English Homework 5 GGR

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English homework #5

Activity 1: Reading and comprehension.

Apple’s design genius.

C) Is Jony Ive inspiring? Why?

Jony Ive, best known as Apple’s design genius is an inspiring person who helped Apple become a
success. First, he can be an example of how little things can often be bigger. He didn’t need to create
something big to demonstrate his abilities and skills in design making, he created a simple design that at
first didn’t catch people attention but that paid off at the end by him developing new designs which
were based on the first one. Also, he is inspiring not just because of his skills, but his patience, self-
awareness and persistence in his first year working for the company. Despite the company going
through tough times and struggling to make money, in his first year of work he didn’t give up doing his
best, by focusing on the beautiful and practical side of things he was able to develop a simple but unique
design, that even thought at first wasn’t seen as a good design, it attracted many people’s attention,
including Steve job who recognized his effort and skills despite the situation. In addition, he was the key
in making Apple success a reality and as the saying goes: “No man is an island”. Although many people
just see Steve Jobs as being the only responsible for Apple’s success, it would’ve been impossible for
Apple to success without Jony playing a good role in the design making of the device’s apple provide
today, everything in life needs a second hand to support the other one and create a better holding and
structure. In conclusion, Jony Ive is an inspiring person who took apple to the top of the mountain by
focusing and trusting on his skills and abilities to give a good design. Although going through tough times
his persistence, self-awareness and recognition of his abilities to do a good job remained intact and
were a key for Apple to actually thrive and become a successful company. Apple’s history would be
different today if Jony Ive had not appeared.

Gabriel Grullon Reinoso.

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