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ip Designation: 252M - 97 Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Coated Steel-Reintorced (ACSR) [Metric]" “Tes sndard ised ude he Gd ein B 232M: be number imme fone he ination indica heya of iin optic ee he caf vise the ero at ovon. Amber in pasate cats the Yea fat approval A Siperszipn epalon() inca an eval change Scr thet eon apa. 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers concentric lay-stranded con- ductor made from round aluminum 1350-H19 (extra hard) wires and round, metallic-coated steel core wires) for use as ‘overhead electrical conductors. (Explanatory Notes | and 2.) 1.2 ACSR covered by this specification has nine types of coated steel core wire which are designated by abbreviations as follows (Explanatory Note 2): 12.1 ACSR/GA-ACSR using Class A zinc-coated steel 1.2.2 ACSR/GB-ACSR using Class B zinc-coated steel * wire, 1.2.3 ACSR/GC-ACSR using Class C zinc-coated steel wire, 1.24 ACSR/MA-ACSR using Class A Z0-SALMM coated steel wire, 1.2.5 ACSR/MB-ACSR using Class B Zn-SAI-MM coated steel wie, 1.2.6 ACSR/MC-ACSR using Class C Za-5AL-MM coated steel wite, 1.2.7 ACSR/HS-ACSR vsing Class A Zn-SALMM. zinc- coated high-strength steel wires, 1.2.8 ACSR/MS-ACSR using Class A Za-SALMM coated high-strength steel wires, and 1.29 ACSR/AZ-ACSR using aluminum-coated (alumi- nized) ste! wire. Nore 1—The aluminum and temper designations conform to ANSE ‘Standard H55.1, Aluminum 1350 corresponds to UNS No. 491350 in accordance with Practice E527. ‘Nore 2—This apeiicatio isthe metic counterpart of Speciation Ban 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2.1.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of material purchase form a part ofthis specification 10 the extent specified herein: 'B 230M Specification for Aluminum 1350-H19 Wire for Electrical Purposes [Metric}* 1B 263 Test Method for Determination of Cross-Sectional ‘Area of Stranded Conductors? B34IM Specification for Aluminum-Coated (Alumi- nized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel "The pciition under the jorticion of ASTM Commitee B.1 00 ‘tal Condacos and diet pons of Seboommite BIT on Condos of Light Meal, ‘Carat eon approved Oct. 10,197, Publibed Decenber 1957. Oily ube a0 B232M © #2 Ca previ etion B232M 92. Antal Book of ASTM Standords, Vol 02.03 Reinforced (ACSRYAZ) [Metric 38 354 Terminology Relating to Uninslated Metallic Eke ‘trical Conductors? 1B 498M Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Stet ‘Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) [Metic? B 500 Specification for Metalic-Coated. Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (acsry 'B 606 Specification for High Strength Zinc-Coated (Gal- vanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum and Alum ‘num-Alloy Conductors, Stee! Reinforced? B 682 Specification for Standard Metric Sizes of Electrical ‘Conductors? B 302M Specification for Zinc-5 % _Aluminum- Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core Wire for Alu- ‘minum Conductors, Stcel Reinforced (ACSR) [Metric]? B 803 Specification for High-Strength ZinoS % Alumi- num-Michmetal Alloy-Coatod Steel Core Wire for Aluminum, and Alumimum-Alloy Conductors, Steel Reinforced? E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications? E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)* 2.1 ANSI Documents ‘ANSI H135.1(M) American National Standard Alloy and ‘Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum (Metric)® 21.3 NIST Document: ‘NBS Handbook 100—Copper Wire Tables* 3. Terminology, 3.1. Definitions: 3.1.1 galvanized—zine coated. 