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Pokhara University Rural Sanitation

School of Engineering
Bachelor of Civil & Rural Engineering

Rural Infrastructure –I

Chapter 5: Rural Sanitation

Lecturer: Sundar Adhikari

MSc in Infrastructure Engineering & Management
Email :
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Solid waste management

Rural Sanitation
The concept of sanitation broadly includes liquid and solid waste disposal,
personal and food related hygiene and domestic as well as environmental Solid waste are the dry state waste matters produced in the community and may be
hygiene. organic and inorganic as well as combustible or noncombustible in nature . Solid
wasters are classified as follows:
Most of the people still defecate in the open space, most of the villages lack a) Garbage :
waste disposal and drainage systems and many in the villages are ignorant about
the consequences of poor sanitation and unhygienic conditions. As a result, many It consists of all putrescible organic wasters obtained from kitchen, hotels,
people suffer and even die of diseases caused by unhealthy practices of personal resturants etc. in the form of waste food ,vegetable and fruit peelings.
and environmental hygiene It is also consists of grass, leaves and animals and bird excectra. The characteristics
Rural sanitation is a state subject so, we have policy regarding rural sanitation. of these waste is that it decomposes by producing foul gases and creates health
Sanitation is used to define a package of health related measures. It is also hazard. It leads to breeding of flies, mosquitoes and insects.
defined as the means of collecting and disposing of excreta and community liquid
wastes in a hygienic way so as not to endanger the health of individual and the
community as a whole ( WHO, 1986).
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Cont.. Cont…
b)Ashes: The major sources of these solid wastes are house,street and trade centers and as
It is the incombustion waste obtained from house,industries and furnances. per source they are termed as house,street and trade refuse.House refuse consistes
of vegetable and animal wastes,ashes,debris,garbage etc.
c) Rubbish: Street refuse consists of empty bottles, cigarette box,match box,fruit peels,tree
leaves,steet sweepings etc. Trade refuse consists of refuse produced from
It includes all non-putrescible waste excluding ashes.So it includes all combustible commercial areas,factories etc.
and non combustible wastes such as paper,broken furniture,glass,plastic hottles,card
board,dismantled building materials etc. The quantity of production of solid waste varies from place to place and season to
season. living standard and food habitat of people,types of area availability of food
etc. In an average 0.5 to 0.8 kg/capita/day solid wastes of which 45% inorganic
and 55% organic wasters are produced.

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The production is less in developing country and high in developed country.
• Solid wastes are collected in individual house in small covered containers or bins
Developed country (Europe and USA) = 2 kg/capita/day from where it is removed by scavengers. Sometimes the public dust bibs are
Developing Country = 0.3- 1 kg/capita/day provided by the municipality at suitable location where the individual householder
Kathmandu = 0.8kg/person/day throws the solid waste collected in his dust bin. Solid wastes on the road are
collect once or twice a day by scavengers. Handcarts may also be used for
Most of the solid waste of our country Nepal is dust,rotten food,papers etc. The collection and removal of solid waste.
solid waste if nor properly disposed-off, they create not only foul gases and disease
but create nuisance and damages aesthetic if the city. • The collection solid waste in public bins may be transported manually or by
trucks,tractors,auto-rishaw,trailers etc. They should be close otherwise solid waste
will be spilled in developed countries, the truck consists of compressor and due to
compression; the cost of transportation is reduced.

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METHODS OF SOLID WASTE AND DISPOSAL It is simply the throwing away method to fill in the low lying areas. In this method
as far as possible the waste without garbage is thrown so that no nuisance is
It is common in developing country.
After transportation solid wastes are disposed off similarly as sludge disposal. It
may be disposed-off by the various methods and some of them are as follows: Advantages : It is cheaper in construction
Disadvantages : It is unhygienic
1. Dumping
2. Sanitary landfill
2. Sanitary landfill:
3. Incineration Sanitary landfills are sites where solid waste is isolated from the environment until
4. composting it is safe. It is considered when it has completely degraded biologically, chemically
and physically.
Disposing of waste in a landfill involves burying the waste, and this remains a
common practice in most countries. Landfills are often established in abandoned or
unused quarries, mining voids or borrow pits. A properly designed and weak
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managed landfill
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Basic requirements: c) Permanent control

