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The convalescent sera option for containing COVID-19

Arturo Casadevall, Liise-anne Pirofski

J Clin Invest. 2020;130(4):1545-1548.

Viewpoint COVID-19

As of early 2020, humanity is confronting a pandemic in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
SARS-CoV-2 causes coronavirus disease, abbreviated as COVID-19. At the time of this writing, SARS-CoV-2 is
spreading in multiple countries, threatening a pandemic that will affect billions of people. This virus appears to be a new
human pathogen. Currently there are no vaccines, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), or drugs available for SARS-CoV-2,
although many are in rapid development and some may be available in a short time. This Viewpoint argues that human
convalescent serum is an option for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 disease that could be rapidly available when
there are sufficient numbers of people who have recovered and can donate immunoglobulin-containing serum. Passive
antibody therapy Passive antibody therapy involves the administration of antibodies against a given agent to a susceptible
individual for the purpose of preventing or treating an infectious disease due to that agent. In contrast, active vaccination
requires the induction of an immune response that takes time to develop and varies depending on the vaccine recipient.
Thus, passive antibody administration is the only means of providing immediate immunity to susceptible persons. Passive
antibody therapy has a storied history going back to the 1890s and was the only means of treating certain infectious
diseases prior to the development of antimicrobial therapy in […]

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The Journal of Clinical Investigation     VIEWPOINT

The convalescent sera option for containing COVID-19

Arturo Casadevall1 and Liise-anne Pirofski2
Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College

of Medicine, Bronx, New York, USA.

A s of early 2020, humanity is confront- tection is viral neutralization. However, and provide protection against infection.
ing a pandemic in severe acute respiratory other mechanisms may be possible, such Depending on the antibody amount and
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). as antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic- composition, the protection conferred by
SARS-CoV-2 causes coronavirus disease, ity and/or phagocytosis. Possible sources the transferred immunoglobulin can last
abbreviated as COVID-19. At the time of of antibody for SARS-CoV-2 are human from weeks to months.
this writing, SARS-CoV-2 is spreading in convalescent sera from individuals who
multiple countries, threatening a pandemic have recovered from COVID-19, mAbs, Historical precedents
that will affect billions of people. This virus or preparations generated in certain ani- In the early twentieth century convalescent
appears to be a new human pathogen. Cur- mal hosts, such as genetically engineered sera was used to stem outbreaks of viral
rently there are no vaccines, monoclonal cows that produce human antibody (4). diseases such as poliomyelitis (8), measles
antibodies (mAbs), or drugs available for Although many types of preparations are (9, 10), mumps (11), and influenza (12). A
SARS-CoV-2, although many are in rapid or will soon be under development, the retrospective meta-analysis of eight studies
development and some may be available only antibody type that is currently avail- on the use of convalescent sera involving
in a short time. This Viewpoint argues that able for immediate use is that found in 1703 patients during the 1918 H1N1 influ-
human convalescent serum is an option for human convalescent sera (Figure 1). As enza virus pandemic suggested that those
prevention and treatment of COVID-19 more individuals contract COVID-19 and who received serum had lower mortality