3.12 aluminized—alumioum coated. 3.2 Abbreviations: 3.2.1 Zn-SAI-MM—zine-5 % aluminum - mischmetal alloy. 3.22 ACSR—aluminum conductor, ste! reinforced. 323 ACSR/GA—reinforced with galvanized steel core wire, coating Class A in accordance with Specification B4sM. 3.2.4 ACSR/GB—reinforced with galvanized steel core 3 anv! Book of ASTM Sinden, Vo 402. + ral Book of ASTM Standards, Vo 1.01 2 Avaible fom the American Naina! Standards Insts, 1 Wet md ‘Ste, 1th Flor, New Yor, NY 10036. "‘Avalae fom ihe Nace losin of Sandaris ant Technol, (Gates, MD 2009, Tc a el ae @p eB 2c2m wire, coating Class B in accordance with Specification B 498M. $25 ACSR/GC—reinforoed with galvanized stec! core wite, coating Class C in accordance with Specification B4S8M. 326 ACSR/HS—ceinforced with high-strength yalva- nized see core wire in with, ion B 606. 397 ACSR/Ma_—reinforced. with Zn-5AI-MM coated steel core wire, coating Class A in accordance with Specifica- tion B 802. 32.8 ACSR/MB—teinforced with Za-SAI-MM coated stee\ core wire, coating Class B in accordance with Speciica- tion B 802M. 329 ACSR/MC—reinforced with Za-SA1-MM coated steel core wire, coating Clas C in accordance with Speciica- tion B 802M, "32.10 ACSR/MS—teinforced with Zn SAL-MM coated steel core wire in accordance with Specfi- cation B 803. : 32.11 ACSR/AZ—reinforced with aluminized steel core wire in accordance with Specification B 341M. 4, Classification 4:1 For the purpose of this ‘conductors are classified as follows ‘Notes 1 and 2): “A.1.1 Class AA—For bare conductors usually used in ‘overhcad lines. These cooductors are divided into two types as follows: ‘ Conductors used for regular overhead: line con- struction, and “LL.L2 Conductors having a high ratio of mechanical strength to current-carrying capacity used for overhead ‘mound wires and for extra-long span construction. Gi Class 4—For conductors to be covered with ‘weather-resistant materials. 5: Ordering Information * 5.1 Orders for material under this spécification shall include the following information: 5.1.1 Quantity of each size, stranding, and class, 5.1.2 Conductor size, by area (mm?) (Section 9 and Table », 's.1.3 Number of wires, aluminum and steel (Table 1, 2, or 2, ‘5.1.4 Type of steel core wire and type and area density (if applicable) of coating (see 6.2), 5.1.3 Direction of lay of outer layer of aluminum wires if other than right-hand (see 8.2), ‘3.6 Special tension test, if desired (see 15.2), 511.7 Place of inspection (Section 16), S18 Package size and type (sce 17.1), 3.1.9 Heavy wood lagging, if required (sce 17.3), and 5.1.10 Special package marking, if required (Section 17). 6. Requirement for Wires 6.1 Before stranding, the aluminum 1350 wire shall: meet the requirements of Specification B 230M. “6.2 Before stranding, the steel core wire shall mect the requirements of Specification B34iM, B498M, B 606, B 802M, and B 803, whichever is applicable. 7. Joints 71 Cokd-pressure welds, electric-butt welds, and electrio- ‘butt, cold-upsct welds in the finished individual aluminum wires composing the conductor may be made during the ‘Sranding process. No weld shall oocur within 15 m of a weld in the same wire ot in any other wire of the completed ‘conductor (Explanatory Note 3). "7.2 There shall be no joints of any kind made in the finished zinc-coated or aluminum-coated steel wires. 8. Lay 18.1 The length of lay of the various layers of wires in ‘conductor shall conform to Table 2 (Explanatory Note 4). '8.2 The direction of lay of the outer layer of aluminum wines shall be right hand unless specified otherwise by the purchaser. The direction of lay of the aluminum and steel ‘res shall be reversed in successive layers. 