOLUTIONS: 6, Displacement of a particle executing in SHM is given = Aq cos(wt + 6) = Awsin(wt +5 +/2) Eav at =- oPAsin(ot + 8) = o2A sin (ot +8 +7) Phase difference between instantaneous velocity ‘and acceleration: d= dv - oa -n2 dg = n/2 + (-) ve sign indicates that velocity the particle is logging behind the acceleration W0x=Jay +b: a arth: 1Lx= Asinat +b cost a b Sued ee es 8b) ( fiz+ba egeeee ae x=\az FB sin (ot + cos-1 app) XYa2F HP sin-1 (wt + 4); . a et Va-2 +b2 A=Var+b: 18When water flows out from hole. The centre of mass down ward from centre hence first_length a ‘A Quick Review ‘When railway wagon Is sliding on smooth inclined plane its acceleration is given by ao = gsind ‘ma= pseudo force. + Inthis case pendulum oscillate due to 'mg cos0" fae 21.fc= coulombs force of attraction Ee. one gefl> Ter Fey yng ——— So900080 of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physies || P 99 || PE of bob of pendulum of when it is at extreme position ie, maximum PE of bob = mgh = mgl(1 - cos®) Joss in PE = gain KE *. Maximum KE = mgl(1 - cos®) 27.Tension in the string is given by Time period = 2 afi 2. mv T=mgCosd+™\— eB By ae E K=ogxa0e2 S0N/m For maximum tension, 0 = 0' ‘Time period of spring mass system v=vmax= Ao=AYg/i im Ae T=2n\/K (Tmax =mg +7)» A? g/1= mg +mg qe (T)max = mg (1 + A2/I?) (2) 2nx 700 = \10, sec 38.For spring mass system, 8 3 28.For small angle, Sin =0 x T%_. fm | O=7 ™ it ! 00=A/l @) Maximum tension, Tmax = mg (1 + A?/l?) or S24 =. [Mom Tm = mg (1+ 602) eT: M 29, Tension in the string at an angle 20° jae ) as ! T=mgcos20°+ me 25am / on, Salty ! cv>0 fie ! T> mgcos20° m_25_,_16 ] 32. At mean position: Me) 9 ! Kx=mg sin30° = Kx EF=ma 2.5 10x 41/2 = Ke-mg=ma K-@ssa10- 2 oN sa-0 K_., /500 33.TE energy in SHM is constant Denard ened fe SN ras 34.When spring is cut into ‘n’ equal parts then spring constant for each part is given by ! K=nk Ta VK 1 et vn 35. For spring mass system o=VK/m ] v. maximum velocity Vmax = Ao= A/K/m = (Vmax)N (Vmax)M = (Vmax)| When small mass 'm’ is attached and released thet) time period of oscillation is given ik ka WD M+ ‘M. aM _. [ki Tada nN : V J al aN = \VKL 42.When spring of. 1K’ is cut into 1:3 rato | of spring constant 'K’ is cut into 1:3 raH9 | 36. Frequency of spring - mass system them spring constant for longer part is given by ee Kxsum ofratio _Kx4 2x Ym Tonger ratio = 3 ||P 100 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics 3 Dera sgasprings of spring constant 2K and 2K are series hence, their effective spring constants given by: 2K x 2K Kar= 2K + 2K Again all the springs are in parallel hence their spring constant Kelf=K+K + 2K = 4K mi Frequency of oscillation f= 3 > | Bu i” \m ‘44.Bfiective spring constant, Keff = K + 2K = 3K Angular frequency of oscillation (w) = “& [aK o\M Atequilibrium position velocity is maximum, The jum velocity is given by =k Vmax= Ao When block of mass 'm' is placed on equilibrium position. Hence, linear moment is conserved. MxV=(M+m)V" MAx = (M+m)xA'o! 3K a 3K Be oon eh fests ae Mom 4 45,Time periods for each block is given by, im Teae/2 * Atmean position both blocks collide. At mean position both blocks moves with equal speed and opposite direction. Hence , after collision their velocities becomes zero . Hence time period of oscillation becomes half. tror-m/i 46.Amplitude of oscillation: = Weight of removed mass spring constant 6x10 aec0o) =s™ ‘Time period of oscillation. Te x | Present mass ‘Spring constant a [Ea T=2nx 300. 