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Read the following passage then answer the questions:

One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor. She was very afraid
of mice, so she run out of the house, got in a bus and went down to the shop. There she
bought a mouse-trap. The shopkeeper said to her, “Put some cheese in it, and you will soon
catch that mouse.”
The lady went home with her mouse-trap, but when she looked in her cupboard, she
could not find any cheese in it. She did not want to go back to the shop, because it was very
late, so she cut a picture of some cheese out of a magazine and put that in the trap.
Surprisingly, the picture of the cheese was quite successful ! When the lady came
down to the kitchen the next morning, there was a picture of a mouse in the trap beside the
picture of the cheese!

A- Answer the following questions :

1- What did the shopkeeper ask the lady to put in the mouse-trap ?
2- Why did not she want to go back to the shop ?
3- What did she cut out of a magazine ?
4- Did she find the mouse at the end ?
B- Choose the correct answer :
1- The lady saw a ( monkey - cat - mouse ) running across her kitchen floor.
2- She went to the shops by ( car - bus - bike ).
3- The lady was very afraid of ( mice - cats - dogs ).
4- She went to the ( pharmacy - shops - hospital ) by bus.

C- Put (√) for the right sentence and (×) for the wrong one:
1- She was very afraid of mice. ( )
2- She bought a gun to catch the mouse. ( )
3- She saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor. ( )
4- She bought a gun to catch the mouse. ( ).
Write a paragraph about Holy Ka’aba using this table:

Building The Holy Ka’aba

Built by Prophet Ibrahim –son – Isma’il
Shape Box-shaped
Built of Grey stones
Height-length 13.8m. high - 11 m. long
Width 9.6 m. wide
Covered with A black silky Kiswah
Kiswa – made Factory – Makkah

The Holy Ka’aba

The Holy Ka’aba was built by prophet Ibrahim and his son prophet Isma’il . It is a
box-shaped building built of grey stones . It is about 13.8 metres high and 11 metres
long . It is 9.6 metres wide It is covered with a black silky Kiswa . The Kiswa is made in a factory in Makkah

Hind is talking with Asma about the Hajj:

Hind : Assalmu Alaikum Asma . How are you ?
Asma : Wa Alaikum Assalam , Hind . I am fine . Allah be praised
Hind : Can you tell me about Hajj?
Asma : Yes , the Hajj is one of pillars of Islam.
Hind : Who must perform the Hajj?
Asma : Every adult Muslim must perform the Hajj at least one in his life.
Hind : How many times do pilgrims circle the Ka'aba?
Asma : Seven times
Hind : Does a pilgrim throw small stones at Jamarat?
Asma : Yes ,he does.
Hind : Thanks a lot.
Asma : You are welcome.
* Match words in ( A ) with the right meanings in ( B )

1- Lamp( n ) light

2- lead( v-irregular) go to

3- marble( n) is a kind of stone.

4- replace( v- regular ) to put a new thing in place of an old one

5- row ( n) A line of people or things..

Give the opposites;

sunset X ………………. remember x ……………... brightness x …………….
high X ………………... start X ………………. come back X ……………
put on X………………… stay X …………………….
- Choose the correct word ; hill
1-Magrib prayer is at …………………………. . surrounded
2-I sacrificed an ………………………….. at Mina . sunset
3- A ………………….is a high piece of land. factory
4- During Al-Hajj last year ,we …………………….. an animal.
5-Britain is …………………………… by seas . circled
6-The plane ………………… the airport six times .Then it landed. a row
7-A ………………….. in Makkah makes Al-Kiswah for Al-Kaaba.

Correct the verbs:-
1- I am having my car (repair) now.
2- She had her letter (write) last month..
3- She has her work (do).
4- She will have her picture (draw) for her.
5- I (have) my house painted already.
Choose the right words:-
1- They have their cars (clean, cleaned , are cleaning).
2- She (has , is having , had) her dress made last week.
3- She (will have , is having , has) her hair cut tomorrow.
4- She (will have , is having , had) her room (paint, paints , painted) for her.
5- He (had – will have – having) his hair cut next week.

