ENGLISH VI 3rd Rating Part 1

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Date: ____________

I. Objective:
 Give possible cause and effect to the situation heard.

Value: Save our planet from destruction

II. Subject Matter:

Giving possible Cause and Effect to the Situation Heard

References: PELC 5 English for Grade VI, pp. 37-38 Growing in English Reading, pp. 183-185
Materials: chart, flashcards, strips of cartolina

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
/d/ and /dh/ sounds
/d/ /dh/
day they
den then
die thy

1. They traveled during the day.

2. Those passenger might doze during the trip.

2. Unlocking Difficulties:
Match each word to each meaning.
1. atmosphere a. the act of clearing the forest.
2. pollutants b. the act of destroying or state of being destroyed.
3. endanger c. to expose to danger.
4. destruction d. any various harmful chemical which impair the purify of
5. deforestation water, soil or atmosphere
6. tremendous e. the mass or body of gases that surrounds the earth or any
heavenly bodies
f. dangerous; terrible

3. Motivation:
Class, I have here a real egg and a fork. I am going to strike the egg with fork, what
happened to the egg?

B. Presentation
1. Have the pupils listen as the teacher reads the selection. “Save the Earth”
2. Comprehension Check-up:
1. What day-to-day activities do you think contributes to the endangering of our planet
2. What are the sources of air pollutants?
3. What is the effect of this greater heating of the earth?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
In the situation you have listened to, what possible causes and effects can you give?

4. Fixing Skills:
Write the four causes of the earth's danger on Column A and the effect on Column B.
select from the list below.
1. Increased heating of the earth
2. Indiscriminate cutting of trees
3. Exhaust pipes of running vehicles
4. Destruction of ozone layer
5. Spraying of plants with chemicals

(Causes) A (Effects) B

5. Generalization:
What is cause? What is effect?
What would you do to give possible cause/effect to the situation heard?

6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Listen to these situations and be able to give the possible cause and effect.
1. Mario was very delighted over his high score in Science.
2. Your neighbor's three-year old daughter is crying.
b. Independent Practice:
Divide the class into groups of four. Each group will give the cause/effect of the
following situations.
1. The door bangs as Albert leaves the room.
2. The pupils suddenly keep quiet.

7. Valuing:
Why is it important to save our planet from destruction?

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to each situation and answer the questions that follow by selecting the letter of the correct
Kevin smelled smoke in the air. He looked down the street and saw a fire blazing in old garage. "I
have to do something fast," he said to himself.
Kevin knew that he could not fight the fire himself, so he ran to the nearest phone. He reported
the fire. Soon a fire truck was on the day to the garage. By nine-thirty, fire fighters from 5 action Five
had put out the fire.
1. Kevin smelled smoke to the air. What was the effect?
a. He checked and saw fire
b. He started to feel funny
c. He bought someone was smoking.
He reported the fire.

V. Assignment:
Give three possible causes and three possible effects to this situation:
The street are flooded every time it rains.

Date: ____________

I. Objective:
 Use the verb that agrees with the singular indefinite pronouns

Value: Being respectful

II. Subject Matter:

Using the Verb that Agrees with Indefinite Pronouns

References: PELC Building English Skills (Language) pp. 47-49 Growing in English
(Language) pp. 99-101
Materials: chart, flashcards

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Sentence Drill
Somebody gives me a surprise.
Everybody works hard.
I think someone is playing a joke on me.

2. Review:
What kind of pronouns are the words? What is a pronoun? What kinds of pronoun do you

3. Motivation:
Read the story.
a. Who are the characters in the story?
b. What can you say about them?

B. Presentation:
1. Read the dialogue.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What made Lita laugh?
b. What did Aurora say to Lita?
c. Was Aurora right? Why?

3. Analysis and Discussion:

What are the indefinite pronouns used in sentence 1 and 2?
What do the words everybody and everyone mean?

