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United Kingdom
Saul (1S 9—31 [40; Acts 13:21] 1C 10) 1050 BC
David (1S 16—1K 2 [40; 2:11] 1C 11—29) 1010 BC
Solomon (2S 12:24, 1K 1—11 [40; 1K 11:42] 1C 22:9, 2C 1—9) 970 BC

Divided Kingdom
Judah (South) Date* Israel (orth)
Rehoboam (1K 12, 14:21-31 [17; 14:21] 2C 10—12) 930 Jeroboam (1K 11:26—14:20 [22; 14:20] 2C 10, 13)
Abijam (1K 15:1-8 [3; 15:2] 2C 13) 913
Asa (1K 15:8-24 [41; 15:10] 2C 14—16) 910
909 Nadab (1K 15:25-31 [2; 15:25])
908 Baasha (1K 15:27—16:6 [24; 15:33])
886 Elah (1K 16:6-14 [2; 16:8])
885 Zimri (1K 16:9-20 [7ds; 16:15])
885 Omri (1K 16:16-28 [12; 16:23])
874 Ahab (1K 16:28—22:40 [22; 16:29] 2C 18)
Jehoshaphat (1K 22 [25; 22:42] 2K 3, 2C 17—20) 869
(Jehoram begins to reign in his father’s absence.)† 853 Ahaziah (1K 22:51—2K 1:18 [2; 22:51])
852 Jehoram (2K 3:1—9:26 [12; 3:1])
Jehoram (2K 8:16-24 [8; 8:17] 2C 21) 848
Ahaziah (2K 8:24—9:28 [1; 8:26] 2C 22) 841
Athalia (2K 11 [6; 11:3] 2C 22:10—23:15) 841 Jehu (2K 9—10 [28; 10:36])
Jehoash (2K 11:2—12:21 [40; 12:1] 2C 22:10—24:27) 835
814 Jehoahaz (2K 13:1-9 [17; 13:1])
798 Jehoash (2K 13:9—14:16 [16; 13:10])
Amaziah (2K 14:1-20 [29; 14:2] 2C 25) 796
782 Jeroboam (2K 14:16-29 [41; 14:23])
Azariah/Uzziah (2K 15:1-7 [52; 15:2] 2C 26) 767
753 Zechariah (2K 14:29—15:11 [6ms; 15:8])
752 Shallum (2K 15:10-15 [1m; 15:13])
752 Menahem (2K 15:14-22 [10; 15:17])
742 Pekahiah (2K 15:22-26 [2; 15:23])
Jotham (2K 15:32-38 [16; 15:33] 2C 27) 740 Pekah (2K 15:25-31 [20; 15:27])
732 Hoshea (2K 15:30—17:6 [9; 17:1])
Ahaz (2K 16 [16; 16:2] 2C 28) 731
722 Assyria, led by Shalmaneser V, destroys Samaria
Hezekiah (2K 18—20 [29; 18:2] 2C 29—32, Is 36—39) 715 and exiles the inhabitants of Israel, then introduces
Manasseh (2K 21:1-18 [55; 21:1] 2C 33:1-20) 687 foreigners into the land (2K 17). The ten tribes are
Amon (2K 21:18-26 [2; 21:19] 2C 33:21-25) 642 never heard from again.
Josiah (2K 22—23 [31; 22:1] 2C 34—35) 640
Jehoahaz (2K 23:30-33 [3ms; 23:31] 2C 36:1-4) 609
Jehoiakim (2K 23:34—24:6 [11; 23:36] 2C 36:4-8) 609 Babylonian Captivity (Jer. 25:11)
606 Daniel and friends taken captive (Dan. 1:1)
Jehoiachin (2K 24:6-15 [3ms; 24:8] 2C 36:8-10) 598
597 1. Skilled workers (& Ezekiel) exiled (2K 24)
Zedekiah (2K 24:17-25:7 [11; 24:17] 2C 36:10-21) 597
587 2. More exiled, temple destroyed (2K 25).
582 3. Final wave of exiles go to Babylon (Jer. 52:30)
Alliance of Judah and Israel
Asa Omri
Jehoshaphat Ahab—Jezebel
Jehoram (married) Athaliah / Ahaziah / Jehoram

Ahaziah / Jehoshabeath (married) Jehoiada


BC, all dates are approximate (it is possible that, at times, 2 kings reigned on the same throne [i.e. coregency]; see below); for all information on
chronology in the books of Samuel and Kings, cf. Edwin R. Thiele, Mysterious umbers of the Hebrew Kings2 (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1983).
Kings italicized feared God at first; kings in bold feared God at last; kings with both feared God their whole lives.
Kings underlined were not the sons of the previous king. The number in bold is the length (in years, unless otherwise noted) of the king’s reign.

At this time, Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, and Ahab, king of Israel, were both engaged in a war against the Syrians about Ramoth-gilead. While
they were busy with this, they set their sons on the throne to take care of the domestic affairs, so father and son were reigning at the same time
(this is a good guess at what happened, anyway). When Ahaziah son of Ahab died, his brother Jehoram took over the throne.

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