Report of English Outing Class of X Immersion Students in Prambanan Temple - Klaten-Central Java (Hunting Foreign Tourist)

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(Hunting Foreign Tourist)

1. Muhammad Aji Purnomo (16)
2. Muhammad Azka Nur Lutfi (17)
3. Naufal Arya Novendra (18)
4. Reno Argya Laksita Asta Murti (23)




Title page
Table Contents
Preface / Aknowledgement

I. Chapter I : Introduction
1. Background
2. Objectives / Purpose
3. Expected Advantages

Bab II : Discussion of Activity

1. Day/date
a. Tourist Object/Location
b. Preparation of departure
c. On the way ( tell some interesting things )
d. Accomodation

2. Activity in the tourist object ( In Prambanan Temple )

a. Day /date,time
b. Visited tourist object
c. Description of visited tourist object ( prambanan temple )
d. The interesting thing / event
e. How many tourists/ foreigners do you get ?
f. Where are they from ?
g. What are you talking about ?
h. Can you take his/her/their picture with you ?

Bab III : Closing

1. Conclusion
2. Impression / Suggestion

Bab IV : Documents
1. Photograph / pictures
2. Interview result/ dialogue record
Chapter 1: Introduction

I. Background
Knowing that English is an International language taught in Indonesian School
especially in State senior High School of KarangpandanKaranganyar Regency, in
order to make students are fluent in speaking English especially with native speakers
or foreigns it is very important that students need to have outing class of English
activity in real life. One of effective way to train them in communicating with native
speakers or foreigners in hunting tourist or making interviews some foreigners or
native speakers from some different countries.

II. Purpose
1. To train students communicate with native speakers or foreigners directly or in
real situation
2. To train students understanding different foreign cultures
3. To improve students skill in using English as communication language
4. To apply what the students got theoretically in the class with what they get in the
real life
5. To train students sharing their idea usinh English
Chapter II : Discussion of Activity
1. Day/date
a. Tourist Object / Location: Prambanan Temple, Klaten, Central Java
b. Preparation of departure:
We went to school at 6 o’clock after arriving at school we were go to hall. In
the hall we were given orientation and distribution of bus, after that we pray then we headed
to bus. And in the bus we pray together and we finally departed.
c. On the way:

d. Accomodation:

2. Activity in the tourist object (In Prambanan Temple)

a. Day/date, time: Tuesday,April 19 2016, 03.00 P.M.
b. Visited tourist object: Prambanan Temple
c. Description of Visited tourist object ( Prambanan Temple)

This is the most famous and also the most magnificent of Central
Java's temples or more precisely complex of temples. Situated about 15 kilometers
from Yogyakarta, the top of the main shrine is visible from a great distance and
rises high above the scattered ruins of the former temples. Prambanan is the
masterpiece of Hindu culture of the tenth century. The slim building soaring up to
47 meters makes its beautiful architecture incomparable. Seventeen kilometers
east of Yogyakarta, King Balitung Maha Sambu built the Prambanan temple in the
middle of the ninth century. Its parapets are adorned with bas-reliefs depicting the
famous Ramayana story. This magnificent Shivaite temple derives it name from
the village where it is located.
Prambanan Temple is locally known as the RoroJonggrang
Temple, or the Temple of the "Slender Virgin", it is the biggest and most beautiful
Hindu temple in Indonesia. The temple complex of Prambanan lies among green
fields and villages. It has eight shrines, of which the three main ones are dedicated
to Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. The main temple of Shiva rises to a height of 130
feet and houses the magnificent statue of Shiva's consort, Durga. There are 224
temples in the complex; three of them, the main temples are Brahma Temple in
the north, Vishnu Temple in the south, and the biggest among the three which lies
between Brahma and Vishnu temples is Shiva Temple (47 meters high).

d. Interisting thing/event

Two theatres have provided the temple. Enjoy sunrise behind the
glory of Prambanan Temple. Visitors should be at the location - in the area of The
Open Air Theater and archaeological park of the temple - before sunrise at about
5:00 o'clock in the morning. The First open-air theatre was built on the southern
side of the temple in 1960 and the second was built on the western side of the
temple in 1988. During full moon evenings in the month from May to October, the
Ramayana ballet is performed right here. Perhaps one of the most majestic
temples in the South East Asia, Prambanan attracts many admirers each year from

e. How many tourist/foreign do you get?

: 5 Persons

f. Where are they from?

: Poland, Malaysia, USA

g. What are you talking about?

: About where they from, favorite activity, reason visiting Prambanan Temple

h. Can You take his/her/their picture with you?

: Yes, we can


1. Conclusion
Prambanan Temple is most visited temple in Central Java, because it is the biggest
and famous. There are so many domestic and foreign tourist. They said it is the
prominent place to visited.

2. Impression/Suggestion
Prambanan temple is so awesome and magnificent.

CHAPER IV: Documents

1. Photograph / pictures
2. Interview result/ dialogue record
Source 1
Name: Nadine
Nationality: Poland
Purpose to come to Indonesia : For Holiday

Source 2
Name: Mohammad Ali Akbar, Mohammad Safee
Nationality: Malaysia
Purpose to come to Indonesia : Expolre Indonesia

Source 3
Name: Elton John, Maria Perez
Nationality: United States
Purpose to come to Indonesia: For holiday

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