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Discussion Rubric for Online Posting

Exemplary/ Above Accomplished/ Meets Developing/ Below Incomplete/ Below

Standard Standard Standard Standard
Points 35-31 30-25 24-21 20-below
Development (15) Initial post is (13) Initial post is (10) Initial post is not (8) Initial post and
of Ideas well developed, developed, meets the developed, below requirements are not
above standard, and minimum requirement, standard, and answers met and incomplete
answers all and answers all do not meet minimum
elements of the elements of the requirements
question question

Replies to (10) Completed the (9) Completed the (7) Completed the (6) Did not complete
Students’ required number of required number of required number of the required number of
Posts posts; replies raised posts; replies made posts; replies did not posts; replies were
questions and were sufficient; and add to the short and did not add
added depth to replies to students’ development of to discussion; and
discussion; and posts’ met the discussion; and responses to students’
responded to decorum for responses to students’ posts did not follow
students’ posts in a discussion posting posts did not fully any of the decorum for
manner that met the meet the decorum for discussion posting
decorum standards discussion posting
for discussion
Incorporates (5) Lectures and/or (4) Lectures and/or (3) Lectures and/or (3) Lectures and /or
the Weekly readings added readings were related readings did not relate readings did not relate
Lectures depth and clarity to to the discussion topic to the discussion topic to the discussion topic
and/or response

Addresses (2) Very Few (3) Noticeable (1) Significant (1) Significant
Grammatical noticeable grammatical issues grammatical issues grammatical issues
Issues grammatical issues

Submits in (3) Posts made on (3) Posts made on time (3) Posts made on time (1) Posts were late
Timely time

*Updated on 4/9/19

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