9.3 Where compressed stranding is required in order to ‘cover the conductor properly, one or more aluminum layers ‘of any stranded conductor consisting af seven wires oF more jnay be slightly compressed. The nominal diameter of the ‘Compressed conductor is 3 % below the nominal diameter of fponeompressed conductor and the area of cross section after | ‘compressing is in acedrdance with Section 13. Nove 3The vser’s attention it caled to the claim that cortain comprssed stand contractions may be subject to patcat rights, for ‘aample, Palents 3,383,704 and 3,444,684. 10, Rated Strength of Conduetor 10.1 The specified rated strength of a conductor shall be taken as the minimum "The rated strength of @ Conductor shall be takea as the sum ofthe strengths of the STuminum and stl components, calculated as follows. The ‘Srength contribution of the aluminum. wires shall be taken as We ‘indicated in Table 4, of the sum of the Strengths of the aluminum 1350 wires, calculated from their Speaiied nominal wire diameter and the appropriate speci ed minimum average tensile strength given in Specification B 230M. The strength contribution of the steel core wes thall be taken as the percentage, indicated in Table 4, of the gum ofthe strengths ofthe steel wires, calculated from their specified nominal wire diameter and ihe appropriate spect fed minimum stress at 1 % extension given in Speification B'MIM, B 498M, B606, B 802M, or B 803, whichever is applicable. 10.2 Rated strengsh and breaking strength shall be min- ‘TABLE 1 Construction Requrements—Akuninum Conductors, Steet Reinforced (ACER) ome Sc, SD ran mame oo oo s Niner tae ae OSE ee 1a uaa < ear z was to AR whem a8 ‘ Ob 2 uae OM co zie ‘ cae ‘ ae tm AA uns a 4 = oe 2 asst nm OM me ets a moet 2 om nm MA ™ mas ‘ 7 Bor ‘ at 1 mA wre ae ‘ om 2 en jo AA mar mim ‘ 7 ee t en cA mre Se ‘ bt 2 as mA on m8 ‘ 7 koe ; =o mA om 8 am 2 am 2 ot mA er Ske 2 Pee elase ‘ zor mA Bree kam 3 oe 2 =n moO or Sif 3 7 aoe : =n mM wns eas 2 am 2 40s = © or Siz 3 7 aah ‘ Bre mM eee ee ao ae 2 = moO; or © i 3 . ‘ ma mM sn ee 7 30 1 so mM 7 Sie : 7 om : zo & on x Se 2 7 i : ao =o - or & 3m 2 7 as 1 ae wo OM sone, ae 2 aoe 2 masa OM ar = 48 2 7 as ‘ or a OM an x ko 2 7 oD 1 po am mio 2 ie aa = M =r = i 2 7 ome ‘ ia = OM an xh 2 a) : wee ee ee 2 som 2 mo a OM = Bis 2 7 ae : Er) aso ar x tS 2 i an : das mM an tn 2 + ie a Be mM 7 2s 2 7 1 2a mM = = a0 2 7 ae 4 Bu mM ar a Sas 2 ; be : Bn mM ‘eh ee 2 + Ms 3 BE a = 2 un 2 hs op 1 me mM ar = 3D 2 7 |. am : mM an x (lB 2 7 be : mM won je At 2 are] ° mM sor 2 3m 2 7 360 : mM =n = fn 2 7 Be : BOM a x le 2 7 Be : m OM fen ele 2 5 a8 mo OM oon am 2 7 om 1 nat mM ar a0 ee 2 7 be : ‘set mM a x ke 2 , a : we =m OM an 3% z 1 an a wee im os sn 27 2 7 : sea i ma ca = be 2 re : est ios Pd Bio 2 7 om : was mak ian eo 2 + ie a v0 1 ms wn 2 ln 2 7 om : sez MA an 2 am 2 + be : wn io MM an mR 3 7 as i io ion aa 2 1 am Q 2 7 7 2 r 1 2 1 0 4515, 2 r 1 ‘a7 2 7 1 443, 2 1 ° ois 1 9 2 724 1 7 1 mm +100 ft 1 1 ° soa ” mans) 1277 2 309 1 7 09 1 1845 wos | cy wae) tT 2 ast 1 7 2st 1 455 sus | ~» AAA et 6 ae 1 1 4x2 o 20 mas. n mes 127 2 2m 1 7 2m 1 187 5186 a AAs) 127 2 28 1 7 250 1 ws wa | 3s MAK on 6 368 1 1 366 ° 1098 22 || 8 ms) 2 2M 1 7 aM 1 12 a2 | o AAeS) 12 2 200 1 7 20 + 15. wa = ay on 6 328 1 1 326 o ‘978 ma | “o mes) on 8 252 1 1 420 a om Ey 0 wy on 8 eat 1 1 21 0 a, is | m5 MAA mn 7 230 1 1 39 ° 1 484 B15 AAA on 8 259 1 1 258 ° ed vas as AKA m z 2x3 1 1 2m ©. Th ws 8 MAA on 6 220 1 1 230 8. cy wos | ~» MAA ™ 7 1a 1 1 258 ° esr «so || » ray on 8 208 1 1 205 6} a1 oss || 1 AE on 6 ry 1 1 3 o ssa rr sO MA an. 6 158 4 4 189 a 489 sos || ‘TABLE 2 Lay Factors for Aluminum Conductors, Stect-einforcod, Concentc-Lay-Stranded : ‘ato of Legh of Lay ofa Layer to Nord Outside Oto of That Layer omnito ‘Asc Wre Layers ‘Shoat We Layers® Ges Se Fest (Ova) ‘Send a) 12 ee oc Vin Profewed Max. in Prefered Mex Min Max Min Max anf Marx _ Min Prferred Max a On7h 2. se = eee eeecereecas = one AA Tofigegis 1018 a op 7 0 7 6 H % BD rar o on 8 3 0 7 «0 eo Bw ar. 0 om 8 B ar % 6 2 3°» S47. 4577 o on 3 36 10 7 at 3 Yl sone, wo "18 3 a 5 mm BM 3o7.2er.2yr 1013 13 S oe oy ee = 8 18 wom 1. 8 Se = 1310 2s 45S = = = ie for st & er wos us DD oo = B i Snes 2138S pesca sere = a “See Spectcaton & 500 : imum values and shall be rounded to three significant figures, in the final value only, in accordance with the rounding method in Practice E 29. 10.3 Rated strength of various constructions are given in Table 3. 11. Density 11.1 For the purpose of calculating mass per unit length, cross sections, etc, the density of aluminum 1350 shall be taken as 2705 kg/m? at 20°C (Explanatory Note 5). 112 For the purpose of calculating mass per unit length, cross sections, ec., the density of zinc-coated or aluminum- 134 coated steel wire shall be taken as.7780 kg/m® at 20°C. 12. Mass per Unit Length snd Electrical Resistance 12.1 The mass, mass per unit length, and electrical resistance of a unit length of stranded conductor are 2. function of the length of lay. The appropriate mass per unit length and electrical resistance may be determined using the standard increments shown in Table 4. When greater a0ct- racy is desired, the increment based on the specific lay ofthe ‘conductor may be calculated (Explanatory Note 6). 12.2 In the calculation of the electrical resistance of ‘conductor, the zinc-coated, Zn-5A1-MM coated, or alumi ‘TABLE 3 Rated Strongth—Aluminum Conductor, Stee Reintorced (ACSA) Fated Seong (ype of ot oe we) ‘Seana ASRGA——«ACSYGB—«=«CASRUGE RRS posnnz, SAMA, -ACSRMB ACSC, co a = a me =o ms sie a m 2 2a == zs = ” 2 26 22 a 2 ~ zs 209 269 206 = a 20 ae ze 2a ze ” oe Et a me 26 ” ms ed cod ey Pa mm ae iso cod 2s 1 00 ry Zs a a 2s ar oo ” wer v9 76 ‘08 1 m0 ” 20 23 on w= ey on ” 108 ie = iss 7s no m 23 a 2 ma ie ne » er 106 ‘0 = 158 oo ” 169 16 7 19 cd eo a” on a 5 we as Mo 0 ” Ban 7 168 tee wwe 10 0 a” on 2 1 1 138 5 sao ” sar 1 0 Ms 1 we 50 my 1 we M3 ye. we “= m = 1. 13 fons) 1 ‘0 ma 18 ‘06 108 10 0 » sone v0 188 ra 1 py * = oy ist “a = = mm a 6 130 13, = ~ ‘sone at uo we 1 a m = cy us cy 1 = m aur t 5 u 16 as » ano 1 1 v0 “wr 1 a8 mm aur no 108 403 7 3 35 * ay m7 ‘380 2 io our a5 ” an a0 es 63 708 eo 200 ” son ord 10 13 2 108 20 * aur 100 m2 me 108 ms 20 ” ay ors a4 ws 20 wz 20 ” en 4 ma 8 30 sa 20 » or 109 10, 10 ww os 20 ms 2 ms ase ae 06 Bs 20 m 27 ov m2 750 4 8 250 ma an oa sa a sa 3 oy ” aon sa so me 108 wo Za mm 2a m0 78 Bt 45 m7, En m Eg 720 ya oat ms er a a 1h 33 a a fea 5 20 » =” wor 286 we a8 = ry 2 ns 3 o2 er = rn oar 2 es 7 7 20 ” ‘wn at aa a a3 100 ” on wy 1 750 74 100 mm ar 4 oa oa a 10 * aun aa 562 ay a i= * wen aa 27 st et 160 ” san re ma os wma 30 ” Pa as m2 a se i. oe ar 20 208 2 2 10 m 1 38 352 38 ao @) 8 232M TABLE 3 Continod ated Sven (ype of stn core we)? ‘AESHIGR nesnyo———ACSRIGE esaNS eA, AGAMA, CSUN, ANS, oo ” ” a ™ m2 sor 702 ws ‘2 ‘a 42 “wo 43 Ho a5 8 4 Bs 9 3 cry a2 3 M2 a5 joa 33 es ert as 23 mo es] 28 oa Ww m = 00 359 ‘20 "730 8 Tat 8 Bs Be m3 ma 72 78 ms 2 ee ~ m8 ws oe 74 es » 78 27 ma Bs Py h