Summative Examination in Earth and Life Science

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FEBUARY 22, 2021

Multiple Choice. Answer the question that follows. Choose the best answer from among the
given choices.

1. What is another term for landslide?

a. Lava flow c. Landslip
b. Debris Avalanche d. Rock fall

2. Which of the following is NOT a sign of a possible landslide?

a. Trees or walls shifting b. Door/window jams for the first time
c. Parking or paved driveways lots slowly beginning to crack
d. Two full moons two nights in a row

3. Which of the following is NOT the use of hazard map?

a. Use for leisure.
b. Use to identify flood areas.
c. To be informed if you are vulnerable to a landslide.
d. Shows highlighted areas that is risky to any hazards.

4. Another step in being prepared for a landslide is the same as with the danger of fire;
making an evacuation plan. When is it best to make this evacuation plan?
a. While your house is slipping down a hill
b. As soon as possible, if not done already
c. I don’t need an evacuation plan
d. Whenever you have time; the chances of a landslide are very slim.

5. After a danger has passed, make sure to check your local radio or weather station for
updates on landslide. Which of the following NOT to do after returning home?
a. Check foundation and chimney for damage
b. Keep all electronics turned off for a month
c. Replant ruined land
d. Stabilize land as soon as possible

6. Which of the following is a correct definition of coastal zone?

a. It is where people spend their vacation.
b. It is where destructive waves are common.
c. It is where land meets the sea.
d. It is where sharks and whales are observed.

7. Which of the following is NOT an example of the coastal processes?

a. Deposition b. Erosion
c. Plucking d.Transportation

8. Which of the following are examples of coastal erosion?

a. Corrasion, abrasion, hydraulic action, attrition and suspension.
b. Corrasion, abrasion, wave action, attrition and corrosion/solution
c. Corrasion, abrasion, hydraulic action, attrition and corrosion/solution
d. Corrasion, abrasion, hydraulic action, attrition and traction
9. Which type of coastal erosion involves destructive waves picking up beach material
hurling them at the base of a cliff?
a. Corrasion b. Hydraulic action
c. Attrition d. Abrasion
10. It’s also known as the sandpaper effect that involves breaking waves containing sand
and bigger fragments eroding the base of a cliff.
a. Corrasion b. Hydraulic action
c. Attrition d. Abrasion

11. Kind of coastal erosion that involves waves hitting the bottom of the cliff causing air to be
compressed in cracks, joints and folds in bedding planes leading to repeated changes in air
pressure. As air rushes out of the cliff when the wave retreats it resulting to an explosive
effect as pressure is released. This process is supported further by the weakening effect of
weathering. The material breaks off the cliffs and sometimes in huge chunks.
a. Corrasion b. Hydraulic action
c. Attrition d. Abrasion

12. Which type of coastal erosion occurs when waves cause rocks and pebbles to bump into
each other and break up?
a. Corrasion b. Hydraulic action
c. Attrition d. Abrasion

13. Which type of coastal erosion occurs when certain types of cliff erode as a result of weak
acids in the sea?
a. Corrasion/ solution b. Hydraulic action
c. Corrasion d. Abrasion

14. Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects rates of coastal erosion?
a. Geology
b. Strong winds blowing for a long time creating destructive waves
c. The greenhouse effect
d. Wave fetch

15. How are waves created?

a. It is created by the rain
b. It is created by water cycle
c. It is created by people in ships
d. It is created by the wind blowing over the surface of the sea

II. Answer the following questions in your own words and understanding. 5 points each

1. As a youth, how can you influence your friends on ways protecting our beaches,
landscapes and forest. Give me at least 5 sentences.
2. Currently, we are again experiencing earthquakes, what will you do and prepare if
there is another one will come? Give me at least 5 sentences.
3. This pandemic changes your perspective as a person, how are now and what keeps
you going as a teenager? 5 sentences.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Prepared by: Maren M. Pendon

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