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The Similarities Between Surakarta Great Mosque, Yogyakarta

Great Mosque, and Kotagede Mosque
Rasyid Dewangga B.P​1​, Kemala Fitri Adelia​ ​, Sharfina Utami dan Imara Dzakia Ariyadi

ABSTRACT:​ ​Mataram mosque has its own uniqueness compared with other traditional
mosque in Nusantara, especially in Java. They have their own rooms
arrangement that consider the activity and the needs of the ummah at that time.
From five Mataram’s heritage mosque, we are comparing three mosque, there
are Surakarta Great Mosque, Yogyakarta Great Mosque, and Kotagede Mosque.
The aims of this research is to find out similarities of the spatial arrangement of
Mataram Kingdom mosque along with its function at that time and nowadays.
Method used in this research were a qualitative method and by analyzing the
similarities and differences between Surakarta Great Mosque, Yogyakarta Great
Mosque, and Kotagede mosque by observation and interviewing people. From
the research, can conclude that all the Mataram heritage mosque has similar
main plan design and function at that time, but nowadays many of the function
of the rooms has changes following the needs and current situation. Each
mosque has different changes each other, it is also depend on the needs on each

Mataram Kingdom’s ​central government located at mentaok, East Yogyakarta then had
been moved at Kotagede. Then its collapsed because of the Trunajaya rebellion in 1677.
The Capital City, Sunan Amral was moved in Kartasura. But, It was also invaded the
Chinese rebellion during the Sunan Pakubuwana II was holding the rebellion at 1742. The
Kartasura Palace building which was destroyed. Sunan Pakubuwana II then ordered
Tumenggung Honggowongso to find the location of a new capital. It was built 20 km to the
southeast of Kartasura, in 1745, precisely in the village of Sala on the banks of the
Bengawan Solo.
The name "Surakarta" was given as a name for the new government center. The
construction of the palace is based on records using teak wood from the Alas Kethu area,
the forest near Wonogiri and its wood is washed through Bengawan Solo. Officially, the
palace began to be occupied on February 17, 1745 .
Because of the Giyanti Agreement (February 13, 1755) caused Surakarta to become the
administrative center of the Surakarta Kingdom, with its king Pakubuwana III. Yogyakarta
became the center of government of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, with its king, Sultan
Hamengkubuwana I.
Surakarta Hadiningrat Kingdom (Surakarta Hadiningrat Kingdom) located at Central
Java which was found on 1755. Surakarta Kingdom generally not considered as a
substitute for the Mataram Kingdom, but its a separated, although the king is still a
descendant of the king of Mataram. The king of the Surakarta Kasunanan has a ​sunan title,
while the king of the Yogyakarta Sultanate is ​sultan​.

The Great Mosque of Surakarta ​(Masjid Ageng Keraton Surakarta) ​is the great mosque of
Surakarta Kingdom. Its function not only for pray, but also the center of Islamic ​Syi’ar. ​It
was built by Sunan Pakubuwono III in 1763 and was completed in 1768. This mosque is a
mosque with a jami category, which is can be used for prayers in large sizes of makmum
(eg Friday prayers and Eid prayer). With its status as a royal mosque, this mosque also
functions to support all royal needs related to religion, such as ​Grebeg and the ​Sekaten
festival. The King (Sunan) of Surakarta functions as panatagama (regulator of religious
The Kotagede Mosque ​has an inscription that said this mosque has been built on 2 stages.
Which the first time by Sultan Agung and the second one by Pakubuwono X. Sultan Agung’s
designed is only a small mosque called ​langgar then it has added the steel collumns by
Pakubuwono X. This mosque is merged between hindu and budhist and also islam.
Designed originally by Sultan Agung, the reason is for tolerance.
Due the Mataram Kingdom being separated, then the Yogyakarta Sultanate built the
Kauman Great Mosque at 1773. In other hand the sunan Pakubuwono II renovated the
Kotagede Mosque becoming more wider. Those three mosques has same lines with
mataram kind of spatial programs.
This paper is attend to study similarities……….
Dk ching divuat paragraf

The method used in this research was qualitative and by analyzing the similarities
and differences between Surakarta Great Mosque, Yogyakarta Great Mosque, and
Kotagede mosque by observation and interviewing people. The interview was
conducted with the people who know the history of the mosque on those three
​ hile in
different areas. In Kotagede mosque, we did interview the ​takmir masjid. W
the Surakarta great mosque we have interviews with the royal descent of the
surakarta’s kingdom itself named “​Kanjeng Dani​”.


