Water: As A Drilling Fluid in Production Zone of Geothermal Wells

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GRC Transactions, Vol.

40, 2016

Water: As a Drilling Fluid in Production Zone of Geothermal Wells

Mehmet Zeki Erincik
Petroleum and Geosytems Engineering Department,
The University of Texas at Austin

Drilling fluid, water, aerated water, drilling production zone, hole cleaning, annular velocity, stuck drill-string

Company B plans drilling deep geothermal wells in the Aegean Region of Turkey in the first quarter of 2017. It is
planned to drill the production zones of those wells by using water to increase productivity of the wells when starting the
production phase. This study aims to discuss using of water as a drilling fluid in the production zone of geothermal wells
and to bring the critical factors of using water to the attention of Company management.
First, the drilling fluids for geothermal wells such as water based drilling fluids and aerated drilling fluids were
defined and discussed. Secondly, the functions of the drilling fluid were stated. Thirdly, as a case study, drilling records
of production zone of a geothermal well from daily drilling reports of an actual well were summarized and presented.
Finally, recommendations and conclusions were provided.

1. Drilling Fluids
The drilling process mainly involves cutting the rock and bringing the cuttings to the surface. A drilling rig is
equipped with several tools and equipment to aid in the cutting and transportation of these cuttings. One of the key
systems needed is the circulation system which includes pumps, compressors, tanks, a water pond and, most important,
the drilling fluid. In its simplest form, a drilling fluid is any fluid circulated in a well in order to bring out the cuttings
from the wellbore (Dayan, 2014). Drilling fluids for geothermal wells can be either water based drilling fluids or air and
aerated drilling fluids.
1.1 Water Based Drilling Fluids
Water based drilling fluids are a combination of fresh water and bentonite clay. Sometimes, polymer additives also
are also included in the water based drilling fluids (Finger J. and D. Blankenship, 2010). Water itself can also be used as
a drilling fluid. When drilling into a permeable zone in an ‘under pressured’ system, drilling fluid circulation is lost – the
drilling fluid flows into the formation rather than returning to the surface. The traditional method of dealing with this
situation was to continue drilling ‘blind’ with water – the pumped water being totally lost to the formation with the drill-
ing cuttings being washed into the formation as well. The major problem with this method of drilling is that the cuttings
rarely totally disappear into the formation. Stuck drill-string due to a build-up of cuttings in the hole, and well-bore skin
damage being common occurrences (Birkisson, S. F. and H. Hole, 2007). During drilling operations, a drill-string is
considered stuck if it cannot be freed from the hole without damaging the drill-string, and without exceeding the drilling
rig’s maximum allowed hook load.
It is stated in “New Zealand’s Code of Practice for Deep Geothermal Wells” that the use of water as a drilling fluid
should be avoided except through the productive length of the well. It is additionally stated that annular velocities in


excess of 40 meters per minute should be used when drilling with water (NZS 2403:1991, 502.3.1 Section). Additionally,
the following notes of New Zealand’s Code of Practice for Deep Geothermal Wells need to be taken into consideration
while drilling with water:
• The use of water will cause less damage to formation permeability than that which can be caused by the use of
drilling muds.
• Because water has a lower viscosity than drilling muds, the slip velocity of cuttings will be greater with water,
requiring higher annular velocities to achieve adequate hole cleaning.
• Occasional mud sweeps may be necessary to retain the hole in a safe, drillable condition. While drilling the
production zone of the well, minimizing the volume and frequency of mud sweeps consistent with safe drilling
will reduce sealing of the formation.
• If drilling with water and with partial or no returns of drilling fluid, and if the water supply rate is limited,
then drilling can continue as long as an adequate circulation rate can be maintained to achieve hole cleaning.
If necessary stop drilling and pull back the drill string to the casing shoe while site surface water storage is
built up.
• When drilling with water but without returns to the surface, a steady flow of water pumped down the annulus
outside the drill string will both lubricate the upper drill string and cool shallower permeable zones.

