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• Before 1521 – Education before the coming of the Spaniards

• 1521-1896 –Education during the Spanish Regime

• 1896 -1898 – Education during Philippine Revolution
• 1899 – 1935 – Education during the American Occupation
• 1935 – 1941 – Education during the Philippine Commonwealth
• 1941 – 1944 – Education during the Japanese Occupation
• 1945 – 1946 – Education after WWII
• 1946 – present – Education under the Philippine Republic
The Pre-Spanish Curriculum
The Filipinos possessed a culture of their own.
They had contacts with other foreign peoples from Arabia, India, China,
Indo-China and Borneo.
The inhabitants were a civilized people, possessing their systems of
writing, laws and moral standards in a well-organized system of government.
As shown in the rule of the barangay, their code of laws-the Code of
Kalantiao and Maragtas-their belief in the Bathala, and the solidarity of the
family were obedience and respect had been practiced.
The Spanish-devised Curriculum
• The Spanish missionaries aim to control of the Filipinos, body and soul. The
curriculum then consisted of the three R’s- reading, writing and religion to attain
goals were the acceptance of Catholicism and the acceptance of Spanish rule.
• The schools were parochial or convent schools. The main reading materials
were the cartilla, the caton and the catecismo. The method of instructions was
mainly individual memorization.
The Curriculum During the Commonwealth
• The period of the Commonwealth (1935-1946) may be considered as the
period of expansion and reform in the Philippine curriculum.
• The educational leaders expanded the curriculum by introducing course in
farming, domestic science, etc.
• Commonwealth Act 586, also known as Educational Act of 1940, reorganized
the elementary school system. This measured ushered the beginning of the
decline of the efficiency of elementary education
The Japanese-devised Curriculum
• They devised the curriculum for the Filipino to suit their vested interest.
• They introduced many changes in the curriculum by including Nippongo and
abolishing English as a medium of instruction and as a subject.
• All textbooks were censored and revised. It causes a blackout in Philippines
education and impeded the educational progress of the Filipinos
The Liberation Period
• In 1945, during the liberation period, steps were taken to improve the
curriculum existing before the war. Some steps taken were to restore Grade
VII, to abolish the double-single session and most especially, to adopt the
modern trends in education taken from the United States.
• The school curriculum remained basically the same as before and was still
The Curriculum During the Philippine Republic
• Great experiments in the community school idea and the use vernacular in the
first two grades of the primary schools as the medium of instruction were some
of them.
• An experiment worth mentioning that led to a change in the Philippine
educational philosophy was that of school and community collaboration
pioneered by Jose V. Aguilar.
The Curriculum During the Philippine Republic
• It is a source of gratification also to note that our schools are increasingly using
instructional materials that are Philippine-oriented.
• This policy been formulated by our educational leaders, the most recent
example of which being Department Memorandum No. 30, 1966.
The Curriculum During the Philippine Republic
• This particular memorandum sets the order of priority in the purchase of books
for use in our schools as follows:
a. Books which are contributions to Philippine Literature.
b. Books on character education and other library materials.
c. Library equipment and permanent features.

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