Do as shown in brackets :
1- I could not repair my car . A mechanic did it . ( Use : have something done )
2- We grow dates in Madinah . ( Change into passive )

Choose the correct answer:

-I have my house ( painting – paints – painted ).
-She ( has – is – have ) her car cleaned.
-They have their thobes ( make – made – making )
-Dates ( are – am – is ) grown in Hail .
-Football ( am – are – is ) played in all the countries of the world .
-He has [ watch – watched – watching ] two program
-He [ go – is going – went ] to school everyday .
-Yesterday he [go – is going – went] to school.
-Yesterday we [ have – will have – had ] our house painted.
- He [has write – has wrote – has written]a letter.
-They painted their house [themselves – himself – ourselves]

Change into Passive or Make Passive

1-The tailor makes my thobes . ………………………………………..
2-The builder builds houses for us . ………………………………………..
3-The mechanic repairs my car every month .....................................................……
4-We buy meat at the butcher’s. ……………………………………….

Complete the spelling of these words :

1 - They thr_w seven small sto_es at the pillar.
2- The food was de_icious but c_stly.

Choose the correct spelling :

1- ( Sunset - Snuset - Suntes )
2- ( Ovre - over - orev )
3- ( Polite - Poltie - Ploiet )
4- ( Frienldy - Frdlyie - Friendly )

Read the following passage then answer the questions:

Last Friday, Mr.Al-Ali drove to Dammam beach with his three children and their mother. They took
some bread, some cheese and some juice with them.
When they reached there, Mr.Al-Ali sat at a restaurant there. The children and their mother rode horses.
Then they sat at the restaurant with their father. After that they took some photos of the beach. They saw a lot
of people who came from different places. They spent a happy time at the beach. At 7 o'clock Mr.Al-Ali and
his family went back home.

1) Where did Mr.Al-Ali and his family go?

2) Did the family go back home in afternoon?

Choose the correct answer:

1) They were ( three, four, five) people in the car.
2) They took some (juice, fruit, water) with them.

Choose the right word:

1- " his " in line 1 means (Mr Al Ali –the mother- the sea)
2- "They" in line 6 means (people –the family –Photos)

Abeer is talking with her friend a bout games:

Abeer : Do you like games ?

Noura : Yes , I do.
Abeer : Who were the first people to play games?
Noura : They were cavemen.
Abeer : How did they play?
Noura : They played by throwing and catching sticks or animals bones .
Abeer : What do children learn from games?
Noura : They learn to use brains and bodies.
Abeer : Can you learn me some games?
Noura : Yes , of course .

* Match words in ( A ) with the right meanings in ( B )

1- apart( adv ) not together

2- competition ( n ) a game which tests what people can do or what they know .

3- drop ( v- regular) to let something fall.

4-remain ( v- regular ) to stay .

5- spread ( v- irregular) To become known , almost everywhere..

Give the opposite of the following words :

- older # younger .
Choose the correct word:

Cradle, Large, dropped , remained , bone , changed , Spread , aim , pocket , local ,exciting
part , possible , stick , filled

1- It is a …………………….. Playground. A lot of children can play.

2- A child of three is too big to sleep in a …………………..
3- The game was so …………… that the children jumped out of Their chairs .
4- He has ………………….. his car. He has painted it yellow.
5- She …………………. Her cup of milk . It went all over the floor.
6- The English language has ……………. throughout the whole world.
7- Her …………….. is to run her own business.
8- If you do not have a bag , you can carry your money in your ……………..
9- The ……………………. School is only a kilometer from our house.
10-You can leave the ………………………. In the meat until it is cooked.
11-Everybody else left the room . Only I ………………….
12-We were together in Jeddah . Now we live …………
13-I like to go the moon, but it is not ………………… to go.
14-The old man had to use his ……………….. in order to walk .
15-My glass of juice was not full . so I ………………….. it in to the top .