1.2 Aerated Drilling Fluids

On the other hand, ‘Aerated Drilling’ may be defined as the addition of compressed air to the drilling fluid circulating
system to reduce the density of the fluid column in the wellbore annulus such that the hydrodynamic pressure within the
wellbore annulus is ‘balanced’ with the formation pressure in the permeable ‘loss zones’ of a geothermal well (Birkisson,
S. F. and H. Hole, 2007). Usually, the targets of wells in geothermal drilling are faults, fractures or fissures that have high
permeability and are connected with the geothermal reservoir. When drilling is in progress, drilling fluid pressure higher
than formation pressure will cause a loss of circulation when these fractures are intersected. Loss of circulation in drilling
operations causes poor cleaning of cuttings from boreholes that can cause pipe sticking. When total loss of circulation
occurs, drilling fluids and cuttings are pushed into the formation. It may become a problem later because the cuttings
and mud cake can reduce the porosity and permeability and may reduce the production of the well. To have a total loss
of circulation in the productive part of the well is highly desirable, as it indicates that the well will be a productive one.
However, the loss causes some drilling problems, especially with borehole cleaning. Using of aerated drilling fluid aids
in borehole cleaning, and keeps fractures open for later production (Putra, 2008).
The advantages of using aerated fluids for drilling of geothermal wells can be summarized as clearing of cuttings
from hole as drilling proceeds, enhancing penetration rates, reducing the consumption of drilling fluid materials such as
chemicals and water, reducing the risk of drill-string stuck, and increasing the productivity of the well. Wells with the
production zone drilled with aerated fluids demonstrate better productivity than those drilled blind with water, and sig-
nificantly better productivity than those drilled with bentonite mud in the production zone. According a drilling campaign
in Kenya, the productivity of the wells drilled with aerated fluids, on average is more than double that of the wells drilled
without air. Disadvantages of using aerated fluids for drilling of geothermal wells are additional costs of aerated drilling
service (~6.0% of the total cost), non-productive time activities, potential dangers because of high pressures and high
temperatures, and reduction in the drill bit life (Birkisson, S. F. and H. Hole, 2007).

2.0 Functions of Drilling Fluids

Hagen Hole (2008) states that some of the functions of the drilling fluid are:
• to remove the cuttings from the bottom of the hole and return them to the surface,
• to hold cuttings in suspension when there is no circulation,
• to release cuttings from the drilling fluid at the surface,
• to cool and lubricate the drilling bit,
• to lubricate the drill string,
• to cool the hole to prevent the well from boiling,
• to control the downhole pressure to prevent the well from flowing,


• to increase fluid density by carrying weighting material in order to prevent the well from flowing and possibly
blowing out,
• to reduce losses of drilling fluid by creating an impermeable wall cake or lining to the hole wall,
• to reduce the rate of breakdown of water sensitive formations.
Additionally, Hagen Hole emphasizes that the functions stated above are desired for petroleum wells, some water
wells and the upper sections of the geothermal wells. However, not all of these properties are necessarily desirable in all
of sections of a geothermal well (2008).
Functions of drilling fluids can be summarized as hole cleaning, well control, maintaining borehole stability, and
protecting formation from damage. Drilling fluid should be capable to meet all of the functions stated above (Dayan,

3. Drilling Records From Daily Drilling Reports of Well-X

During the drilling process of the production zone of Well-X, the used water was replaced with new fresh water
continuously. The aim was to cool the circulation fluid and to decrease the solid content in the drilling fluid. Therefore,
the temperatures and partial loss values were not recorded properly. The drilling records retrieved from daily drilling
reports of Well-X are as following:
• Between 1547 m and 1625 m in each 6 meters penetration, 20 bbl High Viscosity Mud was pumped to the hole,
then when it was seen on the shakers it was dumped to the mud pit through the flowline. (Bit: 8 ½’’, Weight On
Bit:9-10 Tons, Drilling Fluid: Water, Flow rate: 496 gallons per minute, Stand Pipe Pressure:1250 psi, Top-Drive
RPM: 50-60,Torque:4-5 klb-ft)
• Between 1625 m and 1710 m in each 9,8 meters penetration, 20 bbl High Viscosity Mud was pumped/dumped.
(Bit: 8 ½’’, Weight On Bit:9-10 Tons, Drilling Fluid: Water, Flow rate: 535 gpm, Stand Pipe Pressure:1450 psi,
Top-Drive RPM: 50-60,Torque:6-7 klb-ft)
• Between 1710 m and 1778 m in each 29 meters penetration, 20 bbl High Viscosity Mud was pumped/dumped.
(Bit: 8 ½’’, Weight On Bit:9-10 Tons, Drilling Fluid: Water, Flow rate: 535 gallons per minute, Stand Pipe Pres-
sure:1450 psi, Top-Drive RPM: 50-60,Torque:5-6 klb-ft)
• At 1778 m, Before Wiper Trip 30 bbl High Viscosity Mud was pumped/dumped.
• Wiper Trip between 1778 m and 1520 m. 3-4 Tons Overpull, 1-2 Tons Slack-off
• Between 1778 m and 1807 m in each 29 meters penetration, 20 bbl High Viscosity Mud was pumped/dumped.
(Bit: 8 ½’’, Weight On Bit:10 Tons, Drilling Fluid: Water, Q: 572 gallons per minute, Stand Pipe Pressure:1600
psi, Top-Drive RPM: 60,Torque:5-6 klb-ft)
• At 1807 m before measurement of the deviation 30 bbl High Viscosity Mud was pumped/dumped. Deviation
was measured by using wireline.
• Between 2015 m and 2315 m in each 9,8 meters penetration, 20 bbl High Viscosity Mud was pumped/dumped.
(Bit: 8 ½’’, Weight On Bit:10 Tons, Drilling Fluid: Water, Flow rate: 725 gallons per minute, Stand Pipe Pres-
sure:2100 psi, Top-Drive RPM: 60,Torque:8-9 klb-ft)
• Before pulling out of hole (POOH) , 30 bbl High Viscosity Mud pumped and circulated.
• Last two drill pipes were disconnected (19 m above the bottom). At 2296 m Totco, deviation measurement tool,
was dropped into the string. Waited a while for deviation measurement.
• Between 2296 m and 2267 m 25 tons Overpull. Top Drive connected (circulation and rotation is okay). The string
pulled with 15 tons overpull while circulation. A stand was disconnected.
• Top Drive connected again (circulation and rotation is okay). Between 2267 m and 2266 m, the string pulled
with 15 tons Overpull. At 2266 m the circulation is lost. The string was pulled to 2262 m with rotation (Torque:
10 klb-ft) with 15 tons Overpull. Rotation is lost. Tried to circulate (15 SPM: 2200 psi). Worked on string up-
ward and downward (2,5 meters motion capability): 27 tons overpull and 18 tons slack-off. Unsuccessful. No
Rotation and No circulation. Pumped water but it was just squeezed to the formation. Jarring: Unsuccessful. The
drill-string was stuck.
Drilling Bit Records
Drilling bit records of the production zone (8 ½″ Hole) of Well-X are given in Table 1.