4. Generalization:
What are indefinite pronouns? What form of the verb is used with singular indefinite

5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Choose the correct form of verb inside the parenthesis for each indefinite pronoun.
1. Everyone (is, are) a unique person, with or without defect.
2. Everyone at the Science Fair (is, are) curious.
b. Independent Practice:
Complete each sentence with a verb in the present tense.
1. A few of the contestants ____________.
2. Either of the subjects _____________.

6. Valuing:
How will you show respect to people with defects?

IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph below. Copy the verb that agrees with each indefinite pronoun.
Everyone in my class (has, have) a pen pal. Several write to more than one person. Nobody
(forget, forgets) to send letters every week.
Everybody (is, are) always eager to check the mail. Something usually (arrive, arrives) in the
mail for me. Each of my pen pals (is, are) special. Both of my pen pals live in America. Some of us
read the letter about the class. Many hope to visit their pen pals someday. All enjoy communicating
with new friends.

V. Assignment:
Use each of the following singular, indefinite pronouns in a sentence.
1. anybody
2. someone
3. everybody
4. none
5. anyone

Date: ____________

I. Objective:
 Use the verb that agrees with the plural indefinite pronouns

II. Subject Matter:

Using the Verb that Agrees with the Plural Indefinite Pronouns

References: BEC-PELC 7.1 p. 24 Growing in English Language, pp.97-100

Materials: chart, pictures

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Gave the plural form of the noun in the parentheses
Fishing is fun. (Man), (woman) and (child) love it both as an occupation and as a part of
sport. It does not necessarily mean catching different (species) of fish, like (tuna), (milkfish),
(salmon) or mackerel.

2. Review:
What are the indefinite pronouns?
Can you give examples of singular/plural indefinite pronouns?

3. Motivation:
Show pictures of life in the past and in the 215t century.
Compare the two pictures. Talk about to which picture do they want to live with.

B. Presentation:
1. Read the paragraph.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
What was everyone striving for ever since the world begun?
Why is electricity considered to be the necessity in the homes?

3. Analysis and Discussion:

Let the pupils read sentences in sentence -strips.
1. Many think life is better now than before.
2. Some say it is much better to live today.
3. Few believe it is happier and more peaceful to live this time.

4. Fixing Skills:
Complete each sentence with the appropriate verb inside the parenthesis.
1. Many of the pupils (is, are) proud of their projects.
2. All of the 'students (love, loves) their projects.
3. Few (has, have) started on their science projects.

5. Generalization:
What kind of verbs do the plural indefinite pronouns take?

6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in the parenthesis.
(feel) 1. All pupils __ excited in their field trip.
(be) 2. Most of the entries __ very creative.
(be) 3. Few pupils __ witling to join the competition.

b. Independent Practice:
Group the pupils. Provide each group with a list of plural indefinite pronouns. Have
them write a sentence using each word. The answers must be written in the newsprint.

IV. Evaluation:
Choose the correct verb form from the parentheses.
1. Few pupils (work, works) hard for the next fair.
2. Both boys and girls (neglect, neglects) responsibilities.
3. All the boys (do, does) their best today.

V. Assignment:
Construct your own sentences using the plural indefinite pronouns.
1. Few ________________________________.
2. Both ________________________________.
3. Several ______________________________.
4. Many _______________________________.
5. All _________________________________.

Date: ____________

I. Objective:
 Use possible causes and effects to news stories heard.

Value: Righteousness

II. Subject Matter:

Giving Possible Causes and Effects to News Stories Heard.

References: BEC-PELC 6 p. 24 Growing in English Reading p. 186

Materials: Recorded news broadcast, charts, newspapers

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Match each cause and its effect.
1. When the generator is turned on. a. A car stops
2. If we strike a match b. The building is dark
3. because the air is not moving c. electricity flows out of it
4. because the lights are off d. the friction produces some heat
5. because brakes are applied e. there is no wind

2. Review:
How can you distinguish cause from given effect?

3. Motivation:
What news report did you hear this morning?

B. Presentation:
1. Listening to the taped news report.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
Who was the policeman's daughter?
What did the two women offer her?
How much was the original price of the ring?
Why did they sell it for only P450.00?