The Contents of this paper are:

A. Theme:
Theme of this paper is Spatial Arrangement in Mataram Kingdom Mosque: The
similarities between Surakarta Great Mosque, Yogyakarta Great Mosque, and
Kotagede Mosque. It is focus on Space, Spatial Arrangement, Organization
B. Objective of Study :
The study include explanatory of similarities between Surakarta Great
Mosque,Yogyakarta Great Mosque, and Kotagede Mosque.
C. Theoretical Review:
Ching, D.K., Architecture: Form, Space and Order
1. Space

Figures and contrasting background form a unity of opposites, just as the
elements of form and space together form the reality of architecture. The
form and enclosure of each space in a building either determines, or is
determined by, the form of the spaces around it.
- ​D.K. Ching

2. Organization
Various configurations of form could be manipulated to define a solitary
field or volume of space, and how their patterns of solids and voids affected
the visual qualities of the defined space...They are normally composed of a
number of spaces which are related to one another by function, proximity,
or a path of movement.
- ​D.K. Ching



MOSQUE The construction was initiated by Sri
Sultan Hamengkubuwono I and also Kiai
Faqih Ibrahim Diponingrat, but the
construction was delivered by the Kyai
Wiryokusumo. The main ceremonial
gateway located on the east and north
side. It has a typical religious Javanese
architecture with triple-tiered roof, no
minaret, and front hall (​serambi)​ .
Facade of the Yogyakarta Great Mosque

The distinctive characteristic are on it’s

The location of Yogyakarta Great
column, roof, domes (​mustaka)​ , and
Mosque is in Kraton Square. Kauman St.,
ponds (​jagang)​ . It has 4 main columns
Ngupasan, Gondomanan, Yogyakarta,
called ​Saka Guru and 48 escort columns.
Special Region of Yogyakarta (west of
The roof is ​tajug​-shaped with a square
Kraton, north of Yogyakarta Square).
base surrounded by triangular fields.
This mosque was built on May 19, 1773.
The prayer room consists of five parts,
The whole area of Yogyakarta Great
which are mihrab, pulpit, ​maksura,​
Mosque is around 16.000m2.
yatihun,​ and ​pawestren​.
Meanwhile the area of the building is
about 2.578m2.


Kotagede great mosque is located in Surakarta Great Mosque is also known as

Watu Gilang street, Kotagede, Special Masjid Ageng Keraton Surakarta
Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Built Hadiningrat i​ n Javanese language. The
around 1640 AD, Kotagede Mosque is location of Surakarta Great Mosque is in
one of the oldest mosques in Yogyakarta Kel. Baluwarti Kec. Pasar Kliwon
as a relic from Mataram. It was built by Surakarta. Surakarta Great mosque was
Sultan Agung together with the village built in 1763 AD and finished in 1768 AD.
which mostly were Buddhist and Hindu. The total area of the Surakarta Great
It shows tolerance between religious mosque building is about 19,180 m2.
community at that time. The
characteristics of Hinduism and The mosque follows Javanese
Buddhism can be seen from the gate of architecture principle that is the main
the mosque in the form of ​Paduraksa​. prayer hall with seven doors connecting
to the front hall (​serambi)​ . Four main
The area is divided into two, the main columns (​Saka Guru​) supported the main
prayer hall and the front hall (​serambi)​ . prayer hall. There is a ​maksura to the
There are a pawestren in the left side of left of the mihrab, and also ​pawestren​.
the mosque. Pawestren is a special place Maksura is specials place for king
for women people to pray. Meanwhile in (sultan) to pray. And pawestren is a
the right side of the mosque, there is a place for women people to pray.
storage to save the prayer equipment
like carpet, prayer rug (mukena), etc. A Mughal architecture-inspired minaret
Beside the storerage, there is ablution was built in 1928 during the reign of
area and toilets. Sunan Pakubuwono XI. The minaret was
located to the northeast of the mosque.
The design is based on Qutb Minar of

The Great Mosque of Surakarta is an

18th-century Javanese mosque, part of
the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace. It was
built by Sunan Pakubuwono III. Fence
was added in 1858 during the reign of
Sunan Pakubuwono VIII to separate the
area with the surrounding neighborhood.

