Zxicon Burglar Alarm

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How to Use Your Sentrol Security System ZXICON Control Station aoe ‘anval, therefore, you should slore it ina secure place. 'y Company Representative immediately with any questions that no security system provides total protection ‘tect intrusion or other condtion: tances. Ask your Seourly Company Representative to tly review your system, indicate areas of potential risk, and det parades to the system, ‘The following is @ bereits of your reate an interupibie powar supply fo the contrl pa the tolephona spat ice, fest the security systom to ensure that Iypes of motion within a etined area. Be sure thal you understand which areas are protected and under \what conatons the system is actve temperature and time varatons, et) 6. ‘Smoke detection devices cannot detect stances. Have your Security Company Representative explain the af your fre system. Have smoke detectors cleaned and tested on a regular bass, Securty aystoms rely upon el the loctical power fas, the replaced by a quaified service technician at reg 8. upon returning to the bulcing, you eiscover that an alarm has occu NOT ENTER THE PREMISES. 8. Be sure various audible signals and ask them to 5 upon acivaton of an alarm, 10. The ZX2002%310 Securty Contolis UL Listes fr Grade A Household Burglary ‘a UL requires that audible burglar lar be sounded by abel and fice alarms by aor. For combination burglar and Fr alam systems, the souncot wit emit @ te 4" Table of Contents ‘Operating Your System. The Conttol Station Keys ‘The Control Station Display m ON eevone lar Alarm Occurs System Not Ready Selective Bypass/Unbypass Removing Bypass... Force-Arming. 6 “Turning Your System ON Quickly User On Keyswitch Operation Access Output Panic Keys Conditions. ing Trouble Identitying Zone Conditions Trouble Codes Testing Your Syst Walk Test... Battery Test Bell Test . Communicator Test Keypad Test 7 FF Signal Strength Programming the User Passcodes Fire Detection Introduction Fire Prevention And Escape Know Fire Hazards In Case OF Fire... Be Prepared Fire Trouble. ‘System Reference Gui Protection Zones ‘Owner's Insurance Premium Credit Requeste FCC Compliance... (Es Operating Your System The Control Station Keys © @ @© © @ © © @ © @ View Info Key This key is used to view system information. Alarm Memory Key Allows you to display the most recent zones where an alarm occurred. Bypass Key Allows you to designate one or more zones to be intention- ally left unprotected. Chime Key Tums the doarfwindow monitor ON or OFF, Reset Smoke Key Resets all smoke detectors in alarm Test Key ‘Allows you to perform system testing. Program Key Used to enter the programming mode Access Key Used to activate @ door strike or other access output function. t any entry error and to allow you to exit out of Instant Key Used in programming to store entered data. May also be Used to disable the entry and exit countdown time when Dressed during the countdown time when turning the system ‘ON with STAY or NIGHT, Off Cancel Key Used to turn OFF, silence, or cancel alarms and trouble alerts Sa Armed Status Indicator These keys, followed by your passcode, are used to turn your system ON. Each key corresponds to a different level of security. @) Bulding is occupied; selected door and window sensors are ON. Panic Keys ‘When enable and Police) of Company Fe Fie Poles uxliary Pager (Hold Up) The Control Station Display tation display will ut a keypress or key to brighten the display. Turning Your System ON 1. Close all doors and windows 2. Check for a Ready cisplay on the Control Station, If you do not see it, see Operating Your System - System Not Ready. EADY ® + re). ‘The Control Station will QO Q 4 etrpeeas) CD ‘The Control Station will briefly display: land you do not exit, the countdown will begin again only once so that You may ox tag When turning your system ON in the STAY or NIGHT mode, you may press the ENTER key during the Countdown time to cance! the countdown ana system is turned ON, an alarm will occur imme 7 borenarnc youn syste Turning Your System OFF The Control Station will display ENTER CODE ‘= OOOO The Armed Status Indicator light wil turn OFF. OU have to turn the system OFF before an a Time countdown is displayed on the Control If you turn the system ON and exit but do not properly secure the door, then, when the Exit Time expires, the unsecured door will cause the Entry Time to start. In addition, the burglar bell wil sound