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Integrated Marketing Communication


Group No : 06
Nikhil Gupta 19BM63039
Harshit Kumar Singh 19BM63058
Ankit Mirajkar 19BM63062
Krunal Malve 19BM63065
Spandan Nanda 19BM63122
Aditya Garg 19BM63135
Q1. Should Brisk be advertised on primetime TV or with viral ads in the
months following the Super Bowl ad? What are the benefits of each 2
media? What are the costs?
TV Ads Viral Ads
o Pros o Viral ads following months after Super Bowls
o Broad range of audiences o Pros-
o Better chances of reaching the target o More quality impression
group- millennial & Hispanics o Higher engagements through social media
o PepsiCo does a lot of primetime ads o Increased social media presence(campaign goal)
o Costs: o Generates positive Word of mouth-millenials
o CPM for primetime is $23 prefer
o For 30 second ad –all time high cost of $ o Costs-
3000 000 ten times viral ad cost almost o $300 000 for perks ,direct compensation to influencer

Due to budget constraints, higher engagements and WOM via viral ads -viral ads are more beneficial for Brisk.
Q2. Which of the four Ad should be selected & what element matter?
Factors Important for Ad Selection with theme “Brisk revives your
creative mojo” for Brisk: 3
• Brand Identity: Edgy & Cool and providing potential for Providing
• Target audience: Millennials (Both Male & Female)
• Product key features: Variety of Flavours, Bold Taste & Unique look
• Engagement factors in ad for millennials: Ad Analysis:
• Entertainment The ad analysis is performed on different key factors using scale:
• Humour Not at all Satisfied(1),” “Partly Satisfied(2),” “Satisfied(3),” “More than
• Interactivity /Social Media involvement Satisfied(4),” “Very Satisfied(5)

That’s Brisk Baby- The Brisk Brother Creative Characters Now, That’s Brisk

Product features 2 4 4 4
Entertainment Celebrity 3 1 4 5
Humour 3 4 3 3
Interactivity 1 5 1 4
Brand identity 4 3 3 5
Conveys overall theme 3 3 4 4
Total 16 20 19 25
The Ad “Now, That’s Brisk” mostly covers all the important features for engaging millennials as it revolves around the centre theme of “Brisk revives
your creative mojo”. It also tells about the a well-known story of a celebrity who’s creative mojo comes back during the climax and keeps in mind the
brand identity & Product features.
Hence Lipton Brisk should go with “ Now, That’s Brisk” advertisement
Q3. What does Mekanism mean by engagement? How to they attempt
to increase engagement with the brand using viral ads? 4

By engagement, Mekanism implies occasions to expand interactions with the intended interest group as it has more possibilities that
buyers would watch and size up brand that would originate from companions in their group of friends and colleagues. They intend
to build the commitment through the methodologies given below:

1. By Content creating (Story Telling)

• Their mindset was that if you can engage the audience, entertain them and offer value they will forgive you for inserting the

• Stories engage emotions and connect on a deeper level. They take consumers to purely pragmatic, rational realm of
advertisement and strike a different chord

• Right story for its target audience through different channels like Facebook, blogs, etc., they mean to interface with shopper
which would prompt positive passionate affiliation. This would permit individuals something to talk inside their groups of
Q3. Continued…
2. Through Content Syndication

• After developing the right story they reached out to number of popular online personalities, so that, they can direct its followers to
brand’s website. They worked in following steps:
Identify the influencers  Engage with influencers  Value exchange  Distribute message to influencers  Evaluate success

• These influencers alone were responsible for around 58% of the views of a viral Ad

• They design these campaigns to encourage engagement, as measured by the amount of time consumers spend interacting

• They establish a two-way relationship: responding to feedback and using interactive features and contests for better engagement

3. Researching Millennials

• Target a focus group to identify what millennials valued and how they perceived the brand.

• They developed insight into their need of having an outlet of creative expression, thus creating a targeted content for them and
providing opportunity for the same.

• The trends show that by end of 2010, that 50% of viewers skipped most of the ads on TV when compared to 29% when watching
online video ads. Finding and sharing funny videos , music and other forms of entertaining content online was becoming important
online activity thus supporting the Mekanism proposition of Viral Ads
Thank You!

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