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Algorithms for difficult airway management:

a review
1S. Raffaele University of Milan, Milan, Italy; 2Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University Hospital Polyclinic, Catania, Italy

Difficult airway management and maintenance of oxygenation remain the two most challenging tasks for anesthetists,
while also being controversial items in terms of clinically based-evidence to support relevant guidelines in the litera-
ture. Nevertheless, different expert groups and scientific societies from several countries have published guidelines
dedicated to the management of difficult airways. These documents have been demonstrated to be useful in reducing
airway management related critical accidents, despite their limited use in litigations and legal issues. The aim of this
review is to compare different airway management guidelines published by the United States, United Kingdom, France,
Italy, Germany, and Canada while trying to elucidate the main differences, weaknesses, and strengths for identifying
critical concepts in the management of difficult airways.
Key words: Guidelines - Intubation - Medical devices.

I t is widely recognized that the two most impor-

tant tasks for anesthetists are the management
of a difficult airway and the maintenance of oxy-
vide standardized procedures for this or similar

genation. Problems related to difficult airways are Guidelines for difficult airway management
known to be the primary cause of life-threaten-
ing anesthesia-related accidents,1-3 and are one of Before guidelines were made available, the com-
the main sources of legal issues in the United mon response during difficult airway management
Kingdom Defense Societies registries 4 and in the cases was to count on individually acquired expe-
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) closed rience and skill. Thus, practitioners simply relied
claims.5 Nevertheless, the real incidence of airway on lessons from previous errors with no preplanned
related adverse events remains underestimated 6 protocols applied.
and the number of “near accidents” is relatively The need for systematically developed recom-
unknown.7 That is why difficult airway manage- mendations aimed to help anesthetists and patients
ment is one of the most demanding duties for in difficult airway management situations was
anesthetists, and it provides a continuous chal- clearly felt in the United States in the early 1990’s,8
lenge in addressing and solving potentially life- which lead to the publication of ASA Guidelines
threatening problems. However, the question of for Difficult Airways Management (American
what to do after a failed intubation in the para- Document, AD1993) in 1993,9 and their revision
lyzed patient is a daily concern. Unfortunately, in 2003 (AD2003).10 In 1996, the French Society
the different international guidelines do not pro- for Anesthesia and Intensive Care (SFAR) pub-



