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Please note - The titles used in this document provide a clear structure to your business plan.

You may choose to make

minor changes to suit your particular situation.

Name: Ahmad Naweed Payman

Business Plan for: Reusable Stainless Steel Water Bottles

(Please use this template in conjunction with the guide Prepare a business plan, where you
will find information about how to use your business plan as well as instructions on how to
use this template)

Document Version: Business Plan

Date: 27/10/2020

Completed by: Ahmad Naweed Payman

Page 1
Business plan contents
Executive summary............................................................................................................................................4
1 Executive summary.........................................................................................................................................4
2 Business details...............................................................................................................................................5
3 Key personnel..................................................................................................................................................6
4 The business idea............................................................................................................................................8
5 Business goals..................................................................................................................................................9
6 What the business does................................................................................................................................10
7 What makes the business different..............................................................................................................11
8 Legal requirements.......................................................................................................................................12
Sales and marketing.........................................................................................................................................13
9 Market research............................................................................................................................................13
10 Profiling customers.....................................................................................................................................14
11 Profiling competitors...................................................................................................................................15
12 Managing market risks................................................................................................................................16
13 Pricing..........................................................................................................................................................17
14 Promotion and advertising..........................................................................................................................18
Running the business.......................................................................................................................................19
15 Staff.............................................................................................................................................................19
16 Premises......................................................................................................................................................20
17 Suppliers......................................................................................................................................................21
18 Equipment...................................................................................................................................................22
19 Managing operational risks.........................................................................................................................23
20 Start-up costs..............................................................................................................................................24
21 Profit and loss forecast................................................................................................................................25
22 Sourcing finance..........................................................................................................................................26
23 Managing financial risks..............................................................................................................................27
24 Cashflow forecast........................................................................................................................................28

Page 2
Page 3
Executive summary

1 Executive summary (We suggest you complete this section after you have completed the other
sections of the Business Plan.)

Hayat Company which is headquartered in Kabul established by Omar Payman.

The main problem in Kabul is that people are facing with a lot of problems by using of plastic and non-

recyclable water bottles such as different fatal illnesses. We exist to solve this problem we are producing

best quality stainless steel and 100% recyclable water bottles and other steel made products in substitute

of plastic bottles and other plastic products. Stainless steel is a green product. It is 100% recyclable, as it

is not coated with any toxic material it does not produce toxic run-off. Steel Bottles are one of the most

efficient eco-friendly products that haven’t any harmful effect on environment and human beings.

Despite it is a non-degradable product but Even if stainless steel is not recycled and it does find its way to

a landfill or disposal site, it will have no detrimental effect to the soil or groundwater. In contrary plastic

bottles in general take anywhere from 20 to 1000 years to breakdown in the environment and because of

containing some powerful elements after firing it causes fatal illnesses like cancer and aspiratory

diseases. So the best and safe alternative is Stainless Steel Bottles.

Since there is handful producers of eco-friendly Bottles in Kabul we will be more successful because of

our advanced technology that we are importing it from Japan and well trained employees. We have

advanced machinery which not only produce bottles but also have the capacity of producing other

products like teapot, plates and etc. and we have trained employees in different fields such as line

workers who know how to use machines, Managers, and technicians. We will be more successful because

there is not such a producer to produce eco-friendly products and other advantage of us is that our

factory will not produce any harmful gasses like carbon, sulphur, Nitrogen and etc. like any other


Page 4
2 Business details

Company name:
Hayat Company

4th street, Pul-e-Charkhi Industrial City, Kabul, Afghanistan

Telephone number:

Legal status:
Sole Proprietorship

The business will: (Provide a brief description of what your business will do.)
Produce Stainless Steel and recyclable bottles and other products like: tea pot, plates and etc. We will use

eco-friendly materials to produce bottles. We will reduce usage of plastic and any other non-degradable

and no-recyclable Water Bottles in its minimal amount.

