Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Makalah Bahasa Inggris Yang Diampu Oleh Ibu: Sri Nurma Ningsih, M.PD

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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Makalah Bahasa inggris

Yang Diampu Oleh Ibu: Sri Nurma Ningsih, M.Pd


Khoiris Sya’bani


Atika Salsabila







Preposition adalah kata yang di taruh di depan kata benda dan menunjukkan
posisi daripada benda tersebut dan kata tersebut pendek-pendek seperti: In, On, At,
From, For, To, By, Until, Of, Over, About, After, Behind, Before, Below,Beetween,
Among, Under, Withot, With, Upon, Since, Out, Of, Into, During itc.
1. In digunakan :
 Untuk kota, Negara, desa dan yang sejenisnya
e.g. I live in Jakarta
The children are taking a bath in river
 Untuk bulan
e.g. I was born in November
she has gone to Surabaya in may
 Untuk waktu
e.g. I cut the grass in the afternoon
I seldom go to school in early morning
 Untuk tahun
e.g. I went to Jakarta in 2015
He was born in 2013
 Untuk musim
e.g. The farmer plants tobacco in dry season
My father has bought a car in dry season
 Untuk tempat yang berkamar
e.g. I want to study English in my room
They are soapy in my bathroom
2. On digunakan :
 Untuk nama jalan
e.g. He lives on waru street
 Untuk hari
e.g. I take on Arobic course on Saturday
 Untuk tanggal
e.g. My sister was born on 19 of November
 Untuk tempat yang datar
e.g. they palace their books on the table
 Untuk idiom dengan foot
e.g. I seldom go to school on foot
3. At digunakan :
 Untuk lokasi
e.g. we like to take a course at home
 Untuk umur
e.g. I’m at sixteen
 Untuk jam
e.g. I go shopping at 7 o’clock


 Kata at, on, in, tidak boleh dipakai sebelum kata last, next, this, every.
e.g : I’ll see you next Friday (not on next Friday)
:they got married last march
 On time, in time, in good time,
e.g :She came here on time (tepat waktu)
:She came here in time (sebelum waktu)
;She came here in good time (lama sebelum waktu)
4. From digunakan :
 Jarak
e.g. EEC is near from Bata-Bata
 Tempat asal
e.g. They are from america
 Perbedaan
e.g. My shoe is defferent from yours
5. For digunakan :
 Jarak waktu

e.g. we study English for two month

 Alasan

e.g. I come here for discussing

 Tujuan

e.g. she goes to malang for buying disc

 Harga yang pasti

e.g. I buying for twenty five thousand his hand
6. Until digunakan :
 Akhir dari waktu yang ditempuh
e.g. rondi waits his friend from morning until afternoon
7. Between digunakan :
 Diantara dua sesuatu atau orang
e.g. I put my book between Laila and hasanah
we saw his car between my car and yours
8. Among digunakan :
 Diantara banyak sesuatu
e.g. divide this book among your friends
9. To digunakan :
 Arah
e.g. alfian walks to west
 Yang dituju
e.g. Laila sends a letter to mr rifa
 Jarak
e.g. EEC to pamekasan is only nine kilos
10. By digunakan:
 Transportasi
e.g. my uncle came here by car
 Waktu yang dekat(menjelang)
e.g. rusli will ariver to Jakarta by 5.30
 Alat
e.g. ihsan lift hes big by atau orang
11. Biside digunakan:
 Disamping orang /sesuatu
e.g. my wife sits biside me
his house biside my house
12. Bisides digunakan :
 Sampingan
e.g. she sits besides listen the music

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