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Final exam B1.1

Date: 29,March 2021
Level V; score 100 NAME……………………………………………
Teacher: Nada Petkovic

1. Put the verbs in the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple.
1 Last week she _____________ (paint) the walls of her house.
2 He ____________ (just/ hurt) his back as the box was too heavy.
3 He __________ (never/ gamble) in his life, but this week he ____________ (be) to the
casino twice.
4 I ______________ (see) my father reading the newspaper a few minutes ago.
5 He ____________ (work) really hard for that company and then he ____________ (leave).
6 He works in the sewers. He _____________ (walk) through dark tunnels many times.
7. Jonny, I can't believe how much you (change)……………………………………..since the last
time I (see)………………………….you. You (grow)……………………………at least a foot! 

2. Choose the correct tense Present Perfect Simple or Continuous:

1. We've been here for/since five years.
2. My uncle has directed/been directing 20 films in his life.
3. She's been to ten countries for/since she left school.
4. How long have you known/been knowing your teacher?
5. I've been living/I lived here since March.
6. We've been waiting at the bus stop for/since ages.
7. How long have you had/been having your car?
8. I've only been reading/read three books this year.

3. Choose the correct word:

1. My cousin George is really good at/with/by football.
2. Veronica is getting fed up for/with/by working at the weekend.
3. Jonathan's boss was quite angry with/about/on him during the meeting.
4. My granddaughter is very worried for/on/about her driving test.
5. We were very surprised of/on/by the letter we received yesterday.
6. I don't think Joanne's very satisfied with/on/at her new mobile.
7. My brother is very bad for/of/at maths.

8. Dave is bored for/about/with his new course.
9. Tim's daughter is frightened of/from/about the dark.
10. My English teacher was very pleased of/on/with my test results.
11. We were really angry with/by/about what happened.

3. Look at these questions from an interview with a rock star. Choose the correct
1. What time do you go/do on stage?
2. When are you going to release/play a new album?
3. When did you last appear/be on TV?
4. How many gigs have you made/done this year?
5. When did you last see/go another band play alive?
6. Do you release/have an album in the charts?
7. When are you being/going on tour?
8. How many hit singles have you had/done?
9. Have your parents been/had to one of your concerts?
4. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
1. My father _____________ (tell) me to work hard.
2. The band wrote some new songs while they ____________ (tour) Australia.
3. The promoter _______________ (wait) for the band when the plane landed.
4. Someone _______________ (throw) an egg at the singer while he _______________ (walk) off
the stage.
5. _________________ (you) ________________ (see) all the bands at the festival?
6. At 12 o'clock the band's singer ________________ (sleep) in her hotel room.
7. A reporter _________________ (interview) the group while they ________________ (get) ready
for the gig.
8. What ________________ you ________________ (do) at six o'clock yesterday?

6. Read about the climber Joe Simpson. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Smple
or Past Perfect.
In 1985 Joe Simpson and his friend Simon Yates _____________ (climb) the 6,344 metre
high mountain called Siula Grande in the Andes. No one ____________ (ever get) to the top
before by climbing up the west side. Unfortunately, Simpson ______________ (fall) on he

way down. He soon _________________ (realise) that he ________________ (break) his leg. The
two men ____________________ (need) to get back to their camp quickly because they
___________________ (already use) up all their gas to make water from snow. Also they
_________________ (not bring) an extra food with them.
Yates _____________________ (try) to lower Simpson down the mountain on rope, but Yates
couldn't hold him so in the end he ____________________ (have to) cut the rope. The next day
Yates ____________________ (be) sure that Simpson __________________ (die) se, very sadly, he
______________________ (walk) down the mountain alone.
However, Simpson ____________________ (not be) dead. He _______________ (fall) into very deep
hole and ___________________ (not know) where he was. He ___________________ (not be able to)
walk because of his broken leg, but he ______________________ (find) a way out of the hole
and _________________ (make) his way gown the mountain very slowly. He finally
___________________ (reach) the camp three days later. Yates ___________________ (already
burn) Simpson's clothes and was preparing to leave.
Simpson and Yates are still friends and their amazing story is told in the film Touching
the Void.
7. Fill the gaps with one word
1. This room's _____________ attractive than the other one.
2. I think he's the same age ____________ me.
3. He's the _______________ patient man I know. He never gets angry.
4. This house is _______________ nicer than the one we saw yesterday. I really love it, don't
5. It's a _______________ heavier, but not much.
6. It's _______________ expensive than I expected. I thought I'd have to pay more.
7. It's the _______________ spacious flat we've seen. All the others were a lot bigger.
8. The garden's not _______________ big as I'd hoped.
9. It's more space ________________ our last house.
10. It's _________________ smallest place we've seen.

8. Rewrite these sentences with the words in brackets.

1. I'm not as sensitive as him. (more)
2. John is more adventurous than me. (less)

I ______________________________________________________________________________
3. Julia and I are both 1.65m tall. (
I ______________________________________________________________________________
4. I don't know anyone who's nicer than Jo. (nicest)
Jo ___________________________________________________________________________
5. My mobile phone isn't the same as yours. (different)
Your ________________________________________________________________________
6. His computer is almost the same as mine. (similar)
My __________________________________________________________________________
7. Your handwriting is better than mine. (worse)
My __________________________________________________________________________
8. Leeds Castle is very beautiful. There isn't a more beautiful castle in England. (most)
Leeds Castle ________________________________________________________________
9. Fill the gaps with the appropriate word.

1. B…………………………………. – cook in a sauce pan in water that is boiling(100C).

2. R……………………………………..…. – cook chicken, lamb, potatoes etc. in an oven.
3. B……………………………………………..– cook bread, cakes, biscuits in an even.
4. F…………………………………..- cook in a frying pen.
5. S………………………………………….– cook with steam produced by boiling water.
6. S……………………………………………….. – breathe in a very noisy way when you are sleeping.
7. R……………………………….........….. people – always do what they promise to do .
8. Be a l……………………..../ h…………………………. sleeper- Be someone who wakes up easily/
doesn’t wake up easily.
9. Take a n…………………………….. – have a short sleep in a day.
10. D……………………………………... off – fall asleep slowly often in a day when you don’t plan to
11. A…………………………………………........… people- think they are better than other people.
12. G…………………………………… people – give money and presents to other people.

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