to try to draw your attention. The system will not go into a full alarm unti the Entry Time expites, so itis imperative that you turn the system OFF Immodi- ately. When a Burglar Alarm Occurs Your system includes a programmable Alarm Abort Time to hel the reporting of false alarms (see your Security Company Rep1 then an alam event wil NOT be reported to tne Cental Staton. I the ‘Armed Status Indicator is flashing, then the Alarm Abort Time has ‘expired and an alarm event has been reported. ‘When a Burglar Alarm occurs, follow the directions below depending on the circumstances of the alarm. Scenario 1: You accidentally set off the alarm system. Press the OFF CANCEL key and enter your passcode. The Control Station should briefly display “ALARM CANCELED" and then go to idle. If you do not complete this before the Alarm Abort Time expires, the Station will ety display “ALARM CANCELED” and then 90 in this case, an Alarm 1@ Cen You should contact im them of the false alarm. ‘Scenario 2: An alarm goes off in the middle of the night. Press the OFF CANCEL key followed by the CLEAR key. The keypad sounders and the Bell should mute for the duration of the Alarm Abort Time. This may give yo identity if there is an intruder ‘Scenario 3: You arrive at the premises and the system's bell is sounding. "ALARM CANCELED” bafore going into Alarm Memory mode. The ‘Alarm event(s) were reported to the Central Station and an Alarm ‘Canceled event is now reported to indicate that you are on the pre~ mises. ‘Scenario 4: You arrive at the premises and the system is in alarm, but the bell is off, Do NOT enter the premises. Go to a nearby location and contact the your passcode. The Control Station will go into Alarm Memory mode. 1. Pross the View ready. The Cor peatedly to view zones not isplay the zone number. 2. Secure zones not ready. If you cannot secure a zone or do net want to secure a zone, you may stil turn the system ON by bypassing the zone. See Optional Features - Bypass and Force Arming. Changing The Security Level m@ OO ‘The Control Station will display ENTER CODE 3, ‘ontrol Station will then begin exit countdown tr ‘once. If you turn your system ON in the AWAY mode and you do not ‘exit, the countdown will begin again only once so that you may exit [aa When the system Is turned ON in the STAY or NIGHT Exit While Armed From the STAY or NIGHT mode you can exit the premises without disarming by Changing the Security Level. For example, to retrieve the the system is armed in the STAY mode, simply re-arm Time is not long then, when you re-enter, the system rn it OFF, ‘enough and it expi Entry Time and you mt Chime ‘To enable or disable a “Chime” sound whenever an exterior window or door zone is opened: +e (6) «The Cota Son wa day fen cone 2. ene oreo >) OOO ‘The Control Station will briefly display the chime icon if you just tuned it ON. Silent Keypress ‘To enable or disable the beep from the keypad when you press a key: Pras tno Gd) toy (srt PRIN Optional Features O Bypass - (DONOT enable or UL Listed Systems) re allows you to tu ly left unprotected Bypassed zones are unprotected and will not cause an alarm if opened while your system is ON. Group Bypass - (to intentionally bypass ail open zones) SOO 00 ‘The Contra! Station will display: 2. pass CS) CB) twoypat aopen zane, ton poss). ‘The Control Station then returns to the zone selection display. 4. pres (a) eave charges Go) to cane any rages made, Aiter saving any changes, the Control Station will briefly display vrasseo before returning to the READY prompt. 13 a Cs | Selective Bypass/Unbypass Allows you to intentionally bypass/unbypass a specific zone as follows: 1 » res @) Enter passcode’ O ‘The Control Station will Enter the zone number Repeat step 3 for each zone you wish to bypass or unbypass. Press @) to save changes or @) to cancel changes. ‘Atter saving any changes, the Control Station will etum to the READY prompt after briefly displaying: avoiseen . Removing Bypass = @ me OOO The Control Station will display: S assed zones, n la » ere ae”. Q Force-Arming - (20.NOT enable for UL Listed Systems) ‘When you turn the system ON with Force-Arming, the system will not | turn ON any zones that are not ready. Once the zone is secured, that ‘See Operating Your System - System Not Ready, to identify zones that | are not ready. me: @-@ + em OOOO ‘The Control Station wil display: 3. Within 5 seconds, press the same key that was pressed in step 1 above. The Control Station will briefly display: os) Turning Your System ON Quickly Your system may be programmed to turn ON quickly with either the Press & Hold or the Double-Press method as follows. Press & Hold Pressing the AWAY, STAY, or NIGHT key for 3 seconds turns ON the system, *Double-Press Pressing the AWAY, STAY, or NIGHT key twice tutns ON the system @ User On Premise ‘When a User On Premise passcode is used to activate an access ‘output, disarm, or silence an alarm, notification will be reported to the Central Station ager. See your Security Company Representa- tive tor more details. 