12 T=2n 3008 47. Amplitude of oscillation A = 3x0 Time period of oscillation is given by ren Time taken from extreme position to mean position is a siven by. tl = Time taken from mean position to x= x0 is given by. x= Asinot 2n Xo = 3x0 sins te 2nd sin 2B y=} [ t=titt STN o i 4*16- 18 2) 48.x=0.01 cos (100 xt +6) @ =100% Tee 49.x=0.01 cos (100 n+) 2 Comparing with the displacement of particle executing in SHM. z = 0.01 sin (200 me sin(ot +8) x= Asin (at +3) b=n }; the equation for the displacement of the particle executing in SHM is given by x= Asinot ane 2x 1/22 sin-y “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics || P 101 || '53.Given equation, x = 0.25 sin 200 tem, t—> sec .25 om Maximum speed = Aw = 0,25 x 200 cm/sec =50 cm/sec 54.Time taken by particle from Oto A/2 Ae 5 = Asin ts Aes desin’Zn cad ‘Time taken from x = A to A/2 is given by (A - A/2) = A 23 cote 2x coset t2 gi/ad le T/6 “2 55.amax=a0 = 1.57m/s* time period of oscillation T= 2a 2x314%1 157 x=0 4sec. th oscilation =(24* th osiation j <(2+4) orostaon 1 In 3th oscillation particle reaches from mean position to extreme position. ime taken mean position to extreme position is a given by: T1=% 1, In gthoscillation particle reaches from extreme position to half of maximum displacement. i.e, time taken from extreme position to half of ‘maximum displacement is given by. T Bea. eal oe Stitt=-g + 57.A= 10cm ‘Vmax = VO = 12 m/sec Displacement from mean position, x= 10-4 Velocity of the particle at displacement x position at displacement x from mean positio by. v=vo 212 «0,8 = 9.6 m/sec 2 Atx=A/2;V=VO =Vo\J1-4 59.x = 4cos? 2tsin4t = 2sin4ty 2cos22t = 2sin4t[1 + cos? x 2t] = 2sin4t[1 + cos 4t] 2sin4t + 2sindt.cos4t x=2sinét + sinBt xxi +X No. of SHM = 2 ‘Angular frequency of (1) @: = 4rad/sec ‘Angular frequency of (2); «2 = 8rod/sec 60. Maximum force acting on the body is given by: Fmax = mamax © =moxA 2} x0 24.67N when. PAZ g (2n?«Azg a, fe on, f252\ A 62, The ratio of PE to KE is given by ue = Se 01> =qrog Le K=2U] cA Foe anc a 63, Total energy of the particle executing in SHM is given by: TE = 5 mara? KE=75% of TE ale = pmora? ||P 102 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics «+ Elasticity is the property of material by virtue of which materials regains its original state (ie, shape & size) when deforming force is removed. s Onincreasing temperature elasticity decreases. On rolling and hammering elasticity increases. ‘On annealing elasticity decreases. Due to impurity elasticity of material changes. If impurity is more elastic then material then elasticity increases and vice-versa. = Quartz is consider to be perfectly elastic materials. + Putty is consider to be perfectly plastic material Hooke's law: within elastic limit, 5 p= SESS tress x stain=> E= Seas where E = modulus of elasticity, Force _F : Sheen = AN/M [Stress Stress = Strain: (9 Longitudinal strain, change in lengths _ AL ~ original length ~ L (i) Volumetric strain, change in volume _ AV ~ original volume ~ V (fii) Shear strain, (0) = |, (iv) Thermal strain: It is the longitudinal strain due to change in temperature, Thermal strain = 0 AT Where a.