COVID-19: Coronavirus Replication, Pathogenesis, and Therapeutic Strategies

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Cornelia C. Bergmann, PhD Robert H. Silverman, PhD

Department of Neuroscience, Cleveland Clinic Department of Cancer Biology, Cleveland Clinic
Lerner Research Institute; Lerner Research Institute; Professor, Cleveland
Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western
of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH

COVID-19: Coronavirus replication,

pathogenesis, and therapeutic strategies
uman coronaviruses, along with in- ever, phylogenetic studies, looking at sequence-
H fluenza virus, human metapneumovirus,
respiratory syncytial virus, and rhinovirus, are
based virus evolution, suggest that the virus is
not transmitted directly from bats to humans
endemic and cause approximately 15% to 30% but rather first infects intermediate animal
of annual respiratory tract infections. Corona- hosts in close contact with humans. In the case
virus infections are generally mild in healthy of SARS-CoV, these can be civets or raccoon
adults, obviating any urgent need to develop dogs sold at crowded markets; for MERS-CoV,
treatments or vaccines. However, outbreaks of they can be domesticated dromedary camels.4
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Transmission from bats to intermediate
due to novel, highly pathogenic strains—se- hosts and then to humans, as well as from hu-
vere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus man to human, all involve viral adaptation,
(SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syn- slight changes in viral sequence to improve
drome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and now, fitness in the new host. This is not unique
SARS-CoV-2—have revealed the potency to coronaviruses, as endemics and pandem-
and danger of this expanding family of patho- ics also occur when novel influenza A virus
gens that have the capacity to kill many thou- strains emerge in the human population from
sands of people around the world if not geo-
an animal host.5 Similar to introduction of
graphically contained.1 Ebolavirus and human immunodeficiency vi- of the virus
As in severe SARS and MERS disease, the rus 1 by mammals, many other viruses circu- and how it
mortality rate is disproportionately high in the lating in wild animals have the potential for
elderly and patients with preexisting comor- causes disease
zoonotic transmission.6
bidities such as heart disease, diabetes melli- SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent for the points the way
tus, hypertension, and renal disease.2 Higher pandemic corona virus disease of 2019 (CO-
morbidity in the elderly may partly be attrib- to potential
VID-19) outbreak, was first found in Wuhan,
uted to muted interferon antiviral responses China, and initial analysis of viral RNA ob- treatments
(although the suggestive study has not yet tained from patients hospitalized in late 2019
been peer-reviewed)3 as well as overall lower revealed it was 96% identical at the whole-ge-
adaptive immunity,2 resulting, paradoxically, nome level to a bat SARS-like coronavirus.7
in longer courses of hyperactivity of the in-
Uniquely, SARS-CoV-2 can be transmit-
nate immune system (“cytokine storm”).
ted by people who are infected but have no
symptoms, not just by symptomatic patients.
Concern about potential spread of SARS-
Bats have been implicated as the likely source CoV-2 to household cats has emerged from a
of SARS-CoV-2, as both SARS-CoV and news report of infection in a tiger in the Bronx
MERS-CoV are genetically similar to viruses Zoo. Ferrets can be infected, with intraspecies
recovered from bats, and bat coronaviruses transmission,8 and cats can also be infected
can use human receptors for cell entry.4 How- and transmit the virus to other cats, while
Disclosure: Dr. Silverman is a Scientific Advisory Board member of Sator
dogs have low susceptibility. However, it is
Therapeutics, LLC (Cleveland). unknown if any of these animals can transmit
doi:10.3949/ccjm.87a.20047 the virus to humans.9