eo 2 ora as se ® 552 Se 13 oe 93 3 Bt co) 2 2s me Es 2 cr sa 3 “3 2 454 65 as 492 a5 Py wat ws mo 92 Yea o Bs 215 at 2 183 a mn on us a uo 187 iar a5 AAA mm 151 us wo waz 15 a5 man on ne ns na 25 no 2 AKA 1 23 ne nS rat M2 2% mA a oi 337 ‘900, 101 ‘300 2» ma ™ 109 20 2m 07 215 2 BAA a "184 72 12 329 12 6 AAR on 63 a aa a Sar wes KA on 47 43 rd 325 40 “Rated srg cic acorns wh 2. ‘TABLE 4, Standard increments and Rating Foctors for Linear Density, Resistivity, and Rated Strength Determination ‘Sendard eras Duo ‘Sracieg: Seung formane parent Patna Fac fr raed Dean gh we ea) ret Aimwwry ——_“Rrort rece Pent of Gro Are mau _Pwomtveeee ‘mranan§ Seok Aeon Sea ra aearsee ramen ve a cacians Mee On * iB ° ss = an z ° s s an 2 ° s = = 2 ° Ea = wan 25 os Py 6 an 25 oa s % an a5 oe = * a 238 os = Py er Bs oa s 6 oon 25 os * =, 38 oa 3 = on. 38 oa a * mr 3 4 = ss wes 25 as % = mys 375 os a = ene 5 a8 * S we 8 a8 5 one 8 o5 = 8 ‘num-coated steel core wires may be inciuded. 13, Variation in Area 13.1 The area of cross section of the aluminum wires of a 136 ‘conductor shall be not less than 98 % of the area specified. ‘Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, the manufac- ‘turer may have the option of determining the cross sectional area by ether of the following methods, except that in case of question regarding area compliance, the method in 13.1.2 shall be used. a 13.1.1 The area of cross'section may be determined by caleulations from diameter measurements, expressed 10 two decimal places, of its component aluminum wires at any point when measured" icularly to their axes. 13.4.2. The area of cross section of the aluminum wires of ‘a conductor may be determined by Test Method B 263. In ‘applying this method the increment in mass resulting from stranding may be the applicable value specified in 12.1 or ‘may be calculated from the measured component dimen- sions of the sample under test. In case of question regarding ‘area compliance, the actual mass increment due to stranding shall be calculated. 14, Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 14.1 The conductor shall be clean and free of imperfec- tions not coasistent with good commercial practic. 15. Mechanical and Electrical Tests r 15.1-‘Tests for mechanical and electrical properties of auuigun wis sal ede befor rang (pantry Note 7). 15.2 All aluminum wires composing the conductors shall be capable of meeting the bending properties stated in Gb 8 232m ‘TABLE 5 Packaging information: Recommended feel Sizes, Shipping Lengths, and Net Masses ln Size, cam Stein Fest Desretin FAAT_Ret Oeegeten t= —_Fes eon —_—_— om 7 Teng on Net Mas of engin Net Mane of ‘eng on Net Mass of Ron Si "Peek Conducts, RodSan “Rech Cocco, Rest Se Re Conan, ™ ‘9 ™ 7 ‘9 * a * Tons 9) 1S TS : m nn % : » ne ts * res fm TE : ” a » Cn : ” nC mM one Se) 2D mM mr TIO wo syns sods tess www ess oO ms two aa] To Sines oes. e moO armas, amt] ams was ata oom a. ne nn ed . oo Sr mas aoa] wR ta so Senos am Sw. sO armas eas TSIS aad wos S(t so syns gas ss SONS sO 7 ass TS Pn a OM sur Sas 2M ONS 2s ‘Om op as es aD Er a om mneskus 250 aT 238 | oe Br / 2s : set OM aur / 38 0 ao 2 = ‘0 Bk aos / sas oreo) arto aaa - 7 a OM a ed 5 ce oo OM anf a3 0D oo 1014S 35 OM pn a a, a ak Br DMS = Oe i im teas 38k 7 Bs HOS TD ez tas 185, a8 OM aan ie isto aw oe mM on * a ) . : mo OM yr ae ss 2 tae ok nS ed = i 2 ss oO mm, 7 ii ott astm ee Oe OM on ; om ss a O ay sis iioD : i siz oto Bo a8 BODO eos 17108 oO aan cise es ttm asm ae ms on mM son 7 we ms a mM oye agro : cz tas 720 Ok Pi Td : Senge ro 8 mk vn : i : én i tm ee mS 20 son on us mm Ok a 0 Sis : come. iso tao mk rn . 