= linear expansion coefficient. AT= change in temperature * Thermal stress: If the ends of rod are rigidly fixed and its temperature is changed, then stress developed in the rod are thermal stress. Thermal stress = Y a AT Y= Youngs modulus elasticity * Young modulus of elasticity: E y-Longitudinal stress __A_ Longitudinal strain @) L @) Forloaded wire, _ ELASTICITY _ ais PRY = Forright body, AL=0 <> elasticity of rigid bod; (2) If same stretching force is app! wire of same material: AL lied to different AL = (Fand Y are constant] = Elongation of wire of length 'L’ having material of density 'p’ due to its own weight Lg LS eey) + Maximum length of elastic wire of density ‘p’ which can support its own weight if breaking strength ofthe wires fis, Br PB + Work done or potential energy store: Lax = Recic ee 1 = Energy density = 3x stress « strain _ stress? anys 1 3x x strain’ Bulk modulus of elasticity (I): @ es Vv 100 x change in pressure ‘% decrease in volume = Amaterial is taken to depth ‘h’ in a liquid so that it volume decrease by x% then, x h=T00p xe Normal stress Volumetre strai For water, h = kx 10-¢m + Compressibilty =~ Isothermal elasticity, k = p ‘Adiabatic elasticity, k= 1 r= adiabatic exponent, Rigidity modulus of elasticity (n): ‘Tangential stress, @ n=" Stress strai 0 “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics || P 105 || = For liquid and gas modulus of rigidity is zero. Poission's Ratio (o): Lateral strain © — = Longitudinal strain 2) ©) pea A aL) AL L L ‘Theoretical value of lies between ~1 and 0.5 Practical value of c lies between, 0 and 0.5 = Relation between volumetric st longitudinal strain, AV AL 57 = (1-20) and = Ifo =0.5, AV=O there isare change in volume Relation among y, x and n, + Y=3x(1- 20) = Y=2n(1+0) pia 3 aac = Breaking stress is constant for a material = Breaking stress does not depend on length of material Breaking force « A ocr? = Work done in elongation of spring from ; to é2 W=5K (42-42) Force constant, x = Y ro where, ro = equilibrium. inter molecular distance og du ‘gr (U= potential energy] () At intermolecular separation r = To, minimum ie,F=0 (W_Ifr> ro; Force is attractive, P (iii) Ifr < ro; Force is repulsive, PE = +ve ‘Multiple Choice Questions 1. A uniform elastic plank moves due to a constant force F distributed uniformly over the end face. The area of end face is S and Young's modulus of the material is E. What is average strain produced in the direction of the force? PE is F iF ese hs oa A 2, What is the change in density of water ina lake at a depth of 400 m below the surface ? The density of water at the surface is 1030 kg/m? and bulk modulus of water is 2 x 10° N/m?: a 4kg/m? b. 2kg/m? © 102kg/m? 102.6 kg/m? || P 106 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics 3. A wire is elongated by 2 mm when a brig suspended from it. When the brick is imme water, the wire contracts by 0.6 mm. What is density of brick? (Density of water = 1000 kg/m?) “ a, 3333kg/m? —b,- 4210 kg/m? c 5000kg/m? —d._ 2000 kg/m? 4.A metal block is experiencing an atmospheric of 105 N/m2. When the same block is placed in vacuum chamber, the fractional change in its (the bulk modulus of metal is 1.25 «10! N/m); a 4x107 b. 2*107 c 8x10? a 1si07 5.Four wires of the same material are stretched by the | same load. The dimensions of the wives are as givey below. The one which has the maximum elongation is oft a, diameter 1 mmand length 1m b, diameter 2mm and length 2m } c. diameter 0.5 mand length 0.2m } d. diameter 3 mm and length 3m 6.A brass rod of length 2 m and cross-sectional are 2,0 cm? is attached end to end to a steel rod of length L and cross-sectional area 1.0 cm? The compound rod is subjected to equal and opposite pulls of magnitude 5 x 10* N at its ends. If the elongations of the two rods are equal, the lengthal the steel rod (L) is (Yoress = 1.0 x 10% N/m? and Yee = 2,0 * 1011 N/m?) a 15m b. 18m c im a 2m 7.An elevator cable is to have a maximum stress of7* 107 N/m? to allow for appropriate safety factors Its maximum upward acceleration is 1.5 m/s lf the cable has to support the total weight of 2000 kg of a loaded elevator the area of cross-section of the cable should be: 2 a b. 2.38cm? : © 0328 cm? d 8.23cm? 8.A uniform steel bar of cross-sectional area A and lengil_ Lis suspended to that it hangs vertically. The stressat the middle point of the bar is (pis the density otra os Log ; a 3qP8. Be SS LA a a. Lpg 9A cable that can support a load W is cut into equal parts. The maximum load that can supported by either partis: a W/4 b w/2 . WwW a 2w 10.The Young’s modulus of a perfectly rigid body is* a. iszero b. isunity ¢._isinfinity d._ may have any finite non-zero value actice, Poisson’s ratio o lies between: Ul aeen b. Oand+c ¢ oand 0.5 d. 05and0 ‘Tne ength of a metal wire is I, when the tension init {sT; and is 2 when the tension is T:. The unstretched Jength of the wire is: they a Vib zi a= hts q Miter, © °%-Ti ¢ T2+Th sme Young's modulus of brass and steel are respectively 10 x 102° N/m? and 2 x 101 N/m2, A brass wire and a steel wire of the same length are extended by 1 mm under the same force; the radii of brass and steel wires are Ry and Rs respectively. ‘Then: Rg a Rs=V2Rs be Rae c Rs=4Re a. Rs= 8 44,The length of an elastic string is a metre when the ‘ensionis4 newton, and b metre when the tension is newton. The length in metres when the tension is 9 newton is: a 4a-5b b. Sb-4a c 9b-9% da a+b 45A stress of 10° N/m? is required for breaking a material. If the density of the material is 3 x 10° g/m’, then what should be the length of the wire made of this material so that it breaks under its own weight: a 10m b. 333m « 5m d. 64m 416A uniform pressure P is exerted on alll sides of a solid cube at temperature t°C. By what amount should the temperature be raised in order to bring the volume back to that it had been before the pressure was applied. (Linear expansivity of the material of the cube is a and the bulk modulus of elasticity is B) Po 3Pa a B b. B P pra Co op a 308 17A wire is suspended by one end. At the other end a ‘weight Mg is attached. The wire extended by I. The ratio of mechanical energy stored in the stretched wire to the work done by Mgis: a i pena © 1/2 a 2/1 18Vessel of 1 x 10-2 m3 volume contains an oil. If a Pressure of 1.2 x 105 N/m? is applied on it then Volume decreases by 0.3 x 10-? m’, The bulk modulus of oil is : & 6% 1000N/m?__b. 4% 105N/m? “@2x407Nfm? —d. 1x 10°N/m? ‘ 19.Which one of the following affects the elasticity 0! a substance? a, change in temperature b. hammering and annealing c. impurity in substance d. all of the above 20.A stretched rubber has : a, decreased potential energy b. decreased kinetic energy c. increased kinetic energy. d. increased potential energy 21A ball falling in a lake of depth 200 m creates a decreases 0.1% in its volume at the bottom. The bulk modulus of the material of that ball will be: a 196% 10-4N/m? b.19.6 x 10 N/m? 19.6 1079N/m? d.19,6 x 10°N/m? 22.A bob of mass 10 kg is attached to a wire 0.3 m long, Its breaking stress is 4.8 x 107 N/m?. The area of cross-section of the wire is 10-6 m?, What is the maximum angular velocity with which it can be rotated in a horizontal circle: a. 8 rad/sec b. 4rad/sec c. 2rad/sec d. 1rad/sec 23.For a given material the Young's modulus is 2.4 times that of rigidity modulus, the Poisson's ratio is: a (02 b, 04 feted id. 2 24.A thick copper rope of density 1.5 x 10? kg/m? and Young's modulus 5 x 106 N/m?, 8 m in length hung from the ceiling of a room. The increase in its length due to its own weight will be: a 940%10%m — b, 9.6% 105m ce 19.2% 107m d. 9.6 107m 25.Two wires of same material and length but diameter in the rate 1:3 are stretched by the same force. The potential energy of unit volume for the two wires when stretched will be in the ratio: a 16:1 b. 81:1 ce Ned. d. none of these 26.4 copper rod 2 m long is stretched by 1mm. ¥ = 1.2 x 1011 N/m? is given. Then the energy stored per unit volume will be: a. 30 103J/m b. Co, gia) 08 Ose 27. The breaking stress of a wire depends upon: a, material of b. « 15 x 103 J/m> none of these “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics || P 107 | a shape of cross-section => Ry=Y2R a Rae e.The Young's modulus of a wire of length (L) and : radius (r) is Y. If the length of reduced to >: Land | 14:Fcelongation (AL) <-A7-= constant as 9 radius 5, then its Young's modulus will be: SE Gusbee=s [where, /, = unstretched length and c = lengt tension is 9N] ‘ on solving we get. c=5b-4a ate 106 15.L= 5g" 3x10 x10 3.3m. Av Av 16.7 =3a;K=B 1235 ee AP iE. zB a8. b [23.4 28. b Solution for Selected Problems AP _APxp_hpgxp 2. K= pi) 2a 400 x 1030 x 9.8 x 1030 2% 10° *. Ap=2.07 kg/m? = 2kg/m? 3, Force (wt) « elongation when brick is immersed in water then its weight decreases due to upthrust. wtin Air __ elongation in Air ‘wt in water - elongation in water ees aon a . pp =3333.3kg/m? Ao 105 4 = Zav/e) ~=v/¥) 2. 9p = 108/1.25%1001 = 8 x 107 Sx10txL _5x10*x2 Aly = Ale 2510" 1~ 1x 1002 => L=2m 7. Tension in the cub Feb (eS PS sap v 17.Mechanical energy (U) = 3» Mg x1 Work done by Mg: w= Mg x! Ratio of to W=3 4 105 N/m? 100 OL 100 AP & % decrease in volume v 21.K: *. K=19.6 x 10°N/m? 22.Tension in the wire = 4.8 x 107 « 10-°= 48 N. T=morr = 48= 10x 0? x03 24. Increase in wire due to its own weight ‘aye EBB _ 8241.5 x 1089.6 2Y ~ 2x5x 105 =9.4x10?m 25.Potential energy per unit volume (E) = Ereeata 26.Energy per unit volume (E) dy e(strainy? meas pe REY, He He . || P 108 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics . Huids static’s includes hydrostatics, pressure, flotation, Pascal's law and Archimedes principle Relativedensity __Density of substance_ [orspeciic gravity] ~ Density of water at 4°c = pw (at 4°) RD. mass Density (°) = Yofume K8/m* [p]=ML> Total mass of mixture Total volume {Qf m, and mz mass of liquid having density p: and p2 respectively are mixed then Density of mixture = _me+m __Em Pee mm, me @) + rt Pi pz Pu (IF vs volume of liquid of density p: and v2 volume of liquid having density p2 and mixed then Fo loss in wt = ws-W,= Fa=V 9/8 = If wa is weight of body in air and ww is the wt of body in water then relative density or sp. gravity, wee sp gravity or RD. = 54 = ___wtin * Loss in wt in water + Ifwy{s the wt of body in Air, ww and w, are wt of the body in water and liquid respectively then sp gravity of liquid, sp. gravity or RD. Joss of wtin liquid _ ws w, * Joss of wt in water ~ Ws= Ww + Volume of cavity in a body (ve): “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physies || P 109 j| | mine taken to empty the liquid from H to His, an 2 vfi-vi Newton's law of viscosity lv ae where, F= viscous force 11= coefficient of viscosity A= Area dv ; Gy = velocity gradient Unit of viscosity (n) (pslunit > poiseuli (Pt) gs unit poise (P) + Viseosity depends on the nature