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Features of coronavirus transmission, replica-
tion, and pathogenesis are determined by both
the viral genome and the human host.
Coronavirus spike proteins are key deter-
minants for virus attachment and entry into
target cells. The receptor for both SARS-CoV
and SARS-CoV-2 is angiotensin-converting
enzyme 2 (ACE2),11,12 a cell-surface enzyme
contributing to control of blood pressure.
SARS-CoV cell entry is independent of
ACE2 catalytic activity.
Entry involves 2 spike protein subunits,
which mediate distinct functions. The S1
subunit mediates ACE2 attachment through
the receptor-binding domain. The S2 subunit,
containing the fusion peptide and transmem-
Figure 1. Structure of coronaviruses.
brane domains, drives fusion of viral and host
cell membranes. To be activated for fusion, the
spike protein must be cleaved at 2 sites directly
at the cell membrane, through endosomes, or
Coronaviruses are spherical enveloped vi- both. The sequence of the cleavage sites, one
ruses containing a single strand of positive- located at the border of S1 and S2 subunits,
sense RNA (similar to host mRNA) of ap- the other (S2´) within S2 just upstream of the
proximately 26 to 32 kb.10 Their defining fusion peptide, provide substrates for a variety
morphologic features are club-shaped projec- of cellular proteases and determine cleavage
Only a few tions from the viral envelope resembling a efficiency.
changes crown or a solar corona and made of a highly The route or routes of infection thus de-
glycosylated protein named spike protein. pend on the proteases available in different
are needed Their other 3 structural proteins are the en- cell types and the protease cleavage sites.17
to adapt velope, membrane, and nucleocapsid pro- This is also demonstrated by involvement of
an animal virus teins (Figure 1). the cellular serine protease TMPRSS2 (trans-
The first two-thirds of the genome con- membrane protein serine protease 2) and ac-
to humans sists of 2 large overlapping open reading tivities of furin and endosomal cathepsins B
frames that encode 16 nonstructural pro- and L in SARS-CoV-2 entry.11 TMPRSS2
teins, including proteases, RNA-dependent activity is also involved in viral spread and
RNA polymerase (prRdRp), RNA helicase, pathogenesis in SARS-CoV-infected and
primase, and others, that form the viral MERS-CoV-infected mouse models.18
replicase complex, a platform to propagate Host proteases that cleave the S protein
viral mRNAs. These nonstructural proteins are also potential targets for antiviral drugs.
are all potential targets for therapies, which A higher rate of SARS-CoV-2 infections
would in theory work against all coronavi- compared with SARS-CoV infections may
ruses (Figure 2).1,8,10–15 be at least partially explained by a higher
The remaining portion of the genome in- affinity of spike protein for ACE2.12 The
cludes interspersed open reading frames for sequence divergence in both the receptor-
the structural proteins, as well as a number binding domain and cleavage domains in the
of accessory proteins generally nonessential spike protein between SARS-CoV-2 and the
for replication in tissue culture but capable of bat virus highlight how only a few changes
suppressing immune responses and enhancing are needed to adapt an animal virus to hu-
pathogenesis.10,16 mans.7,11,12,19

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Figure 2. Overview of COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 replication, and therapeutic targets.

Upper left. Virus entry entails binding the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor and
cleavage by the serine protease TMPRSS2 (in green) to allow fusion with the host membrane.
Other cellular proteases, eg, furin (in orange), facilitate pH-dependent entry through the endo-
cytic pathway. The predominant entry routes are cell type-specific and dependent on availability
of select proteases.
Middle. Following uncoating and release of viral RNA into the cytoplasm, translation of open
reading frame 1a (ORF1a) and ORF1ab produces the polyproteins pp1a and pp1ab. These in turn
are processed by viral proteases (encoded by ORF1a) to yield 16 nonstructural proteins. Formation
of the RNA replicase–transcriptase complex (RTC) uses rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived
membranes. The RTC drives synthesis of (−)RNAs. Full-length (−)RNA copies of the genome provide
templates for full-length (+)RNA genomes. Transcription further produces a subset of subgenomic
RNAs, including those encoding all structural and accessory proteins.
Right. The translated structural proteins and genomic RNA are assembled into the viral nucleo-
capsid and envelope in the ER–Golgi intermediate compartment, and are subsequently released by
Bottom. Potential strategies for treatment. Anti-TMPRSS2 or chloroquine treatment in experi-
mental animals will reveal efficacy of targeting select proteases or entry pathways in limiting in-
fection, while simultaneously monitoring effects on innate and adaptive immunity. The replication
cycle can be blocked at several stages using single or combined treatment paradigms: virus entry
can be inhibited by antispike antibodies elicited by vaccines to block attachment or by prevent-
ing fusion using relevant protease inhibitors.11 RTC formation and transcription-replication events
can be targeted using viral protease inhibitors or nucleoside analogues (GS-5734 or EIDD-1931).15
Interferon (IFN) responsiveness can be increased by early exogenous IFN treatment,13 IFN inducer
treatment, repression of viral IFN antagonists, and enhancement of host antiviral IFN pathways.
The “cytokine storm” induced as a host response to rampant virus replication may be targeted
by administration of select anti-inflammatory immune modulators, which are already given to
patients with inflammatory disorders. Drugs targeting viral replication may also be combined with
treatments that control detrimental immune responses. The ferret model will provide a useful tool
to test multiple therapeutic and preventive treatments.8
Based on information in references 1, 10, 12, and 14


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■ THE BODY MOUNTS sory proteins of SARS-CoV-2 and those of its