Table 1. Bit Records of the production zone of Well-A.

Bit no OD (‘’) IADC Code Type Drilled depth, m Drilling hours (hr) ROP (m/sa)
7 8 1/2 617 X40GJ-G 375 49,5 7,6
8 8 1/2 537 X30GJ-G 93 12 7,8
8RR 8 1/2 537 X30GJ-G 300 40,5 7,4
      Total: 768 102 7,53

Drilled Drilled Drilled Drilled Weight Stand Pipe Flow

OD, IADC Nozzles From, To, Depth Hours, ROP On Bit Pressure Rate
in Code (1/32’’) m m (m) hr (m/hr) (Ton) RPM (psi) (gpm) Bit Dull Grading
8,5 617 20-20-20 1547 1922 375 50,5 7,43 10 60 1600 572 1-1-WT-A-E-I-CT-HR
8,5 537 32-32-32 1922 2315 393 61 6,44 7 60 2200 725 Lost in Hole

4. Recommendations and Conclusions

Aerated drilling is recommended instead of water drilling. However, if there is no chance of aerated drilling because
of the budget limitations following recommendations and conclusions can be made according to the lessons learned from
the drilling of the production zone of Well-X:
• Annular velocities in excess of 40 meters per minute should be used when drilling with water (NZS 2403:1991).
• Hole cleaning must be ensured as the main reason for stuck drill-string is inadequate hole cleaning. For this purpose,
High Viscosity Mud should be pumped to the hole, then when it was seen on the shakers it should be dumped to
the mud pit through the flowline. Hole cleaning involves carrying the cuttings from beneath the bit, transporting
them to the surface and releasing them. The aim is to transport all the cut material as fast as possible to avoid
any accumulation failure which could lead to several drilling challenges such as high torque, stuck drill-string,
hole pack off, damage to formation; excessive over pull during trips, and slow rate of penetration. Hole cleaning
is the main action for which drilling fluid design is done. A fluid must have adequate viscosity, density and flow,
at the right rate to carry the cuttings to the surface (Dayan, 2014). Since water has not adequate viscosity, using
high viscosity muds take a critical role in hole cleaning.
• 140*140 API Mesh Screens could be used on the shakers since the cuttings are too fine.
• The water in the system should be fed with new fresh water continuously since the deposition of the cuttings
could be seen in the bottom of the tanks.
• A mud logging system will be helpful for taking action before undesired things happen.
• Overpull and Slack-off values while tripping need to be watched and recorded carefully. The Overpull and Sla-
ck-off values could be a clue that stuck drill-string could happen.
• Torque value must be watched as it can be related to the severity of the Dog Leg which causes stuck drill-string
• Both inclination and azimuth need to be mesured instead of just inclination measurement.
• Only experienced drillers must be on the brake handle. An experienced driller will have “the feel” for the well
and can easily identify changes in parameters at the depths.

Hole, H., 2008. “Drilling Fluid For Drilling of Geothermal Wells”, Petroleum Engineering Summer School Dubrovnik Crotia. Workshop#26
Daily Drilling Reports, 2012. Company-A, Well-X (Confidential)
NZS 2403:1991. “Code of Practice for Deep Geothermal Wells”, Standards Association of New Zealand.
Finger J. and D. Blankenship, 2010. “Handbook of Best Practices for Geothermal Drilling”, Sandia National Laboratories
Birkisson, S. F. and H. Hole, 2007. “Aerated Fluids for Drilling of Geothermal Wells”, European Geothermal Congress, Germany
Putra, B. K. A., 2008. “Drilling Practice With Aerated Drilling Fluid: Indonesian And Icelandic Geothermal Fields”, United Nations University - Geo-
thermal Training Programme, Report 11, Iceland.
Dayan, G. M., 2014. “Drilling Fluid Design For Geothermal Wells”, United Nations University - Geothermal Training Programme, Report 11, Iceland.


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