Guide On How To Create A Cover Page

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Guide on how to create a cover page.

1. Open a blank document using Microsoft word.

2. Set the margin to 0 .
Go to Layout Tab, Select Margins, Choose Custom Margins.

*if dialog box appears after you hit the OK button. Just click ignore.
3. Insert the mock up design.
Go to Insert Tab, Select Pictures, Choose Insert Picture from this Device, Select the image file
and click Insert.

4. Insert Blank Page.

Go to Insert Tab, and Click Blank Page.
5. Inserting Shape in to the document.
Go to Insert Tab. Select Shapes, under the Basic Shapes, Choose the Right Triangle.
Adjust the Shape Width and Height to 1.8”

6. Change the color of the shape.

Right click the shape, Click Format Shape, Under the Fill > select Solid fill > Select color > Choose
More Colors.
Under the Colors Tab. Click Standard and choose color.
Under Line, Choose No line

7. Position the shape in the document. Repeat Step 6 and rotate the image if necessary.
To rotate shape, click the rotating arrow above the shape while holding down the shift key on
your keyboard.
8. Repeat Step 6 & 7.
9. Insert logo in document.
Click the Insert Tab, Select Pictures, Click Insert Picture From This Device.
A dialog box will appear, choose the logo. Click Insert.

10. Reduce the image size and change the wrap text to In Front of Text and position it to document

11. Inserting Text in document using Text Box.

Click Insert Tab, Select Text Box and choose Text Box
12. Enter text inside the text box, change its font size and font color and position it in document.

13. Set the fill color and line color to none.

Right click the shape, select format shape, under the Fill > select no fill, under the Line > select
no line
14. Setting image as background image with transparency

Click Insert Tab, select Shapes and choose Rectangle

Draw a square in the document by holding down the shift key and start to click the left mouse
and drag going down.

Under Fill > choose Picture or Texture Fill, under Picture Source, click Insert
the insert pictures dialog box will appear, choose From a File
Set the transparency to 90% and right click the image, choose Send to Back, position the image
to the document.

15. Cover Page Done

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