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Nama: Ardianus kaka ate

Npm: 201823011
Bahasa inggris R23 R24
1. Japanese Macaque
Keywords: Japanese Macaque, it inhabits an area farther north than any other primate
except for human…(location), snow monkey, it’s relocated to Texas.
2. Robot
Keywords: robots in sci-fi, means of productivity, industries. my still be in their
infancy, but their products are no longer being ridiculet as an impossibility.
3. Parade
Keywords: streets, people, band, marching song, crowds, float. reaches them
4. Parsley
Keywords: parsley, it is sacred, garnish and to improve the taste of food.
5. Mud
Keywords: one of the most readily available….materials we know of. is mud.

1. B
Keywords: tracks of young and older dinosaurs, eight to ten paces, calculate animals'
weight, stride, and speed.

A. location
C. weight and height
A dan C terlalu sempit (just giving more information), TOPIC harus umum dan luas.
2. A
Keywords: a two eye spider, no lungs, smallest spider
B: size
C: inhabitant

B dan C: too narrow (just giving more detailed information)

3. C
Keywords: defend, nutritional quality, nearby trees (same), information about the
A: chemical substances
B: pest control program
A and B are just giving more information
4. A:
5. Keywords: satellites, locusts, corn, agriculture, pesticides
B: images, regions
C: eradicating locusts
B and C: too narrow.
Answer A is the summary of the whole information (general)
6. C
Keywords: animal screams, not warning, attract predators
A: buzzards, hawks, etc : just examples of predators
B: broadcast using loudspeaker : just another information

Answer C: surprising conclusion (nor warning but attracting predators)

1. Domesticated Turkeys The extinction of 18 species of birds in Christmas Island
Reasoning per kalimat: Kalimat pertama ada TURKEY. Kalimat kedua ada LARGE
BIRD. Kalimat ketiga ada ITS POPULARITY, dan kalimat terakhir ada DOMESTIC
2. Meteor’s entrance The disadvantages and advantages of underground home
Reasoning per kalimat: Kalimat pertama: meteor collides/jatuh. Kedua: its
entrance/masuknya dia-si meteor. Ketiga: meteor reach Earth:meteorite/meteor masuk
Bumi disebut meteorit. Keempat: meteorit lagi.
3. CORRECT Hawaii's soil compositions are collected from dust particles from China's
desert through windstorms
4. How smokers OVERCOME nicotine addiction Correct
Reasoning per kalimat: Pertama: kecanduan smoking. Kedua: overcome/mengatasi
kecanduan. Ketiga: low nitocine . Keempat: zero-nicotine. Kelima: effective aid: gum.
Jadi ini intinya tentang: cara mengatasi kecanduan, yaitu dengan low nikotin, zero,
sampai akhirnya gum :)
5. Rice as food crop Correct
Reasoning per kalimat: Pertama: padi sbg bahan pangan. Kedua: perkembangan
genetic supaya resisten terhadap hama. Ketiga: padi menjadi bahan pokok 1.6 billion
people. Jadi intinya tentang PADI, hehe...

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