Complete the following sentences ; ( Report )
1-Is your school very large ? He asked me if .…………………………………………….
2-Is it a good school ? He asked me ………………………………………………………
3-Is there a football team in your town ? He …………………………………………
4-Are you interested in sport ? He …………………………………………………………

Complete the following sentences ; ( Report )

a- What is your name ? He asked me what …………………………………………
b- What is your English teacher ? He asked …………………………………………
c- Where is your homework ? He ………………………………………………………
d-Why are you late ? ………………………………………………

Choose the correct answer :

1- He ( asks , ask , asked ) me what my address was.
2- A letter is [ write – wrote – written] by Ahmad.
3- "Is your life very excited? " He asked me (is my life very excited - if my life was very
4-" Are you interested in sport " (He asked me if ( I was – I am ) interested in sport.
5- "Where is your homework?" (The teacher asked me where my homework ( was – is ) .
6- They write letters everyday. (Letter ( are – were ) written everyday.
Change the following sentences into passive.
1-someone wakes me up at 5.00 every day.
2-They make many televisions in Japan.
3- Someone used the first stamp in 1840.
4-They started the Football Federation in 1959.

Complete the spelling of these words :

-The government re_la_es Al-Kiswah once a year.

Choose the right spelling :

1- ( hill – hlli – hlil )
2- ( marple – marble - mrable ).
3- ( rows – ruws – rous )
Read the following passage then answer the questions below :

In rich countries many people eat too much from the wrong food and then become
over weight. This because when we eat too much food, the extra food is stored as fat instead
of being burned up as energy. Over weight people often try to slim but many do the wrong
way. They buy especially low fat food. These kinds of food are usually expensive and
rarely make people slimmer. The correct way to slim is to eat less and exercise regularly.
When a person eat less, the body is forced to burn up some of the fat stored under the skin.
It is important to manage your health and slim, your life style by managing your diet.
However, it is dangerous to eat too little. To remain healthy and slim, you should eat fewer
starchy food such as bread, rice and potato and sugary food like cakes and chocolates. Fish,
eggs , milk ,green vegetables and fruit will make you slim and healthy. They contain
vitamins and minerals that the body needs in addition to the fats and protein. This balanced
diet. In addition, you should lose weight gradually.

A-Questions :
1- Where is the extra food stored?
2- How can you manage your health and life style?
3- Is it dangerous to eat too little?

B- Choose the correct answer :

1-Fish,eggs,milk and fruit contain ( vitamins only – minerals only – vitamins and minerals)
2-remain means … ( remove – illustrate – stay )
3-you should lose weight ( gradually – immediately – at once) .

C- Put (  ) or (  )
1-Low fat food are usually expensive . ( )
2-We should eat more starchy food. ( )
3-The correct way to slim is to eat less. ( )
Write a paragraph about King Fahd Hospital using this table:

City Jeddah
Name King Fahed Hospital
Type general
Built in 1980
Beds (at that time ) 226
Beds ( later ) 500
Clinics 25
Male doctors 190
Female doctors 25
Males nurses 3
Female nurses 321
out – patients 30-40 every day
In-patients(stay) 10-12 dayes

King Fahd Hospital

There are several hospitals in Jeddah. One of them is King Fahed
Hospital. It is a general hospital and it was built in 1980. At that time , it had
226 beds for in-patients. Later,the numbers grew to500. The hospital
has25clincs. About190 male doctors and 25 female doctors work there. There
are 3 male nurses and 321 female nurses. Between 30and 40 out-patients are
seen everyday. The average stay for in- patients is 10 t 12 days.

Shahd Who should have free health care in Saudi Arabia?
Rawan : The Saudi government decided that all citizen and pilgrims .
Shahd : What kinds of health care are there in Saudi Arabia?
Rawan : There are three main kinds of health care.
Shahd : Can you tell me about them ?
Rawan : Ok. They are small clinics , general hospitals and specialized .
Shahd : What is difference between in-patient and out-patient?
Rawan : In-patients stay at hospitals but out-patients registering and seeing doctor
* Match words in ( A ) with the right meanings in ( B )
1- operate ( v- regular ) to make something work .