lished a preliminary document addressing airway tion, there is an important lack of evidence-
management followed by a not yet fully approved based medicine, and the standard requisites for
revision in 2006 (French Document, FD). In 1998 clinical data to be included in published papers
the Canadian 11 airway management focus study are difficult to achieve.18 For example, consid-
groups published specific guidelines (Canadian er the impossible task of performing a random-
Documents, CD), followed by the 2004 publica- ized double-blind controlled trial to compare
tion of UK 4 and German 12 Documents (UKD Seldinger and non-Seldinger techniques for rap-
and GD respectively). In 1998, the Italian Difficult id tracheal access.
Airways Study Group, on behalf of the Italian As a result, the main concern for all of these
Society for Anesthesia and Intensive Care (SIAAR- documents is that they do not represent a stan-
TI), published an initial document for adult dard of care or a universally accepted and recog-
patients (Italian Document, ID1998)13 and a sep- nized protocol, and that their strict application
arate pediatric section,14 followed by respective does not obviate personal responsibility and judge-
revisions in 200515 (ID2005) and 2006.16 ment. On the other hand, the apparent simplici-
The aim of this review is to compare the differ- ty of the guideline statements and the faith in
ent airway management guidelines, while trying to experts’ opinions, which represent the fundamen-
highlight the main limitations of the different doc- tals of all published airway management guide-
uments and to provide a summary of the best avail- lines, have led to the widespread dissemination of
able options for the management of difficult air- these documents with the consequence of reduced
ways. airway-related critical accidents. The degree of this
The best approach to evaluating these docu- beneficial effect has been proportional to the rel-
ments is to consider some major topics, and then ative dispersion and adoption of these guidelines,
to compare the various strategies and plans pro- as clearly demonstrated by the recent publication
posed by different guidelines. of the ASA closed claims.5
However, a side effect of such a lack of clinical
Definitions and scientific background supporting evidence is the inconsistency among
All six of the aforementioned documents are the different documents in expressing the same
based on the same published literature with the concepts regarding airway difficulties. Definitions
main differences being “guidelines language.” are extremely important, both conceptually and
These types of differences may be represented by from a practical point of view, as different defini-
the choice of different terminology to express the tions result in large variations in the reporting of
strength of a particular recommendation or the difficult incidences in the literature.15, 19 For this
lack of sufficient evidence for some statement. reason, the definitions themselves have been thor-
Terms such as “supportive, suggestive, or equivo- oughly reviewed and changed during the past fif-
cal” have to be compared with “recommended, teen years from the guidelines’ initial publication.
not recommended, or mandatory”, thereby When considering definitions for “airway,” “ven-
expressing the preference of different study groups tilation,” “laryngoscopy,” and “intubation,” we
to direct the reader’s attention towards certain con- discover important differences among the differ-
cepts rather than others. However, the main prob- ent documents.
lem of the guidelines for airway management is The AD1993 guidelines considered difficult
the lack of evidence to support the majority of ventilation simply as difficult mask ventilation,
clinical decisions and behaviors. and recommend “measuring” difficulty using only
In addition, airway management represents the peripheral oxygen saturation value as an indi-
a formidable challenge for statistical analysis. cator (≥90%). However, this definition only
It is often impossible or difficult to perform accounted for the available literature of that peri-
randomized controlled trials in certain settings, od and does not consider the use of the laryngeal
or to normalize some variables such as individ- mask airway (LMA) or other extraglottic devices
ual experience or the feedback generated from ([EGD], supraglottic devices [SGD] in American
other colleagues during difficulties.17 In addi- literature), which were poorly publicized at that



TABLE I.— Number of laryngoscopies allowed in cases of difficulty by the different Airway Management Guidelines.
AD1993 UKD GD FD CD ID1998 AD2003 ID2005

Laryngoscopies “>3” II II “>3” “repeated” if CL “>3” after first “necessity “repeated” if

<3 (total >2) “diagnostic” of multiple CL<3 (total=4)
or “1” if CL4 attempt attempts” or “1” if CL3e
2 if obstetric (total=4) (total=4) or 4

time, as alternatives to difficult mask ventilation. We of laryngoscopic difficulty to an obstructed view

