Performance Metrics For Data Governance and Data Stewardship - EWSolutions

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 Anne Marie Smith, Ph.D. (  Data Governance

Metrics and the measurements they create are essential to the success of every data governance program and every data
stewardship e ort.


Organizations that implement any new initiative must be able to measure its success so the program’s leadership can
deliver progress reports to stakeholders and sponsors.  Communicating success based on measured facts enables the
program to demonstrate its e ectiveness, to identify areas where improvement is needed and to justify the continuing
funding it receives.  Without a set of established performance metrics, any new initiative will not be able to prove its value,
and data governance is no exception to this rule.  Following is a set of suggested performance metrics based on the work
performed by EWSolutions ( consultants on numerous data governance engagements, and
included in the EWSolutions’ G3 Data Governance methodology (

Data Governance Metrics Examples

Data Governance Council Metrics these metrics evaluate the performance of the Data Governance Council, which is the
governing body for the Data Governance program.  Measuring its e ectiveness is essential to determine whether the
council is operating as it should and if the Data Governance program has appointed the right members to the council.

METRIC 1: Advocacy success measure.

Getting each Council member to recognize that their role is not a passive one.   To remain on the Council, they
are expected to be “data management improvement proselytizers” – e.g., identifying su cient, competent and
performing business data stewards for their line of business, and speaking at their team meetings about the
new policies concerning the management of data and information, progress in enterprise data and information
management across the organization, and changes to the data governance program, etc.
METRIC 2: Meeting success measure.
Demonstration of commitment.  This can be accomplished by an early vote to have and enforce a policy that a
Council member will be “disinvited” for lack of attendance.  Attendance and participation at no less than 75% of
all scheduled and held Data Governance Council meetings is required of all DG Council members each calendar
METRIC 3: Each Council Member must bring a Data or Process Issue request to the Council at least every quarter.
Demonstration that the Council member understands what is an appropriate process and/or a data issue that
warrants attention from the DG Council.  They must be willing to push skeletons in their own business areas in
front of their peers for resolution.
METRIC 4: Number of Data Governance Policies Established.
Enterprise data governance policies serve as the basis for prying systemic data issues away from the silo-
minded lines of business. In the rst years, typical policies include de ning the list of governed data elements;
approving Unique Identi er data elements (e.g., Unique Provider, Unique Institution, Unique Member);
establishing USPS Address Standardization; conforming Provider Specialty Taxonomy to CMS labels. 
Assignment of resolution to the appropriate Business Data Stewardship team is an accompanying metric.
METRIC 5: Education and Training measure.
The Data Governance Council should demonstrate pro ciency in their role as they advocate the cause of data
governance in the organization.  Each member of the Data Governance Council must register and attend at least
8 hours of formal training / education in data management and data governance in every calendar year to
remain as a member of the Data Governance Council.
Business Data Governance and Data Stewardship Team Metrics

Business Value Measures – these metrics attribute business value to the implementation of the data governance program,
data rationalization and standardization, and improved data management discipline.  Some examples of business value
would include increases of revenue and pro tability, reduction of cost and improvements in productivity.

Within 2 years, enterprise senior management should have the ability to evaluate organizational compliance of all
nancial data across departmental program areas rather than by division.
Within 3 years, the enterprise should be able to evaluate results through cross-department data exploration.

Within one year, the enterprise should be able to determine the reduction in nes / penalties incurred as a result of
fewer regulatory infractions due to incorrect lings in regulated reports (improved data quality due to improved data
governance and metadata management).
Accountability and Compliance Measures – these metrics evaluate and measure the level of adoption of enterprise data
standards and the performance of the data governance program

Percentage / Number of departments where a data standard (for a speci c piece of data or data element) is accepted,
by subject area
Percentage / Number of information systems data elements that share a data standard, by subject area
Percentage / Number of business processes that utilize data standard, by subject area
Percentage / Number of production reports (outputs) that utilize data standard, by subject area
Percentage / Number of people that use data standard elements, by subject area
Percentage / Number of integrated business processes by subject area
It is important to note that 100% compliance is not expected from any of these metrics, especially at the beginning of any
program.  Success depends on the following points:

Measurement must be accepted as an enterprise endeavor and supported by the organization, including senior
Metrics must be proposed and agreed at the start of the program, with a select set chosen as the initial measurement
points (essential measurements)
Reports must be released regularly, showing success and areas of improvement for each metric
Interaction among the Data Governance Program O ce, Data Governance Council, Business Data Stewards teams
and related stakeholders is essential to success
Continual data management practice, and adherence to best practices (e.g., DAMA-DMBOK (©)
is essential for success in data governance

As said famously by Lord Kelvin “One cannot manage what has not been measured.”  Establish metrics for the data
governance program and for the data stewardship teams during development to ensure that success can be tracked and
great performance maintained.

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Anne Marie Smith, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of enterprise data management, data governance,
enterprise data architecture and data warehousing. Dr. Smith is VP of Education and Chief Methodologist of Enterprise
Warehousing Solutions, Inc. (EWS), a Chicago-based enterprise data management consultancy dedicated to providing clients
with best-in-class solutions. Author of numerous articles and Fellow of the Institute for Information Management (IIM), Dr. Smith
is also a well-known speaker in her areas of expertise at conferences and symposia.




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