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Committee: UNEP

Country: Bahrain
Topic 1: Strengthening the Global Response to the Threat of Climate Change & Limiting Single-
Use Plastic
Delegate: Sarah Algomaie
“Plastic pollution free world is not a choice but a commitment to life - a commitment to the next
generation.”-Amit Ray. Yet we still see all types of plastics lying around the beach which goes
into the sea and causes marine pollution, and we still see plastic wastes all around the streets and
we still find local restaurants serving food -hot content- in plastic containers, although this might
cause cancer and impaired immunity and other health issues, which we wouldn’t want.
Bahrain is an island surrounded by water which makes it the main reason on why we’re facing
some environmental issues. It’s not easy to get fresh water from the seas as some parts of it is
polluted by oil production. Pollution from oil production had been accelerated by the Persian
Gulf War, which indeed threatened the purity of both coastal and ground water, damaging
coastlines, coral reefs, and marine vegetation through oil spills and other discharges. Since
Bahrain is surrounded by seas that means their main source of food is fishes and other edible sea
creatures, so they go with their boats to catch fishes and that’s a huge cause of oil leaks on the
surface of the sea, and forms some type of algae on the seabed by time, and that algae traps
oxygen from getting in to the sea which causes many fishes to die.
While on the other hand plastics are getting in the seas causing marine pollution. And as the time
passes plastics break down into small pieces which are eaten by smaller marine animals and
further on entering the food chain, eventually impacting human health. Sea levels are rising
which could causes climate change in Bahrain and furthermore could result a rapid increase in
In July 2019, the government of Bahrain issued an order banning the non-biodegradable plastic
bags, and this ban is a Road to Sustainability. Bahraini factories are required to manufacture only
biodegradable plastic bags. The Council is considering how to deal with other plastic wastes to
reduce them, as well as taking steps to implement a plan and mechanism to deal with plastic
bottles. As for the oil leaks, oil absorbent pads could be used in the bilges of all boats with
inboard engines to help preventing that. Or there’s a safer alternative, which is the Electric
Motorboat engines.

It is important to change people’s attitudes and perceptions, especially those of children, to

ensure that they grow up environmentally conscious. That is why Bahrain is raising campaigns
on limiting plastic use and spreading awareness in schools and public places, as we must be
committed to this to be able live safely. Cutting back on greenhouse gases is simply to purchase
less stuff and try to make the most of what you already have. Planting more trees helps in
making it all better, in Bahrain there’s a Wildlife Sanctuary where all species have been
protected and taken care of for over 30 years now. The citizens of Bahrain shouldn’t wait for the
government to take a step towards making its environment safe, but they should start providing
that to themselves and to their surroundings. Because it is a commitment to life.

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