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Ask for

 Delivery in most companies is becoming a cliché. It only represents availability of product at the
right place. But, delivery is more intricate than that. It should represent availability of the right
product at the right time in the right market at the right price. Successful delivery is always
followed by referral and repeat business. Now days only some business titans seem to
understand that and it worked pretty well for them. For example; both the richest man in China
Jack Ma and the richest man in the world Jeff Bezos have companies which had mastered the
delivery system. They had proven that people enjoy shopping from their home rather than retail
outlets. Here at e-fanos we are aiming to take delivery to the next level. Since delivery
represents excellence and excellence is what e-fanos stands for, we take it very seriously. For
most people it might be a ‘work to be done’ but for us, it’s a lifestyle.

 When does a company provide great service? As Simon Sinek points out in his book START WITH
WHY, a company provides great service only when it starts with WHY? When a company start
with WHY, great service is inevitable. By saying WHY I meant, the purpose, cause or belief of the
company? WHY does e-fanos exist? Why should we get out of bed every morning? And WHY
should anyone care? When we know exactly, why we do what we do, we automatically know
how to do it. At e-fanos we are aiming to start with WHY and work ourselves to what and how
to do it. We should mirror e-fanos at its best. The company’s belief should sink inside us so that;
we shall reflect its beauty throughout the world. Great service is not something you do as a
person only; company’s purpose matters. Because it inspires, motivates and attracts loyal

 Since e-fanos is an ice breaker in the sector of e-learning and no company has been around,
technical support at the company is a big deal. The learning curve is not something to be taken
for granted. People are still not familiar with software technologies. As a Computer Engineering
graduate I believe, I can gratefully be able to provide 24/7 support for our clients.

 As a famous marketing best seller author of THE TIPPING POINT, Malcolm Gladwell states;

“Think, for a moment, about the last expensive restaurant you went to, the last expensive piece
of clothing you bought, and the last movie you saw. In how many of those cases was your
decision about where to spend your money heavily influenced by the recommendation of a
friend? There are plenty of advertising executives who think that precisely because of the sheer
ubiquity of marketing efforts these days, word-of-mouth appeals have become the only kind of
persuasion that most of us respond to anymore.”

Business is epidemic if treated properly. People tend to buy what their close friends already
bought. At e-fanos we should adapt “endless chain” method for finding new customers. As
social scientist Robert Cialdini also affirms;

“Once a customer admits to liking a product, he or she can be pressed for the names of friends
who would also appreciate learning about it. The individuals on that list can then be approached
for sales and a list of their friends, who can serve as sources for still other potential customers,
and so on in an endless chain.”

We should not ignore referrals. Only few are early adopters. If we can ask those to give us a list
of their friends we could create epidemic. At e-fanos we aim to use referrals intensively.

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