must also remember that the AD1993 was the first of laryngeal structures.
document to be published. Thus, despite the need Subsequently, ID1998 (the first to implement
for improvement, the chosen definitions were the these changes) and CD considered the masking
first to be used and, as a consequence, the UKD of vocal cords as an indicator for difficult laryn-
and GD adopted the same definitions though the goscopy. Thus, these changes correctly expanded
ID1998 guidelines extended the difficult ventila- the concept of laryngoscopic difficulty to all par-
tion concept to difficult LMA ventilation and mod- tial views of larynx components and introduced
ified the index of difficulty from arterial desatura- the “2B” or “2extreme”13, 21 grade view, which cor-
tion (considered as the final result of a difficult responds to the different levels of posterior ary-
ventilation) to the difficulty/impossibility of deliv- tenoids surface exposure. This variation, together
ering an adequate tidal volume (Tv). Other docu- with the specification of “external manipulation”
ments published before AD2003 defined difficult and “best view” concepts, has allowed an increase
ventilation on the basis of a proper facemask seal- in “resolution” for difficulty measurement, result-
ing or on the difficulty of delivering a correct Tv ing in a more precise correspondence to real clin-
because of a large air leak or airway resistances (>25 ical scenarios and the adoption of a six step grad-
cm H2O). However, the last review of FD proba- ing system in ID2005 introduced by Yentis et al.23
bly included too precise a specification for the low- A similar evolution of management protocols
er limit for Tv, which dictated a fixed airway dead can be observed for difficult intubations. In
space (Vd=3 m*kg-1) together with the absence of AD1993, difficulty was expressed as the number
a clear capnographic curve and the use of frequent of attempts (four) and maneuver duration (10
O2 flushing. min). FD and ID1998 also implemented these
At the end of the last century, the “difficult ven- definitions with small differences (5 min for
tilation concept” had been largely reconsidered ID1998), whereas the faulty indicator of proce-
due to the paper by Langeron et al.,20 and to wide- dural duration was recognized in later revisions of
spread acceptance of EGD as an alternative for all documents. Nevertheless, much confusion has
difficult/impossible ventilation.21, 22 These advances arisen regarding the number of laryngoscopic
eventually led to the inclusion in the AD2003 “attempts,” as they may simultaneously represent
guidelines of the concept of predictive indexes for a diagnostic attempt, a difficulty in grading score,
a difficult mask (BMI >26 kg/m2, beard, advanced the “numeric” critical factor discriminating fail-
age, lack of teeth, history of snoring or obstruc- ure, success, safety and risk of airway loss, and
tive sleep apnea syndrome, and increased airway patient awakening or choosing for reasonable alter-
resistance), and EGD ventilation (limited mouth natives. Finally, the number of attempts or laryn-
opening, lower airways or laryngeal obstruction, goscopies often represents an important factor in
and high pulmonary or abdominal pressures). litigations, and their limit should be well defined.
Nevertheless, these concepts remained poorly out- Table I shows the main differences among doc-
lined in ASA guidelines. uments for the number of laryngoscopies.
The evolving definition for laryngoscopic dif- The resulting concept is that number of intuba-
ficulty has followed the same path. For example, tion attempts is variable and should not be consid-
AD1993 only focused on Cormack-Lehane (CL) ered only as a difficulty marker, but also as a deci-
grading 3 and 4, thereby restricting the concept sional crossroad. Thus, a successful intubation



after 3 attempts by a novice is of a different diffi- airway pre-evaluation, even in emergency condi-
culty than a successful intubation after 3 attempts tions. In addition, the association of different tests
by an expert. Similarly, a single attempt by an is required, and there is no indication for the val-
expert with a CL4 view and a patient awakening ue or performance of a single test. These guide-
decision is different than 4 attempts by a novice lines highlight the well known concept that almost
with an awakening decision due to difficult ven- all airway predictive tests show a lack in sensitiv-
tilation. Moreover, the difficult laryngoscopy con- ity and specificity, resulting in a significant num-
cept should account for previously performed ber of false positives and a low positive predictive
laryngoscopic attempts, correct head positioning, value for any single test.24
external laryngeal manipulation, and should be The different documents reveal different pref-
separate from the intubation difficulty, as the sec- erences for test associations, indicating them as
ond might occur even with a good laryngeal view useful (ASA and CD) or mandatory (FD and ID),
(i.e. subglottic stenosis) while the first might not while only the UKD does not address the problem
be followed by any intubation attempt (i.e. CL4 of prediction parameters.
and awakening). To summarize, on one hand it is Interestingly, there is a strong conceptual dif-
important to consider that the number of laryngo- ference among all the documents. Namely, the
scopic attempts should not be used as a measure of AD introduces a large number of “non-reassuring
difficulty, while on the other, it is important to findings” without any numerical value for any
highlight the importance of a limited number of parameter, and a similar approach is used in the
attempts because of their consequences on airway CD; the UKD does not account for prediction,
morbidity and ventilability. and the GD remains quite generic. In contrast,
Several key points might be deducted by the ID1998-2005 and the FD are extremely precise
following ID2005 suggestions: both in terms of the type of requested tests and
— one to three attempts are the maximum num- on threshold values distinguishing between diffi-
ber of suggested laryngoscopies in the presence of a culty and the absence of difficulty. This is partic-
CL grading up to grade CL3. Considering that more ularly true for ID2005, which considers the impor-
than 4 attempts are associated with the development tance of maxillary prognathism presence and cor-
of airway trauma and the worsening of ventilation rection, and of the Mallampati test in both a stan-
and that the success rate in the presence of a dard approach and with phonation.
CL3extreme or CL4 is extremely poor. This point of These differences correspond to the choice in
view regarding laryngoscopy performed under the ID and FD to divide ab initio airway problems
best conditions should become a decisional cross- into predicted and unpredicted difficulties, there-
roads rather than a simple difficulty score. Thus, by moving the target from intubation to ventila-
after the first attempt (the “awareness” one), the sec- tion and oxygenation with consequential strate-
ond one should be “diagnostic” and should be per-
gies suggested according to the degree of predict-
formed under the best conditions, while the third
ed (or unpredicted) difficulty.
and fourth attempts should represent two alternate
Finally, the ID2005 is the only set of guidelines
approaches (i.e. blade change or introducer use) to
recommending registration of preoperative air-
endotracheal tube placement.
way evaluation on the anesthesia record. This is
— Between any attempt, ventilation should
designed as a “political choice” aimed to increase
be checked and oxygenation monitored, as dete-
the power of guideline-oriented behaviors in case
rioration of one or both is the key point to decide
for awakening the patient. In addition, LMA posi- of litigation.
tioning or rapid tracheal access should be made The key point is that predictive tests are fun-
available even after a single laryngoscopy. damentally important. First of all, they are edu-
cational tools to develop awareness of airway prob-
lems. Despite their limitations, if the test predic-
Role of prediction tions are overweighting, it might not necessarily be
Almost all considered guidelines strongly agree a problem in the field of airway management as
on the importance of a patient examination and on overestimation of the problem might result in