2- prevent ( v- regular ) To stop.

3- register ( v- regular) To sign to be one of group.

4-result ( n ) what happens after doing something..

5- treat ( v- regular ) To help with medicine by doctors..

* Give the opposite of the following words :

1- male # female 2- in-patient # out- patients

Choose the correct word :

( operate - treat - in-patients - clinic )
-When we are sick, we need a doctor to ……………… us.
-I …………….. my bicycle by using pedals.
- A doctor usually sees his patients at his …………………… .
-The average in stay for ………………… is 10 to 12 days in Aflaj General Hospital.

Match the following ;

a- register ( ) to make something work.
b- operate ( ) to give some medicine.
c- treat ( ) to be on a list.
d- prevent ( ) about
e- approximately ( ) does not want it to happen.

Do as shown in brackets :
1- They head the ball . They practice doing it . ( Join )
2- finish eating / clean my teeth . ( Join with : After )
3- Do you think ( it is - is it ) serious ? ( Choose )

4- Is it all right ? ( Use : think )


5- Don’t speak .
The doctor advised me ………… . ( Complete )

6- He said, “ I will listen to your heart “ . ( Report )

7- They did not have their house painted . ( Write a sentence with : themselves )

Complete the spelling of these words :

1- Lu_gs are in the ch_st.

Choose the right spelling :

1- ( Clinic - Cinilc - Ciilnc ).
2- ( Boen - bone - bnoe ).
3- ( ckist - Stick - Sckit )

Read the following passage then answer the questions below :

Muneera's bedroom liks a child's room. She wants to make it more beautiful . She wants
it to look like the bedroom of a young woman. " What colors do you like best ? her mother
says. Let's have white paint for my chair and table and cupboard " says Muneera, '' Will green
like nice on the walls ? " Green is a cool color , I have seen some beautiful curtain material
with birds and flowers on it . " Will you make the bed spread Muneera ? " Yes . I'll make it "
Muneera replies . " When can we go to the shops ? '' . " To morrow " says her mother . " We
'll go to the shops and we 'll buy the most beautiful curtain material in Jeddah .

A-Questions :
1- What does Muneera want to make her bedroom look like ?
2- Who will make the bed spread ?
3-Did Muneera's mother help her ?

B- Choose the correct answer :

1- Muneera will have ( red – yellow – white ) paint for her furniture .
2- Muneera says '' Green is a ( not beautiful – cool – nice )
3- They will go to shops ( Tomorrow – the next week – today )

C- Put (  ) or (  )
1- Muneera's bed room look like a young woman's room .( )
2- Green will look nice on the walls . ( )
3- The shops are in Makah ( )
Hanan is talking to her friend Wafa about English language:
Hanan Do you think the English language is important nowadays?
Wafa : Yes , of course
Hanan : Can you tell me about the possibilities for learning English?
Wafa : There are two , you can study English here or you can study abroad.
Hanan : What is the advantage of studying English abroad?
Wafa : You can hear and speak English all the time.
Hanan : Thanks a lot.
Wafa : You are welcome.

Match words in ( A ) with the right meanings in ( B )
1- design (v- regular ) = to plane something , usually on paper, and often using drawing

2- facilities( n ) = The equipment , place and things to make something possible to do

3- need ( n ) = Something that u want very much .

4-regonize ( v- regular ) = To find that you know something already.

5- specially ( adv ) = Only for one..

* Give the opposite of the following words :

1- advantages # disadvantages
2- cheap # expensive .