Page 5
3 Key personnel

Details of owner(s):

Name: Omar Payman

Position/main responsibilities: CEO, Final Decision Maker, Corporate Strategy Maker

Experience and knowledge of our industry: N/A

Previous employment: N/A

Key skills brought to the business: Efficient Management Skills, Communication Skills, Effective

Leadership Skills

Business experience and any training undertaken: Worked as an intern in famous companies for 6


Academic/professional qualifications: Master of Business Administration (Finance)

Most recent salary Afs: 220000

Page 6
Other key personnel (including shareholders):

Name(s): N/A

Position/main responsibilities: N/A

Experience and knowledge of our industry: N/A

Previous employment: N/A

Key skills brought to the business: N/A

Business experience and any training undertaken: N/A

Academic/professional qualifications: N/A

Most recent salary/salaries £: N/A

Page 7

4 The business idea

Sum up your business idea:

We will reduce the side effects of Plastic Water Bottles by replacing it with recyclable stainless steel
bottles. We will eliminate and reduce fatal illnesses such as: cancers, respiratory diseases, Heart diseases
and skin cancers which are created by waste of Plastic Products. We will make Afghanistan free of fatal
and dangerous elements which are produced from waste of plastic bottles and will make it green again.
Not only producing eco-friendly products but we will increase awareness of people about side effects of
using of plastic bottles by effective marketing initiatives. Our vision is to make Afghanistan free of
dangerous elements such as: CO2, Sulphuric Acid, Nitric Acid, Ozone and etc. Our products will be more
fashionable, durable and high quality. Our Mission is “To produce the best product, cause no harm, and
use business to inspire Afghans to prevent from dangerous illnesses like cancer through stopping usage
of plastics”.

Page 8
5 Business goals

What do you want to achieve in your first year of business? (Use as many fields as is
applicable and add more if you need to.)

 To protect habitat from harmful elements

 To Contribute the society

 To create employment for more than 1000000 Afghan workers within four years

 To capture a market share of 25% within two years

 A turnover of 10000$ in first year of operation.

Where do you see your business in 3-5 years’ time?

I see my company successful and profitable in 5 years and I target a 50 % of market share in Eco-friendly
products manufacturing industry. We will be successful because of our organizational values and our
employees’ commitment to the organization. We will be successful because we are concerned about the
society and people lives and people will support us.

Page 9
6 What the business does

Product/service Features Benefits

 Steel Bottles  Stainless Steel,  Eco-Friendly,
Filter, Durable, Healthy
Small Cup
 Tea Pot  Steel,  High quality, Easy
Temperature to use
 Plates  Steel, different  Eco-Friendly,
sizes Durable, Easy to
 Thermos  Steel, Nice design  Durable, High
Flask quality

Page 10
7 What makes the business different

Your product/service is unique or different compared with the competition

because: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

 Our Products are 100% recyclable and Eco-friendly

 Our Products are Fashionable

 Our Products have high quality

 Our Products are durable

 Our Products have more effective features than any others

Page 11
8 Legal requirements (including regulations and licences particular to your business)

The legal and insurance requirements that apply in your business are: (Use as many
fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

1. General Liability Policy

2. Professional liability insurance

3. Product liability insurance

You will meet your legal and insurance requirements by: (Use as many fields as is
applicable and add more if you need to.)

1. Approaching to Afghan Global Insurance

Sales and marketing

Page 12
9 Market research

Trends in your chosen market are: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need

1. Advanced Technology

2. New Entrants

3. Different Types of Products

How you know this: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

1. Research (Survey and Secondary Data)

4. Observation

5. Forecasts

Page 13
10 Profiling customers

The customer groups you will be selling to are: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add
more if you need to.)
1. Customers between age of 18-25 (Most of them Students)

6. Women Households

7. Low Income and Middle class People

Your customer research has shown what your customers want is: (Use as many fields as
is applicable and add more if you need to.)
1. According to survey that I have done most of my target customers are concerned about the
environment and they want to use eco-friendly products but the problem is that there is no such
product in Afghanistan in abundance. So, They want an product that includes below Attributes:

8. High Quality

9. Fashionable

10. Low Price

11. Eco-friendly

How you know this: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)
1. Survey

12. Secondary data from the internet (Other companies that has experience in the field)

Number of customers you expect to win in each group and what they might pay:
(Use as many fields as is applicable and add more rows if you need to.)