TABLE II.— Alternative techniques and approaches in cases of difficulty by the different Airway Management Guidelines. Note the
progressive increases in procedural complexity and suggested devices and instruments.
UKD GD FD CD ID1998 AD2003 ID2005

1st step Any, GEB Any GEB/ Blade Blade Any, Blade change
including technique hTI change change including
2nd step GEB, TI, Blade change LMA/iLMA Stylet Lighted Stylet/TI GEB, TI, Stylet/hTI
3rd step or blind FOB FOB iLMA FOB Magill or blind Magill
nasal/oral (experts) nasal/oral
4th step Awakening (elective)/extraglottic device - face mask (emergency)/tracheal access – cricothyroidotomy (CV-CI)

GEB: gum elastic bougie; TI: tracheal introducer; hTI: hollow tracheal introducer; iLMA: intubating LMA; FOB: fiberoptic bronchoscope.

“much ado about nothing”, while underestima- difficulty. This is the suggested first laryngoscopy
tion might result in brain damage or death. after optimization with sniffing position and exter-
nal laryngeal manipulation (backward upward right-
Suggested strategies in case of difficulties ward pressure [BURP] and introduction of “alterna-
tive techniques” indicated in Table II).
There are essentially two kinds of approaches to The key point is that in cases of unpredicted
airway difficulties among the six documents. With difficulty (which should be lower for “parallel”
the limitations that occur with any generalization, we rather than for “serial” approaches), the correct
can define a “serial” approach, based on pure conse- sequence should be optimization of head position
quentiality of events, and a “parallel” approach, based and of laryngeal manipulation, followed by blade
on the unpredicted and predicted difficulties. change (McCoy or Miller) and use of a gum elas-
These different approaches correspond to the dif- tic bougie or a tracheal introducer (preferably hol-
ferent roles of prediction recognized in the docu- low as recommended in FD and ID2005 to allow
ments. ID and FD are built on prediction, result- CO2 detection and oxygenation). A lighted stylet,
ing in a focus on ventilation and oxygenation rather blind intubation through any EGD, and general-
than on intubation. The algorithm is then devel- ly any blind technique should be avoided because
oped based on the events after the main choice of of their high failure rate and potential airway trau-
whether or not to make the patient apneic. In con- ma with ventilation deterioration. Use of FOB
trast, the AD, UKD, GD, and in some respects, the should be avoided in an emergency situation
CD, build this algorithm based on the consequences because of technical problems (ventilation, secre-
of difficulties, giving less importance (but not mis- tions, and bleeding), unless it is employed by expe-
recognizing) the original distinction between severe- rienced users. Finally, it must be emphasized that
ly predicted and unpredicted difficulties between all these alternative techniques should not be used
apnea and spontaneous breathing, and between ven- in cases of CL3 extreme and CL4 views, as all
tilation/oxygenation and intubation. guidelines highlight the high failure rate under
This above approach can be highlighted through these circumstances and suggest patient awakening
the five following elements from the aforementioned and planning of a spontaneous breathing tech-
guidelines: initial responses during unpredicted dif- nique for elective intubation. In addition, ventila-
ficulty, the presence of a difficult airway cart, the tion deterioration should indicate the early use of
role of extraglottic devices, the role of fiberoptic EGD and, if unsuccessful, the use of tracheal access.
bronchoscope (FOB), and tracheal access.
All documents recommend availability of a ded-
icated airway cart, but not all of them clearly indi-
Among all the guidelines, Macintosh laryn- cate its level of importance and where it should
goscopy remains the main approach after an airway be located. For example, the AD suggests a large