3. Valuing:
If you were the daughter of the policeman, would you also do the same? Why?

4. Discussion/Analysis:
Studying the sentence taken from the news broadcast:
Two women were detained because they were peddling fake jewelry.
 What is the reason why the two women are detained?
 Which is the cause/effect?

5. Generalization:
How can you give possible cause to a given effect?
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Work by pairs. (Think pair share) Pupil A will write a cause from the controversial
issue in the newspaper then pupil B will write the possible effect.

b. Independent Practice:
Listening to another news broadcast then identify cause-effect relationship.
Cause __________________________
Effect __________________________

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the recorded news broadcast then fill up the table below.
Cause Effect

1. A total of 3780 students enrolled this school year at Manila High School. It is four percent lower
than 3933 figure last school year. This is due to change of residence and unemployment.
2. Most failures and inability of students to hurdle the College Entrance Test are due to poor
reading ability and comprehension and deficient mathematical ability.

V. Assignment:
Read news stories in the news paper. Then list down 5 possible effects to a given cause and vice

Date: ____________

I. Objective:
 Give other events that could happen next

Value: awareness about the possible consequences of our actions

II. Subject Matter:

Giving other Events that Could Happen Next

References: PELC 5, 3, 2 Building English Skill (Reading) p. 49

Materials: charts, strips of paper, flashcards

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Give the possible outcomes to the given situations.
1. Marie study hard before the periodical exams, therefore she would surely.
2. There are dark clouds in the sky, after a while thunder and lightning followed, most
probably ...

2. Motivation:
Have the children sit quietly and listen to the sounds around them. What sounds have you
heard? What sounds have you enjoyed hearing? Which sound did you not like? Why?

3. Unlocking Difficulties:
Using flashcards, pick out the word that will complete each sentence.
rattle screech clutter moan murmur
1. The _________ of rain is heard on the roof.
2. The _________ of the wind is like a prowling cat.

4. Raising of Motive Question:

What will you do if you heard some noise?

B. Presentation:
1. Let the pupils read the selection “Noise”.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Answering the motive questions.
b. Answering guide questions.
1. What did the writer of the poem says about noise? Does she like noise?
2. If you heard a boom of thunder, what would you do?
3. What would you expect a person to do if she heard a moaning wind?

3. Analysis and Discussion:

Eloisa was eating her snacks in the canteen. When she looked around, she saw a black
purse lying on the table nearby. She got it and brought it to the lost-and-found center of the
What do you think would probably happen?
Why do you say so?
4. Fixing Skills:
Read the following and choose the sentence that tells probably happen next.
1. In the early days, most things are made at home. Other things were made in shops. The
people did much of this work with their hands.
a. It was easy to do work.
b. Men earned much money from their work.
c. Work was done slowly.

5. Generalization:
What would you do to be able to give the events of what could happen next?

6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Write your own ideas to complete each sentence.
1. If I fix my blanket and pillow after waking up, _________.
2. If I eat good breakfast before going to school, ______________.

b. Independent Practice:
Divide the class into groups of 4. ask each leader of the group to pick a piece of paper
having a situation. Then, on a piece of cartolina, each group will write the events that
could probably happen next.

IV. Evaluation:
Read the situations. Then, select from the given choices the events that will happen next.
1. A band is playing in the plaza one early morning. Many people are there. All of them are well
dressed. They are standing around the flagpole. Two of them are holding the string of the big
a. The flag will be raised.
b. The flag will be changed.
c. The flag will be lowered.
2. Mildred is putting on a beautiful long gown. Her mother is helping her. There is a crown on a
table. There are decorated candles, too. Downstairs Mildred's father and brothers are decorating
an arch. What do you think is going to happen?
a. Mildred is going to a wedding.
b. Mildred is going to have her picture taking.
c. Mildred is going to join a Santa Cruzan.

V. Assignment:
Write the appropriate event that will happen next to each of the following situations.
1. Mina had a very beautiful voice. She joined the singing contest in school. She practices very well
for the contest.
2. Nick planted some santan cuttings/ but he forgot to water them. What do you think will happen to
the plants?