The porch of Surakarta Great Mosque



a. Space Arrangement
1. Kotagede Great Mosque Plan 2. Kauman Great Mosque Plan

Source images :

3. Surakarta Great Mosque boundaries, aside from having wall

In Yogyakarta Great Mosque, the

entrance gate looks like a pendopo
that can be used to take rest or take

The mosque court itself is very

spacious and often used for
people’s activities now. We also see
a lot of food stands around the
court for people to sell food. Its
show the mosques being an
interesting heritage tourisms.
4. Conclusion
The court is an open space with few
vegetations, thus at noon it is very
hot there. The mosque usually have
a lot of visitor when holiday or at

2. Kotagede Mosque

b. Space Analysis
i. Gate and Court
1. Yogyakarta Great Mosque

In all Mataram Mosque, there are

In Kotagede Mosque, it seems like
almost always a front gateway
there is no spacious front gateway
before entering the main mosque
court to show the entrance to the
court. It is strengthen the mosque
mosque. We can only see the
paduraksa gate on either the side or The mosque is located near to
the front of the mosque. This is Klewer traditional market and
actually because the front area of other food and souvenir stalls,
the mosque has changed into making the location quite
settlement for the residents, making noticeable and crowded. But its also
lesser boundaries for the mosque make the best point of tourist
area. So this environment located in attractions depsite only a food
urban area. vendors like the others.

The mosque is surrounded by brick Surakarta Great Mosque gate was

wall, and it has an inside court with inspired by Persian architecture
lots of vegetation. It is the first with 3 openings. It radiates the
mosque that was built from the feeling of entering a kingdom area,
Mataram Era. The other mosques which really emphasizes the border
built in Mataram era, all following between mosque area and the outer
the fundamental points from this area.
The inner court is very spacious
3. Surakarta Great Mosque with several vegetation, and also
paved pathway. It is decorated with
light blue and white color which
meant to reject bad deeds.

ii. Mosque Area

1. Gutter / Water Pond

Gutter in Yogyakarta Great Mosque, Yogyakarta Great Mosque have a
Kotagede Mosque and Surakarta luxurious interior with the use of
Great Mosque have the same white paint. and rich of ornaments.
purpose, which was for washing the The flooring use ceramic tiles.
people feet before entering the
mosque. At that time they didn’t Surakarta Great Mosque have the
wear any footwear, but to enter the combination of simplicity and
mosque their feet must be clean so elegance. They used 2 main colors,
they made this gutter. This function which are blue and white. Woods
is still preserved in Surakarta Great were given varnish and there were
Mosque. less decorations. The flooring use
ceramic tiles with various patterns.
For Yogyakarta and Kotagede Kotagede Mosque is more plain and
Mosque, the gutter main function has less ornament. They show
has shifted to fish pond, because honesty in material with showing
nowadays people already use the wood as it is. The flooring only
footwear thus they only need to using concrete.
take off their shoes before entering
the mosque. We can still see the old 3. Corridor
construction for washing feet in
Kotagede mosque.

2. Porch

Corridor is essential to both of the

mosques. It is located surrounding
the porch (serambi), and used for
Kauman Mosque use wood in all
column. The corridor roof itself is
slanted, following the porch main
roof. It has more space for walking.
The corridor roof in Surakarta
Great Mosque is slanted, following
the porch main roof. It has less
walking space and bigger stairs. The
outer perimeter column use
Corridor roof of Kotagede Mosque
is gable shaped. It has spacious area
for walking, but the stair is small
and short. The outer perimeter
column use steel.
The pawestren in Yogyakarta Great
4. Pawestren Mosque functioned as a storage.
There are carpet, gallon, a cup, and
any necessity regarding the mosque
function inside of it.
The function of pawestren in
Surakarta Great Mosque is still
preserved as women prayer area. It
is connected to women ablution
area and the outer area of the
The pawestren in Kotagede Great
Mosque also function as a storage
and place for TPA. But it can be
function as additional prayer area if
the main prayer hall is full.

upper side and the other is the
same level with the ablution area.