and expensive cart including some fundamental ROLE OF EXTRAGLOTTIC DEVICES

items (such as FOB) and almost all available air-
One of the troubling facets of guideline report-
way devices, without any indication of the cart
ing involves the large and continuous production
location. On the other hand, the FD, ID, and CD
of new airway devices on the market.
suggest a light cart including a few “familiar and
Undoubtedly, these devices have changed airway
practiced,” but not mandatory devices (including
practices and have elevated the threshold of dif-
alternatives to a face mask and a tracheal access
ficult ventilation. However, significant concerns
device), and considers the FOB should be “avail- remain regarding their efficacy (not all EGDs are
able upon request”. This is probably a consequence the same), the skills required for their proper use,
of the “parallel approach” with few instruments and in their recognized limits (mouth opening,
listed as mandatory for ventilation/oxygenation laryngeal/sublaryngeal stenosis, and a full stom-
with the low number of difficulties left unpredict- ach). All documents adopt the EGD in their algo-
ed, while there is time to organize for a predicted rithms and airway carts, with some important dif-
difficulty. At the same time, a “political choice” ferences. For example, the AD allows all EGDs
accounts for the economically unjustified effort to be located on the airway cart, while the FD,
necessary to equip a large cart along with experi- GD, and UKD are strongly oriented towards
enced users for the different devices. However, it LMA and intubating LMA for both ventilation
is a compromise to have a light but functional cart and advanced visualized (including FOB) or blind
everywhere anesthesia is applied (as indicated in the intubation attempts. The ID maintains a distinc-
respective guidelines) rather than a single fully tion between “LMA and other devices”, leaving
equipped one. For this reason, recent commer- the operators the complete freedom to choose
cially available devices and instruments, such as between the different commercially available
videolaryngoscopes, and new optical and fiberop- devices on one hand, but recognizing that LMA
tic devices were not included among the manda- is still the most widely recommended and the
tory devices. This was done based on the limited most extensively supported device for clinical
use of some of these devices or out of the assump- practice in the literature. The key point is that
tion that the superior vision quality and the teach- whenever necessary, the user should be confident
ing potentiality of some devices may not always with the technique and its limitations (which
be enough to counteract the generally high eco- means daily use in the clinical routine practice).
nomic impact of such instruments. Furthermore, the practitioner should never forget
Interestingly, all documents suggest the airway the concept of minimum interincisor distance to
cart should include some devices for tube posi- introduce any EGD as a crossroads to choose
tion control (ranging from auscultation, capnog- between an awake intubation technique, and the
raphy, CO2 detectors, esophageal detector device, unsolved, though largely debated problems of a
and FOB control), therein recognizing the risks full stomach, rapid sequence induction, and
of esophageal intubation. In contrast, some debate cricoid pressure application.
remains regarding strategies for protected extuba-
tion, especially in the latest guidelines. This debate
is a result of the recent evidence demonstrating a ROLE OF FIBEROPTIC BRONCHOSCOPE
failed reduction in airway accidents during this FOB is universally recognized by guidelines as
phase of anesthesia.5 the gold standard to predict severe difficulty with
The value of extubation-failure predictive tests awake, sedated, or anesthetized patients and for
(cuff leak test) remains uncertain, while use of tube position control. The main limits for FOB
dedicated devices such as tube exchangers to per- involve the purchasing and maintenance costs,
form tube exchange or protected extubation (leav- risks of rupture, and skills development. The AD
ing a guide to railroad the endotracheal tube if re- suggests that the FOB be present on the airway
intubation is necessary) is more or less strongly cart and indicates FOB intubation among second
recommended among the different documents line strategies in case of failed intubation during
(particularly FD and ID2005). unpredicted difficulty. Similarly, the GD, UKD,