of fluid. {9 Incase of liquid viscosity increase with but for gas decrease with increase in density. (i)With rise in temperature the viscosity of decreases while that of gas increases. {ii)With increase in pressure, viscosity ofliquid (except water) increases while thatifgas independent. + Thevolume ofliquid flowing per unittimeis given by ev_ aor t= BL. density liquid a id Resistance, R= SE viscous force (Fx) = 6enrv where, r= radius v= terminal velocity Terminal velocity, 2 =a ©: ag Where, p = density of body, = density of liquid =radius Ver? Vap Va> AQ =e The maximum velocity up to which fluid motion i steady is called critical velocity. * IF Viow < Vein then flow is stream line 0 laminar, +f Vnow > Vera then flow is known as_ turbulent: Reynold number Nx= mee IfNa< 2000 = stream line If 2000 < Na < 3000 = Transition flow IfNn> 3000 > Turbulent flow poo __ 4, Aball of mass 1 kg falls from a height of 5 m above the free surface of water. The relative density of the solid ball is s = 2 The ball travels a distance of 2 m under water and becomes stationary. The work done by the resistive forces of water is: a -50J b. -20) c -40) a -30J 2, A balloon has volume of 1000 m®. It is filled with hydrogen (p = 0.09g/litre). If the density of air is 1.29 g/litre, it can lifta total weight of: a 600kg. b, 1200 kg cc. 300kg. d. 1800 kg 3, The hydraulic press shown in the figure is used to raise the mass M through a height of 5.0mm by performing 500 J of 500) work at the small piston. The diameter of the large piston is 10 cm while that of the smaller one is 2 cm, The mass M is of: a 10¢kg b. 10°kg c 100kg a. 105kg 4, A container has a smalll hole at its bottom. Area of cross-section of the hole is A: and that of the container is Az. Liquid is poured in the container at aconstat rate Qm*/s, The maximum level of liquid in the container will be: pees af adie 2g Ai Az y 2B A nga moe © Dg aay ceAn 5, For what value of x the range on the horizontal ground from both the holes will be same: a h/2 b, 3h/4 c h/t they can't be equal nick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics || P 111 || (6. Two substances of densitities p: and p2 are mixed in equal volume and the relative density of mixture is 4. When they are mixed in equal masses, the relative density of the mixture is 3. the values of p: and pz are: a pi=6andpr=2 b.pi=3andp2=5 ¢ pi=i2andp2=4 — d.none ofthese A cubical block of wood of specific gravity 0.5 and a chunk of concrete of specific gravity 2.5 are fastened together. The ratio of the mass of wood to the mass of concrete which makes the combination to float with its entire volume submerged under water is: eae dys b. 1/3 388 4. 2/5 A U-tube containing a liquid is accelerated horizontally with a constant acceleration a. If the separation between the two vertical limbs is J, then the difference in the heights of the liquid in the two armsis: a. zero Bae c lag a. ig/a A cube is floating in liquid. Now it temperature is _ increased i considering the expansion of ly cube only: a. both xand y will increase b. _xwill decrease while y will remain constant ¢ both xandy will decrease d. _xwill decrease while y will increase A solid of density D is floating in a liquid of density d. If v is the volume of solid submerged in the liquid and v is the total volume of the solid, then ¥, ‘equal to: a D oF bad D Ded © @+a G2 aaD) 10.A metallic sphere floats in immiscible mixture of water (density 10 kg/m?) and a liquid (density 8 x 10? kg/m) such that its @)pare is in water and @ partin the liquid. the density of the metal i a 23 kg/m? b. 20000 sem? c, 5000kg/m? — d._-2000g/m? 11.A cubical block of side 10 ‘cm floats at the interface of | § an oil and water. The ~: Pressure above that of atmosphere at the lower ie } a 200N/m? b. 680 N/m® cc. 400N/m? d. 800 N/me 12.Pressure inside two soap bubbles are 1.02 atmosphere. Ratio of their volume is: ane b. c 8:1 a 12) 13.Two equal drops of water are falling thro with a steady velocity v. If the drops coales new velocity will be: a 2 b. c By a. 414.Water flows along a horizontal pipe of which th cross-section is not constant. The pressures of Hg where the velocity is 35 cm/s. Ata where the velocity is 65 cm/s, the pressure will a. 0.89cmofHg b. 8.9cmofHg c O5cmofhg d._ LemofHg 15.The pressure of water in a pipe when tap isch are 5.5 x 105 N/m2. When tap gets open, pt reduces to 5 x 105 N/m2. The velocity with’ ‘water comes out on opening the tap is: a. 10m/s b. Sm/s a c 20m/s d 15m/s 3 16.When a large bubble rises from the bottom lake to its surface, its radius doubles, atmospheric pressure is equal to that of a ct ofa liquid A of height 70 cm. The depth of the is (sp. gravity of the liquid é a 84m b. cy 2d, da. 17.A piece of wax weighs xg in air. A piece of met found to weight yg in water. It is tied to the and both together weight z g in water. specific gravity of wax is (z pit p= “A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance — Physics || P 113 || Chapter-15 | properties of liquid due to which surface area ‘minimizes. = + Factor affecting surface tension: (Those factors which increases the cohesive force ppetween molecules increases the surface tension. {ajwith increase in temperature surface Mdecreases, at critical temp. it become zero. {a If impurity is completely soluble surface tension increases. (iv) irimpurity is partly soluble it decreases the surface tension. {@)Oncontamination surface tension decrease (ui) Onelectrification surface tension decreases. ‘= Surface tension is measured force per unit length in the plane of the liquid surface acting on imaginary line drawn in that surface. F N unit= 7; tension T [m=MT? + Ifa thread or wire of length ‘(' floats on liquid surface then total length in contact with liquid surface is '20". F=Tx 20 * Ifa ring of negligible thickness and radius 'r floats on liquid surface the, surface tension force, Fe] 2x (2nr) * The pressure on concave side of curved surface is greater than convex side. = Excess pressure is the pressure difference. * Excess pressure on curved surface a1 a %) Case Liquid drop] Air bubble} in Air in liquid mee Freesurface [1 i 2 Excess aT 2T aT pressure R R R Total inside] » | 27 2T eee pressure ot TR aaa fr 'R -@ aa = When two soap bubble coalesce, then the radius of curvature of common surface. im are + When two soap bubble of radii r and rz combine to form a new bubble in vacuum under isothermal condition, its radius is given by renter? + If Pis the pressure V and A are the change in where ri (3.42) x (13.6) x1 Totes _ 4, Ty, EOS x103x4 = epg ~ 0.05 x 107 x 1000*10 30 «107m 30cm 2Tcosd _4T cos6 rpg pg. 4x 754103 x1 3x 10x 1000 x 10 4 12.V =3 0 = rave . We dor? T = worta vis wa_ (2) = 20 Fwy Wi=4'4w 1 hay hy _ (tt -(%) =H) 2r ha=4f 8cm_ 2 16.w=Tx2-AA = 1x2 [x (2D)?-2D?] = 21x 3nD? 6xD°T s| a7.p2Tx2x 4L=8TL 18.w «2 2-0-6) wi tr “CR 2 wae 4w He He IP 118 || A Quick Review of E-PCM For Engineering Entrance ~ Physics

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