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Pantoja, Ariel S.

1. Do you think that people’s attitudes toward sexual behaviors are affected by whether
they are male or female? Do you think this influences how they judge others’ sexual
behaviors? Why or why not?

- Sexuality may be experienced and expressed in a variety of ways, including

thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, practices, roles,
and relationships. Many argue that a sexual double standard still exists,
Structural factors like social norms shape individuals’ perceptions of appropriate
sexual behaviors for men and women, setting up double standards that allow
men more sexual freedom than women. So this still influences how they judge
other’s sexual behavior.

2. What are the common beliefs and misconceptions about the body, sex, and
sexuality? Discuss briefly.
- We like to think that we understand our bodies fairly well.

Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Many of the “facts” we learn about our
bodies are actually myths, and the truth can be somewhat counterintuitive. For
instance, humans have far more than five senses, depending on the methods
you prefer for categorization. Spicy foods don’t usually cause peptic ulcers,
eating before swimming won’t give you life-threatening cramps, either, and
swallowed gum doesn’t take seven years to digest.

- Young children are often gender confused

Our sense of gender is not fixed, particularly in our early years. Quite a number
of young children question whether they are male or female, but only around
10% of them will be transgender adults. We need a better understanding of that
trajectory, since gender dysmorphia, particularly during puberty, can put a child
at higher risk of depression and even suicide.

- Dirty talk during sex is a must.

Unlike movies and various sex scenes, dirty talk and naughty words aren't
extremely necessary during having sex. This point might disappoint a lot of
people, but unfortunately it's true. Some people don't even like to talk dirty while
having sex.

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