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The effects of PR on Ananta Jalil films and their audiences in Bangladesh

It is no secret that public relations plays an extremely important role in the success – and often failure –
of films. If done right, PR can send the success of a film skyrocketing. If not, it may very well be the
reason the film flops. Either way, the film industry is heavily dependent on PR and its many different
strategies and approaches to reach various audiences.

This study will focus on actor, producer, director and businessman Ananta Jalil and his many films. It will
take an in-depth look into his PR and promotional strategies and what really drives his movies to achieve
such massive amounts of exposure, despite many viewers considering his movies to be objectively bad.
Thus, the question the study seeks an answer to is – in the context of PR, what makes Ananta Jalil films

To answer this question, this research will look at the topic through two perspectives – theory and
model. When it comes to theory, promotion and PR of Ananta Jalil’s films closely falls under the
Persuasion Theory. The model that is most appropriate would be the Two-Way Asymmetrical Model.
Both the theory and the model will be discussed in further detail in the research paper itself.

As for the method of research, the aim is to use a qualitative method.

for the primary research, a contextual analysis after that public opinion will also be taken and for the
secondary research, resources from the university library, different magazines, also articles in
newspapers and magazine which contains information about the effect of PR on Ananta Jalil’s films. In
this research online materials extensively, such as online newspaper, online journals and discussions on
blogs will also be used.

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