AN INNATE IMMUNE RESPONSE closest human pathogen relative, SARS-CoV.
Interferons I and III are cytokines with critical A better understanding of the precise func-
roles in the innate immune response against tions of the SARS-CoV-2 accessory proteins,
viral infections.20 Virus-infected cells induce especially their interaction with innate im-
and secrete interferon I molecules that bind mune pathways, could lead to novel antiviral
to the cell surface receptor IFNAR (interferon drugs that promote the innate immune re-
III uses a different receptor), thereby triggering sponse. The finding (not yet peer-reviewed)26
the Jak-Stat (Janus kinase/signal transducer that SARS-CoV-2 was more sensitive to in-
and activator of transcription) signaling path- terferon than SARS-CoV raises hope that
way that switches on many antiviral genes. giving interferon or interferon inducers very
The interferon-stimulated genes are then tran- early in the infection could be beneficial, and,
scribed into RNA and translated into proteins perhaps, less likely to cause harm than using
that suppress viral replication and spread. interferon later in COVID-19.13


During coevolution with their hosts, viruses One of the most problematic features of SARS-
have learned to counteract the interferon CoV-2 infection is the broad spectrum of dis-
antiviral response. Like other human corona- ease, ranging from no symptoms to mild flu-
viruses, SARS-CoV-2 can at least partly like symptoms, anosmia, fever, nonproductive
evade innate immunity to gain a foothold in cough, dyspnea, and fatigue to acute respiratory
humans, a critically important step in the in- distress syndrome, the main cause of death.
fection cycle. Although mechanistic insights While multiple organs, including the heart,
are as yet unavailable, we do have a good un- kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract, are in-
derstanding of how other coronaviruses evade jured, it remains to be resolved to what extent
During interferon’s antiviral activity,21 and also how tissues are damaged by infection, hypoxia, or
we could engage antiviral factors to promote the immune response. Complications may also
coevolution interferon activity.22 involve the central nervous system, either by
with their hosts, In general, coronaviruses can potently an- direct infection or secondary damage.27,28
tagonize antiviral innate immunity by inter- Different ACE2 expression? ACE2 is ex-
viruses pressed in various cell types of the lung, in-
fering with both interferon production and
have learned the cellular antiviral response.23 For instance, cluding alveolar epithelial cells, pneumocytes,
to counteract mouse coronaviruses and MERS-CoV have and bronchial transient secretory cells, as well
accessory proteins that block an interferon re- as enterocytes of the small intestine, heart
the interferon sponse pathway that degrades the viral RNA (pericytes), and kidney. These are the same
antiviral (by oligoadenylate synthetase and ribonucle- tissues that the virus affects, but studies with
ase L).24,25 SARS-CoV indicate that ACE2 expression is
response not the only determinant of susceptibility.29–32
The large number of host antiviral mecha-
nisms and distinct viral antagonism at differ- More research is needed to assess to what
ent steps in the virus replication cycle have extent ACE2 surface expression or polymor-
made it difficult to identify the most relevant phisms, or other coreceptors and proteoglycan
ones. Not only does each type of coronavirus moieties, are markers of tissue susceptibility.
encode different accessory proteins respon- Renin-angiotensin system dysregulation?
sible for allowing the virus to escape cellular The finding that ACE2 is a primary SARS-
innate immune mechanisms, but distinct cell CoV-2 receptor has further led to extensive
types may respond differently. discussion of dysregulation of the renin-angio-
While we are only just beginning to un- tensin system, which regulates blood pressure
derstand the functions of the SARS-CoV-2 and electrolyte balance.33–35 Conversion of an-
accessory proteins, it is clear that there are giotensin I to angiotensin II by angiotensin-
similarities and differences between the acces- converting enzyme (ACE) activates pathways

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that lead to inflammation, vasoconstriction, clinical investigation of more patient cohorts