7 2 | oma om kA won Ce a eS ee} ee | sm Aa sor i om 7m os wo OM ar elise oe iota . wo by mas 35008 : foe tas mk 1a . oz itt 2m = 5 iy se, senda a) A ir oO 27 oats wo OM ar 28 wo AA eh a8 2a woo 20 028 woo 27 e028 wom ah aa ea we OM an m8 we OM zur 28 we ON an an an ans) 10119 f mos) 1 aA On a ae 322 wo +n mo AGS) tar j OMAN : a tims a2 im « | nae mmm mats) a - 4 MO 1a : | SMA On an se ws mo mz 1000 AAG) tT . 4 AAD) 7 od 2 kA on aa ise a2 so ne is 0m on - : 4 re an ws Sz mmm . mm |W 7O ms MATH an ws nz 1m =a a MA 26 ome sa si _ ae) me MAN mz m2 ma OMA . m2 mm 2 MA OTR : BS na mM m MAO m2 mw we MA Soe as AA oh Ee “ce Tati 6 for drversions ofr. Specification B230M after stranding. strengths of not less than 95% of the minimum tensile 15.3 Routine production testing. after stranding is not strength specified for the wire before stranding. The electrical required. However, when such tests are requested by the resistivity shall meet the minimum resistivity specified for ‘Purchaser and agreed to by the manufacturer atthe time of wire before stranding. Elongation tests may be made for Srdering (or made for other reasons) aluminum wires re- information purposes only and no minimum values are Gnoved from the completed conductor shall have tensile assigned (Explanatory Note 7). The frequency of these tests 138 et Designation veasme, Fence = co nea hoe oe ere, ome, | ater, = = J ‘Ouse? v= waa one 076 oar 56 O84 T8 Nr 9822 27s ost 04 os oss ne see 205 oar ost D6 Ose reas Naao28 oar tor 053 an Os 783 na 4828 ses 12 ost on oss mes snooze? So re an an oss 788 RM e528 1280 168 ost ast oor 7683 ME ser us os oor ue 7083 aT 8430° 2001 i819 sor oss 199 ‘iT 4a 2s 198213 iar uM iz Furr ons 3.64 2Be2) ior ae iz aT 96.90" 4503 2040, tor ise 170 “Trai "H" denen wooden poets rx “AMT mt unas re and RMT rv veturabl ret wh ye Dea As, 1 Roos ar Pt ecg to wee te orcs recured fr raking cr terion SONG Operas. eee ee ee rods Mi 46.20 we ender dbo rar 20 ra wer Pen he arte el wh Yo provi fr een of sr poss tes detrton Fr fess NF 60.20 we up ater woo tl. py Oaapment shod Be notes tha 300m wider an fore wh ‘Sync races wi be pov Kr rel M602. eos PACT 8426, RMT 4-45, AMT 9045, and FMT 96.60 have 75-0 pwcrthnes are Garr ovr toi, Re wth ori anes xcept whan wye-bea es ae somes od. shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the manu- 15.4 Tests for demonstration of rated strength of the completed conductor are not required by this specification bbut may be made if agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of placing an order. If tested, the breaking strength of the completed conduc.or shall be not less than the rated strength if failure oocurs'in the free length at least 25 mm beyond the end of cither gripping ‘device, or shall be not less than 95 % of the rated strength if failure occurs inside, or within 25 mm of the end of, either ripping device (Explanatory Note 8). 15.5 Tests for all properties of zinc-coated, Zo-5A1-MM. coated, of aluminum-coated stee! wires shall be made before stranding (Explanatory Note 7). 16. Inspection 16.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or pur- chase order, the manufacturer shall be responsible for the formance ofall inspection and test requirements speci- 16.2 All inspections and tests shall be made at the place of manufacture unless otherwise especially agreed upon be- tween the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of the Purchase. 