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Shri Vile 

Parle Kelavani Mandal’s 
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics 

Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) Programme 
TY BMS Semester V Division A 

Submitted by:  
Student’s Name  SAP ID  Roll No 
Yasha Vora 45401180090 A055
Declaration of Originality 

I, hereby declare that this assignment titled ‘CRM STRATEGIES TO BE ADOPTED BY

APNA STAGE ( FICTITIOUS FIRM) is entirely my own work and that any additional
sources of information have been duly cited.  
I hereby declare that any offline/online sources, published or unpublished, from which I have
quoted or drawn references has been referenced fully in the bibliography list. I understand that
failure to do so will lead to plagiarism and severe disciplinary action will be initiated against
I understand that I may be required to present the assignment and /or appear for viva (Offline
and/ or Online). I acknowledge it is my responsibility to keep myself updated with the schedule
of the presentation/ viva and will ensure I am available during the same.  
Student Name: Yasha Vora

Apna Stage is a Fictitious Open Stage Platform,
We will collaborate with artists to conduct workshops online,we provide a stage for Artists to
perform their Art and Perfect our lives.
All kind of Art forms will be welcomed.
Our Aim will be to make the life of an artist easier by providing them with a platform where
artists get a chance to show their art on stage by conducting workshops with us.


“To create a higher awareness & understanding of art and to facilitate & help in developing
constantly evolving artists.”

The philosophy of Apnastage is “Helping people find and build themselves to full potential, in
an environment of fun, love & values”.

WORKSHOPS OFFERED BY APNA STAGE – Variety of workshops will

be offered by apna stage which will include -

1) Dance Workshops
2) Yoga Workshops
3) Art Workshops
4) Zumba Workshops
5) Open Mics and many more

All these workshops will be offered to people on weekends so that large

number of people can attend these workshops.

Our target audience will be Young Males and females in the age group 15-35.
Majorly we will be focusing on school going and college going students. According to a recent
study, adolescents and teenagers tend to have a much more receptive attitude, they tend to start
trying new things which is the exact reason why they are the main target segment.

Primary Data - The data will be gathered by going through the social media accounts of artists
through online registrations done for workshops as well as feedback forms filled by consumers,
Data will also be gathered through enquiries, cookies, viewers attending live instagram sessions
as well as using popups on Websites to gather personal data.

Secondary Data – Secondary data can be collected by getting the existing database of artists
who are collaborating with us data will be also collected based upon the reference given by
Interns as well as the reference given by existing customers, and by attending college comittees
and events and getting a list of people who have attended various events hosted by college
committees along with that it will also be collected from various open mic events hosted by apna
stage in various other café’s.


Transaction Data -  Transactional data relates to the Data which is collected when purchase
or sales are made., for example, Transaction data will be collected through paytm insider as the
link of the workshop will be attached in PayTM Insider so data at the time of transaction which
will be collected through PayTM Insider will include – Date, Time, Amount of transaction,
Discount provided if any and name of consumer etc will be collected when the the transaction
will occur.

Reference Data – Reference data is the data without which you cannot do any transaction
and is mandatory for every organization, Apna stage will also have reference data in its data
warehouse. Reference data is data that is used to structure and constrain other data. It is
typically stable information with a known set of values that rarely change. As the name
suggests, reference data is designed to be referenced by a wide variety of other
data.Examples of Reference data include: service attributes and country codes, cost, length etc.
Apna stage can use this data and bring changes in their services according to the changing
preferences of the customers.

Data Warehouse - A data warehouse is constructed by integrating data from multiple

heterogeneous sources that support analytical reporting, structured and/or ad hoc queries, and
decision making. In other words, all the data collected through primary and secondary sources
can be stored together in a data warehouse. Data Warehouse software like SAP, Teradata will be
used as these are powerful, modern analytics cloud platform that unifies everything—data takes,
data warehouses, analytics, and new data sources and types. Aiming to support management
decision making timely and accurately.

Data Utilization – Data Utilization is How you gather, manage, and use information to serve
your clients will determine whether you win or lose in the business,
The data received from primary as well as secondary sources can be utilized in the following
• Identifying needs and interest of potential customers,
• Identifying the sources from where customers get to know about us which can be used
for directing our strategies accordingly it will also help us getting an insights on the
performance being done by our team on targeting customers.
• Target consumers with a customized plan based upon their interests
• Identifying Buying Patters of customers and accordingly planning upon the
• Getting Feedbacks from customers
• Actively Working on feedbacks.
• Help in defining areas which needs improvement and providing customers with the
best buying experience.
• The data collected by cookies  can be used to create a more tailored, personal and
enjoyable experience which helps to build a rapport with the target audience and
potential customers.