16 @ Keyswitch Operation To turn your system ON/OFF orto silence an alarm: ert key 2. Turn key and hold for a second 3. Remove key ON, the system will be © ncoves Output semen tims cont To activate an Access Output device or door strike: 1. Press (0) som SOOO Alarm Conditions Alarm Memory To view zones and keypads 1s (2). he Station will display: + mee DOO LTS OUEL CONDITIONS Trouble Conditions When your system detects a trouble condition, the Control Station rnately displays the system state (Ready to Arm, trovt (See Trouble Codes) displays separately. Refer to the In Manual or your Se description of the possi! ity Company Representative for a trouble conditions, Silencing Trouble To silence bie sounder: ‘The Control St 1. Press wil display: EWE cove + wm OOO After you silence the trouble sounder, the Contr alternate between the system status and the tr you have an RF Device Low Battery or a Tampered RF Zone, then as long as the trouble condition is present, an ausible trouble output may sound brietly every four hours, Identifying Zone Conditions Press the View Info key (Key #1) repeatedly to display the following zone conditions that may have occurred: Trouble Zones, Faulted Zones, and/or Bypassed Zones. The Contro! Station will display the zone condition and the number. uble condition does not go away, contact your rity Company Representative. 20 eee Trouble Code: Trouble codes display wi trouble condition, The following table describes the trouble codes. the TROUBLE icon to Trouble Code | Description 8 Memory eror | 04 ‘Communication fue 05 ‘Control station missing 06 RF jarming 7 Bolling faut 08 Telephone ne faut 08 Cal to remote programmer faled 12 Fire alarm bell silenced 14 ‘Nar silenced 2 jcate a system Testing Your System |tis recommended that all tests be performed on a weekly basis. Your system must be OFF to perform these tests. There are six (6) options available. 1 Walk system zones are operating property 2 | Batory system battery is fully charged 3 Boll | Vertios thatthe system auaibies are operating properly 4] Communicator | Vertis thatthe system communicates with the Cental S| Keypad 6 RF Signa Sreagt| Walk Test To pertorm a walk test 1. prss >) 2. Enter passcode: ‘The Control Station will display: ENTER ODE OO000 The Control Station will display: ENTER. 3. Press @® 4. Open or activate et audible and visu: the sensor is work rest ach sensor. As each sensor is opened, listen for an Indication to occur at the Control Station indicating 19 properly. When all sensors have been opened, retum to the Control Station. 22 (ee ee cee ee maalipaialeind oainomry eee + noes Go) wa Battery Test The battery tests used by the Security Company Representative to i fry has been installed. Your battery is To pertorm a battery test 1. Pross ‘The Control Station will display: ro | 2 wm DOO O The Control Station will display « rae) | no trauble condition occurs, the Control Station will sound an audible tone and return to the ready status. trouble condition occurs, the Control Station will display: TROUBLE { [AUPAACE BATT Contact your Security Company Representative when this condi- tion occurs. 23 Bell Test ‘To perform a bel test: 2. Enter passcode: QO COCO ‘The Control Station will display: 2. res). ‘The audible will sound for several seconds. The Control Station will display: : Notify your neighbors before you test the bell. Communicator Test Your system must be monitored by. to perform this test. This test will perform. This test is used to verify that your system is communicating with the Central Station. To perform a a test: 1 Press (8 ) - The Control Station will display: The Control will = oe mS a ye 2. Enter passcode: 4. Ifthe test passes, the Control Station will sound four (4) beeps when the test is completed, The Control Station will display: Keypad Test ‘To perform a keypad test: mm OOOO ‘The Control Station will display: =® ‘The Control Station will