Gift-Giving Culture in Business

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You are the owner of a multinational company or have partners from many different

countries? You are the employee of a foreign company? You wonder if the gift is
appropriate to give your client, partner or your boss who comes from another part of the
world, and if so, what should you give? Therefore, in this article, we want to answer all
those questions and share with you how to give gifts that are relevant for each culture in
the world.
The history of gift-giving originated a long time in human history and across most
cultures. It is defined as an item given to someone without the expectation of payment or
anything in return. However, by extension, the gift also expresses the purpose of
maintaining social relations and contribute to social cohesion. Thus, gift-giving plays a
crucial role and has become an indispensable thing in business culture.

Several customary tips for-gift giving:

Some of the most common times to give gifts in the business
 After the completion of a project
 To celebrate a promotion
 Wedding, birthday, or birth of a child
 To show appreciation after someone has gone above the call of duty
 To celebrate something business-related such as acquiring a new client, a
promotion, or a profitable year
 During the holidays
How to Choose an Appropriate Gift
Gifts chosen for a business associate or client should be creative and relevant to each
occasion. Moreover, it is extremely tricky to find the right present for each people who
come from different countries, having a different culture. So, there are some common
suggestive examples in business gifts:
 Fruit basket
 Box of candy
 Bouquet of flowers
 Scarf or tie
 Briefcase or leather portfolio
 Book by the recipient’s favorite author
 Item manufactured by your company
 Tickets to events and performances
Understand the protocol regarding gifts
Many people think that there is no need to take time to consider carefully the gift before
giving. However, gifts cultures are highly appreciated because some gifts can be taboo
which brings unlucky or accidentally offends someone. So, the most important thing in
which you have to put your mindfulness to find out their customs before making a

Some examples of the gift culture of some typical countries

 Hold the gift in both hands and bow when giving and receiving gift that is the
minimum courtesy. The received gift shouldn't be open immediately or in front of
the giver, it is waited to open until when they absent.
 If you have a gift at the end of the meeting make sure that you have to mention it
during the meeting to avoid surprising Japanese associates.
 Year-end or July in midsummer is proper gift-giving times.
 Gifts are returned that are analogous or half the value.
 Gifts should be eye-catching wrapped and enclose with a card.
 Don't leave the price tag and receipts as you can make the recipient misunderstand
that you are trying to bribe or ask for something equivalent value.
 To show modest and good manners, China people usually refuse to receive the gift
twice or three times before taking it.
 Some gifts should be avoided at all costs due to cultural symbolism such as shoes,
umbrella, knives, scissors, or letter openers. Especially, don't give handkerchiefs,
chrysanthemum flowers, and clock, which they are often used in funerals or
associated with something sadness. And evading all items like cash gift involved in
number 4 or 40 or 400 because of "four" has similar pronounce to death.
 Try to avoid giving expensive gifts because it is considered as bribes. The
conventional time for gifts is at the end of the year or New Year and the end of the
meeting or trading.
 Chrysanthemums, lilies, carnations should not be given and should not be packaged
by even number because these are relevant to funerals.
 In some of situations like visit to someone's home, your gift can be refused.
However, they just show modest and polite. You can put it on the table and say
something convincing and genuine before leaving.
 Be aware of what kind of gift is accepted in each context, each company, and each
organization. Americans usually do not bring gifts in the first time of meeting or
 Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve are an appropriate time for giving
gifts to colleagues, superiors, and customers.
 In the U.S, the gifts are not required to return. And unlike Japanese, when receiving
the gift they tend to open it straight away, in front of the giver because they can see
what the gift is and show their appreciation and gratitude.
 In French, be aware that it is not giving gifts at the first business meeting. And if
you are invited to dinner, you should present the gift before the meal or party.
 Quality chocolates or perfume are good, books and music, or something related to
art are also valued gifts but guarantee that you know the recipient's inclining like the
back of your hand before purchasing this kind of gift.
 If you are invited to someone’s home, shouldn't bring wine as you don't know the
host's taste, the bouquet and basket of fruits is regularly a good idea but should have
an odd number and obviously reject 7 and 13. Avoid chrysanthemums because it
used for funerals like China, and carnations thought to bring unlucky and bad will.
Red roses are amenities of the gift because it not only suitable for lovers they also fit
with friends and colleagues.
Finding the perfect gift is a challenge requiring a lot of time and effort. So, reference from
the tips above you will find it helpful to tackle this problem. Nevertheless, it is not in the
limit or formula at all. It is uncertain and unpredictable in each context. Therefore, it is
highly recommended that you should consider local protocol and etiquette, take advice
from your co-workers or friends, and consult websites regard to culture on the internet for
support to find out the perfect gift that you expected. And you can also come to foreign
gift stores which are well-equipped and available to help you choose a becoming gift.

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