CRM STRATEGIES ADOPTED BY US to acqire new customers –

1) Use of Customer Centric selling strategy which will be completrly directed

towards consumers to attract them to attend workshops as per their interests.

2) Tie up with influencers – Apna stage will tie up with influencers to get a
shoutout from people with good amount of followers this will increase the
reach of Apna stage on Social Media and will help acquire new consumers.

3) Paytm Insider will be used to promote our workshops on large scale as when
people will look for various events taking place the details of the workshop
being conducted by us will also be displayed to large number of people and
creative graphics will be displayed where the picture of artists performing their
art will be pasted which can again grab attention of people towards the
4) Tie up with Artists – As it will help us to get their customers on our
workshops who have attended their workshop previously this will help us
increasing our customer database and we can inform these customers about the
upcoming workshops based on their preference

5) Tie up with college committees and conducting open mic events in colleges
without any participation fees will help us increasing consumer engagement
also it will help us get a database of people who are interested in Open Mics
this data can then be utilized for inviting them in upcoming Open Mics
conducted by us along with that sponsoring fests of colleges by giving
discounts to participants on our workshops this will attract large number of
people to participate in upcoming workshops.

6) Conducting contests related to art on Social Media Pages – In this contest

all the participants will get free workshops which will help us to identify our
potential customers and accordingly upcoming workshops will be planned
based upon their preference.

7) Free Workshops for consumers and Instagram live sessions with artists
once in a month this will help us in consumer engagement and free workshops
will attract large number of people to attend without paying any fees, it will
also help us getting a data base of people who can be converted to consumers
in the coming future.

8) Tie ups with café’s for conducting Open Mic Events without any
participation fees it will again help us getting data of people who are interested
in Open Mics this data will then be utilized for inviting them in upcoming
Open Mics being conducted by us.

9) Giveaways – Giving a package of 5 free workshops to selective customers who

will follow, promote and give a shoutout to Apnastage from their own personal
accounts, this will help Apnastage to get organic followers with chances of
them becoming customers in future.

CRM Strategies to Retain Existing Customers -

1) Giving Special recognition to customers by Featuring the videos posted by
them after attending workshops conducted by us on our social media page. This
special recognition will make them feel special which will help us to retain
them in our organisation for longer period of time.

2) Conducting Workshops as per the preference of consumers will give them a

message of us looking after them and their needs this will satisfy them and will
help to retain them for a longer period of time.

3) Giving free workshops on birthday week of customers and small celebration

of their birthday during the workshop is another strategy which will be adopted
by us attract consumers and retain them .

4) Follow ups after the workshop and asking for ratings and reviews and getting
feedback forms filled all this will be done to continously look for improvements
as and when required as per the preference of consumers and customising the
solutions based upon their needs and interests to make customer delight and not
just satisfation.

5) Loyalty Points to people attending workshops regularly For instance - Giving

20 loyalty points to people who will attend minimum 2 workshops regularly
with completion of 100 loyalty points they can avail free workshop as per their
choice this strategy will encourage people to attend workshops regularly.
6) Additional time after workshops will be given to all the participants to
resolve all their queries and doubts and show what’s the new thing they have
been learning.
7) Workshop Oppurtunities will be given to participants where they
themselves will get an oppurtuniy to conduct workshops in collaboration with
apna stage.

8) Organising Workshops with artists as per the demand of participants, social

media will be utilized to ask participants about the artists whose workshop they
would like to attend by giving them a choice and the artist with maximum
number of votes will be invited for colaaboration.

9) Nowadays Certificates are becoming necessary for every individual to show

their skills and work done by them to improve their skills, therefore Apna stage
will be providing Certificate of Participation to each and every person who will
attend our workshops this will attract customers to attend more and more
workshops to get variety of certificates.

Conclusion –

CRM strategies are very important for any business to be successful.

‘Customer Is The King’ and in today’s competitive world only satisfying
customer wants isn’t enough; customers expect much more from a business. 
Business’ must make use of various customer relation strategies to retain

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