Group Number of Price they might

customers pay per unit
Customers between 500000 Afs 100
age of 18-28

House Holds 8000 Afs 150

Low and Middle 10000 Afs 80

Page 14
11 Profiling competitors

Use as many fields as is applicable in the table below and add more rows if you need to.

Competitor name Strengths Weaknesses

 Afshan Sharifi  Experience In The  Inability to
industry produce Eco-
friendly products
 Nargis Plast  Good Customer  Plastic Producer
Relationship, High
Market Share

How you can improve on their offer and/or price(s): (Use as many fields as is applicable and
add more if you need to.)
1. Our Products Are Eco-Friendly, whereas their products are made up of plastic.

2. Our Products are durable, fashionable and easy to use.

3. We have a good customer relationship through direct calls and indirect contact such as:
social media, website and etc.

4. We have affordable prices

5. Our employees are highly trained and we have advanced machineries.

Page 15
12 Managing market risks

Write down the risks you have identified: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if
you need to.)
1. High Financial Requirements

2. Low Experience in the Industry

3. Training Requirements for Employees

4. High Competition

5. Political Issues

How will you manage these risks so that they become less of a threat: (Use as many
fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)
1. Taking A long-term loan From Azizi Bank

2. Asking Experts for Advice

3. Training Programs for development of employees

4. High Quality, Low Prices, and durable products

Page 16
13 Pricing

How you can calculate your prices: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you
need to.)

 Cost-plus pricing—simply calculating the production cost and adding a mark-up.

 Competitive pricing—setting a price based on what the competition charges.

How your prices compare with the competition: (Use as many fields as is applicable in the
table below and add more rows if you need to.)

Product/service Your price(s) Range of competitor

prices (per unit)
Steel Bottles Afs 250 Afs 240

Tea Pot Afs 300 Afs 320

Plates Afs 65 Afs 70

Thermos Flask Afs 450 Afs 450

Reasons for the difference between your price(s) and your competitors’ price(s):
 Our Steel bottle is designed in a good way and has a small filter.

 Our Size of Teapot is smaller than our competitors.

 Our cost of production is less because of high volume of production (Economies of Scale).

Page 17
14 Promotion and advertising

How and where will you promote your product/service? (Use as many fields as is
applicable and add more if you need to.)
 Because our target customers are mainly students we will promote our products near to schools
and universities on billboards.

 We will establish a website and promote our products through that web.

 We will use TV for advertisings

 Social Media has a huge influence in promoting our products

Page 18
Running the business

15 Staff

Use as many fields as is applicable in the table below and add more rows if you need to.

Role Total cost Necessary Specialist skills and/or

experience qualifications
 Marketing Afs 20000  Two Years in  BBA, at least two
Manager Marketing years of
experience in
 Finance Afs 18000  Two Years in  BBA Or
Manager Finance Commerce
 HR Manager Afs 20000  Three Years  BBA
in HR
 Operation Afs 15000  Two Years In  BBA
Manager Supervisory
 Technician Afs 15000  Two Years In  Machine
Fixing Engineering
 Workers (80) Afs 5000  6 months in  N/A

Page 19
16 Premises

Cost Afs
Premises required at start-up: Factory Space (For Rent) Afs 30000/month
Premises required in the future (if different): 3 Factory Spaces Afs 70000000
(Should be Owned)

Page 20
17 Suppliers

Your key suppliers and their credit terms: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more
rows if you need to.)

Supplier What you’ll buy from them Number of days’ credit

 Khan Engineering  Our main Element which is Steel  30
Company Ltd.

 Aria Afghan  Coating Powder Colour  25

 Foshan Yongheng  Machineries  40

Machinery Co

Page 21
18 Equipment

Use as many fields as is applicable and add more rows if you need to.