disease that could be rapidly available recover, the number of potential donors (13). Although the efficacy of convalescent
when there are sufficient numbers of peo- will continue to increase. sera varied with the virus and the study,
ple who have recovered and can donate A general principle of passive antibody there was consensus at the time that this
immunoglobulin-containing serum. therapy is that it is more effective when intervention was useful, and it was used in
used for prophylaxis than for treatment numerous outbreaks. It is noteworthy that
Passive antibody therapy of disease. When used for therapy, anti- historically, convalescent sera were devel-
Passive antibody therapy involves the body is most effective when administered oped and used in many cases without the
administration of antibodies against a given shortly after the onset of symptoms. The means to measure antibody titers or knowl-
agent to a susceptible individual for the pur- reason for temporal variation in efficacy edge about viral serotypes, and in clinical
pose of preventing or treating an infectious is not well understood but could reflect studies that did not meet modern criteria
disease due to that agent. In contrast, active that passive antibody works by neutraliz- for randomization or blinding.
vaccination requires the induction of an ing the initial inoculum, which is likely to More recently, convalescent serum
immune response that takes time to develop be much smaller than that of established was used during viral epidemics. In the
and varies depending on the vaccine recip- disease (5). Another explanation is that 2009–2010 H1N1 influenza virus pan-
ient. Thus, passive antibody administration antibody works by modifying the inflam- demic, convalescent serum antibody
is the only means of providing immediate matory response, which is also more eas- preparations obtained by apheresis were
immunity to susceptible persons. Passive ily achieved during the initial immune used to treat individuals with severe H1N1
antibody therapy has a storied history going response, a stage that may be asymptom- 2009 infection requiring intensive care
back to the 1890s and was the only means atic (6). As an example, passive antibody (14). Serum-treated individuals manifest-
of treating certain infectious diseases prior therapy for pneumococcal pneumonia was ed reduced respiratory viral burden, serum
to the development of antimicrobial thera- most effective when administered shortly cytokine responses, and mortality (14).
py in the 1940s (1, 2). Experience from prior after the onset of symptoms, and there was Convalescent serum was also used in the
outbreaks with other coronaviruses, such as no benefit if antibody administration was 2013 West African Ebola epidemic. A small
SARS-CoV-1, shows that such convalescent delayed past the third day of disease (7). nonrandomized study in Sierra Leone
sera contain neutralizing antibodies to the For passive antibody therapy to be revealed significantly longer survival for
relevant virus (3). effective, a sufficient amount of anti- those treated with convalescent whole
In the case of SARS-CoV-2, the antic- body must be administered. When giv- blood relative to those who received stan-
ipated mechanism of action by which pas- en to a susceptible person, this antibody dard treatment (15). Two patients trans-
sive antibody therapy would mediate pro- will circulate in the blood, reach tissues, ferred to the United States and treated
with a combination of convalescent serum
Conflict of interest: The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists.
and an experimental drug also survived
Copyright: © 2020, American Society for Clinical Investigation. (16). There is anecdotal evidence from the
Reference information: J Clin Invest. 2020;130(4):1545–1548. H5N1 (17, 18) and H7N9 (19) avian flu out-   Volume 130   Number 4   April 2020 1545

