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Capacity management:

Patients administration limit: East View hospital has continued proficient activities for a
while, its innovators must to evaluate the measure of room accessible and patient interest and
right size the association.

At the present time it has 54 bed, that implies patients limit is 54. 54 bed units each reliably
running 47 patients every day, day by day 300 patients can accept the exhortation from the 7

The emergency clinic may consider shutting one unit and join the patients into the two
outstanding units. The medical clinic can reassign the staff from the shut unit to any open
positions in the association, which can decrease the cost of additional time for workers.

Emergency clinics additionally have the choice of shutting and opening units briefly as
required relying upon patient volume. Medical clinics may select this decision on the off
chance that they experience critical swings or regular changes in patient volume.

Build up a patient coordination’s -Another change that had an extraordinary effect on limit
the board at East View Hospital was the foundation of a unified patient coordination’s
division. The division is controlled by an executive of patient union who has the instruments
to screen the status of beds — regardless of whether filthy, during the time spent being
cleaned, accessible or involved. The chief also had notice by CCTV camera that indicated
where individuals were moving in the clinic, enabling the association to productively allot
patients and staff to various regions of the emergency clinic dependent on accessibility.

Future Capacity Improvement: East View hospital have been an important asset in
improving limit the bed. Their ability in inpatient care and the emergency clinic's case sincere
administration program has diminished the normal length of remain from 6.9 days in 2008 to
five days today. The emergency clinic intends to extend the hospitalist model to keep on
improving patient throughput and the nature of consideration.

Presently, the administration branch of the medical clinic need to expand the amount of
patients bed and consistent schedule treatment. So they can give more support of the
Present Capacity Future Expected Capacity
54 beds 150 beds
60 doctors 70 doctors
125 employees 150 employees

Inventory management-

East View Hospital is a local hospital so the inventory consists of a few simple items.

Types of inventory: East View Hospital divided their inventory into 4 parts.

1. Workshop instruments and test equipment inventory: Assists the medical

equipment maintenance group in keeping devices and test hardware composed, in
great working request and in alignment.
2. Industrial and hospital equipment: Items, for example, boilers, autoclaves, laundry
equipment, generators, and packed air, vacuum and medicinal gas conveyance
frameworks, are generally important to keep the emergency clinic running easily and
require maintenance. An inventory of such equipment is valuable in dealing with the
upkeep of this gear.
3. Radioactive and unsafe materials and waste: Maintaining a inventory of such
materials guarantees legitimate guideline and prevent unnecessary contamination.
4. Safety equipment: Keeping a stock of things, for example, fire extinguishers, fire
hoses, alerts and eyewashes, and performing routine checks to guarantee they are in
great order, will guarantee that they are utilitarian when required.

Inventory Counting System: East View Hospital utilize perpetual Inventory checking
structure to tally their stock. East View Hospital is a little clinic so it is not difficult to check
their item consistently. Tallying each day and it is additionally important for emergency
clinic administration. So perpetual inventory checking system is truly appropriate alternative
for them.

Re-Order Strategy-East view hospital more often than not re –order when the amount of
unfinished ingredients diminished to 30% out of all out inventory. In view of good
correspondence with providers and great stock checking system they have a low lead time.
They follow some steps while re ordering and those are
1. First, they look at the stock records to locate the stock balance and choose what things
and the amount of everything they need to order.
2. Give a full and clear portrayal of every item.
3. Determine the amount of every item. Spot orders for complete packs. For instance, on
the off chance that if they need 34 rolls of crepe bandage and a pack contains 12 rolls,
request 3 packs.
4. Watch that all copies of the order are not difficult to read and signed by an approved
5. Make two duplicates of the order. Keep one duplicate in the office and send one
duplicate to the supplier.
6. Include any other extra directions such as no delivery at weekends.

Inventory List

Syringes, cannulas, and needles

Coils, guidewire
Endoscopic devices including laryngoscopes,laparoscopes,
anascopes, proctoscopes, arthroscopes, sinuscopes,
dematoscopes, ophthalmoscopes, sigmoidscopes, otoscopes,
Blood pressure monitors
Glucose management monitor
Medical penlights
Medical scissors
Trays and kits
Antiseptic wipes
Canes, crutches, walkers
Patient wheelchairs, chairs, gurneys, stretchers
Medicine cups
Medical labels, stickers, labelers, charts, forms, tags, cards,
tape, wrist bands, documents, brochures, and graphics
Hospital beds, cribs, bassinets, including mattresses, pillows
Chairs- exam, treatment, surgical, dental, or phlebotomy
Floor mats- safety, special-purpose medical floor mats
Lights and lamps: surgical, or medical exam, magnifying
Medical Pumps
Pulse oximeter
Ventilator, adult and tubing and accessories
Quality management-

Quality management is the entire procedure of assessing all of the procedures and
frameworks productively by guaranteeing fantastic item plan, the procedure of item usage
and improvement. Now a day, client consider quality than cash and obviously in hospital
quality demand is more. So it is essential to keep up the quality of the items or services. Also,
this quality relies upon the management, plan, quality affirmation of the association. The
better nature of an item or service, it will snatch a greater amount of the market. As a
developing organization, East View Hospital gives great support to the clients. In the market,
there are lots of strong competitors for East View Hospital. Thus, it is more complicated to
catch clients. By giving great quality, East View Hospital can catch clients from other
existing hospitals. For good quality service, there should be some sort of quality management
system in a hospital. So, East View Hospital has divided its Quality management sector into 3
divisions, so they concoct a productive framework to upgrade quality management to detect
the errors and solve or rectify the problems.
1. Total Quality Management (TQM)
2. Problem Solving Technique
Total Quality Management
TQM is the Management instrument that the organization uses to decide its quality. To deal
with a task or to improve a specific procedure the objective is to assemble a standardized
procedure with the help of Total Quality Management.

East View Hospital follows following principles-

1. Determine clients/patients demand Follow most recent health technologies,
keep emergency facilities, available doctors,
nurses and other supporting people.

2. Designing service Emergency helpline/facilities, reliable

treatment through experience doctors.

3. Continuous improvement Follows ‘kaizen’, each time tried to provide

better quality service.

4. Customer service The goal is to work better that definitely

give assurance to customers.
5. Doing things right the time Quickly solve problems through
experienced employees.

6. Top management involvement Top hierarchy managers held continuous

meetings with doctors and other employees
to solve problems and improve service as
7. Teamwork Patient care team provide all kinds of
services to assure proper treatment and
services. While solving problem they take
decision as a team.
8. Knowledge of tool Ensured that employees are trained well of
the equipment they are using.

Problem solving technique

While working an organization it is obvious that problems will occur. East View Hospital
manages this whole problem with PDSA cycle which includes Plan-Do-Study-Act. This
Problem-solving approach includes considering current circumstance, breaking down it,
generating solution, executing solution, assess results. To get a clear idea a case illustrated
Case- In 2009 they faced a crisis when dengue breakout in Dhaka. They could not give
proper concentration on their patients and also could not admitted many serious patients. As
they located in Narayangonj, many of the patient came to their hospital because there had not
much hospitals around that area.
Plan- Firstly they look into what the situation was, investigated the issue and thought of the
arrangement on the best way to avert it. They found out the reason was lack of doctors,
nurses, staffs. After that they planned to recruit more manpower.
Do- At this stage they implemented their ideas to came over this problem.
Study- They studied how the problem was handled in that time.
Act- At this stage they justified the reason they found out that was correct and act in favor of
the decision.

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