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“The  holy  will  Endure!”    
–Bright  Champions  battlecry  
In  the  37th  millennium  the  Dark  Angels  with  the  aid  of  the  Imperium  was  
allowed  to  create  another  unforgiven  chapter  to  combat  a  threat  they  had  
foreseen.  The  threat  was  from  the  fallen  although  the  Dark  Angels  did  not  
reveal  such  a  fact.  Thus  was  the  Bright  Champions  born,  shining  templars  
who  rose  from  the  hives  of  Tophet  rose  as  angels  the  honoured  Bright  
Champions  who  believed  in  Emperor,  honour  and  justice.  They  gave  vassal  
power  to  the  ecclesiarchy  to  rule  their  homeworld  for  them  and  chose  their  
recruits  from  the  young  pilgrims  who  had  endured  the  long  travel  to  Tophet  
to  witness  the  relics  and  holy  might  of  the  world  and  it’s  angelic  guardians.    

The  First  and  the  Last  

The  first  and  the  last  chapter  master  of  the  chapter  are  their  greatest  heroes  
and  an  important  part  of  their  history  deciding  its  workings.  The  first  
chapter  master  of  the  chapter  was  Jophiel,  a  man  of  holy  faith  who  had  
before  he  was  made  an  Astartes  been  the  son  of  a  Cardinal.  He  led  his  
brothers  in  battle  against  rebels  and  turned  many  worlds  to  the  light  of  the  
Emperor,  he  was  brought  low  at  the  hands  of  a  fallen  primarch  as  a  mighty  
sorcerer  brought  forth  the  daemon  prince  Angron  to  stop  his  army.  The  loss  
of  Jophiel  was  mourned  by  the  whole  sector  and  his  death  day  is  still  
mourned  each  terran  year  by  the  chapter.  The  Deathwing  of  the  Bright  
Champions  renamed  themselves  Sons  of  Jophiel  in  his  honour  and  that  day  
they  stopped  taking  orders  from  their  chapter  master  refusing  to  accept  a  
new  leader  after  the  fall  of  Jophiel,  a  tradition  they  to  this  day  prefer  to  
divine  the  wishes  of  lost  Jophiel  through  the  emperors  tarot.  
The  last  of  the  chapter  masters  was  Nuriel,  a  vicious  fighter  whose  aim  with  
a  bolter  was  legendary.  He  was  a  champion  of  bolter  and  sword  and  he  
searched  out  the  leader  of  the  foe  in  each  battle,  slaying  it  in  single  combat.  
His  skill  was  of  epic  scale  for  he  had  defeated  chaos  lords,  hive  tyrants  and  
riptides  singlehandedly.  In  the  end  he  fell  but  it  was  not  from  the  hands  of  
his  foes  but  from  those  of  his  allies,  a  carefully  thrown  vortex  missile  with  
the  insignia  of  the  officio  assasinorum  threw  him  into  the  dimension  of  
nightmares  for  the  gods  of  chaos  to  do  what  they  could  not  do  to  him  in  the  
physical  realm.  This  loss  was  grim  in  itself  but  it  was  made  worse  by  the  
fact  that  his  leadership  was  needed  for  they  were  fighting  traitors  amassed  
by  Cypher  the  fallen  angel,  a  most  cunning  and  skilled  foe,  that  day  only  one  
fighting  Bright  Champion  survived  and  this  man  was  given  as  payment  to  
Typhus  for  unknown  reason  and  unknown  purpose.  Now  less  than  fifty  
Bright  Champions  had  survived  and  ships  under  Cyphers  control  closed  in  
their  ship  against,  the  chapter  would  have  ended  then  and  there  had  not  
their  independent  first  company  arrived.  Each  and  every  ship  assaulting  the  
last  battle  barge  of  the  Bright  Champions,  a  holy  ship  known  as  “The  
Cathedral  of  the  Jousts”,  found  itself  under  attack  by  fanatic  terminators  
and  venerable  dreadnoughts.  The  chaos  ships  fell  one  by  one  and  the  
chapter  hurried  back  to  their  home  to  hold  their  last  stand.  Cypher  did  not  
pursue  however  and  the  chapter  survived,  for  this  grace  they  thanked  the  
Emperor  and  started  rebuilding,  currently  they  have  almost  reached  a  full  
battle  company  in  strength  and  also  hold  marines  in  the  deathwatch  and  in  
their  ravenwing.  