VIEWPOINT The Journal of Clinical Investigation   

Figure 1. Schematic of the use of convalescent sera for COVID-19. An individual who is sick with COVID-19 and recovers has blood drawn and screened for
virus-neutralizing antibodies. Following identification of those with high titers of neutralizing antibody, serum containing these virus-neutralizing anti-
bodies can be administered in a prophylactic manner to prevent infection in high-risk cases, such as vulnerable individuals with underlying medical condi-
tions, health care providers, and individuals with exposure to confirmed cases of COVID-19. Additionally, convalescent serum could potentially be used in
individuals with clinical disease to reduce symptoms and mortality. The efficacy of these approaches is not known, but historical experience suggests that
convalescent sera may be more effective in preventing disease than in the treatment of established disease.

breaks that use of convalescent sera was 500 mL convalescent serum, resulting in istration is that it can prevent infection
effective, with all patients surviving. a reduction in serum virus titer, and each and subsequent disease in those who are
Although every viral disease and epi- survived (21). Three patients with MERS at high risk for disease, such as vulnera-
demic is different, these experiences pro- in South Korea were treated with convales- ble individuals with underlying medical
vide important historical precedents that cent serum, but only two of the recipients conditions, health care providers, and
are both reassuring and useful as humani- had neutralizing antibody in their serum those with exposure to confirmed cases
ty now confronts the COVID-19 epidemic. (22). The latter study highlights a chal- of COVID-19. Passive antibody adminis-
lenge in using convalescent sera, namely, tration to prevent disease is already used
Experience with the use of that some who recover from viral disease in clinical practice. For example, patients
convalescent sera against may not have high titers of neutralizing exposed to hepatitis B and rabies viruses
coronavirus diseases antibody (23). Consistent with this point, are treated with hepatitis B immune glob-
In the twenty-first century, there have an analysis of 99 samples of convalescent ulin (HBIG) and human rabies immune
been two other epidemics with corona- sera from patients with SARS showed that globulin (HRIG), respectively. In addition,
viruses that were associated with high 87 had neutralizing antibody, with a geo- passive antibody is used for the prevention
mortality, SARS1 in 2003 and Middle East metric mean titer of 1:61 (3). This suggests of severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
respiratory syndrome (MERS) in 2012. The that antibody declines with time and/or disease in high-risk infants. Until recent-
SARS1 epidemic was contained, but MERS that few patients make high-titer respons- ly, a polyclonal hyperimmune globulin
became endemic in the Middle East and es. It is also possible that non-neutralizing (RSV-IG) prepared from samples of donors
triggered a secondary major outbreak in antibodies are produced that contribute with high serum titers of RSV neutralizing
South Korea. In both outbreaks, the high to protection and recovery, as described antibody was used, but these preparations
mortality and absence of effective thera- for other viral diseases (24–26). There are have now been replaced by palivizumab,
pies led to the use of convalescent serum. reports that convalescent serum was used a humanized murine mAb. Used thera-
The largest study involved the treatment for therapy of patients with COVID-19 in peutically, convalescent serum would be
of 80 patients with SARS in Hong Kong China during the current outbreak (27). administered to those with clinical disease
(20). Patients treated before day 14 had Although few details are available from in an effort to reduce their symptoms and
improved prognosis defined by discharge the epidemic in China and published stud- mortality. The efficacy of these approach-
from hospital before day 22, consistent ies involved small numbers of patients, the es cannot be inferred without carrying out
with the notion that earlier administra- available information suggests that con- a controlled clinical trial. Based on the his-
tion is more likely to be effective (20). In valescent serum administration reduced torical experience with antibody adminis-
addition, those who were PCR positive viral load and was safe. tration, it can be anticipated that antibody
and seronegative for coronavirus at the administration would be more effective in
time of therapy had improved prognosis Risks and benefits preventing disease than in the treatment
(20). There is also some anecdotal infor- COVID-19 convalescent sera can be used of established disease (12).
mation on the use of convalescent serum for either prophylaxis of infection or treat- Risks of passive administration of
in seriously ill individuals. Three patients ment of disease. In a prophylactic mode, convalescent sera fall into two categories,
with SARS in Taiwan were treated with the benefit of convalescent serum admin- known and theoretical. Known risks are