- Choose the correct word:

( needs - specially - designed - accommodation - excursion – recognized )
a- Do you know who ………………..…… the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
b- Some of the lesson were designed …………………..……. for him .
c- Ali did my homework for me, but the teacher ……….… his handwriting so I got zero.
d- A hungry and thirsty man has two ………..………………: food and drink.
e- An ……………..……… is going sightseeing or a day trip .
f- An ………………………. .. is the place where you stay in .
- Correct
1-He ………………………………. TV for two hours. ( watch )
2-He ………………………………. three programmes . ( watch )
3- You …………………………….. three pages. ( write )
4- You ……………………………. for one hour. ( write )
5- I ……………………………….. houses for thirty years. ( build )
6- I ……………………………… 300 houses . ( build )
7- We ……………………………. model planes for a month. ( make )
8- We ………… …………………. six model planes. ( make )

-Choose the correct word;

-I have been working here ………………. last year. ( since - for )

- I have been working here ……………… ten years. ( since - for )
-He ………………….. three cakes . ( has been eating -- has eaten -- ate )
- We …………………………… matches since Monday.
( have been playing - have played – has been playing )

- Mr Al-Badr has been building houses …………… 1980. ( since - for )

-They ……………. Egypt for two weeks.
( has been touring – have been touring - have toured )
-They …………… ten answers .
( have written - have been writing - has been writing )

Complete the spelling of these words :

The car was special_y built for its owner.

Choose the right spelling :

1- ( facilities – fasilities –fasillites)
2- ( prifate – prifeta – private)
Read the following passage then answer the questions below :
In rich countries many people eat too much from the wrong food and then become over weight. This
because when we eat too much food, the extra food is stored as fat instead of being burned up as energy.
Over weight people often try to slim but many do the wrong way. They buy especially low fat food. These
kinds of food are usually expensive and rarely make people slimmer. The correct way to slim is to eat less
and exercise regularly. When a person eat less, the body is forced to burn up some of the fat stored under
the skin. It is important to manage your health and slim, your life style by managing your diet. However, it
is dangerous to eat too little. To remain healthy and slim, you should eat fewer starchy food such as bread,
rice and potato and sugary food like cakes and chocolates. Fish, eggs , milk ,green vegetables and fruit will
make you slim and healthy. They contain vitamins and minerals that the body needs in addition to the fats
and protein. This balanced diet. In addition, you should lose weight gradually.

A-Questions :
1- Where is the extra food stored?
2- How can you manage your health and life style?
3- Is it dangerous to eat too little?
B- Choose the correct answer :
1-Fish,eggs,milk and fruit contain… ( vitamins only – minerals only – vitamins and minerals)
2-remain means … ( remove – illustrate – stay )
3-you should lose weight ( gradually – immediately – at once) .

C- Put (  ) or (  )
1-Low fat food are usually expensive . ( )
2-We should eat more starchy food. ( )
3-The correct way to slim is to eat less. ( )
* Match words in ( A ) with the right meanings in ( B )

1- agriculture ( n ) Farming

2- commerce ( n ) The buying and selling of things.

3- production ( n ) making a lot of things..

4- industry ( n ) To produce many things with machines often in factories..

5- prepare ( v- regular ) To make something or someone ready..

* Give the opposite of the following words :

1- useful # useless
Choose the correct word:
company \ carpentry \ refrigeration \ series \ workshop

1-With -------------------------------------- you can keep food for a long time.

2-Yesterday’s programme was the last one in the -----------------------------------.
3-Classes on car mechanics usually take place in a -------------------------------.
4-Trainees doing ------------------- learn how to make things with wood.
5-Ahmad’s -------------------- has offices in all the kingdom’s main cities.

Do as shown in brackets :
1- Those are the trainees who are doing the course . ( Rewrite without : who )
2- These are the courses which take place in this building . ( Take out : which )
3- This is the group which is learning about refrigeration . ( Take out : which)
4- These are the courses taking place here. ( use which )
- ……………………………………………………………
5-someone has helped you ( thank him )
- ………………………………………………………..
6- Someone has brought you home .
- Thank you for ……………………. home . ( Complete )
7- Our school is (far) than yours . (Correct)
- Our school is …………………. yours .
Complete the spelling of these words :
Students of agric_lture learn hoe to farm.
Choose the right spelling :
1- ( combany – combany –company)
2- ( billion – billiun- biliion)

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