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101st Betic Dragons -Tempestus Scions

“3rd squadron enter Vendetta Formation Omega. 1st 4th and 6th squads go for
ground suppression action Beta.”
–Commander Ramirez
The 101st Betic Dragons are an elite Tempestus Scions regiment of the
Ordo Tempestus renowned for their airborne strike assaults.
The 101st Betic Dragons became known throughout the Goanx Sub-sector
when they came to the aid of the Destroyers Space Marine Chapter. The
Astartes had been defending a volcanic Death World against a warband of
the Crimson Slaughter. A pack of Helbrutes had destroyed many of their
Attack Bikes, and Heldrakes crippled two of their Stormtalon gunships. As
the Betic Dragons' Valkyries launched assaults on the Heldrakes, keeping
the fearsome daemon-craft engaged, the Scions were able to make
planetfall without being noticed. Their Taurox Primes immediately veered
towards the Helbrutes and enraged the maddened walkers with hammering
battle cannon fire. The Helbrutes lumbered after the vehicles, which sped
up the side of a volcano. The war engines had already been damaged by the
Destroyers Space Marines, and despite their rage they could not match the
speed of the Militarum Tempestus vehicles. The Scions disembarked and
concealed themselves amidst the debris on the lip of the volcano. Once the
Helbrutes had caught up with the Taurox Primes, squad after squad of
Scions savaged the beasts with criss-crossing blasts of hot-shot weaponry
and hurled krak grenades. Such was the sudden violence of their assault
that their foes were driven into the bubbling magma of the volcano itself.
The Betic Dragons' victory provided the Destroyers with the opportunity
they needed. The warriors of the Adeptus Astartes surged from their
positions and proceeded to obliterate the surrounding squads of Chaos
Space Marines, driving the Crimson Slaughter warband back into the Warp.
Regimental Colours
The Tempestus Scions of the 101st Betic Dragons primarily wear black
fatigues and Carapace Armour with medium gray trim. Their Slate Monitron
and Omnishield Helms are also black. Their poleyns (knee guards) and
pauldrons (shoulder guards) are red. When not in battle, these Scions will
often wear a red beret in lieu of their usual Omnishield Helms.
Regimental Badge
The 101st Betic Dragons bear a symbol said to be inspired by the beast of
myth after which they are named. Stylised as a flying dragon as seen from
above, the symbol doubles as a representation of the airborne strike teams
for which the Dragons are rightly famed.

Playing a Betic Dragon Scion in Only War

Characteristics: +3 Willpower, +3 Ballisticskill, +3 Agility, -3 Fellowship
Wounds: +1 on starting wounds
Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Guard, Imperium, War), Linguistics (High
Gothic, Low Gothic), Operate (Aeronautica)
Talents: Unshakable Faith, Die Hard, Catfall, Storm of Iron
 Aeronautic Supremacy Doctrine: Beitic Dragons receive a +10
bonus to BS when firing against airborne targets.
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill
Favoured Weapons: Hot-shot lasgun, Hot-shot laspistol, Lascannon
Standard Equipment: Lascarbine and Four Chargepacks, Storm Trooper
Carapace, Respirator, Grav-chute, Two Frag Grenades, Two Smoke
Grenades, Uniform, Poor Weather Gear, Knife, Set of Basic Tools, Rucksack,
Mess kit and Water Canteen, Blanket and Sleep Bag, Rechargable Lamp
Pack, Grooming kit, Dogtags, Abridged version of the Tactica Imperialis,
Two weeks supply of Combat Sustenance Rations

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