16.3 The manufacturer shall afford the inspector repre- senting the purchaser all reasonable manufacturer's facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with this specification. jeter tree cated tage danetors so ameter under the Se; was 17, Packaging and Package Marking 17.1 Package sizes and kind of package, reels or coils, ‘shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of placing the order. Recommended package sizes are shown in Table 5 (Explanatory Note 9). 17.2 There shal be only one length of conductor on a reel. 17.3: The conductor shall be protected against damage i ordinary handling and shipping. If heavy wood lagging ‘is, required, it shall be specified by the purchaser at the time of placing the purchase order. bare conductor i intended for manufacture, suc as adding 2 covering ‘or insulation, In such cares the position of each end ofa length iso be ‘early martod and the length ofeach portion shall be shown on the tg attached to the end ofthe enaductor. 174 The net mass, leogth, size, kind of conductor, stranding, type of coating, class of zinc or Zo-5A1-MM ‘coating (if used), and any other necessary identification shall bbe marked on tag attached to the end of the conductor inside the package. This same information, together with the purchase order number, the manufacturer's serial number (if any), and all shipping marks and other information required by the purchaser shall appear on the outside of each package. 18. Keywords 18.1 aluminum conductors; concentsic-lay-stranded alt minum conductor; electrical conductors; electrical conduc- tors, aluminum; steel-reinforced conductors, stranded alu- minum conductors So - @ B232M EXPLANATORY NOTES: concentric aystranded hie ‘wins in the conductor, inching the straight core wire if any, (or conductors, Spociically designated. Con aS he stranding factor is unity). The stranding Facto (hag) #0638 sino options not included inthis peiicationsbouk! be SSae Tres wire a concentriclay-atranded conductors onder. SS eee {Terminology B 354. "The derivation it given i : Sy gen in NBS Handbook 100, Copper Wise Tables caine BE og of poet sat wi ins in rundet The tos am a8 “ eg coniutory i related 10 bath their tensile stent and oogaton: = ee ere a coos a is higher oogation proper the lower Senge So lactam’ ss = ee : Beco ives ogurvalnt overall performance 10 that o OLESEN Mont 7-_ Wires ua from conductors may have diferent pyscal te ocane butt, cold-upeet weld in stranded conductors. preter fom the ofthe mire prior to sanding Deca of = Fare on causl by stranding and strsightcaing forts, tes 8 i atae preferred rai of the lay wih respect to the cutie ny a a ayer of wires vars fo ifleent layers and fr EN Scrat or aluminanonnit see wires are to be nade Ate "ano cate porchser and the manufacter a the me of placing the Nore 6-—The increment of mass oF estance of pled eoncsntnclaysrandod conductor (K) in percent [Nott 9For the convenience ofthe wars of this speriScation, Tabs 8 Nom oe reparcd ping recommended shiping lengths for te k= 100(m = a cons of ACSR referred to in Table. Valucs of net mast 9 where m is the‘stranding factor, and is aio the rio of the mast oF tab Mico! macs, fe, it i common practice to allow Te itanoe of aunt feng of stranded conducoe to that of ran eon imho 25% for szs aretha Om and clare ome of the sme crossecinal arco of sanded ae Oo and male, I 380 common Shoat length of lay, that is, all wires paral to the Sow an arout oot excezting 10% of the total mass of any sari eng facent m for a stranded conductor js the 906 ort 1 ripped in random legis with no picoe shorter than nein Ys ns et pti eg A et ay eh er a een ad a ATEN AY 24 EY

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