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I am no longer teaching which

is bittersweet. I enjoy
teaching…hearing the monks’
English improve…but I just can’t
do everything anymore. By not
teaching I theoretically have my
mornings free for meditation.
Years ago Rinpoche told me I
needed to work less and meditate
more, but things kept being asked
of me, until finally my body said,
“Work less”!
I asked to work only three full
Most new monks are from our Nepal monastery.
time jobs (nurse, hygiene and
New monks usually arrive dogs) instead of four! I am happy
around Losar, our New Year. This to only do one, but we have not
year we have 41 to be exact, for a found a qualified nurse in four
total of 110 school monks! That’s years; and hygiene/dog care are
a lot of washed hands to check not part of the culture, so I doubt
before meals; and washed heads we will find someone to do those.
and bodies to be check morning
and afternoon!
All new monks are weighed
and started on oral antifungal
tablets prophylactically for 60
days….taught to blow their nose
with tissue paper AND put it in
the dust bin…taught to ask for
medicine in English sentences…
One ani; many, many new
Preparing for handwriting class after daily showers.

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