Thank To Special People

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A Thank You Letter To My Someone Special

Because of you, I have learned to see the good in people, and more importantly, to see
the best within myself. 因為你,我學會了看到人身上的好的,更重要的是,看到

I could say thank you a million times over and it still would not be enough to show
you how appreciative I am of you. No letter could encompass the love I have for you,
and no words could describe the way I feel when I'm with you. Words on a screen are
simply just words, but my hope is that these words give you some idea as to the hold
you have on my heart. 我可以說謝謝一百萬次, 它仍然不足以告訴你我有多感激你。

First off, thank you for simplicity. My mind is constantly cluttered and my thoughts
move like the speed of light. I talk fast, I think fast, and sometimes I move through
life a little too fast. You help me slow down. With you, all the stress and all the
migraines are transparent. I am numb to them now. Speaking of migraines... Thank
you for your care. Thanks for always asking me if I need anything when I'm not
feeling well, and thanks for helping me through the worst of the worst. Whenever I'm
feeling down, you make it your mission to cheer me up, and yeah, you usually
succeed. I think everyone should have someone like that in their life because your
support is simply a light in the darkness of my universe. 首先,感謝您的簡單。我的
木了。說到偏頭痛...謝謝你的關心。謝謝你總是問我是否需要什麼, 當我不舒服,
命,是的,你通常都會成功。我認為每個人在生活中都應該有這樣的人, 因為你的支

Thank you for all the laughs. You are truly the funniest person I know. Never once
have I faked a laugh in front of you, because your humor is more than just one thing;
sometimes it's awkward, sometimes your jokes are just plain awful, but they are
always genuine and always laughable. I have this theory; you always say you love
when I laugh, and when I smile, so I think you use your humor as a tool... but hey, I'm
not complaining. 謝謝你所有的笑聲。你真是我認識的最有趣的人。我從未在你面前
假裝笑過, 因為你的幽默不止是一件事;有時很尷尬, 有時你的笑話太可怕了,但他
們總是真誠的, 總是可笑的。我有這個理論;你總是說你喜歡當我笑, 當我微笑,
所以我認為你用你的幽默作為工具...但是, 嘿, 我不是在抱怨。

Thank you for the future. Considering my mind moves so fast, I imagine it would be
difficult to keep up with me sometimes. Let's just say hypothetical situations are more
apparent in my life than they should be, but when I talk about the future, you do not
shut me down or seem displeased with it. Instead, you go along with it. I cannot wait
for my future, because I know it will have you in it. 謝謝你的未來。考慮到我的頭腦
移動得如此之快, 我想有時很難跟上我。讓我們說, 假設的情況在我的生活中比他
們應該的更明顯, 但當我談論未來,你沒有關閉我或似乎不高興。相反,你同意它。
我等不及我的未來了, 因為我知道它會有你。

And lastly, thank you for being you. Because of you, I have learned to see the good in
people, and more importantly, to see the best within myself. I used the word 'genuine'
to describe your humor, however I can also use it to describe you. I have never met
anyone as kind, sociable, and honest as you. With you, happiness is simple, and it
doesn't seem so difficult to achieve. I love who you are and I know I am so lucky to
have you in my life. So thank you... for everything. 最後,感謝您的加入。有了你,我

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