briefy ight all of Its indicators (AWAY, STAY, and NIGHT) and display RF Signal Strength It your system includes wireless sensors, then you can test the strength of signals from these sensors by performing an RF Signal Strength test. The strength of a signal can be affected by a low battery condition on the ‘sensor of changes in the environment dua to furniture oF appliances, To signal strength of selected RF Zones: ‘The Control Station will display: 2. Enter passcode: 2. ress (6) “Tea on wy 4, Enter a number between 1 and 16 to select a wireless sensor to test. ies Gea) Te Cot elo tom te our Sirona Signal | 5. Repeat sap arses. (Gea) w ot 27 RF Signal Strength It your system includes wireless sensors, then you can test the strength of signals from these sensors by performing an RF Signal Strength test. The strength of a signal can be affected by a low battery condition on the ‘sensor or changes in the environment due to {uriture or appliances, To tost the signal strength of selected RF Zones: 26 ENTER CODE + mre SOOO | The Control Station will display: 2. ness (6) Gas akon sy 4. Enter a number between 1 and 16 to seloct a wireless sensor to test. >) ‘The Control Station wil display one ofthe following ra Lo i ‘The selected zone is not RF or is missing me i mn | aecepable Strong Signal 5. Repeat stop 4 or press @) toexi. 27 [PROGRAMING Programming Your system has several features which you may be able to program yourselt. There are two options available as follows: |] Remote Connect Allows you to change any passeedes, Remote Connect Contact your Security Company Representative for instructions. Programming the User Passcodes ‘Your system may be programmed with up to 8 user passcodes. Con- sult your Security Company Repi ‘which passcodes have been enabled and what Author been assigned to ‘each one. To program User Passcodes: 4. Press ‘The Control Station will display 2 vere QOOO ‘The Control Station will display: 28 ». res (2). thot ston a OQ programichange. rt oh mor es) the Ready mode. is a duplicate of an existing one, the tone and return to the first digit se so et et I you wish to make a User passcode inoperabl [FIRE DETECTION Fire Detection Introduction Your systom may include fire detection, depending on the options. Purchased and the local codes and regulations for your area. Fire alarm systems are always active and cannot be turned OFF. All fire require regular testing and maintenance. Common household idup in smoke detectors can cause them to false alarm or fail in a time of need. Consult your Security Company Representative for a ‘Scheduled maintenance program. All devices in a Fire Alarm system should be described in NFPA 72. See Testing You ‘zones and Bell Test for testing the bell. ted monthly except as System - Walk Test for testing When an Alarm Occurs When a Fire Alarm occurs, the bell sounds, the Cont produce the fire alarm tone and display a Fire Alarm display the zone that caused the alarm. tations sage andlor To silence the alarm, press the Off Cancel key and enter your passcode. When you silence a Fire Alarm, the Control Station goes into Memory Mode (see Alarm Conditions - Alarm Memor ‘eported if your system is conn alarm occurs, notify the authorities Resetting Smoke Detectors ‘Most smoke detectors “atch* in an alarm condition once they are triggered. If your Controt Station cisplays a Bell Silencad conition or a trouble condition at the zone after you have silenced a Fire Alarm, you will need to reset the smoke deter 188 the RESET SMOKE key (7) and enter your passcode. The trouble condition should disappear in a couple of seconds. Ifthe trouble condition does not clear after 1e smoke detector, contact your Security Company Repre- sentative for service. Developing An Evacuation Plan ‘An evacuation plan should be established BEFORE a severe situation arises. Your security system may or may not contain fire detection and jon equipment. Make sure your Security Company Representa- 18 the configuration of your system. Make sure you fully tations of your system. Use the following steps in establishing an evacuation plan: 1. Evaluate all possible escape routes from the iding and draw a ‘Select two exit escape routes from each room, Provide escape adders is above the first floor. Check the ladders to be sure that they will reach the ground. 