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The world has produced a billion tons of plastic since the 1950s. According to Cho
(2017), 165 million tons of plastic have been trashed in the ocean and about nine
million more loads enters the ocean per year. Furthermore, only about nine percent
of plastic is recycled, while the rest was disposed in the landfills and takes up
500 years to be decomposed while releasing hazardous chemicals into the ground.

The Philippines also produced highest level of plastic litters, especially in the
oceans which pollutes the local marine ecosystems. The most abundant plastic waste
was the plastic wrappers used as sachet, a prominent packaging type in the country
(Paler,et. al. 2019).

This study used to developed vegetable Bioplastic Films from Cassava (Manihot
Esculenta) peel, since Bioplastic Films can be considered as eco-friendly type of
packaging for dry goods that reduces environmental issues on using traditional
plastics (Athanassiou, et. al. 2020). Moreover, Cassava (Manihot Esculenta) peel is
a type of Polyactic Acid (PLA) Bioplastic which acts like Polyethylene used in
plastic films, packing and bottles, Polystyrene used in Styrofoam and plastic
cutlery, or Polypropylene used in packaging, auto parts and textiles (Cho, 2017).
This study also used to develop Cassava (Manihot Esculenta) peel as an edible
Bioplastic Film since it has been used as a raw material for some edible coating
making (Handayani, et. al. 2018).

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