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Class : P4 MB

Name : _________________ Subject : SCIENCE

THI (Taman Harapan Indah ) Blok P No. 32, Jakarta Barat ,Telp. 021 46582457 , Hp.0813 1489 5685

1. Changes in the _________________________ can be slow or rapid

2. Examples of slow environmental changes are soil _________________, global
_____________, __________________ and ___________________ of the ozone
3. Deforestation causes __________________ ____________________ which is the
removal of the top layer are soil by wind and water over time
4. Having more carbondioxide in the air traps more __________________ in the air,
and result global warming
5. Gases released from the burning of fuels dissolve in rainwater to form ___________
which cause stones, rocks and minerals to be _____________________ over time
6. The depletion of the _______________ layer occurs due to the release of
chlorofluorocarbons from air-conditioners, refrigerators, styrofoam packaging and
aerosol sprays
7. Landslides, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and earthquakes are examples of ________
environmental changes
8. During volcanic eruptions ______________________ and _____________________
are released with great force from a volcano
9. __________________ are movements of rocks or earth down a slope
10. _________________ are huge waves that move across the _________________ and
become bigger as they approach the coast
11. Earthquakes occur when the ground __________________ due to the movement of
the earth’s ______________ and can lead to landslides and tsunamis
12. Selective planting ___________________ the effects of global warming and reduces
soil erosion
13. ______________________ environmental changes benefit us
14. _______________________ is the reduction in the amount of industrial activities in
an area
15. Growing ___________________ ____________________ reduces soil erosion and
improves soil fertility
16. Heat from a volcano can be changed to ___________________ _________________
and the _________________ ___________________ can be used to grow crops
17. Bad environmental changes can cause wildlife to lose their ____________________
__________________ in weather patterns and loss of _______________ and ______

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