1546   Volume 130   Number 4   April 2020

The Journal of Clinical Investigation     VIEWPOINT

those associated with transfer of blood with convalescent sera to prevent disease. We anticipate that once the necessary
substances, which include inadvertent If the risk proved real, these individuals regulatory permissions are in place, indi-
infection with another infectious disease could be vaccinated against COVID-19 viduals who recover from COVID-19 can
agent and reactions to serum constitu- when a vaccine becomes available. be approached to donate blood for serum
ents, including immunological reactions Given that historical and current anec- preparation or antibody isolation through
such as serum sickness. With modern dotal data on use of convalescent serum apheresis. Recovery from COVID-19 will
blood banking techniques that screen for suggest it is safe in coronavirus infection, be assessed clinically, and such individu-
blood-borne pathogens and match the the high mortality of COVID-19, particu- als must be shown to free of SARS-CoV-2,
blood type of donors and recipients, the larly in elderly and vulnerable persons, sug- including in their blood by appropriate
risks of inadvertently transferring known gests that the benefits of its use in those at viral nucleic acid screening. Donated
infectious agents or triggering transfusion high risk for or with early disease outweigh blood products will be screened for infec-
reactions are low. However, convalescent the risks. However, for all cases where con- tious agents according to current blood
sera used in a therapeutic mode would valescent serum administration is consid- banking practices, and individual sera will
likely be administered to individuals with ered, a risk-benefit assessment must be be studied for specific antibody content
pulmonary disease, in whom plasma infu- conducted to assess individual variables. and neutralizing activity to SARS-CoV-2.
sion carries some risk for transfusion- These considerations were invoked recent- Depending on the volumes needed and
related acute lung injury (TRALI) (28), ly with the decision to use mAbs in the the neutralizing activity of donated con-
and this should be a consideration in the treatment of Ebola virus disease (32). valescent sera, these could be pooled or
risk-benefit assessment. The theoretical used individually, and preparations for
risk involves the phenomenon of antibody- Deployment and proposed use clinical use would be treated for patho-
dependent enhancement of infection To deploy convalescent serum administra- gen attenuation. At this time, we do not
(ADE). ADE can occur in several viral dis- tion for COVID-19 the following six condi- know what an effective neutralizing titer
eases and involves an enhancement of dis- tions must be met: (i) availability of a pop- would be in a susceptible individual given
ease in the presence of certain antibodies. ulation of donors who have recovered from passive antibody therapy for prophylaxis,
For coronaviruses, several mechanisms the disease and can donate convalescent and determining this parameter would be
for ADE have been described, and there serum; (ii) blood banking facilities to pro- part of the study design. Similarly, we do
is the theoretical concern that antibodies cess the serum donations; (iii) availability not know what doses would be effective
to one type of coronavirus could enhance of assays, including serological assays, to therapeutically. We do know that when
infection to another viral strain (29). It detect SARS-CoV-2 in serum and virolog- convalescent serum was used to prevent
may be possible to predict the risk of ADE ical assays to measure viral neutralization; measles or mumps the amounts used were
of SARS-CoV-2 experimentally, as pro- (iv) virology laboratory support to perform in the order of 10–40 cc (10, 11). In con-
posed for MERS (29). Since the proposed these assays; (v) prophylaxis and therapeu- trast, when convalescent serum was used
use of convalescent sera in the COVID-19 tic protocols, which should ideally include to treat severe disease in soldiers with
epidemic would rely on preparations with randomized clinical trials to assess the 1918 influenza, the amounts given were
high titers of neutralizing antibody against efficacy of any intervention and measure in the hundreds of milliliters (34). These
the same virus, SARS2-CoV-2, ADE may immune responses; and (vi) regulatory older studies claimed efficacy even though
be unlikely. The available evidence from compliance, including institutional review convalescent serum was given without
the use of convalescent sera in patients board approval, which may vary depend- any knowledge of neutralizing titers.
with SARS1 and MERS (30), and anecdotal ing on location. Ideally, the use of conva- Those experiences suggest that even small
evidence from its use in 245 patients with lescent serum would involve multiple cen- amounts of antibody may prevent and/or
COVID-19 (27), suggest it is safe. Never- ters, follow randomized control protocols, treat infection. Hence, we can anticipate
theless, in convalescent serum trials, cau- and have a single center as a governing that effective prophylactic doses would be
tion and vigilance to identify any evidence body. Each of these conditions should be much smaller than therapeutic doses. This
of enhanced infection will be required. available in developed areas affected by makes sense, since the infecting inoculum
Another theoretical risk is that anti- COVID-19. At least one pharmaceutical is likely to be much smaller than the viral
body administration to those exposed company, Takeda, is gearing up to gener- burden during severe disease.
to SARS-CoV-2 may prevent disease in ate antibody preparations against SARS2- COVID-19 convalescent sera could be
a manner that attenuates the immune CoV-2 from COVID-19 convalescent sera used to treat individuals with early symp-
response, leaving such individuals vul- (33). Producing highly purified prepara- toms and prevent disease in those exposed.
nerable to subsequent reinfection. In this tions containing a high titer of neutral- Today, nurses, physicians, and first respond-
regard, passive antibody administration izing antibodies against SARS2-CoV-2 is ers exposed to known cases of COVID-19,
before vaccination with respiratory syn- preferable to convalescent sera given that some of whom have developed disease,
cytial virus was reported to attenuate these are safer and have higher activity. are being quarantined, which threatens to
humoral but not cellular immunity (31). Unfortunately, such preparations will not collapse the health care system. It is antic-
This concern could be investigated as part be available for many months, whereas ipated that convalescent serum will prevent
of a clinical trial by measuring immune locally produced convalescent sera could SARS-CoV-2 infection in those to whom it
responses in those exposed and treated be available much sooner. is administered. If this is established, indi-   Volume 130   Number 4   April 2020 1547

VIEWPOINT The Journal of Clinical Investigation   

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