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BUSI 1475 Management in a Critical Context

Assignment proposal pro forma

Proposed title Conflict of interest in collaboration between global technology companies in the
of your ESSAY online game industry.
URL from BBC
News Website
Summary of
online article Epic Games, the studio behind the hit game Fortnite, has started legal action
200 words max. against Apple and Google in the UK. Both Apple and Google removed Fortnite
from their smartphone app stores in a row over the cut of sales they take from
developers. Epic Games claims the two tech giants' rules are in violation of UK
competition laws. But both companies say Epic Games broke their terms and
conditions by trying to bypass their payment systems.

Relationship to 1. Globalisation (i.e. what key ideas about globalisation from this module
course content can you link to the newspaper article and how are they connected?)
150 words
stating how the Firms collaborate on a global scale and in different countries, these companies
article relates have their own operating system with different policies and regulations. This leads
to each theme, to conflicts over the cooperation of the above companies in a certain country, not
in relation to on a global scale.
the key ideas
considered 2. Technology (i.e. what key ideas about technology from this module can
within this you link to the newspaper article and how are they connected?)
Epic Games, Apple, Google are all leading technology corporations in the world.
The technology aspect mentioned in the article is the online game industry, this is
a potential market and always requires the development and improvement of
technology in the way of building business operations.

3. Conflict and Collaboration (i.e. what key ideas about conflict and co-
operation from this module can you link to the newspaper article and how
are they connected?)

The above business conflict is caused by the influence of financial interests, Apple
and Google believe that Epic game has violated the rules of the contract and
affected the sales cut. Meanwhile, Epic Games said that Apple and Google
violated the competition laws of the UK, by taking advantage of their dominance
in the technology industry to dominate other companies.

Student Name Quach Ngoc Tuan

Signature of Tuan
Tutor Name Nguyen Thanh Son
Signature of Son
Date 24/3/2021

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