Date: ____________

I. Objective:
 Draw pictures of incidents that are possible to happen

Value: Being cautions

II. Subject Matter:

Drawing Pictures of Incidents that are Possible to Happen. “The Birthday Gift”

References: Exercises 17-18, Reading Comprehension Exercises in English VI

Materials: pictures, charts

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
/ oo /
book poor
look fool
good food

2. Motivation:
What special gift to you want to receive on your birthday? Why?

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the word box.
a. I embraced Mother tightly after she forgave me for breaking her favorite jar.
b. Hanz longed to see his father who had been abroad since he was born.
wished edge care bang hugged left

4. Motive Question:
What birthday gift did the girl in the story received?

B. Presentation:
1. Silent reading of the selection written on chart.
2. Discussion/Analysis:
a. Answering the motive question.
The girl received a motorbike on her birthday.
b. Comprehension Questions:
 Why was the father unhappy with the birthday gift?
 How did Theresa learn to ride a motorbike?
c. Valuing:
Why do you think did Therese meet an accident?

3. Skill Development:
Present a picture from the selection read. Have the pupils arrange them according to how
they happened in the story.

4. Fixing Skills:
Group Work.
After reading the selection, have the groups draw the incidents that are possible to

5. Independent Practice:
Have the pupils read the selections that follow, then draw the incidents that are possible
to happen.
The Foolish Chicken
One day a chicken stood near a pond watching the ducks swim fast. It longed to swim
like them. But its mother had warned it not to go near the pond, as it could fall into the water
and drown.

IV. Evaluation:
Draw the incidents that may happen in this story.
A fox saw a crow upon a tree with a morsel in. its beak. It wanted that bit of food very badly. So
it flattered the crow and asked her to sing.

V. Assignment:
Draw the incidents that may happen to your favorite tele-series.

Date: ____________

I. Objective:
 Analyze ideas as to cause and effect from discussions

Value: Preservation of artworks, Love for nature

II. Subject Matter:

Analyzing Ideas as to Cause and Effect

References: BEC 6 Reading pp. 80-86; pp. 88-89

Materials: chart, pictures, strips of cartolina

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
marched sketched
discussed reached
asked surprised

2. Review:
Read each sentence. Find the error and encircle it.
a. Animals are producers in this world.
b. The sun provides water to the living things.

3. Unlocking Difficulties:
Pick out a leaf and match to its appropriate meaning.
monastery chapel museums model portrait

______ a building where monks live.

______ pictures
______ person who poses for an artist

4. Motivation:
Have you heard about the so called "Four Famous Paintings"?
Why do you think they are so famous?

B. Presentation:
1. Let the pupils read the story "Four Famous Paintings", BE56 Reading, pp. 80-85.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What makes “Mona Lisa” famous?
b. Who painted it?
c. Why did the Italian merchant choose that painter to paint – portrait of his wife?

3. Analysis and Discussion:

Read carefully the underlined sentences. Answer the questions that follow.
1. People look at "Mona Lisa" with delight because of her mysterious smile.
a. What is the effect of knowing how to paint solid and like-like?
b. Why do people look at "Mona Lisa" with delight?
4. Fixing Skills:
In each pair of sentences, which is the cause and which is the effect?
1. People need to plant more trees. Trees prevent floods.
2. Pablo found a two-peso coin. He planned to buy a yoyo.

5. Generalization:
What is cause? What is effect? What connectives are used to introduce a cause or effect?

6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Write under each column where the sentence should be written.
Effect Connective Cause

1. The people cheered loudly for Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo because he had announced
his plan to proclaim Philippine Independence on June 12, 1898.

b. Independent Practice:
Do as instructed
1. List down all possible causes to flash floods in different places.
2. List down all the possible effects to big families.

IV. Evaluation:
Analyze the given ideas as to cause and effect. Complete the following sentences.
1. The pedestrian broke a traffic role so __________.
2. He studies hard, that's why __________.
3. We experience flash floods because ___________.
4. She finished her assignment in order to __________.

V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences showing – cause and effect.

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