As a minimum, four basic conditions should be met by any site design and Trained staff should be based at the landfill to supervise site preparation and
operation before it can be regarded as a sanitary landfill. construction, The developing of waste and the regular operation and maintenance.
a) Full or partial hydrogeological isolation d) Planned waste emplacement and covering
If a site cannot be located on land which naturally contains leachate security, Waste should be spread in layers and compacted. A small working area which is
additional lining materials should be brought to the site to reduce leakage from the covered daily helps make the waste less accessible to pests and vermin.
base of the site(leachate) and help reduce contamination of ground water and
surrounding soil. If a liner-soil or synthetic - is provided without a system of
leachate collection, all leachate will eventually reach the surrounding environment.
Leachate collection and treatment must be stressed as a basic requirement.
b) Formal engineering preparations
Designs should be developed from local geological and hydrogeological
investigations. A waste disposal plan and a final restoration plan should aslo be
Fig: Sanitary Landfill
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Advantages:(Sanitary landfill) This method, commonly used in developed countries is most suitable for high calorific value
Simple and no costly plants and equipment are required as in incineration or waste with a large component of paper, plastic, packaging material, pathological wastes etc. It can
composting. reduce waste volumes by over 90 percent and convert waste to innocuous material, with energy
recovery. The method is relatively hygienic, noiseless, odourless and land requirements are
In this method separation is not needed. minimal. The plant can be located within city limits, reducing the cost of waste transportation. In
Nepal, hospital wastes are incinerated which can be seen in B & Bb hospital, Patan hospital, TU
No residue left for further disposal. teaching hospital, Bir hospital etc.
Pits of low lying land are reclaimed.
Disadvantages:(Sanitary landfill)
Requires more land and no suitable land may be available nearer the vicinity.
Creates foul gases and nuisance near the site.
It may be difficult to get good earth for covering.
Leachate is formed in rainy season and may pollute surface and ground water
Insecticides are required to prevent fly nuisance.
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Advantages(Incineration) 4. Composting
This method is hygienic so that completely destroys disease causing If the organic materials, excluding plastic , rubber and leather are separated from
microorganisms. municipal solid wastes are subjected to bacterial decomposition,the end product
No problem odour and dust nuisance. remaining after dissimilatory and assimilatory bacterial activity is called compost or
The heat produced in incineration may be tapped and use for other purposes such humus. The entire process involving both separation and bacterial conversion of
as steam power. organic solid wastes is known as composting.
The produced clinker may be used in road construction works. Good compost could contain up to 2 percent nitrogen about 1 percent phosphoric
Lesser space is occupied by the plant and not affected by adverse weather acid and many trace elements. Its most valuable features,however are not its
condition nutrient content but its moisture retaining and humus forming properties. It is useful
Disadvantages(Incineration) only for putrescible or biodegradable organic matters presents in the solid wastes
Skilled personnel are required for plant operation and maintenance. which is decomposed aerobically or anaerobically through a biochemical process
and converts into humus rich in nitrogen and stable mineral compounds having high
The plant requires large capital and entails substantial operation and maintenance fertile value.This humus called compost is used as a fertilizer.
Emission of particulates, Sox, Nox,Chlorinated compounds in air and toxic metals
in particulates concentrated in the ash have raised concerns.
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There are three methods of composting. B. Open window composting

a. Composting by trenching In this method of composting the organic matter, dust, broken glass pieces and
b. Open window composting putrescible matter are segregated form refuge and dumped on the ground in the
form of 0.6 to 1m high, 6 m long and 1 to 2 m wide piles at about 60% moisture
c. Mechanical composting content. This is then covered with animal dung, cattle urine, night soil etc for
seeding. During aerobic decomposition temperature may rises up to 75 C.
A. Composting by trenching Arrangement to pass air ( inserting bamboos) should be done for aerobic reaction
and temperature is measured by inserting thermometer. For the survivable of
In this method of composting trenches of 3 to 12 m length, 2 to 3 m wide and 1 to 2 aerobic bacteria, Temperature should remain below 75 C. The pH should be
m deep are excavated with a clear spacing of 2m and filled with organic waste by adjusted to 7.2 to 7.4.When temperature rises to 75C ,pile is overturned and the
layers of 15 cm. Each layer is filled with 5 cm thick layer of animal excreta on semi moisture content and pH should be adjacent. When increment of temperature stops
liquid form for seeding bacteria. Sat the top 10 cm layer( 0.3 m above the ground than it indicates that completion of bacterial activity so it further means composting
level) of soli is spread. After 2 or 3 days there is biological action starts and is completed. It takes about 7 to 10 weeks and the compost produced can be solid as
temperature may raises to 75 degree C. After a period of time (4 to 6) months) a good fertilizer.
refuse gets stabilized and changed into brown colour odourless powder called
humus, which is termed as 'compost mal' is obtained and can be sold as fertilizer.
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C.Mechanical composting
The open window and trenching method of composting require larger area of land so
to overcome this mechanical composting is useful. The basic principle is same as
open window composting but in this process composting is carried out in a closed
room. In this method, solid waste could be stabilizes within 3 to 6 days. The process
of stabilization is expedited by turning the compost mass mechanical devices under
controlled conditions of temperature, air and moisture content. This method required
energy for operation so it is costly and done large scale. Figure shows a mechanical
composting plant with various processes.
a. Reception of refuse
b. Segregation of paper, rags,card board, bottles ferrous and other larger objects
either manually or mechanically.
c. Shredding and pulverizing of remaining matters.
d. Digestion and stabilization.
e. Market
preparation for manure by packing. 19 3/31/2020 20


Thank you

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