and CD (only if performed by experts) suggest allow the performance of a surgery in the case of
the same use for FOB, while the ID and FD an undeferrable emergency. Interestingly, only the
exclude (and suggest not to use) the FOB in an CD and ID2005 emphasize that, though rare, rap-
emergency or in the case of failed intubation. In id tracheal access should be an anesthetist’s core
addition, they do not designate it as a mandatory skill, even taking into account potential litigations.
device on the airway cart. Once more, this is the Thus, a great deal of work has to be done to
difference between the “serial” and the “parallel” improve the teaching and performance of these
approach, and the consequence of recognizing the techniques.25
value of preoperative evaluation of airway man-
agement difficulties. Training and documentation
Definitively, FOB might be extremely useful in
experienced hands if combined with dedicated Documentation for difficult airway manage-
airways allowing ventilation during maneuvers or ment is considered extremely important for dif-
with EGD (actually with the maneuvers allowing ferent reasons. For example, documentation can
its use) during unpredicted difficulties. However, serve as a powerful instrument for legal issues,
its use should be discouraged in cases of emer- both in the defensive and the offensive sense, as
gency, especially if combined with worsening ven- there is a tendency among experts to regard the
tilation. Perhaps, this is why it is not considered chart as a metaphor for the care provided. However,
among the mandatory devices as stated by the FD, an illegible, scantily completed chart infers that
CD, and ID. the care was likely substandard and inattentive,
and a poor chart is one factor that may result in an
expert opinion leading to the critical evaluation
of the practitioner.26
This is the common final goal in all the reviewed At the same time, clear and exhaustive docu-
documents (all include a tracheal access kit among mentation suggests a standard of quality for doc-
the mandatory devices) in case of ventilation/oxy- tors and hospitals, and also provides a guarantee for
genation failure via face mask or extraglottic patients’ safety in case of future needs for anesthe-
devices, or as the result of useless and unsuccess- sia and difficult airway management.
ful repeated laryngoscopic attempts in case of unfa- All the examined guidelines, in different ways,
vorable CL grading views. The only differences report the importance of complete documenta-
among documents are related to the procedure tion although the ID2005 is the only one of these
choice. Regarding this, there is a preference for considering it to be mandatory, not only because
surgical cricothyroidotomy (AD and UKD) for a of ethical considerations, but also because of a gen-
generic transtracheal airway (GD and CD) or for eral lack in correct documentation as reported in
percutaneous Seldinger-guided techniques (ID the literature.27
and FD), with no clear evidence for the optimal In addition, the AD2003 also suggests details
performance of one technique over another. for correct documentation (difficulty and tech-
Interestingly, the AD remains the only set of guide- nique description and communication options
lines considering emergency tracheotomy, which such as letters or bracelets for patients) and
is correctly considered by all other documents as emphasizes the absence of literature-based evi-
a procedure that is too risky, inappropriate, and dence for the advantages of informing patients.
time consuming. This is true especially if the tech- Similarly, the CD suggests a letter be given to
nique is compared with surgical cricothyroidoto- the patient according to a precise model, while the
my, which can be quickly and easily performed FD only suggests patients being informed in cas-
with a small styletted cuffed endotracheal tube, a es where difficulties are experienced. No partic-
scalpel, and a blunt dissection instrument. ular notes for documentation are reported in the
Furthermore, transtracheal catetherization also other guidelines.
allows for oxygenation, but cannot be considered Training and the need for the development of
a technique for ventilation, while the Seldinger- specific skills and knowledge among anesthetists
guided large-size cannula technique might also is expressed differently among the different docu-