Chapter  Organisation  
The  Chapter  started  with  the  common  structure  of  an  Unforgiven  chapter,  a  
main  chapter  with  its  own  version  of  the  deathwing  and  the  ravenwing.  
After  the  fall  of  their  first  chapter  master  their  deathwing  however  chose  to  
separate  itself  from  its  battlebrothers  and  become  the  independent  
company  known  as  the  Sons  of  Jophiel,  a  company  which  chooses  its  
recruits  from  the  scouts  of  the  Bright  Champions  when  it  visits  them.  These  
events  lead  to  the  chapter  having  only  nine  companies.  All  this  was  
however  before  most  of  the  chapter  fell  at  the  hands  of  Cypher  and  his  
allied  renegades,  now  with  only  one  company  left  the  chapter  attempts  to  
rebuild  but  has  accepted  the  probability  that  they  will  not  last.  The  Sons  of  
Jophiel  remain  at  full  strength.  

Heraldry  and  Livery  

The  Chapter  holds  white  armour  with  bright  silver  ornaments,  their  
weapons  however  carry  chequered  patterns  in  various  colours  chosen  by  
the  battle-­‐brothers    to  signify  their  honoured  weapon.  Their  marking  is  that  
of  a  winged  bolter,  it  is  seen  in  profile  with  only  one  wing  shown.  The  Sons  
of  Jophiel  instead  wear  white  armour  painted  as  if  blood  was  pouring  from  
it  and  carries  as  heraldry  an  image  of  a  daemon  slaying  an  angel  
representing  their  chapter  masters  demise.  

Playing  a  Bright  Champion  Space  Marine  in  Deathwatch  

Starting  bonus:  +5  Strength,  +5  Willpower  
Chapter  Demeanour:  Sons  of  the  Lion    
See  Dark  Angels.    
Solo  mode  ability;  See  Dark  Angels.  
Squad  Mode  Abilities:    
Attack  Pattern:  Zeal  of  Nuriel    
Action:  Full  Action  Cost:  3  Sustained:  Yes  
While  this  ability  is  in  effect  the  Battle-­‐Brother  and  those  within  Support  
Range  of  him  have  the  Furious  Assault  and  Frenzy  talents.  At  rank  4  
activating  it  is  a  half-­‐action.  
Defensive  Stance:  The  Holy  Will  Endure    
Action:  Free  action  Cost:  0  Sustained:  No  
When  this  ability  is  activated  the  battle  brother  and  all  under  his  command  
recover  from  pinning.  At  rank  four  the  affected  marines  may  also  take  a  free  
half  action  each.  

Redsteel  Sentinels  Chapter  Advances  

Advance   Cost   Type   Prerequisites  
Forbidden  Lore  (Traitor  Legions)   400   Skill   -­‐  
Forbidden  Lore  (Traitor   400   Skill   Forbidden  Lore  (Traitor  
Legions)+10   Legions)  
Forbidden  Lore  (Traitor  Legions)   400   Skill   Forbidden  Lore  (Traitor  
+20   Legions)+10  
Investigation   400   Skill   -­‐  
Investigation  +10   400   Skill   Investigation  
Investigation  +20   400   Skill   Investigation+10  
Furious  Assault   400   Talent   WS  35  
Hatred  (Chaos  Space  Marines)   500   Talent   -­‐  
Combat  Master   300   Talent   WS  30  
Blademaster   300   Talent   WS  30  

Bright  Champion  Pasts  

1d5  result   Past  experiences  
1   Son  of  Jophiel:  You  fought  in  the  independent  company  
Sons  of  Jophiel  in  terminator  armour  with  your  brethren.  As  
you  were  sent  to  the  Deathwatch  you  swore  to  make  Jophiel  
proud  of  your  chapter  once  again.  
2   Flight  to  Tophet:  You  were  on  the  Cathedral  of  the  Jousts  
during  your  chapters  darkest  hour  and  fought  when  chaos  
closed  in.  Your  hatred  for  the  fallen  shines  as  bright  as  a  
3   Raven  Rider:  You  were  one  of  the  few  ravenwings  left,  
fighting  for  your  chapter  as  best  as  you  could  dreaming  of  a  
day  where  you  could  return  to  your  true  duty  of  hunting  the  
4   Duellist:  You  have  fought  enemy  leaders  in  battle  and  held  
your  own,  striking  down  your  foes  with  just  vengeance.    
5   Joust  Champion:  You  won  a  Joust  on  your  cathedral  ship  
and  was  favoured  with  great  fanfare  to  the  deathwatch.  

Bright  Champions  Chapter  Trappings  

Chequered  pattern  
Your  weapon  carries  a  pattern  to  show  the  honour  it  shares  with  you.  
Choose  one  weapon  you  own,  attacks  with  this  weapon  has  a  +2  modifier.  

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