4. Draw a rough sketch of your escape plan so that everyone is 3 with i 18 your escape plan to assure that everybody knows what they have to do in a severe si Establish a meeting place outside where people are to report. ‘Advise the local fre authority f you have installed a fire alarm system. Discuss the following with all residents: 1 ly with alarm signals. 3 (of door during a fire and use of alternate escape routes if HOT to touch. Crawling and holding breath techniques during a fire. ESCAPE FAST, DO NOT STOP ‘or packing, Emphasize that no one is to return to a burning building, 31 Fire Prevention And Escape ‘The purpose of heat and smoke detectors is to detect es es and sound an alarm, giving you more premises before smoke reaches a dangerous level. Know Fire Hazards idren home alone, and cleaning with flammable liquids such as gasoline. The best fire protection is minimizing fire hazards through proper storage of materials and good housekeeping practices, Careless use In Case Of Fire Leave immediately! Do not stop to pack or search for valuables. In the middle, and one hand against the top rush of hot air, slam the door quicky alarm box. The job of extinguishing the { sionals. Too many unforeseen things 1d people try to extinguish a fire Use a local phone or fire should be left to the ‘can oceur when inexper 32 FE DETECTION ] Be Prepared Perform fire drils regularly. Use them to assure recagrition of an alarm signal. For your protection, simulate different circumstances (smoke the hall, ving room, etc). Then have everyone react to the situation. Draw a floor plan and show two exits from each room. It is important that children be instructed caretully. Their tendency is to hide in a ‘aids residing in your household, you can help your fire department by placing decals on bedroom ‘windows. Most fire departments supply the decals, familiar with the distinctive sounds of your Fire alarm and larm signals n for a Fire zone is displayed on your keypad, ler. A Fite Trouble condition results when a fire alarm 16 smoke detector has not been reset, or the smoke ctor is dirty and needs to be cleanediserviced. A Fire Trouble also results when a Fire zone is bypassed, It none of the above apply, the Fire Trouble may be due to a wiring | problem and a service cali may be required. f 33 Sone System Reference Guide Emergency Numbers Fire. Doctor Service Rep, Central Station Subscriber Number Delay Times Seconds of Exit Delay Time for AWAY arms Seconds of Exit Delay Time for STAY and NIGHT arms _—— Seconds of Entry Time (Delay 1) for Zone(s) Seconds of Entry Time (Delay 2) far Zone(s) —____ _—— Seconds of Alarm Abort Time for Non-Fire Alarms Control Station Location seers eee 2a Circle the Control Stations that have the Panic Keys Enabled Left Panic Key (Fire) Enabled 1 2 3 4 Sound Center Panic Key Enabled 1 2 3 4 Sound/Function Right Panic Key Enabled = 1 2 3 4 ‘Sound/Function Features Enabled ' 1 Bypassing 1D Hold up C0 Foree-Arming 1 Ausiiary Alarm U Press & Hoki ON 1 User On 77 Doubie-Press ON (1 Household Fire } D keyswiten Oi Intusion : 35. Protection Zones ‘One or more sensing devices have been assigned by the installer of your alarm system to each of the various protection zones in your system (although not every zone may have been used). For example, the sensing device on your Entry/Exit door may have been assigned to zone 01, sensing devices on windows in the master bedroom to zone 02, and so on, For your convenience, a chart has been provided below ‘which may be used to record the specific protection points that have ‘been assigned fo each zone in your system. Your installer will assist ‘you in recording this information. Zone Protection Point(s) Zone Protection Point(s) (Ee esteeestEsHEHSESISEESRRSHESHED | (Oe eee 10: 03 1 (0 Secaneeneeeeee SEE HELE Ot og HeRiene a gEeLELEELE LH SESSEREYA 07 15 ot 36 ee L Owner's Insurance Premium Credit Requested isted for:UL Grade A Household Burglary UL Household Fire Warning System A. General Information: Insured's Name and Addcesg_—— Insurance Co, Policy No: Sentrol Security System Type of Alarm: Dleuelary Cre Both Unstalled by: Serviced by: B. Notifies (Insert B=Burglary, F=Fire) Device: Police Dept. Fire Dept: Name and Address: C, Powered By: ‘AG. With Rechargeable Power Supply D. Testing Chauarely — CjMontnly — C]Weekly Ll other (Continued on Reverse) E. Smoke Detector Locations Furnace loom Kitehon Bedrooms Attic Basement Living Room Dining Room Hall Other G. Additional Pertinent Information: Signatwe; ate: SENTROL Sento reserves the ht 'o cuange specseatons ‘ian toe. (©1098 Senta

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