Resource (Machines) When How funded Cost £ per unit

Bottle Making  Now  Loan from bank $ 27200
Spray Machine  Now  Owner’s Equity $ 9800

Page 22
19 Managing operational risks

Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.

Risk Solution
 High Accident Risk  Training

 Employees’ Fatigue  Plan for Entertainment

during their break

 High Prices  Being Loyal and Buying
in high amounts
 Less time credit Period
 Keeping provisions

Page 23
The finance section of this template is intended for business planning purposes only. If financial tables are to be used
for any purpose other than internal financial management, we strongly recommend you consult an accountant or tax
Click on the links below to access a range of Microsoft Excel work sheets to input your figures, Microsoft Excel will
automatically update the totals for you. (If you do not have access to Microsoft Excel you can save the files on to your PC.
You can then use Open Source Software such as Google Docs or OpenOffice to access the information by uploading the
files into this software. We have provided Open Document Format versions of the tables in this section as well.)
Please note that all tables can be customised and additional rows and categories can be added.
If you need to print out this business plan and the associated tables (once you have completed them) eg to show your
accountant or your bank, place the tables behind the next pages in this template.
You can find information about Microsoft Excel and accessibility on the Microsoft website.

20 Start-up costs

Calculate how much money you need before you start trading (This helps you to
calculate the costs of starting your new business.)

Particulars Amount (Afs) Remarks

Building 30,000 Prepaid rent for first month
Bottle Making Machinery 6,230,000 3 Machines
Spray Machines 158,000 2 Spray Machines
Van 764,000 2 Vehicles for delivery
Generator 540,000 1 generator, supplement for electricity
Total 7,722,000 Total Start-up Cost
Operating Costs
Salaries and Wages 488,000 5 managers and 80 Line Workers
Raw Materials (First Production) 129,600 648 Kgs Steel for Afs. 200/Kg
Grand Total 8,339,600 Total Cost before earning first Profit

Page 24
21 Profit and loss forecast (Use the tabs within the Microsoft Excel work sheet to view the
second year and third year forecast templates. The profit and loss forecast is more detailed at the
start because you should have a clearer idea of your profit and loss expectations.)

Please note:
 Where the business holds and sells stock this cost should be included in direct costs. It is
calculated as: opening stock + purchases - closing stock.
 If you are VAT registered all sales and costs records should be entered excluding VAT. If you
are not VAT registered then you will need to include VAT in your costs where it is charged.
For information about VAT, VAT threshold, VAT schemes and turnover threshold, please visit
the HMRC website: VAT rates, thresholds, fuel scale charges, exchange rates.

Download the profit and loss forecast table in Microsoft Excel format (XLS, 61 KB)
Download the profit and loss forecast table in Open Document format (ODS, 32 KB)

Page 25
22 Sourcing finance

Total borrowing requirement for the business (This helps you to understand how much
money you will need to find in order to close the gap between your start-up costs as well as the costs
of operating before your business will make a profit, and the money that you have available to put
into the business yourself.)

Download the sourcing finance table in Microsoft Excel format (XLS, 46 KB)

Download the sourcing finance table in Open Document format (ODS, 15 KB)

Page 26
23 Managing financial risks (such as, sales are less than forecasted or start-up finance takes
three months longer to obtain)

The risks that you have identified for your financial forecast are: (Use as many fields
as is applicable and add more if you need to.)





How you will minimise their impact: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if
you need to.)





Page 27
24 Cashflow forecast (Use the tabs within the Microsoft Excel work sheet to view the second 6
months and summary)

You only need to complete the VAT line in the cashflow forecast if you are VAT registered. For
information about VAT, VAT threshold, VAT schemes and turnover threshold, please visit the HMRC
website: VAT rates, thresholds, fuel scale charges, exchange rates
Please note that if you are VAT registered all sales and costs records should be entered excluding
VAT. If you are not VAT registered then you will need to include VAT in your costs where it is

Download the cashflow forecast table in Microsoft Excel format (XLS, 64 KB)
Download the cashflow forecast table in Open Document format (ODS, 34 KB)

Page 28

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