5. Ablution Area

The ablution area in the Kauman

Great Mosque is separated between
Surakarta Great Mosque has men and women. The woman’s
different level of pawestren and ablution located on the South side
man prayer area, one is on the of the mosque near the pawestren,
while the men’s ablution area
located on the North side of the
In Kotagede, the ablution area
located on the South side of the
mosque, both for men and women.
In Surakarta Great Mosque, there
are 2 ablution area for men and 1
enclosed ablution area for women.

6. Mimbar​ Stage

Both of the Great Mosques have

mimbar that located in the same
position, which is near the ​mihrab
and in front of the first shaf and also
made from wood with javanese
unique ornaments.
In Yogyakarta Great Mosque, the
mimbar stage has decorated by
javanese ornament and colored
with gold. Gold itself has a meaning
of glory and victory.
In Kotagede mosque, the mimbar
decorated with complicated
ornaments and finished with wood
In Surakarta great mosque, the
mimbar stage has the simplest
shape. It is only decorated with
simple ornament and wood varnish.

7. Maksura

8. Mihrab

The main characteristic of Javanese

mosque is ​Mihrab​.

In Yogyakarta Great Mosque, the

mihrab is in simple shape but
decorated in luxurious gold paint.

In Kotagede Mosque, the ​mihrab is

very simple with decoration on top,
In Kauman Mosque, there is a and it is only painted white. There
special place for Sultan to pray. It is is no special lighting that lights it
shaped like a small mushola made up.
of wood, and also decorated with
javanese ornament. It is painted While in Surakarta Great Mosque,
with gold paint that symbolize the ​mihrab is also simple, with
greatness of sultan and show more less ornament than Kotagede
luxury. Mosque. It's made with wood with
half arch on top.
It also happen in Surakarta Great
Mosque. There was a maksura at
first, but as time goes by, it was
removed and lost. The remaining of 9. Cemetery
it was the top of ​maksura called The cemetery in Yogyakarta Great
mustaka and made from crystal and Mosque is for patriots. Meanwhile
glass. the cemetery in Kotagede Mosque is
only for the builder of the mosque.
But in the Kotagede Mosque, there The location of both the cemetery is
is no ​maksura because the Sultan do in the back of the mosque.
prayer in that place.
10. Room Divide


Menggarisbawahi temuan penelitian, kontribusi penelitian, dan rekomendasi untuk
penelitian berikutnya


Our biggest gratitude are given to Allah SWT., that always gave us enlightenment and
guide us to be able to finish this paper. We would also like to thank Mrs. Nanda for
accompanying to do research and observation in Solo, also the guidance in arranging the
presentation and final paper. We want to give our thanks also to any supporting parties by
helping us understanding the materials and theories regarding to this paper.

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Penulis harus secara jujur mencantumkan referensi pada setiap pernyataan yang disitasi dari
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dikategorikan sebagai tindakan plagiat yang melanggar norma dan kode etik peneliti.
Daftar Pustaka sebaiknya menggunakan referensi terbaru, maksimal penerbitan 5 (lima) tahun
terakhir, kecuali untuk ​handbook​ yang belum ada cetakan revisi/terbaru.

Daftar pustaka ditulis sesuai contoh sebagai berikut :
Buku (monograf)
Kourik, E. 1998. ​The lavender garden: beautiful varieties to grow and gather​. San Francisco:
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Artikel Jurnal
Terborgh, J.1974. Preservation of natural diversity: The problem of extinction-prone
species. ​Bioscience​ 24:715-22.

Situs Web
Thomas, Trevor M. 1956. Wales: Land of Mines and Quaries. Geographical Review 46, No.
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