oxidation, and fibrosis. ACE2 activity coun- without or with preexisting conditions and of
terbalances this pathway by cleaving both an- those being treated with distinct anti-inflam-
giotensin I and angiotensin II to shorter pep- matory immune modulators—eg, anti-TNF,
tides, which use distinct receptors to promote anti-IL-6, anti-IL12/IL23, or anti-IL-1 beta—
vasodilation, as well as anti-inflammatory, an- for immune-mediated inflammatory condi-
tioxidant, and antifibrosis activity. tions will provide much-needed guidance on
ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor treatment to stem severe COVID-19.
blockers are thus commonly used in patients
with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, ■ ONCE YOU GET IT,
and diabetes, promoting the protective effects ARE YOU IMMUNE FOR LIFE?
of ACE2. However, increased expression of Another critical unresolved aspect of COV-
ACE2 by use of antihypertensive drugs in ani- ID-19 is the establishment of adaptive immu-
mal models raised concerns of higher virus in- nity. Lessons from the SARS-CoV epidemic
fection risk for patients receiving these drugs. indicate that CD4 and CD8 T-cell memory
Nevertheless, current recommendations are to lasts for up to 11 years in recovered individu-
continue treatment.34,35 The complexity of the als.40–42 A study of a limited number of patients
renin-angiotensin system will require more
hospitalized with mild or severe COVID-19
extensive retrospective analysis of larger and
revealed humoral immunoglobulin M (IgM)
ethnically diverse patient groups.
and immunoglobulin G (IgG) serum respons-
Protective host features? The apparently
es to the viral nucleocapsid and spike proteins
large percentage of infections that are asymp-
emerging at 10 days after symptom onset, with
tomatic is unique to SARS-CoV-2, but many
serconversion in a sizable majority of patients
of the pathogenic features resemble those ob-
by 3 weeks.2,43,44 Moreover, the IgG levels cor-
served in SARS and MERS-CoV infections.
related with virus neutralization titers.
The protective host features underlying the
Transfusion of convalescent plasma from
asymptomatic infections are currently un-
recovered patients had beneficial outcomes
known, as testing within many countries is There are
in a small number of SARS and COVID-19
limited to people presenting with symptoms at least
cases.45 Based on preliminary results of conva-
such as severe shortness of breath, coughing,
lescent serum as well as in vitro and in vivo 4 potential
and fever. Retrospective studies incorporating
neutralization studies, clinical trials will be
serum antibody testing and health status will therapeutic
launched to evaluate the efficacy of spike pro-
provide much-needed insights.
Cytokine storm? Severe disease is associ-
tein-based vaccines. strategies
A concern is the mutation rate of the vi-
ated with lymphopenia and an uncontrolled against
systemic inflammatory response called a cyto- rus as it spreads through the population. Vi-
ral genomes are being analyzed throughout COVID-19
kine storm, which ultimately leads to multiple
organ failure and death.36,37 Autopsy results the world and compiled in large, publicly
reveal severe damage to endothelial tissue, available databases, which collate sequenced
vasculitis-like manifestations, and atrophy of isolates and look at relationships (https://
secondary lymphoid tissues.37 Early studies in Although such
COVID-19 patients showed higher plasma databases currently reflect a population naïve
levels of interleukin 2 (IL-2), IL-7, granulo- to the virus, similar studies can be conducted
cyte colony-stimulating factor, C-X-C motif once vaccines become available to test the ef-
chemokine 10, monocyte chemoattractant fects of immune pressure on the virus.
protein 1, macrophage inflammatory protein
1a (chemokine [C-C motif] ligand 2), and ■ VIRAL AND HOST TARGETS
tumor necrosis factor (TNF), but also anti- FOR THERAPIES AND VACCINES
inflammatory IL-10, higher in intensive care There are at least 4 potential therapeutic
patients than in nonintensive care patients.38 strategies against COVID-19, apart from sup-
Several reports also confirm high levels of portive and oxygenation therapies such as use
IL-6 in severely ill patients.2,39 Retrospective of ventilators:

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• Direct antiviral drugs against SARS- continue to spread the virus, leading to ongo-
CoV-2 (eg, remdesivir) ing hotspots of symptomatic infection.
• Indirect antiviral agents (eg, interferon I, A major factor influencing the future of
interferon inducers, and drugs that target COVID-19 is the ability of recovered people
host proteins required for infections) to develop protective immunity. However, the
• Convalescent plasma that contains anti- ongoing yearly infection rates by historically
bodies against SARS-CoV-2 circulating coronaviruses,46 as well as evidence
• Drugs that tamp down the pathogenic hy- for already distinct SARS-CoV-2 variants47
peractive inflammatory response and cyto- suggest that established immunity may be in-
kine storm later in disease progression. sufficient to avoid recurring infections.
However, we would like to emphasize that
Clinical trials with drugs targeting viral
at present, these strategies are investigational
proteins will reveal tolerance of the SARS-
only, including the off-label use of existing
CoV-2 to selective pressure and guide in
drugs, and may prove to show no efficacy and
could be harmful in controlled clinical trials. development of strategies that target host
The emergence of 3 highly pathogenic hu- proteins required for replication.48 Efficacy
man coronaviruses within the past 20 years of vaccination strategies to elicit protective
predicts that more of them will continue to antibodies may further uncover the potential
come along. As the timing is unpredictable, need for seasonal vaccines like those for circu-
monitoring and transparent reporting of local lating influenza viruses. 
outbreaks is imperative for early intervention. Acknowledgments: We wish to thank Drs. Mark Cameron
With respect to currently circulating (Case Western Reserve University) and Susan R. Weiss (Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania) for critical reading of the manuscript.
SARS-CoV-2 and limited overall testing, it is We also thank David Schumick, Center for Medical Art and
also unknown whether the virus is affected by Photography, Cleveland Clinic, for expert artwork. We wish to
seasonal changes. While physical distancing is acknowledge support by the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under
an effective control measure to limit acute in- Awards R01NS110700, R01NS091183, R01NS086299 (to C.C.B.)
fection rates, asymptomatic carriers will likely and R01AI104887 and R01AI135922 (to R.H.S.).

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