ments. For example, the FD expresses the need making a larger number of clinicians familiar with
for skills development and algorithm adhesion, previously “elite” techniques, such as awake intu-
without further specifications regarding how to bation. In addition, the guidelines have probably
pursuit it. The CD highlights the lack of knowl- abolished the mythological images of certain pro-
edge about different endoscopic instruments as cedures such as early tracheal access.
an alternative to the conventional laryngoscope. Finally, the GL highlighted the problem of learn-
The GD and UKD do emphasize the need for ing and training in a field that must be considered
preplanned alternatives in cases of difficulty, but central to the practice of anesthesia. Clearly, a large
they do not suggest teaching strategies. The range of skills need to be acquired by anesthetists
ID2005 dedicates a paragraph to skill develop- in training, and GL may be considered a kind of
ment and to the importance of specific goals dur- template for educational purposes. It is notable
ing the formal training period with the identifi- that several papers have been written to address
cation of core skills and suggestions for teaching this topic and more realistic and sophisticated
options (principally, the role of simulation). In mannequins are being developed on the “long
fact, systematic reviews of strategies for changing wave” of GL.
professional behavior show that relatively passive After comparing all available documents, it is
methods of disseminating and implementing difficult (yet not necessary) to identify the opti-
guidelines rarely lead to effective changes.28 This mal guidelines. We concede that some guidelines
observation raises the concern that in order to will be more easily adopted because they are obvi-
maximize the likelihood of a clinical guideline ous choices and require few mandatory devices,
being used, we need coherent dissemination and and they contain options that will allow for their
implementation strategies. The most important virtually effortless introduction into daily prac-
of these strategies is the teaching of these tech- tice.
niques in postgraduate schools and the availabil- The more algorithms are made to be simple and
ity of hands-on experiences in both simulation non-restrictive, the more easily they are received
and clinical practice. and correctly applied, especially when consider-
ing the following mandatory points:
Conclusions — importance of prediction;
— need of a preplanned high safety/low trau-
In summary, although the guidelines on airway ma strategy;
management possess limitations and require bet- — importance of oxygenation/ventilation
ter implementation, they play a key role in both rather than intubation;
practitioner and patient safety. They are impor- — familiarity with instruments and techniques;
tant because they have directed the health com- — correct role of devices and techniques (i.e.
munity’s attention to the “airways problem”, and awake fiberoptic intubation mandatory for elective
because, according to available data, they seem to severe predicted difficulty);
have really changed anesthetists’ practices with — skill development and maintenance.
important effects on patient outcome and sur- Considering that there is no clear scientifically-
vival,5 though they have not completely abolished based evidence to support any of the proposed
critical accidents. guidelines, and accepting that most of the docu-
These guidelines have in some way introduced ments examined are constructed from experts’
a “culture of prediction”, thereby breaking up the opinions and experiences, the ideal document is
“cannot intubate fear.” They have encouraged probably the one that best conforms to a single
health care practitioners to “call for help,” and operator’s experience, and to a single center’s avail-
have subsequently prompted clinicians to plan a ability of devices and instruments. Meanwhile,
practical response model in case of airway diffi- any algorithm or guideline must be optimized and,
culties. independent of this choice, the best options always
Moreover, the guidelines have encouraged anes- include consideration of the patient’s safety and
thetists to establish a difficult airway cart, thereby good sense.



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Fundings.—G. Frova is the inventor of Frova Introducers® (Cook Critical Care, Bloomington, IN, USA), of Percutwist® (Teleflex Medical
Europe), and of Frova Crico-trainer® (VBM, Germany);all patents pending. For the Frova Introducer and the Percutwist only, Dr. Frova recei-
ves annual royalties from Cook and Teleflex. M. Sorbello has received grants for clinical research and for Congressional lectures from the Laryngeal
Mask Company, UK.
Received on May 21, 2008 - Accepted for publication on June 12, 2008.
Corresponding author: G. Frova, Via Castelfidardo 2, 20121 Milan, Italy. E-mail:


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