Crisslyn Rat Recruits

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 Rat  Recruits  
“The  black-­iron  devils  advance,  load  your  bows  and  shoot.”    
–Chief  Sharp  of  the  Rat  Recruits  
“The  bows  will  not  pierce  iron  hide  of  black-­iron  devils.  Retreat!  Retreat!”    
–Chief  Sharp  of  the  Rat  Recruits  moments  later  
Crisslyn  is  a  hive  world  constantly  built  upon,  the  highest  layers  are  newly  
built  while  the  lowest  corridors  are  millennia  old.  In  Crisslyn  prime  the  
lowest  layers,  now  a  good  two  and  a  half  millennia  old,  have  regressed  to  a  
feral  level  due  to  lack  of  support,  they  worship,  Beefourteen  the  god  of  
sustenance  rations  and  his  wife  Beethirteen  the  goddess  of  certified  
standard  quality  spring  water  as  their  highest  deities  for  through  their  
marked  ceiling  gates  they  bring  food  and  water  to  the  many  tribes  who  
wage  war  for  the  corridors,  hallways  and  storerooms.  
Occasionally  heavily  armed  troops  go  down  to  these  lower  deeps  to  buy  
recruits  as  slaves  from  the  various  tribes  and  for  the  tech-­‐starved  
tribesmen  even  a  common  datapad  is  a  priceless  treasure.  

Crisslyn  Rat  Recruits  

Characteristics:  +3  Agility,  +3  Weaponskill,  -­‐3  Toughness  
Wounds:  +2  on  starting  wounds  
Skills:  Awareness,  Parry  +10,  Sleight  of  Hand,  Navigate  (Surface)  
Talents:  Ambush,  Paranoia,  Sprint  
• Fluency:  For  a  underhiver  to  be  literate  is  quite  uncommon  and  here  
even  more  so.  Any  member  of  the  squad  can  still  use  low  gothic  
verbally  as  long  as  it  doesn’t  require  a  skilltest.  
• Venerated  artefacts  of  the  gods:  The  gods  grant  machines  and  they  
work  by  magical  means.  This  is  the  view  of  your  tribe  and  it  hinders  
your  peoples  understanding  of  it.  You  have  a  -­‐10  penalty  to  all  
Common  Lore  (Tech),  Tech-­‐use  and  Medicae  tests  unless  you  are  
trained  in  them.  
• Kill-­Kill:  You  like  to  kill  enemies,  enemies  you  don’t  kill  will  return  
and  slay  you.  When  faced  with  the  opportunity  to  crush  a  foe  utterly  
even  if  there  is  great  risk  involved,  you  must  pass  a      routine  (+20)  
Willpower  or  Intelligence  test  to  pass  up  the  chance.  This  test  can  
be  waived  when  the  GM  sees  fit.  
Favoured  Basic  Weapons:  Crossbow,  Laslock,  Spear,  Truncheon,  
Standard  Equipment:  Uniform,  poor  weather  gear,  laspistol  with  two  
chargepacks,  pair  of  knives,  Flak  vest  and  flak  helmet,  rucksack,  set  of  basic  
tools,  mess  kit  and  bottle  of  certified  standard  quality  spring  water,  blanket  
and  sleeping  bag,  rechargeable  lamp  pack,  grooming  kit,  carved  human  
tooth  with  ID  number,  Imperial  Infantryman’s  Uplifting  Primer,  Two  weeks  
of  sustenance  rations,  bow  with  ten  arrows    

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