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UNIT 2 Welcoming visitors I 15

1 What is the visitor's name?---~---------~--------------~

2 Have the two met before?---..,.----

3 Why does Jose Marfa take the vl.sitor into his office·?--~------------~
4 How long- has the c.ompany been in its current ~ocation? _______________

5 What does the visitor like about the building?----- -- - - - -- - - - - -

6 When was Salas Design founded? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7 How many people work at the company? - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8 What does the visitor want to d r i n k ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ln ·~en~xat1 Brit-d:rts an(:b~tttericans pteJer·~·o use:fi.rstnanres rathErr than surnames. Colleagties, ~

partictllar;neafly always use firstl'iames with other: One exceptio:n,,:lswhen $Omeone
- ' . ' . . ·. _.,.
'- -~
of '+ow status' is tall<in:itto~ someone ef 'high 'Slatus'. For·example, a secretary·might call t-h!r
_- -~ .

company CEO M?f'hii/JQs,and the CEO would call the secretary /!1.r!f't:
tfynu are nAt~ ~ure wllJc;b)iar:ne.'ttr.t.lse, tb·en ·use t.f:le $Urj'latne. N.ermaHy the natiVe s,p'eaker-,will
suggest you change to·Jir~t naro~s:(, ,calAtr.H~ Santi~,).. 'b f co,urse,you c~r:r alsp.suggest It,
espedally·:U'yo·u afe;~b'(Senj_{frih p:ositi'on. . , . .
Note·tnat.4f\(ol1 are uslng sumames, the accepted form for addressing women isMs (pronounced
'Miz'). Always use this form unlessa woman says she prefers Mrs. Miss is hardly ever ysed now and
sounds very old -fashioned .

8 2 Putthe words in the right order to mctke sentences from the conversation. If necessary, listen
il$lin to checkyour answers.

1 troub·le/ us I you I did I any I have/ finding I?

.. ''{·

2 website./ clear /the/ o·n your /very /were I directions/.

• ' v
3 your briefcase and co;at/leave I my office I you I in I .

4 to meet/round/a fewmembets/you/take/team/ofthe/l'll/.

5 drink I you I to I like/ would I something I?

6 a I of I would I great I coffee I cup I bej .

." /

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